Re-post it. Spread the glory. That list was pretty beautiful.
so yeah the tier list doesn't seem so clear right now below meta knight. ICs have had good results like Gheb or someone else posted but they are truly a gimmick character where you can get a lucky separation in the first 10 seconds in the match or something and then time them out. or the player could drop grabs. A lot of things have to go right for the ICs player and a lot of things have to go wrong for the other. You could be two stocks down but come back and beat the ICs just because you had messed up twice and got grabbed - at this point you decide you have to be more meticulous with your spacing, and it works.
You can't factor in the player dropping grabs when, at top level, the ICs player is not supposed to be dropping grabs at all. That's not the kind of player error you can count on. If it happens, you're extremely lucky, but a grab equals a stock more than 75% of the time against a top IC. There are also very solid strategies to avoid separation. They aren't a gimmick at all. Most MUs involving the ICs are actually the
opposite of what you said. "A lot of things have to go wrong" for the ICs player, and "a lot of things have to go right" for the other. One grab equals a lost stock. Don't try to argue otherwise because it's not really debatable. One mistake can equal a grab, so therefore, one mistake can equal a lost stock. Even for 'even' or 'bad' MUs for the ICs, like Peach and Yoshi, this rule holds true. Yoshi has to always be on the run, Peach has to FC everything possible, etc., to stay out of the ICs hands. One slip-up and the ICs are now ahead.
In your own words but reversed, the ICs "could be two stocks down but come back" just because they landed a couple grabs. Even
I was able to semi-consistently dthrow hand-off with the ICs when I dabbled with them. What about a top ICs main? There's also hobbling.
Marth should undoubtedly be at least top 5 based on results and on matchups.
MUs, yes, results, no. What results are you referring to other than APEX 2013? Please be specific. When I'm not lazy (see: me pulling up several tourneys supporting ZSS' rise to Top Tier), you won't be lacking for evidence in an argument if you're on my side. Humor me!
Because of the very reasons I gave you. <__<
Anyway, do you really think ZSS will rise that much, Bubba?
All I think is that ZSS will rise at least one spot above Wario and into Top Tier. I could care less about the rest. Remember that list of 3 changes we wanted in response to CJ's question? Well yeah, that's all I really care about.