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[NSW] Boost: REBOOT - Sunday, the 11th of September 2011


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
yeah I would like to see low tiers, but I'd like to see melee more, but running 2 games at one tourney makes things so much more complicated, can somebody just start hosting regular melee only tourneys already ****!

I really wanna start working on my melee game :(


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Could always do the melee tournament from 6pm to midnight.

I'm sure the good people at the New Market Hotel will be happy to give you special deal to stay over night.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
what I'd love to see would be night time tourneys, like midnight onwards, me and scoot and shaya would **** that ****


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
You're full of crap.

Public face = "brawl only = no cao"

private face = "ill take whatever I can get :("


So to make CAO happy, I'm sure there will be brawl+ for him to playz.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
And you've tried running brawl+ how many times?

But seriously, you guys should know the deal.
Stop trying to force something that's been a catastrophy at nearly every Sydney regular since brawl came out.


Oct 29, 2004
Shaya's more full of crap!

To Cao: "I'll try and get Melee running"

To SWF: "Seriously, no."

BTW, my post was somewhat of a knee-jerk reaction to your conversations with me about being open to the idea of running Melee, then flat out rejecting it publicly. Oh, the irony! <3


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I said for the 27th...

I didn't flat out reject it publicly for the 4th, for you, as we talked about.

Oh the god **** misunderstandings <3


Let me reiterate my stance on things.

Boost is a brawl orientated tournament series.
1. Brawl singles will always be played and always be the centre attraction.
2. Brawl doubles should be generally played, and promoting it to have a pot will hopefully raise it's competitive atmosphere.

3. Other brawl events are possible;
a. Tier Tournaments
b. Brawl+
c. lolduelistprolol

Time is an important factor (yes we have the place until midnight, but I wish to aim for the 6pm finish...), and with brawl singles and doubles being close to paramount, with side tournaments taking up excessive times.

Melee is a staple of the smash series a wide array of people enjoy.
1. It brings in various extra players who wouldn't attend otherwise. However the amounts are dependant on whether like... CAO shows up. Many of the melee staples are 'retired' or outgrown smash in general. Those who I feel are in this category are Turtle, Jaz, Pat, Stuey, Tim, S.D's brothers, unreon, and maybe S.D himself.
2. The extra resources these players provide are good for the day (but I only think the hunter group does bring stuff... like 2 tvs?)

3. Having melee taking the spot of the side tournament brings some complications
a. Interest. From what I gather there are more people interested in melee taking a spot over the brawl side tournaments; I'm not kidding myself here by saying otherwise. Speculation on what the majority of attendants will enjoy when things like brawl+ have never been played in a tournament situation in our region before; and when I've mentioned 4th will most likely have melee as to keep CAO happy...
b. Resource sharing. A multitude of things can happen - in an effort to keep resources at a reasonable proficiency, simulatenous tournaments could run, but bracket issues always come up. If there are "your game" tvs set up, they stall the brackets of the opposing games. Examples of both sides ****ing this up are rampant.
c. The nature of the side tournament. If people are told melee is to be there, people expect it, demand it, preference it. Any other brawl related side tournament can be cancelled without backlash... If I say my schedule wants things ending at 6pm and it looks like the side tournament will go way over that, if melee is there, I know it will be a lot less popular to cancel it/suspend it for another time through the attendance base than not having it there in the first place.

Resources come from various people. Parties of people who bring TVs are often subjected to having to leave 'ASAP'; often the people travelling far by car bring great numbers of resources, but will not be staying until 'whenever'. Planning for a set finish (6pm) with the attitude of being able to cancel/pause side-events will hopefully keep all those who attend there until that time.
Usually the younger crowd from the wifi communities bring TVs but leave once brawl is over, this slows things down a lot for us.

Going over the past few pages to gather thoughts, I noticed something I felt I had to address.

Side tournaments that do not require televisions, i.e. anything like the Nintendo DS, I'm happy to have there. Luke's suggestion of JUMP and my reply was relating to him saying *coughsmash64cough*, rather than having JUMP being there anyway.
I've said to Ricky that If he wants to run and organise pokemanz I'm happy for him to do it. Same applies to anyone and JUMP. Same applies to anyone and BOWLING. Same applies to anyone and POOL.
As the venue is quite large, and those things do not splice resources for smash/brawl, I'd love to see people enjoying themselves by playing it.
Over all I want people to enjoy themselves, by having a ****ton of extra things available that do not distract from smash, I think the boost series at the bowling alley could be extremely popular and sustainable.

Then there comes the community group, "Sydney Smash", which I'm trying my hardest to establish. I think with this current venue, "Sydney Smash" could evolve into something similar to Melbourne's Couch Warriors; inviting other communities who are reasonably self-sufficient other than a reliable venue to run things in the abundance of space we have is something I aim for over time.
With bolstered numbers, the venue itself will become cheaper, as I can negotiate the venue fee being given back to us, in the form of the community bank (just as CW has) rather than it going straight to the venue management themselves.

n.b. People are aware I'm "anti-melee". I would like to see myself as "anti-'anti brawl'". Ted's dream of having brawl and melee together and closer, and having more respect between them is something I admire and can adhere to. My original notion was that melee would take hold on alternating tournaments, as my idea is to have these running (if sustainable) once every two weeks.
Ted's perspective differentiates from mine, who when seeing Stigma-B and the health and vibrance of the smash community having the two games seperated created, became quite set in his reasonings.

This coming 27th I would love to see the melee contigency attend, even if melee was not guaranteed. In my resources post on AIB I mentioned bringing melee. If, along with the brawl majority, and the melee players can try the brawl+ side tournament I planned with intent for 'difference', and shows it's disdain then melee will most likely take a permanent spot.

Finally though, not hopefully needing to be mentioned, BUT, yes the venue is open to midnight. And yes I plan for everything 'major' to be finishing up by 6pm - I don't want to try and force people to stay after this point for any reason. However with me bringing two televisions, and some long-stayers bringing tvs, aftertime casual [more so than 'side] events can easily happen.
If after 6pm, there is a large number of people staying, with tvs, wanting to play melee from the first tournament, I see no way for me to reject it remaining permanently within the scheme of events.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
tl;dr (even though for those who care, I think you should read it)

1. The venues large, and in charge.
2. "Sydney Smash" as a community group, who's ideals are to tend to not just smash, but gaming in general is to hopefully grow.
3. Combine 1 and 2, and the fact I'm running brawl, but do not have the will to run melee and what do you get...

This is an opportunity for melee to shine without requiring substational assistance from brawl resources.

The current ideal is this:
- Three televisions and systems dedicated to melee, provided by the melee players. Other resources hopefully self-provided: things like TIO can be done through the one base though (but as my laptop is TIO organising... AND recording matches... if things get too complicated...)
- S.D and CAO seem to be up to managing/controlling it. Singles, double elimination bracket.

Whether or not melee will happen this time around is the melee communities own prerogative. I still appreciate resources being provided to help brawl and melee, but this should not turn into some sort of 'fight off'; but I think the mimimum 3 tvs ideal will be sufficient to keep the melee game alive; and we should ('myself' and 'melee organiser') organise their own games.


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Melee people: I think Shaya is being extremely reasonable and accomodating to us here. He shouldn't be forced to run events he doesn't want to, but providing a venue and the possibility for us to run our own event is something we sorely need for Sydney melee. I say we try to bring our own resources and run a melee event, and do our best to compromise.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Atm here's a run down of resource requirements.

6-8 Televisions for Brawl (inc. wiis, hopefully many with homebrew to facilitate brawl+)
3 Televisions for Melee (inc preferablly game cubes, let's have the two (wiis/gcs) not mixed up)

Any surplus in TVs should be allocated appropriately (Let's hope for the 4th we have a TV dedicated to... channel nine or whatever, lol)

What I really want is melee players to care, Ted and others run melee with little official assistance, even with their main attraction being brawl. Holes appear that are hard to fill, and things go wrong, or forever because only one person is being relied on to organise things.

To enter the place it's $5 (venue fee). Brawl events will be having their own entry fees, and I don't see why Melee couldn't either. Players will not be coerced into playing both over just the one (as it has been in the past). The whole bracket hold up will be monitored; I think both myself and S.D will have to be stern on handing out disqualifications - You either forfeit, play the match that has been waiting the longest, or if you're not committed to either be disqualified within a set time limit.

Anyway inaugural game choices:
TV resources
Brawl: Singles and Doubles. Excess time for brawl+. [Shaya]
Melee: Melee singles. Excess time for friendlies? doubles? [S.D]

Other resources
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum - OU/Sleep Clause/Level 100/Party of 6 [Meteor Master] (rules to change?)
Pool - Fun times with Stereo taking your lunch money.
Bowling - during the lunch break, room will be closed down, time for eating and the bowling, ja?

Any questions?


I will be writing up venue rules soon.
There's a lot to be aware of considering the venue is a licensed premises, split into the bowling alley and the pub/hotel. Alcohol is available, but we all know how that could go.

Anyone under 18 without their legal guardian comes under my jurisdiction (lol). So kids need to be aware of this.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
And you've tried running brawl+ how many times?

But seriously, you guys should know the deal.
Stop trying to force something that's been a catastrophe at nearly every Sydney regular since brawl came out.
lol, scabs had both and it was fine,

one of your boost's had some melee I believe, not sure how that went (there was also that fake melee prank result that one time)

all of ted's tourneys have had melee with none of them being a catastrophe except for the one where we tried to do an entire crews tourney there as well.

so no, both games run fine when properly organized, although I'd rather them each have their own separate tourneys


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
boost3 went over 2 hours late.
west syd2 went very late, most televisions had left, and melee finals itself didnt actually finish
west syd4 had to cancel brawl doubles
then there was hunter2, which had melee first, early in the morning, ran it quickly before running anything else, and then that was it for its usages for the rest of the day. Everyone was happy; what a great tournament.

Catastrophy may have been a strong word, but no, they're RARELY if ever, been fine.
Properly organised is an ideal one person cannot fulfil. Hence my stance.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
yes I would agree 100% with you toby, except that shaya sometimes hijacks other peoples tourneys and runs side events there, now I'm not saying that in a negative way, I'm just saying that what you give is what you get.

shaya "something about not being able to run it all by myself"

as much as you seem to dislike me lately (for obvious reasons ;) ) I'll help you out in any way if needed, just let me know, I'll also supply you with a ****load of power boards and some extension cables, as long as I dont forget them like last time (I also have a bunch that are currently with ted so ted bring them along please)


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Everyone always agreed to it though, at least, initially.

Side tournaments I've run have been smash 64 at don't come, and low tier doubles at evo. Tis all.


"Something about not being able to run it all by myself"
more, I don't want to run it by myself, nor do I want to run it... at all.

I'm not wanting to stop people from running their own side events here luke, maybe you misunderstood me somewhere.

Now i've happily defined what I'm doing, and that is brawl, and brawl only. I will only facilitate what's necessary for melee or other things, but the people who want those things will need to pull their fingers out.

P.S. Be a good idea to bring power boards/extension cables. Probably won't need too many, but if you've got the room you may as well. Maybe a power board for all the DS chargers, lololol

However, the biggest bonus equipment item would be a PROJECTOR



Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
ok, so after reading shaya's long post I think I agree with him, no melee.

now melee people will be like ":(" or "your gay" or whatever, but I love melee I think its a great game, I want to play it, so those of you complaining, man up and host melee tourneys yourself.

I would, but no-one wants to travel to canberra


Oct 29, 2004
Correct! :) Luke just's reading things funny. That's OK I do it all the time

If SD doesn't host I'll fill in


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2008
Shaya if you can score this venue every two weeks then I say run one brawl focused tourney a month and let SD (or someone else up for the job) run a melée focused tourney on the other fortnight. Similar to how Melbourne does it.

I'm not saying do the straight away. Just waittill we get settled on the venue and grow a rapoor with the management.

I agree with everything Shaya is saying and can only see the smash scene in Sydney growing by how he is organising things.
Great work

Also for the 4th
is ths the one which will have melée. SD, CAO?
And MTR are you going to be running pokemon for this one as well? And if so I say run a double battle tourney as well.

@summoner, DON
Also at any event if both of you and I are there with a spare TV and a N64 I'll runn a PPL mini Tourney. Anyone else is welcome to join in.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
mmm well if melee can be there cool, gords I dont think cao will come down from melbourne every 2 weeks to host a tourney, I doubt sd would do it either from hv.

we need a sydney melee'r for the job


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2008
mmm well if melee can be there cool, gords I dont think cao will come down from melbourne every 2 weeks to host a tourney, I doubt sd would do it either from hv.

we need a sydney melee'r for the job
What the hell are you reading?

1. I am talkng to CAO about the 4th oct only. I believe Cao mentioned he might be here. I am asking him if he will be runnng melée with SD on that day only. Not every two weeks.

2. I am saying that melée and brawl will be run on seperate fortnights so whoever runs melée only needs to do it once a month. Not every two weeks.

3. I wouldn't expect SD to come down from HV every month let alone every two weeks to run melée tournaments. Hence the brackets saying "someone else up for the job". These may include Jaz, Pat, etc who knows even I may be up to it next year.

There is 3 things you have misread in my post.
I say either your comprenhension skills are terrible or you need some sleep.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Melee could probably go on alternating (like I initially planned) tourneys.
I think sydney's brawl scene is large enough to have tournaments every 2 weeks.

So if S.D can't rally the troops for the 27th, and the 4th goes through, the loop will be set up nicely I think.

Luke and Ricky, get me the rulesets/your planning to me by next weekend please.

S.D, I'd hope you can confirm if melee is going on by the 20th as well.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2008
I'll be heading up from Wollongong too. Might be able to trip up with Janus to make the trip more interesting.
The AiB link won't open for me to post there :(


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
"Server too busy"

Don't worry about posting on there specifically.
I ask people to say they're attending on AiB if they have registered accounts because of the simplicity of 'I am attending this tournament', that then produces a TIO file for me to use.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I've gotten some further confirmationz.

I have reserved the function room for the event from 10am-6pm. The room will
be set up with tables and chairs as per our discussion.

For lunch, guests can order meals from the $10.00 bistro menu. Should they
wish to have a drink or snacks, food and beverages can be purchased from the
bowling café. Please remind all guests that we do not allow BYO [food or drink; water's there though].
As there may be minors, we will not allow any alcohol consumed in the function
room. Adults may consume alcohol at the Newmarket Hotel. Minors are not
permitted in the hotel and guests must produce ID to consume alcohol.
Further importance is responsible consumption of alcohol. To be honest guys, I don't really want people drinking during the day; BUT if you're going to, don't go over board, I'd hate to get you kicked out. Minors are about, and it's mine and the venue's responsibility if things go wrong.

Schedule thus far:

10:00am - Organisers arrive, set stuff up. TV/equipment people try to arrive from 10:15.
10:30am - Registration (Brawl)
11:00am - Doubles Begins
12:00pm - Lunches are pre-ordered.
12:30pm - Lunch commences, upstairs out of the room. Will -should- be locked (i.e. most likely will)
01:30pm - Doors reopen. Brawl singles starts/started.
06:00pm - Wrapping up/closing down
Bolds important for the venue. This time around I can't really allow any planning to go beyond 6pm, as this is what I've worked out with their management at this time. This may change in the near future or on the day though. But just be prepared.

So S.D and the NDS kids, figure out your schedules to fit in soon.


In other discussion, there's a really nice bakery near my place (smack in the middle of my place and the venue) that I had breakfast with the melbourners when they were last up. Food was pretty good.
If people want to meet up for breakfast at around 9:15am on the Sunday; leaving any equipment at mine if they need to, and starting off the day all wholesome, gimme a yell. I'll say including myself maybe 4 people for a go.

And I know there's already two of us.


Other than those already registered on AiB the following people I believe are attending (+8 atm):
Luke (+ ?)
planet stereo

Need moar numbers guys :(
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