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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Yes double post, I have 499 XD, but there actually is importance....

I think we should have something this coming weekend too if it isn't too much trouble, it could help us get alot of practice for NCT2 too, it should be an STD, STD's ftw:p


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2004
San Jose, California
Yes double post, I have 499 XD, but there actually is importance....

I think we should have something this coming weekend too if it isn't too much trouble, it could help us get alot of practice for NCT2 too, it should be an STD, STD's ftw:p

yeah something shuold be set up like another bi or maybe just clubroom smashfest or something at some1's house yeahhhh that would be **** awesome and maybe I'd actually get to participate in it not like other weekends x_X

mmm hardcore practice/fun sounds good

nct22222222 ^^


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2006
LOL at all the people that gave me those mean looks when I was saying Azen would win and pc would get second and ken would get last coughcoughzoapcoughcough


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2004
Did someone take the brackets?, because I don't see them. I'm serious haha. I'll keep looking, but I don't see them. All that matters is that I got 4th though.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2006
Scotts Valley, CA
gosh........i think i should stop being matched up against lunin and then a couple matches later always losing to frotaz.......its intimidating playing him because u dont want him to get mad and like scream all over the room, even though its hella funny lol

shoutouts even more l8er


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
Melodies of my life
Yes double post, I have 499 XD, but there actually is importance....

I think we should have something this coming weekend too if it isn't too much trouble, it could help us get alot of practice for NCT2 too, it should be an STD, STD's ftw:p
I agreeeeee T_T stupid wedding i had to go to and i missed the last biweekly...! arg! i want to smaaaaash mooooooore!


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2003
Forest of Feelings
gosh........i think i should stop being matched up against lunin and then a couple matches later always losing to frotaz.......its intimidating playing him because u dont want him to get mad and like scream all over the room, even though its hella funny lol



Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Milpitas CA (bay area)
oh man, i never did my shoutouts...

well heres the shortened version of it >_>

bio...good match. that puff is rough! way more than i expected, keep up the good work. you deserved that win 100%

disk...sorry i had to burn through you like that, only to put you up against silentspectre. that HAD to be discouraging...but fret not, you'll improve!

afroFX...man that match was WAY closer than i thought it would be. those pikachus...err i mean ice lcimbers (sorry they look so much alike i forget sometimes) used to give me hell but i guess im getting better. sorry if i messed you up with kizzo, i was just playing around. i shut up about the counterpick next time =X

kizzo...its always a blast playing you. i dont know why but watching your younk link is just outright funny until its me getting bombed to hell =D good **** man. just you watch, you 2 stock me now, pretty soon its going to be only 1 stock every match. then pretty soon you're going to be giving me that look that you give people when they do something ownage on you >=]

frotaz...funny ****. just being in the same room as you can make me laugh, your mindgames during your match seem to have a power on everyone in the whole room! it must have something to do with the volume of your mindgame..."AHHH ZELDA WHAT CAN I DO SHE JUST KEEPS KICKING ME AARRRGAGRAAHAHAHBRAAGA"

ian...you're a hella cool guy. i dont get why bootle doesnt seem to like you, you've got to be one of the most down to earth people i know. fun teams, too. we may not have too much synergy, but i think we're actually a stronger team now than we were last time!

lunin: those 15 minutes of "lunin lessions" probably helped me to improve as much as a 6 hour smashfest. you really opened my eyes to the fact that i dont extend my attacks enough! thanks a TON!

spectre: DROP ZONE! haha too bad that people outside of nor cal dont know what drop zone is, thats the perfect name for that combo if you've been on the ride...except your's is scarier XD

mike666...thanks for filling in fo kizzo. im really glad we were able to have the biweekly before NCT2 and it wouldnt have happened without you.

scamp...thanks to you, im now playing blokus on my computer. that game is SO much more deep than i thought at first, its hard to believe all the thought that goes in to it. completly blows my mind @_@ fun game though!

brian...work on that puff! go get inspired by king! you do a cool few moves here and there but you leave yourself open a bit. never give up hope though! you're fun to hang out with while im scoping for a game.

BTZO...this NCB ran smoother than spit on a doorknob. i didnt even have time to finish my burrito! well done man, that was the first time i actually watched the finals battle.

swordmaster66...sorry i didnt bring enough cash for us to team. i really wanted that burrito XD

im sure a few more shoutouts are due, but as i said, shortened version.

also one last thing...people have been asking for another biweekly. i dont exactly expect this to happen, but im making plans of having my own smash event so it'd be kinda cool if we could find out if anyone's up to running that so i can cancel my plans. if not, they're on.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
ms is baaaaaaaaaaaaad

then again i played wow for 8 months. it was also baaaaaaaaaaad.

scamp...thanks to you, im now playing blokus on my computer. that game is SO much more deep than i thought at first, its hard to believe all the thought that goes in to it. completly blows my mind @_@ fun game though!

brian...work on that puff! go get inspired by king! you do a cool few moves here and there but you leave yourself open a bit. never give up hope though! you're fun to hang out with while im scoping for a game..
1) blokus>life
im gonna go blokus in my sleep

2) thanks man, im still working on it. i feel like im getting better every time i play someone; im hoping come nct2 blue i might be putting up serious fights against norcal. no king two biweeklies in a row has left me inspiration-less. i had to watch huge and foxrawr instead ;) . but yeah, its always fun to just chat in while watching games, i usually learn something too.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
I have a level 38 ice mage on scania. Mark of the beta FTW.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Milpitas CA (bay area)
ok fine i'll put an expansion pack on to my shoutouts because people say the release contents were lacking. and it will fix a few bugs.

falcomist: your falco seems unstoppable! though your peach seemed a bit pathetic ^_^ it was fun beating up your low tier, the difference in play its absolutly astonishing...most of them i could beat then that mofo'kin falco comes and 4 stocks me! talk about a humbling experience >_<


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2006
well I think KFC and his Crew might be able to hold an STD if we can chip in enough money but I don't know, I was talking to him about it and nothing has been decided yet but it might be fun to have one at TGE


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Milpitas CA (bay area)
to the cupple of you who asked, im not going to be hosting an STD, sorry. my mom is a light sleeper and there's no way i can have like more than 1 person over past 10:30 or so.

talk to me if you want to smash though!


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
nah, wow>friends haha

but really smash>all, because you can have friends AND play smash. hooray!

oh and does anyone have a triwing screwdriver for the GC controllers? my flathead only works on one of my two controllers, and i wanted to switch the fronts/backs/paint em mehbeh.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Santa Clara, California
its a special kind of screw. Its probably so people cant easily take it appart since they most likely wont have that kind of screw driver. But it should be pretty cheap. Anyways...Crap I missed another T_T I didnt even know there was one on saturday...oh well...
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