Yeah, that could be possible.
Oh look Salem gets 2nd at Winter Brawl 7 like 10 mins ago, why isn't this thread arguing about it yet
I'm busy compiling results for my reply to DeLux's latest post. Don't sidetrack me!
It was a mid-nitpick, because you do that all the time, you just neglect everything else.
Anyway, I was waiting for the opportunity to post that other than the ICs-DDD thread where you tried to post videos that actually showed nothing but ICs playing awfully wrong and DDDs getting to work their risky options.
I just saw that post and felt like posting that little text because it was almost literally what I had written.
Yeah, I suspected that you were actually thinking of the DDD:ICs thread.

First off, I don't know if we should be discussing that here, but there are two points to be made now:
- There was no Top-level evidence to be found. I posted vids from all over the skill spectrum, like I usually do when good vids are hard to find. Then...
- I pointed out specific instances where techs or strats I mentioned came into play to prove that they did indeed exist and function as I said they would.
My videos were never meant to prove that the DDDs have some sort of record against the ICs, and if you interpreted them as such, then you completely missed the point of my posts and have no business trying to criticize them. Tbh, I think you, DeLux, and ESAM were all doing that, which was mildly annoying. When a tech works a certain way, it doesn't matter who's 'behind the wheel'; the results are the same. All the actual players change is how 'open' or 'accessible' said tech/strat is. Btw, I'm going to tell you now that you have a habit of misunderstanding my posts.
By the way, if you wanted to say that, even though I believe your assumption was wrong, you could have said that in the actual thread, not here. Ooooor you could have P:M'd me or something. I don't know why you were "waiting for the opportunity to post that." I've P:M'd DeLux when I needed clarification on something. You should seriously try it sometime to avoid causing huge problems over simple misunderstandings. :-|
Edit: For example, I said that DDD's side throws have
very nice hitboxes. They throw one IC back but the hammer swing also hits the other IC. BOTH side throws do this, and I proved it in my video examples. If you were paying attention to
who the actual DDD and ICs were and what they were doing before/after that instance, then I'm sorry, but you weren't paying attention to what I was saying (not surprised

). All that mattered was that when DDD bthrew Nana, the move hit Popo, even though he was behind DDD after the bthrow, keeping him from hampering the process. Fthrow
obviously hits both ICs (but I proved this too).
Honestly, what's your problem?
Oh, and just to contribute something to the discussion Ganon can be good and have good tools and still be last place. Being the "Relatively worst character" doesn't mean he can't pull off wins.
No, that's just flat-out wrong. In Brawl, you know, the game we're talking about, no character can be "good" or even
decent and still end up in Bottom Tier. That's not how tier separation works. We have
8 tiers, for heaven's sake. There's no way a 'not bad' character can end up in Bottom Tier. Ganon is, without a doubt, terrible, but he isn't 'as terrible' as Zelda and Link and possibly even Falcon and/or Jiggs, IMO. Besides, once again, you're missing the point. The point being made is that Ganon has certain "tools" that NONE of the other Bottom Tiers have. All of the other low tiers are
heavily susceptible to being destroyed simply due to being unable to make up deficits. Ganon still suffers from that because of how difficult it can be to get in, but due to his huge power, the problem is mitigated with him.
Inb4 another terrible anecdote from Kyokoro.