yea i have no problem with him charging money to be at his house.... thats totally legit. we all know it doesnt go to electricity but i mean its his house, respect the rules.
Not putting in money into the pot =/= stealing/pocketing money from the pot.
i disgree. It's the same thing as paying to enter, and going into the pot and taking the entry fee back. the pot is short because of him not paying. the top placers get lower payouts then normal, he's literally taking a small portion of their winnings. how is that not stealing? i mean, at the very least, use the "electricity" money for entry.
Usuperkingzant - When you go to a tournament that has a $10 venue fee, does the TO buy you guys sodas? No. TO's are getting compensated for the electricity that is being used and the work that they have to put in to run tournaments like advertisement, running brackets, calling matches, ect. If the world were a perfect place, all tournaments should be free and all TO's should host tournaments for free. ChuDat is doing the best he can to offer you guys a Tournament at CHEAP prices ($5 for tournament, $3 venue fee). You guys should be grateful.
I agree, ive been to chus for years, it's a good time and has good competition. some older melee tourneys had lots of people. it has its drawbacks just like all tourneys though. its slightly cramped, sometimes hot, and some of the smaller tourneys last way too long... i think some people in this thread are just addressing that and i think we can all agree with that. it is what it is. ill gladly pay $8 for some quality melee.
Bigwenz - When Chu went to a tournament that Usuperkingzant hosted, Usuperkingzant didn't pay his own entrance fee. Don't single Chu out, there are MANY other TO's that do this. It's understandable why TO's don't put in money into the pot since they are running the tournament and 5/10$ isn't going to kill the pot.
im not doubting you, but ive never heard of anyone to do it except what you just mentioned, but if i got top 3 at nationals in melee, and things like this often happened, i would definitely ask where missing money is in my winnings, which ive done to chu on a few occasions.
if you get 1st and you get shorted on the prize money $7 or so just because chu feels like it, is that OK? i realize it isn't much but still, chu gets $3 from everyone there, more often then not some prize money, AND an extra few bucks from the other winners? i like goin to chus but come on, man.