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Atlantic North [Nov 8, 2014] SypherPhoenix's Boosted Biweeklies! - Northern VA (Fairfax, VA, USA)


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Pointing out fallacies while providing no argument of your own just makes you look like a douchebag.

Just my expert opinion on the matter.

You are not as attractive as me, so my opinion obviously means more.

Statistically speaking, 97.234978234% of people would agree with me over you.

I'm right. You're wrong. Why? Because you've been wrong before. I've never been wrong.

I forgot why I made this post, but I'm standing firmly by it because I believe in a thing called love. Just listen to the rhythm of my heart. It's the same heart that is more attractive than your heart. Why? Because mine is filled with awesome, and everyone knows awesome is like blood but better, despite both having similar functions in regard to the human body. You can't argue with science.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2006
Kyoto Prefecture Japan
yo its been like over a year and thumbs is still panked? just noticed that

we should discuss this on saturday, with my super cool aura there in the mix.

dj spin that ****


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
candy you're such a stubborn garbage snake who sucks at starcraft and brawl, cant believe im still replying
If chu doesn't pay for his entrance fee ($5), 1st place is missing out on 3 bucks, 2nd place is missing out on $1, and 3rd place is missing out on $1. Where did you get $7 from? O.o. IMO, if you make $50 for 1st, losing $3 isn't that much but if you are really short on cash I can see why you would complain. It's not like you get 1st, G-reg, so your complaint is null and void LOL.
chus had $10 entry tourneys before too, that's the hypothetical situation i was referring to. I won 2 chu biweeklies since before you were fat, and thats when H2YL actually played the game. have some respect for the people who invented this community around here :). still, listen to yourself, you're trying to convince me that its OK for chu to just take some money out of the pot, because it's "such a small amout?" gtfo.

Chu usually gets 1st at his melee events. Statistically, 2nd and 3rd are only missing out on $1. ONE FREAKING DOLLAR. Why are people complaining about this. I'll have chu give you the dollar if its that much of an issue.
It's not the money dude, its the principle. If YOU got first, it's basically like chu saying "dude, give me a few dollars now", and you'd have to do it without a choice. Also, chu could've had 0$ to his name, entered for free, and won. how is that fair to everyone else? can I enter for free? chu gets to, why can't i?

IIRC, chu payed your winnings as if he put in $5 himself. You had to complain for it, but yeah you got your winnings. It was like $2 I believe.
yea, i had to complain to get my legitimate tournament winnings that he had taken money out of. that doesn't seem messed up to you? all i hear you saying is "oh well its just a dollar or two, who cares just let chu do it".

like i said i've been to chus many times and have no problem with chu, it is what it is. i agree with all your points about elec. fee and whatever but you can't convince me that him taking money out of the pot isn't messed up.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
what are u talking about G-reg him taking money out the pot is clearly fair -_^b


no one ever brought up the bracket riggings either....like i've been calling who is gonna play who for the past 2 years xD

i guess i can read minds right?

or is there just some bracket pattern that goes on?


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Why are u defending chu so much? Am I the only one that finds this really weird?
(not trying to be mean or anything, just legit curious)

what are u talking about G-reg him taking money out the pot is clearly fair -_^b


no one ever brought up the bracket riggings either....like i've been calling who is gonna play who for the past 2 years xD

i guess i can read minds right?

or is there just some bracket pattern that goes on?
Ya, the brackets are always rigged, it doesn't really affect me since i suck, but i feel bad for people like tope and greg who always end up playing chu and chillin respectively, but to be honest the bracket rigging is mainly for chillin, since chu would probably beat everyone anyways.

I still go to chu's because i think 8 bucks for the experience is worth it, so i don't blame chu for charging it, but if i were him i would at least play friendlies with everyone or give everyone like one free soda (its like less than .50 if you buy a 12 pack) just as a sign of appreciation, i think what you don't realize Candy is that it's not about the money its about his attitude....

I don't think any of us really have a problem with paying 3 buck venue fee, and like you said, he usually wins so 2nd and 3rd lose like 1 dollar. I think the issue is his attitude. He won't ever offer to play friendlies, it has to be money matches and the fact that by not paying entry fee he save like 2 bucks makes it 1000 TIMES WORSE, its like hes saying i'd rather have 2 bucks than run a fair tournament. He riggs the bracket to help his friends and usually has everything run super late.....

So if you want to tell him all these things and have him improve as a TO and benefit from it, since more people will come to his biweeklies, then go for.... or you can just continue to argue with everyone and try to justify all this obviously ******** ****.


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
I play friendlies with Chu every other time I'm there... Just ask him to play friendlies with you. =/

I'm fine with him charging the electricity fee. If I could fit more people in my basement I'd host smashfests and charge a fee too. It probably costs money to clean up the place afterwards, especially the bathroom... Smashers are gross sometimes. I'm thankful his parents let us play there...


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Why is it weird for me to defend Chu? I'm only defending him against people complaining about the "electricity" fee. I just didn't understand why people had their panties in a bunch just because the name is electricity fee rather than venue fee.

All that stuff about him taking money from the pot or rigging the bracket is his own business.

I wouldn't care either way, I just want to play. Small locals like that are really for practicing. The tournament is the side event imo.


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Ya, I'm settled pretty nicely at my job and finally have a car, so I'll definitely be getting back into it.

As a Marth main.
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