Even a spaced grab lags for 2 years so Snake can easily punish if he spotdodges it which isn't rare because spotdodges are ridiculous.
Also are you saying that Dedede spaces with grab? You cannot afford to whiff a grab so why would you do that? You go for a grab when you can, not because it just might works, especially against Snake who kills you if you whiff.
You can't just walk into max range of your grab and then go and grab and expect it to work. Grab is a punisher.
And if DDD reads the spot-dodge (which we do ALL the time), then yay, free CG. Sure, if you read everything, you can avoid/punish everything, but don't ignore the fact that the other player can also 'counter-read' you. It's a big RPS battle. This is the bane of trying to theorycraft the entire MU. Practice and repeated experiences says that, over time, if DDD is that close, he will land the grab because the RPS game is in his favor at mid-to-close range. Our tilts and bair also help to cover spot-dodges in that area (which is part of the reason why we win the RPS war at mid-range).
I think you are misinterpreting my usage of the word "space". We don't space with grab as in, 'Here's a good defensive option; let me use it at max range to protect myself,' no, we don't. We space with grab as in, 'Here's a GOOD OPTION; let me use it at max range so that it is used as
effectively as possible.' At max range, DDD can grab Snake before Snake can grab him and it's harder for Snake to punish it if it misses. Snake doesn't kill you off of a whiff. Wth? We're not Jiggs or G&W, dude.
Yes, grab is a great punishment option. I never said it wasn't, but if you are
only using it as a punishment option, then you are one of the worst DDDs I've ever seen/heard of and you really shouldn't be commenting on his MUs or on how he's played.
Like, can't we wait for more results to see what truly works and what doesn't? is it really just one of those 'well if you do this, i can do this but then you can do that but then I can do that...' MUs?
Like... wat? Can't we come to a consensus on.... something? Please? =C
Why the heck do we need to wait for results? This MU has been one of the most played MUs everywhere since this game's launch. It was one of the major reasons DDD enjoyed a brief stint at #3 in the really old tier lists. According to
more recent results, this MU is either even or it favors DDD. What we are arguing about is the
theory of it all, which is where it's even. Right now, this thread is full of people saying "Snake wins. Want proof? Well, I ALMOST beat these notable DDDs, but I messed up here, so clearly in Snake's.....................
If a large majority of people do feel sad at the prospects of the non-existence of solo viable characters, it probably explains a large majority of the anti-ban preference as well if followed to its extreme logical conclusion.
English, please! (>.<) Are you saying that if most people are saddened that solo-viable characters 'don't exist', then it explains why most people are against char bans, because without them, MK is the only
solo-viable character?