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OFFICIAL AZ Power Rankings & Social Thread (Updated: 11/27/13)

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
in ketogenic diets done correctly, you go super duper low carb to enter ketosis, which is a state where your body burns a lot of fat for energy because of a lack of carbohydrates, but every week (in a ketogenic diet done correctly), there's a span of about a day and a half where you eat tons of carbs so your body can store it all up in your muscles as glycogen needed for... well... exercise and other physical activity.

so tl;dr, if he's doing it right, he's still getting the carbs he needs, but he's just timing it in a way that allows for ketosis to take place

xander, start lifting weights and stop johning about your current level of fitness being inadequate for exercise. it's a valid (read: superior) form of weight-loss exercise that, if done correctly, shocks your muscles so that it's probably more efficient than low/medium-intensity cardio in terms of calories burned over the span of a few days, although not as many calories are burned in the ACTUAL ACTIVITY.... but that's nearly irrelevant. it will help you lose weight (don't question me), and on top of that, it helps you lose weight while maintaining muscle mass, as opposed to dieting & cardio (with no weight training), which will make your muscle mass disappear along with the fat.

being fat doesn't make weight-lifting much harder at all unless you're talking about body-weight exercises like situps, pullups, pushups, hyperextensions, and whatnot. no johns.

in fact, being fat and lifting weights is fantastic because for some reason that i haven't actually researched in much depth, higher BF% makes it easier to build muscle because of... yatta yatta yatta something i don't know. in other words, you will burn fat while building muscle, as opposed to more in-shape lifters who have to eat big caloric surpluses or bulk up to a certain BF% in order to build muscle.

p.s. don't build your own training regimen. just use a pre-made strength program focusing on high weight and low reps on compound lifts

google these and pick one:
1. rippetoe's SS (starting strength)
2. bill starr's mad cow 5x5
3. stronglifts 5x5

ok, i'm done dropping knowledge here now.


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
do regular exercise, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, dont eat too much meat and dairy. i just solved everyone's problems right there. boom.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
have you lost 60 pounds recently, jonny?

meat and dairy are fantastic/integral in efficient weight loss, but you have to eat lean meats (preferably fish and chicken) and eat/drink fat-free dairy. protein is a must-have if you want to lose weight without losing your muscle mass and becoming a skeleton in the process... so if you avoid meat and dairy, you have to be that cool kid who gets all his protein from tofu and legumes, which have enough carbohydrates/fats that you'd probably want to plan around and subtract elsewhere.

fruits are okay. they're good for you for reasons aside from physical fitness, but they're not EXACTLY low calorie and most of those calories are sugar... and if xander is still planning on trying a keto diet, then that's a no-no except on his carb loading day(s).

vegetables are pretty cool


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2011
Tempe, AZ
Despite my hate for them, vegetables are the best. Tai has given a lot of good information. My last boss was a former bodybuilder, and I spent my days sharing an office with someone who talked constantly on losing fat/building muscle.

Things that everybody in the field agrees on:
-Food is more important than the exercise (but exercise is needed for that to matter)
-Step 1 is always 'build muscle first'. If you have more muscle, your body burns fat at a greater rate at all times, even at rest.
-Any fad diet (read: any diet that isn't 'eat healthy food and exercise regularly) might or might not be effective, depending on personal body chemistry and motivations, but they are less effective over time than the simple formula of eating well and exercising.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
So I'm going to start lifting Monday, 30 minutes of lifting, 30 minutes of aerobics (bike riding probably)

I hate fruits lolol plus I'm supposed to avoid them for a while anyways. Meats and veggies are wassup. You guys have no idea how much I love veggies lolol.


Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
if you're just gonna go in there and do whatever exercises you want, try to at least focus on compound lifts (e.g. squats, rows, deadlifts, bench presses, presses, hyperextensions, assisted pull ups) because they actually help your body get stronger and better at working as a system rather than isolation exercises, which just train one muscle/one motion.... compound lifts also help build a good core (chest, back, abs, etc. which are actually quite important for physique, since biceps, abs, chest aren't everything, as many dumb****s in the universe may believe) and a good foundation for other stuff if you ever decide that you want to get into that. plus, as the name "compound" lift hints at, they employ a ****load of muscles, so you'll be using a lot more energy to do them, and you actually will develop the smaller muscles despite not working on them in isolation (i.e. you're not focusing on curls and tricep extensions) and they tend employ the larger muscles on your body (back muscles, leg muscles, etc.), so once again, you'll be using a lot more energy to do the exercises as opposed to some knucklehead gym noob just trying to do chest/arms.

also, i still think it would be better and easier for you to just just look up one of the 3 routines i listed

BTW, if you try to get into rippetoe's SS (generally the most popular beginner program for whatever reason i don't know) and you don't know how to do power cleans (read: you don't. hell, i don't yet), a mediocre substitute for them is supposed to be 3x8 hyperextensions AND 3x8 pullups (you can do assisted pullups or lat pulldowns if you can't do pullups). i'm actually doing this substitute right now since i'm still in the process of learning how to do power cleans.

compound vs isolation article: http://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/strengthtraining/a/compound_ex.htm

aerobic exercise is good for overall health/cardiovascular health and for increasing your caloric deficit (and therefore losing weight), but remember that it should only be a supplement to your lifting program. you should definitely lift heavy objects (it should actually be your main focus). contrary to popular belief, cardio is not actually necessary to lose weight.

in regards to your keto diet, you may wanna check out this if you haven't yet:

good luck; i hope everything goes well for you.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 4, 2011
Tucson, AZ
I can't believe the smash community here is talking about fitness. Is Jeff going to share his thoughts on women next? :3/:troll: fusion



Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
I love you Tai, something fierce. <3

A friend of mine already covered some of the lifting stuff, but Tai def. went in depth. :3

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
I would totally play The Beauty!! Especially if she is similar to Peach haha :)

I would also play as Mulan, Tinkerbell, and Aladdin.

Of course, I would try everyone else out too cuz that would be ****ing sick if this was actually a fighting game!! LOLz


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2011
i would just main mickey, it be cool if he had his paintbrush from his game lol he could do some epic ****

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