Also pikmin farming isn't "dry", it's something that isn't as heavily focused on by the top level olimars in the US, other than recently dabuz. Facing a line of 2-3 purples and the rest yellows is pretty much ball crunchingly gay, and it's not like Olimar's moveset is lagless, so effectively farming the ultimate pikmin chain without getting insta gimped (which happens enough anyway to underline the difficulty) isn't easy at all.
Well, I'm not going to say it's 'easy' but I really don't think it's as 'hard' as most other chars have it. Olimar can 'get rid' of pikmin by throwing them at you, so he still gets some benefit out of them, and his Pikmin Pull is essentially lagless since he can cancel it into any attack if you try to sneak up on him as if he were Peach pulling a turnip. Also, his moveset may not be "lagless", per se, but his smashes come really darn close.
ZSS, Yoshi, Lucas, Peach? Definitely Yoshi, at least.
These chars are not as technical as Melee chars, not on a
regular basis. What are the most technically intensive things one has to do in Brawl? A DACUS here, a wavebounce there, some other things of course, but Melee incorporates somewhat heavily technical stuff
all the time. Between wavedashes, wavelands, jump-cancelled grabs, boost grabs, SHFFL's, crouch cancelled hitstun, auto-crouch cancelled hitstun, crouch cancelled moves (different kind of crouch cancel), crouch cancelled runs (yet ANOTHER kind of crouch cancel), foxtrots, lightshields, dash dances, true pivots, and all the
character-specific stuff, there really are no chars that are as technical as Melee:
- Brawl Yoshi isn't even NEARLY as technical as Melee Yoshi. What with DJCs, parries, lightshielding, tighter, more precise egg lay mechanics (especially on the ledge), and all the regular stuff that Brawl Yoshi has, like DJ SA, there really is no comparison.
- There is no way Lucas is as technical as Melee Ness. Melee Ness has DJCs as well as all the universal Melee stuff to worry about, plus when recovering, he has to be more precise with his PKT2 because of no auto-ledge snaps. Oh, and of course, there is the Super Yo-Yo Glitch. Now before you tell me that it isn't relevant in competitive play, watch THIS and THIS, because you're totally wrong.
- Peach? Come on, man! All Brawl Peach really has in this game are FCs and GTs (which both exist in Melee, btw). Melee Peach has all these things plus DJCs and universal Melee stuff. Again, the two really can't be compared.
Also yeah, playing Yoshi is like using him in Melee.
Wrong! See all the above.
And I really disagree with saying tech skill in Brawl is comparable to Melee. It isn't.
This man knows what's up!
Character tech skill is probably higher in Brawl. Universal tech skill is MUCH higher in Melee.
^^^This.....kind of. Tech skill overall is higher in Melee, both on a universal and a character-specific level, but I will agree that Brawl tends to have more character-specific techniques, even if they aren't technically demanding. For this reason, I feel that Brawl is harder to get into competitively for a new player than Melee is. For Melee, I could just tell one to learn how to SHFFL and the rest will come with time. There isn't really one specific major technique one should learn when picking up Brawl. Rather, he has to get accustomed to a bunch of major, important char-specific stuff.