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Atlantic North [Nov 8, 2014] SypherPhoenix's Boosted Biweeklies! - Northern VA (Fairfax, VA, USA)

Oct 5, 2008
Cactuar will be there.
That's the only reason why I'll be going. ChuDat needs to get better as a tournament host. That $3 isn't given back to the players, aka we don't get soda in exchange for it, nor does he buy any TVs or games and systems to make the event run better. 10 people using GameCubes and TVs for 7 hours does not cost $30. Also, when I'm there, I run the bracket with Tio

By the way, if anyone's going to KTAR4, please let me know. My parents won't let me drive there


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2009
Fort Washington,MD/ College Park, MD
He always gets people to go to his Melee bi-weeklies. On average he gets about 15 people per melee bi-weekly.

Chu has never taken money from the pot and pocketed it, Laijin. Don't lie. Every venue charges a venue fee/electricity fee and he ONLY charges $3. Chu doesn't have to put money in the pot since he works for it by creating a bracket and makes sure everyone plays their matches.

With that said, everyone should come to Chu's on Friday. Cactuar will be there.

A) since when do TO's not put money into the pot? Chu is the only person Ive heard of that does that.

B) oh **** cactuar's coming(thought that ***** retired lol) well if thats true then hmm definately more tempted to go now.


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
thats blatantly untrue candy, seeing as how he doesnt put his own entry into the pot, hes basically stealing $5 from the pot=
Not putting in money into the pot =/= stealing/pocketing money from the pot.

Usuperkingzant - When you go to a tournament that has a $10 venue fee, does the TO buy you guys sodas? No. TO's are getting compensated for the electricity that is being used and the work that they have to put in to run tournaments like advertisement, running brackets, calling matches, ect. If the world were a perfect place, all tournaments should be free and all TO's should host tournaments for free. ChuDat is doing the best he can to offer you guys a Tournament at CHEAP prices ($5 for tournament, $3 venue fee). You guys should be grateful.

Bigwenz - When Chu went to a tournament that Usuperkingzant hosted, Usuperkingzant didn't pay his own entrance fee. Don't single Chu out, there are MANY other TO's that do this. It's understandable why TO's don't put in money into the pot since they are running the tournament and 5/10$ isn't going to kill the pot.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
He always gets people to go to his Melee bi-weeklies. On average he gets about 15 people per melee bi-weekly.

Chu has never taken money from the pot and pocketed it, Laijin. Don't lie. Every venue charges a venue fee/electricity fee and he ONLY charges $3. Chu doesn't have to put money in the pot since he works for it by creating a bracket and makes sure everyone plays their matches.

With that said, everyone should come to Chu's on Friday. Cactuar will be there.
The taking money from the pot was what I have heard from numerous people. Never seen it myself but alright...

The venue fee for his own house? Although the venue is obviously free since he lives there. Sure. He worked for it right? I guess. It is always assumed, unless stated otherwise, that the venue fee is for paying for the venue unless the TO out rights says hes pocketing it.

But now your also trying to justify him not putting his own money in the pot? I don't agree with that. He is already profiting from the venue fees, so its absolutely okay for him to not put money in the tournament himself right?

I completely disagree. Whatever though. I sure won't be in attendance. Even minus the money issues, there are a ton of other reasons wrong with his bi-weeklies that keep me away from there just by itself.


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
The taking money from the pot was what I have heard from numerous people. Never seen it myself but alright...

The venue fee for his own house? Although the venue is obviously free since he lives there. Sure. He worked for it right? I guess. It is always assumed, unless stated otherwise, that the venue fee is for paying for the venue unless the TO out rights says hes pocketing it.

But now your also trying to justify him not putting his own money in the pot? I don't agree with that. He is already profiting from the venue fees, so its absolutely okay for him to not put money in the tournament himself right?

I completely disagree. Whatever though. I sure won't be in attendance. Even minus the money issues, there are a ton of other reasons wrong with his bi-weeklies that keep me away from there just by itself.
Even if he payed for his own tournament, that wouldn't change your mind about going to his bi-weekly. Have you ever been to one? You can't assume all these bad things about his bi-weeklies unless you've actually been to one.

Didn't you go to shell shocked and didn't it have a venue fee there? I don't see how this is any different. On top of that, shell shock charges $10 for teams and singles. Chu only charges $5 for singles and doubles. Chu's tournaments are cheaper, so complaining about money shouldn't be an issue here.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2007
Manassas, VA

I've been to a shell shocked and there is no venue fee. Just entry fee. (unless they added on in the last 8 months, I could be wrong)

Also, sypher is at his house, and he doesn't charge a venue fee, and to my knowledge he puts his 5$ entry into the pot... It's all very simple

I didn't see anyone else bring this up, so I thought I would. :reverse:


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
Chu has hosted tournaments since 2005. He has gotten 50-60 people to attend. Just now people decide to complain about a $3 venue fee. I'm sorry but if you can't pay $3 then you need to get a job.

I guess you guys are just too used to Syphers free tournaments lol.

Aside from the lack of space (which Sypher also lacks), what are the other reasons that keep you guys coming to chu's bi-weeklies?


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008

I've been to a shell shocked and there is no venue fee. Just entry fee. (unless they added on in the last 8 months, I could be wrong)

Also, sypher is at his house, and he doesn't charge a venue fee, and to my knowledge he puts his 5$ entry into the pot... It's all very simple

I didn't see anyone else bring this up, so I thought I would. :reverse:
At the last shell shocked, there was a venue fee.

Does Sypher put his own $5 into the pot? I don't know and you don't know. Other people don't put their own money into the pot such as Usuperkingzant. It's not just chu.

I'll talk to chu about it and have him put in money into the pot for the bi-weekly.

Also, keep in mind that a lot of TO's profit from venue fee. It's not just chu. Ask Inui and Alex Strife. Even Sephirothken profited from his tournaments. This shouldn't be an issue. If you don't like to help out the TO for his hard work, then I believe you only looking out for your own benefit.

TO's benefit from the venue fee and players benefit by having a place to play, a chance to play well known players, and a chance to improve. It's an even trade. Don't look out for your self only, look at it from a TO's perspective as well.


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2009
Fort Washington,MD/ College Park, MD
A) in my view sypher has more room then chu's.

B) last time i went to a syphers as far as I know he put his money in the pot since no one complained about the payouts.

C) only reason last shell shocked had a venue fee was cause to get the venue we needed, it had to be for a charity.

D) I didn say their arent other TO's that do it, I just said Chu is the only one ive seen/know of that does it. (really doesnt matter to me anyway's as im not good enough atm to place in the money.)

i mean personally i go just cause a tourny is a tourny and its a place to see how much i have improved from the last one. i may not go to this one just cause i might go partying wit friends friday night.


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Ya, I'll be at Chu's. I'm driving all the way down to VA for the same reason I always have... to see people. Are you guys really complaining about a few dollars here and there?

I've never had a problem with Chu's place or how the tournaments are run there. *shrug*


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2009
Fort Washington,MD/ College Park, MD
This guy has the right attitude :grin:

Would u mind posting in chu's thread saying that u might go? Thanks man. Also, everyone else that is thinking about going to chu's tourney, could u post in his thread? thanks
lol i didn even know their was a thread but yea i gotchu.

Ya, I'll be at Chu's. I'm driving all the way down to VA for the same reason I always have... to see people. Are you guys really complaining about a few dollars here and there?

I've never had a problem with Chu's place or how the tournaments are run there. *shrug*
i dont know the last time you have been down there but their have been some tournies were **** just didn run on time. like doubles would take an absurd amount of time with only a small number of teams entering. that being said i personally don't think chu's is that bad minus it can get cramped at times. nothing in my past experiences would make me absolutely refuse to go their again.

also people arent complaining about a venue fee. the complaint is that if he had 10 people there (not including chu) he'd make 30 dollars off of his electricity fee which people feel is absurd considering it doesnt cost anywhere near that amount to run a tourny for a few hours.


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
The only problem I ever had with Chu's was when he called it an "electricity" fee hahaha gtfo out of here. But a venue fee is totally acceptable, just don't try and hide it LOL.


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
This guy has the right attitude :grin:

Would u mind posting in chu's thread saying that u might go? Thanks man. Also, everyone else that is thinking about going to chu's tourney, could u post in his thread? thanks
da **** ***** you dont even play melee stop trying to boost attendence **** outta here :glare:


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2007
Fairfax, VA
As a player in the tournament, I always pay my entrance fee.

I host tournaments specifically to give back to the community and improve our player base.

I don't charge a venue fee because I'm not interested in making a monetary profit from hosting tournaments.

I have a definite net loss when it comes to money involved in making the tournament work.

I often delay tournaments because I am reluctant to dismiss someone from having fun in the tournament. I would be strict as balls if I was hosting a bigger tournament , but I'm not.

I charge $5 because it's the bare minimum for the tournament to be considered "legit."

I believe in playing for pride and taking time to casually enjoy the game.

I'd also like to note that there are a lot of TOs, and being one is almost always a lot of work; that doesn't mean they're doing a good job, though. Players need to start demanding more from their TOs and not fear that they're being аssholes by doing so. I'd love to see people come up to me and tell me how I could better run my tournaments.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Even Sephirothken profited from his tournaments
Not sure if you're aware of how many people were flaming them about the fees at 0C3 which sounded truly ridiculous ...


Chu's tournaments are ... aight.
That's about it.
Calling it an "electricity fee" is pretty laughable


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
It's not really an electricity fee. It's a "you're using my house, and I have to clean up afterwards... be thankful" fee.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
I gave Chu a long laundry list of whats wrong with his bi-weeklies. Hopefully he actually listens to my advice since it would improve his tournaments a great deal.
If Chu is calling his venue fee an electricity fee, why does he hide it under the name a "electricity fee"? Just tell people your trying to profit from your tournament and thats partially why you are running it and everyone will complain less about it


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
It's not really an electricity fee. It's a "you're using my house, and I have to clean up afterwards... be thankful" fee.
Yeah I know, which is why I still go when I get the chance, seeing as how Chu is one of the only sources for Melee bi-weeklies apart from Sypher

But just calling it an "electricity fee" ... :awesome:


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
It's always been the electricity fee and we always knew he would bring in more than needed for electricity lol...

I feel like its just called that because he started it long before there were standard venue fees tbh. It's more like a tradition than him trying to deceive anyone...


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Fair enough
I forget that Chu is a dinosaur sometimes :lick:

I do appreciate that he still hosts tournaments though, hopefully I didn't come off as particularly disgruntled or anything


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
yea i have no problem with him charging money to be at his house.... thats totally legit. we all know it doesnt go to electricity but i mean its his house, respect the rules.

Not putting in money into the pot =/= stealing/pocketing money from the pot.
i disgree. It's the same thing as paying to enter, and going into the pot and taking the entry fee back. the pot is short because of him not paying. the top placers get lower payouts then normal, he's literally taking a small portion of their winnings. how is that not stealing? i mean, at the very least, use the "electricity" money for entry.

Usuperkingzant - When you go to a tournament that has a $10 venue fee, does the TO buy you guys sodas? No. TO's are getting compensated for the electricity that is being used and the work that they have to put in to run tournaments like advertisement, running brackets, calling matches, ect. If the world were a perfect place, all tournaments should be free and all TO's should host tournaments for free. ChuDat is doing the best he can to offer you guys a Tournament at CHEAP prices ($5 for tournament, $3 venue fee). You guys should be grateful.
I agree, ive been to chus for years, it's a good time and has good competition. some older melee tourneys had lots of people. it has its drawbacks just like all tourneys though. its slightly cramped, sometimes hot, and some of the smaller tourneys last way too long... i think some people in this thread are just addressing that and i think we can all agree with that. it is what it is. ill gladly pay $8 for some quality melee.

Bigwenz - When Chu went to a tournament that Usuperkingzant hosted, Usuperkingzant didn't pay his own entrance fee. Don't single Chu out, there are MANY other TO's that do this. It's understandable why TO's don't put in money into the pot since they are running the tournament and 5/10$ isn't going to kill the pot.
im not doubting you, but ive never heard of anyone to do it except what you just mentioned, but if i got top 3 at nationals in melee, and things like this often happened, i would definitely ask where missing money is in my winnings, which ive done to chu on a few occasions.

if you get 1st and you get shorted on the prize money $7 or so just because chu feels like it, is that OK? i realize it isn't much but still, chu gets $3 from everyone there, more often then not some prize money, AND an extra few bucks from the other winners? i like goin to chus but come on, man.


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
if you get 1st and you get shorted on the prize money $7 or so just because chu feels like it, is that OK? i realize it isn't much but still, chu gets $3 from everyone there, more often then not some prize money, AND an extra few bucks from the other winners? i like goin to chus but come on, man.
If chu doesn't pay for his entrance fee ($5), 1st place is missing out on 3 bucks, 2nd place is missing out on $1, and 3rd place is missing out on $1. Where did you get $7 from? O.o. IMO, if you make $50 for 1st, losing $3 isn't that much but if you are really short on cash I can see why you would complain. It's not like you get 1st, G-reg, so your complaint is null and void LOL.

Chu usually gets 1st at his melee events. Statistically, 2nd and 3rd are only missing out on $1. ONE FREAKING DOLLAR. Why are people complaining about this. I'll have chu give you the dollar if its that much of an issue.

IIRC, chu payed your winnings as if he put in $5 himself. You had to complain for it, but yeah you got your winnings. It was like $2 I believe.

Like I said, I'll talk to chu and I'll get him to use the electricity fee to pay for his entrance.

With that said, everyone come to chu's!
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