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[NSW] Western Sydney Dramacraft: The home of drama!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I do counterpick, I can play more than just DK.

My argument is D3's infinate takes literally about 15 minutes to learn and makes some characters (not just DK) unplayable. You can literally just counterpick D3 and win in some situations without even knowing how to play D3 because of how easy it is to do. Same thing with charizard/marth vs lucas/ness.
Yea, but, if they pick D3 "without even knowing how to play D3", beat you with the infinite, you get the next counter pick and own them, just win the first round! (assuming its best of 3). (unless i don't understand counter-picking, which is well possible) (more brackets)

tcranter said:
l2 is basically half a love heart, if you ignore the bottom "_" part of the 2.

half heart counterpick fo sho.
Randomness is quite good. Did you know 'counter' is an anagram of "trounce", also, an anagram for "no truce". Also, heart, an anagram for "hater". Even more astounding, 'counter pick'.. an anagram of Epic Truck on... quite incredible.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
Playing to win? In a competitive scene? BLASPHEMY!

lulz MK isn't even the best counterpick choice in most situations anyway.

Learning curve is a flawed/irrelevant argument. No matter how easy or difficult Broken Tactic X is to pull off, there will always be people who will master and abuse Broken Tactic X to the max. It doesn't make a speck of difference. Ice Climbers' CGs are arguably the most technically demanding necessary thing to learn in Brawl, and in spite of that many people have learnt them and many people still want them banned. "Don't ban CGs, except this one because X." Please leave the double-standardness at the door.

Your point is basically "ban X so I have more fun." Like I mentioned earlier, this is a competitive scene. In a tournament, with money on the line, the kind of fun you're talking about is hardly a priority. If you want "fun," then play lots of friendlies; I'd like to think us Australians are decent-enough people to not be gay outside of tournament.

But hey, ban or no ban, if Shaya's dropping Dedede then there aren't even any Dedede players you need to worry about.

On the topic of fun: I think people here (I know I do) derive their fun from the competitive atmosphere of tournaments, and the excitement of the chance to prove themselves. I know as a competitive player, I don't want people omitting strategies because they're "gay," because not having to deal with it impedes my growth as a player. When it comes to bans like this, that is my line of thought.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Sydney, Australia
EA said:
Playing to win? In a competitive scene? BLASPHEMY!
Yet, ilag gets ragged on for playing metaknight on a weekly basis. lol.

Infinite from a Dedede grab is different from chain grabs from an Iceclimbers grab.
With the logic in your post EA, infinite dimensional cape would still be legal and permanent planking would be also.
I agree with learning curve/difficulty of execution being irrelevant.

EA said:
On the topic of fun: I think people here (I know I do) derive their fun from the competitive atmosphere of tournaments, and the excitement of the chance to prove themselves.
Yes, i guess, but, i know both me and iso, also have fun playing with the characters we like. I'll have to assume the same for quite a lot of other people as-well, there's a reason we don't all use meta-knight. people aren't only playing to win, or to prove themselves, there are other factors driving people.

EA said:
But hey, ban or no ban, if Shaya's dropping Dedede then there aren't even any Dedede players you need to worry about.
Yeah, S.D aint a threat, i hear his D3 is as potent as a Mr.Saturn :laugh:.

Conclusively: Even tho most of what u were saying was fact, and is a useful/common opinion, i just didn't feel a harsh sirlinesque shut-down was necessary. it's unlikely it will come up anyway.

Infinite standing grab like Shaya said, has been on and off as far as tournament legality, also varying between TO's. D0N just asked a question, and then responded to S.D's reply, it wasn't really a full fledged debate. I don't think stepping chain grab should be banned, or if it ever has been (officially). It's up to Tedeth under any circumstances.

Also, I think we should start saying "Epic Truck on" instead of counterpick, *nod*. "whats your epic truck on" he'd say, and then i'd say "it's corneria mister". fullproof (not foolproof).


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
you know someone's going to change it to epic hard on, oh look its happened already :)
but yeah, something like IC's grabs which are hard to do and avoidable is fine and most people agree with that, but something like d3's standing infinite on mario should be banned, first it takes no skill to do (I think, correct me if I'm wrong here guys) and shield grabbing shuts down mario hard.

the difference here, I think, is that whilst ic's grabs dont really make a matchup "unwinnable" something like d3's aforementioned infinte does and it should be banned, because its not really taking anything away from d3, and whilst this game does revolve around counterpicking, what if some guy just really wants to play mario, I mean cmon, its ****ing mario.
basically what DON was saying
oh curse you shades of grey and arguements about what should and shouldnt be banned, why cant anyone just make a good game that is perfectly balanced, starcraft doesnt count because thats an excellent game that is perfectly balanced.


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Playing to win? In a competitive scene? BLASPHEMY!

lulz MK isn't even the best counterpick choice in most situations anyway.

Learning curve is a flawed/irrelevant argument. No matter how easy or difficult Broken Tactic X is to pull off, there will always be people who will master and abuse Broken Tactic X to the max. It doesn't make a speck of difference. Ice Climbers' CGs are arguably the most technically demanding necessary thing to learn in Brawl, and in spite of that many people have learnt them and many people still want them banned. "Don't ban CGs, except this one because X." Please leave the double-standardness at the door.

Your point is basically "ban X so I have more fun." Like I mentioned earlier, this is a competitive scene. In a tournament, with money on the line, the kind of fun you're talking about is hardly a priority. If you want "fun," then play lots of friendlies; I'd like to think us Australians are decent-enough people to not be gay outside of tournament.

But hey, ban or no ban, if Shaya's dropping Dedede then there aren't even any Dedede players you need to worry about.

On the topic of fun: I think people here (I know I do) derive their fun from the competitive atmosphere of tournaments, and the excitement of the chance to prove themselves. I know as a competitive player, I don't want people omitting strategies because they're "gay," because not having to deal with it impedes my growth as a player. When it comes to bans like this, that is my line of thought.
EA is more or less right.

While I agree that standing infinites are cheap as **** and not necessarily in the spirit of things it's a legit tactic, and in a competitive environment people play to win. That's the nature of a competitive fighter, imblanced and broken as some things are, there is a system in place that allows you to avoid certain defeat called counterpicking. That's what it's there for to turn an unfavourable situation into a favourable one.

DON you make some valid arguments, and I agree about the stupidity of the thing, however things like this contribute significantly to the overall make up of the game, which sadly, makes some characters far less viable than others. It's the reason my Lucas had to hit the shelf :( Fact is in competitve gaming, when people want to win they will exploit everything the game contains that will allow them to do so. Not everyone is like this, in fact, I myself wouldn't include myself among their number (at least not for brawl) but its just the way things are. Sadly, if you don't want to end up in a standing infinite, the best way to avoid it is pick a different character.

The issue with banning things is where do we stop? Fighting games are naturally imbalanced in the hands of a gaming community so should we therefore ban everything that removes balance? Impossible. There's nothing wrong with playing the characters you like and having fun, however I think that those people need to accept that they may not win. As they're just there to have fun rather than play to win, they won't mind... right?


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
oops, I did not mean to start a debate...

Yea, but, if they pick D3 "without even knowing how to play D3", beat you with the infinite, you get the next counter pick and own them, just win the first round! (assuming its best of 3). (unless i don't understand counter-picking, which is well possible) (more brackets)
If I win the first round with DK, I have to swich characters because they could pick D3 for the easy win. Also they can switch back to their main after winning with D3, and my DK versus there main could be a fair fight and not an easy win.

Playing to win? In a competitive scene? BLASPHEMY!

lulz MK isn't even the best counterpick choice in most situations anyway.

Learning curve is a flawed/irrelevant argument. No matter how easy or difficult Broken Tactic X is to pull off, there will always be people who will master and abuse Broken Tactic X to the max. It doesn't make a speck of difference. Ice Climbers' CGs are arguably the most technically demanding necessary thing to learn in Brawl, and in spite of that many people have learnt them and many people still want them banned. "Don't ban CGs, except this one because X." Please leave the double-standardness at the door.

Your point is basically "ban X so I have more fun." Like I mentioned earlier, this is a competitive scene. In a tournament, with money on the line, the kind of fun you're talking about is hardly a priority. If you want "fun," then play lots of friendlies; I'd like to think us Australians are decent-enough people to not be gay outside of tournament.

But hey, ban or no ban, if Shaya's dropping Dedede then there aren't even any Dedede players you need to worry about.

On the topic of fun: I think people here (I know I do) derive their fun from the competitive atmosphere of tournaments, and the excitement of the chance to prove themselves. I know as a competitive player, I don't want people omitting strategies because they're "gay," because not having to deal with it impedes my growth as a player. When it comes to bans like this, that is my line of thought.

MK may not be the best counterpick, but there are no counterpicks against him. Its either he wins the matchup or its nuetral. Why play flawed characters when theres MK? There is fun in mastering different characters here obviously since ive only heard of about 2 MKs.

My learning curve argument does have a good standard imo. My standard is the skill/amount of practice it takes to do an infinate. ICs take skill. D3/Marth/Charizard mostly involve holding R and pressing A or down. I said nothing about banning all infinates, only mindlessly easy standing ones that can go all the way to 999 with no effort. Have you tried either?

I chose to ban it because it makes for a better experience when there are more characters that are playable. You are not locking away hard earned skill by banning it, only 15 minutes at max (Really more like 5 at max). As I said before, I dont mind learning my character enough to overcome some bad matchups, but when something that can be easily removed makes some characters unplayable why keep it in?

My point is ban X because its easily removed and makes for a better game by encouraging more characters to be played, not just because I would have more fun. I even said I will play in the tournament regardless. For example, Meteor has a good ness, a very rare find. Even so, I can just pick Charizard/Marth for an auto win against his Ness and force him into chosing someone else. Why should he use Ness if all someone has to do to beat him is hold R and mash A? It limits the character roster.

On the topic of fun: My point here was its fun to master your character and improve them in competition. Those standing infinates remove some characters. What if Boss came down here? He could most likely beat you guys without mario/luigi but you guys would be missing out by making them virtually unplayable characters unless by counterpick. Also, players like that would have a very low chance if coming into existance in this area.

Also Also, what Luke said.

Conclusively: Even tho most of what u were saying was fact, and is a useful/common opinion, i just didn't feel a harsh sirlinesque shut-down was necessary. it's unlikely it will come up anyway.

Infinite standing grab like Shaya said, has been on and off as far as tournament legality, also varying between TO's. D0N just asked a question, and then responded to S.D's reply, it wasn't really a full fledged debate. I don't think stepping chain grab should be banned, or if it ever has been (officially). It's up to Tedeth under any circumstances.
Prevention is better than cure, ban it now before people use it. Avoid some exploitation by adding a rule. Stepping chain grab and standing grabs are banned in my area and other areas of America. Its banned at Pound 4, a major east coust tournament, if you want to see an official ruleset with it banned. It may have been banned at Genisis too, but im not sure. Of course, this is Australia...

If anyone is against bans in a video game, go look up ivan ooze is broken on youtube:laugh:. Its an extreme case where banning one thing makes the game playable.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
Yet, ilag gets ragged on for playing metaknight on a weekly basis. lol.
Wat. Cause social banter/stigma in a competitive community is the same thing as the nature of competitivity itself, right?

Infinite from a Dedede grab is different from chain grabs from an Iceclimbers grab.
With the logic in your post EA, infinite dimensional cape would still be legal and permanent planking would be also.
Dedede Infinites are different from Ice Climbers Infinites? I guess. I mean, Dedede can only infinite 5 characters and chaingrab half the remaining cast, plus he ****s on ICs grab range, while ICs have the worst horizontal grab range in the game but can infinite every character in the game and have chaingrabbing tricks overflowing from every orifice. Seriously, infinites are infinites, and I hope you weren't making an argument about brokenness because in terms of chain grabs, ICs completely and utterly **** on Dedede. Plus Dedede is a giant-*** penguin whereas Ice Climbers are cuddly adorable children. :)

Infinite Cape/Planking: Honestly from a gameplay perspective I don't see why either of those is as big a deal as people make them out to be. However, as stalling tools, there is a perfectly good reason to ban them. I know you probably haven't run anything before, but just so you know, **** running overtime because of every match running the timer is a real issue that has to be dealt with. That's why we have stalling rules. Completely different logic to what I was saying.

there's a reason we don't all use meta-knight.
I never said it had to be Meta Knight, in fact I'm pretty sure I retorted the idea of everyone using Meta Knight. It could be any character you want as long as it covers the matchup. The DK/D3 matchup isn't even a special case; very few characters in this game can be mained without competitively requiring a secondary. Anyway normally the most viable character is the one you're most familiar with rather than the one the tier lists says.

btw I realise there are other motives for people playing the game. I was talking about enjoyment of tournaments specifically, not enjoyment of the game itself. Enjoyment of the game is a given; obvious, not worthy of note.

Yeah, S.D aint a threat, i hear his D3 is as potent as a Mr.Saturn .
Haha oops, forgot about good ol' S.D. Sorry Sam. ;_;

i just didn't feel a harsh sirlinesque shut-down was necessary.
lulz what was Sirlin-esque about my argument? Just mentioning playing to win isn't sirlin-esque in itself (and I'm not even the one who brought up playing to win), if we're talking about tournaments and competitivity playing to win is a given.

But I apologise if my argument came off as a harsh shut-down. I merely saw D0N make what I saw as a thought-out response to S.D, and wanted to make a thought-out response of my own. :3

Edit: **** more long post responses. *off to read*


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Picking Marth doesn't eqaul auto win vs meteor. There are so many ways not to get grabbed that if Ness plays well it is winnable. Same as any character that is ***** by grab related infinites. It's the same as vs Icies in melee. It is perfectly possible to go an entire match without being grabbed.

Yeah, S.D aint a threat, i hear his D3 is as potent as a Mr.Saturn :laugh:.
Mr Saturns are hyper intelligent beings capable of breaking shields. I am not ashamed to call them my equal.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
I don't really want to spend a lot of time writing a big response again so I'll just summarise my thoughts on D0N's post:

- MK is not invincible, plus people know the matchup to hell now.

- IC/MK is a good example, the matchup is now 65:35 > 50:50 thanks to some hankering down. It's highly likely someone will soon have a good matchup vs MK.

- You're talking about tech skill, which is only one skill required of competitive fighters.

- The best player is the one who uses the tools available in the best way to win. Tech skill is only one of those and not the most important one in Brawl.

- Banning Dedede's standing infinite does not make more characters viable.

- 4/5 of the affected characters aren't viable anyway, and DK is only barely viable himself. You are only making one character viable in one matchup, a matchup in which he gets ***** regardless.

- They're not instant-wins.

- If I remember, standing infinites were not banned at Genesis.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Picking Marth doesn't eqaul auto win vs meteor. There are so many ways not to get grabbed that if Ness plays well it is winnable. Same as any character that is ***** by grab related infinites. It's the same as vs Icies in melee. It is perfectly possible to go an entire match without being grabbed.
The higher the level of play (No offense to anyone who can't do it) the more it becomes an auto win imo. Melee and brawl are very different games and should not be compared.


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
The higher the level of play (No offense to anyone who can't do it) the more it becomes an auto win imo. Melee and brawl are very different games and should not be compared.
With this logic, I don't understand why people like FOW aren't getting near last place in tourneys.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Picking Marth doesn't eqaul auto win vs meteor. There are so many ways not to get grabbed that if Ness plays well it is winnable. Same as any character that is ***** by grab related infinites. It's the same as vs Icies in melee. It is perfectly possible to go an entire match without being grabbed.

Gutsman! said:
The higher the level of play (No offense to anyone who can't do it) the more it becomes an auto win imo. Melee and brawl are very different games and should not be compared.
Grabs can still be avoided and counter picked with hazard levels in brawl: in these vids http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PKD...EB4592DF&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=46. (i think this is the playlist, but i can't double check got my interwebs is capped). Anther does a pretty great job of avoiding an icy grab, which when played by lain = a stock. (either way i think they're pretty cool matches)

Mr Saturns are hyper intelligent beings capable of breaking shields. I am not ashamed to call them my equal.
Only in Melee (i think?). in Borawl, Mr.Saturns only special talent is that wario can't eat them, so there.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
FOW took a match off Bardull at Evo.
Bardull didnt even really aim for the cg much IIRC.

He didn't know some perks of the match up however that puts Marth at a very good advantage against Ness/Lucas without the CG considered.

Also Marth's "infinite" isn't one. It works till the ledge at best. And the truth is, that every character in the game can release grab cg ness and lucas (except maybe some tether characters) because if buffered correctly everyones dash grab is like 9 frames, and Ness/Lucas can't spot dodge until frame 12, gg.

But its minor damage... Marth's pummel is only 2% and he's going to on average get 2 for every grab (if the opponent is attempting to escape) and from the middle of smashville he only gets like 4-5 regrabs. Dedede's down throw does 8% fresh and he gets time to pummel one/twice+ at 3% each. AND ITS STANDING infinite too. LOL.

Mr Saturn's still have high potency of breaking shields as they 'bounce' ontop of them continually; just not as high as melee.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
South of the border, west of the sun.
I know its not that important, but charizard doesn't have an infinite on ness. They both move towards the edge of the stage with every grab, meaning that unless you do it on FD the damage is quite negligible.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
More responses...I really just dont want to debate anymore...

I didnt know all the details with marth/charizard it seems. DId not know there was movement involved

My final response to everything, including the FOW logic response:: Im gonna win either way.


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
I 2 stocked Cobalt's Marth with Ness last Melbourne tourney, it was a bit lol.

*lets heated discussion continue*
this match was AMAZING. like, the most epic match ive ever witnessed. hearts for meteor.

in other news, has the 16th of August been confirmed? id have to get work off, id prefer to know pretty soon. and if me and cao (possibly tibs) could get transport and/or accomodation that would be super fantastic. yoroshiku!


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
The higher the level of play (No offense to anyone who can't do it) the more it becomes an auto win imo. Melee and brawl are very different games and should not be compared.
I would argue it's easier to avoid being grabbed in brawl due to it's slow and campy style anyway. Character dependant I suppose.

More responses...I really just dont want to debate anymore...

I didnt know all the details with marth/charizard it seems. DId not know there was movement involved

My final response to everything, including the FOW logic response:: Im gonna win either way.
I wasn't debating the point to make a fuss or anything, it just seems to me that brawl, being such a matchup and knowledge dependant game, requires its players to be versatile and above all CHEAP if they want to win.

I look forward to playing you with my sub par brawl ability.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!

I kinda like winning see, toby appreciates this and lets me win all the time so I don't need to unleash 'it'.

I'd hope you'd come to appreciate me not revealing my true power d0n, and continue to lose like everyone else.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008

I kinda like winning see, toby appreciates this and lets me win all the time so I don't need to unleash 'it'.

I'd hope you'd come to appreciate me not revealing my true power d0n, and continue to lose like everyone else.
Im gonna win either way.
lol aren't you a marth main? Your marth wont ever win, your better off going straigh D3 and losing with a character you dont care about


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
Attila's coming down eh?
looks like its time for that rematch, either way at some point we need to sit off in a corner and have an epic training sesh.

also I know don is just trash talking and probably doesnt really mean anything by it, but since we've been to america and genesis and evo and seen the much higher level of play I'd say he's gonna pwn pretty hard arnt ya don.

and speaking of don, I found my D O N memory card ted, its lol's time


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2008
Prisoner of society.....

I kinda like winning see, toby appreciates this and lets me win all the time so I don't need to unleash 'it'.

I'd hope you'd come to appreciate me not revealing my true power d0n, and continue to lose like everyone else.
Speaking of winning and loosing, I saw Maura last night and we decided to have like a little smashfest in my garage in randwick, some time next week. Sound do able guys? but I probably could only have like 4 or 5 guys over so tell us if you want to come.
Anyway, I am having smash withdrawals so some action needs to happen soon, man.

let us know guys.

PS I know this was a completely random post but im too keen to care :)


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
So besides all this trash talk, are there teams happening at this tourney too?


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Me and you D0N :D

I always love teaming with new people.

(Even though teaming with S.D was really shpecial)

And iono, my marf tipperz donkeys all day long. (oh god the lameness)

Oh and stereo, setting up a regular meet hangout in a garage?

**** yes.

I'll be there every day of the week after uni.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
also ted I got our controllers today off of the legendary hall HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my controller contains many signatures including the grab button signed by lain, it rubbed off :( but it will still be there in memory


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
lol @ grab button signed by lain. good idea.

Ill team with shaya to win doubles, sounds like a great idea
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