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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
Yeahh that was hella fun, I played tons of people in friendlies/tourny, and met lots of ppl

but MAN I WISH I HAD STAYED FOR MY BRACKET PLAY!!! :( I thought I didnt make it into the bracket, and since IP Freely had a headache and his dad was coming to pick the rest of Fremont up, I just left with them >< Oh well next time I'll not only get past pools, I'll own my bracket too :p


SNPR: Nice finally meeting you david :p Nice fox you got there, and that MM i watched against Mr. Ganondorf was pretty cool :p You should've teamed with me! Fox+Peach > Fox Myko any day :p Especially because my peach was rapin in teams :p

Speaking of teams
BTZO and Hyuga: I totally heard that, whoever said "pick on the fox" I was thinking "Oh ****.." since yea, Velox is way out of practice and his fox died 3 times in the next 40 seconds after you guys said that. LMAO ggs

That was cool Yen you went, except i didnt play any matches with you D:

KURTIS: is amazingly hot and cool at the same time :p I had some sweet Sheik dittos with you, and you're a cool guy anyways, nice seeing you again =] I love you! haha

The berkeley dude and the link I was playing: Nice matches to both of you, sorry I forgot your names immediately after, but i remember someone was named daniel i think. Haha anyways nice matches!

Zhu: Is too goot. Stop ****** them little kids. At least you dont discriminate... well actually you only **** men and not women :p

Velox, Karthik, SNKE, IP Freely, XCAL, Choy: Yay you guys came along with me! Get back into smash Karthik/SNKE/XCAL :p And stop losing to Velox and Choy :p Matt's the real winner because he got his 10 bucks back :p since he had a headache.

MikeHaze: I dont know if you remember me but I was the guy wearing a yellow Taiwan Nights shirt. Anyways nice meeting you, I didn't get to play matches against you, but maybe I can next time you come to Norcal :p

P: I wanted to see you play sheik.. I didnt even meet you >< Maybe next time i guess

Hydrochris: Good job in the set against Beetzo, that was some hot playing with your fox, not so much your falco. Keep improving :p

BB: Stop ****** me =[ I can't beat foxes loll, why dont you play falco instead and lose to my zelda like last time :p Haha anyways nice seeing you again brandon, gj with quak in teams

Quak: Danny? i think? Yeaaa nice meeting you, I'll play you sometime, I've definitely seen you at at least 5 ish tournies, but have never had the chance to play you yet! Next Biweekly maybe :p We can do mewtwo vs zelda low tier crap lmao :p

Park: LMAO stop getting banned, since you were yelling random **** on the boards i assumed you were some idiot. Turns our you're pretty cool, nice yoshi you got there, but my zelda would've won the match if not for my airdodge against the ledge and falling off to my premature death :p

The socal sheik dude who grew up in norcal: Nice playing you, come back to Norcal soon, you know it's infinitely cooler up here anyways. The only redeeming quality of socal is that it still has In N Outs. If it didnt, I wouldnt even consider going to socal schools

Frozenserpent: Hey kevin, nice seeing you again, hopefully UCI is fun for you :p I didnt even know you were gone from Norcal, I just assumed you werent attending tournies lol. Anyways come back soon! Or since you have a month off anyways, lets play at the next weeklybi

Kira: Nice meeting you, I don't know if you remember me but I wore the taiwan nights bright yellow shirt :p Anyways nice sheik, I will definitely play you next time! Good **** in teams beating nemesis and zoap with Khepri :p

Nemesis: Hey Bryant, your crew would **** fremont's Kr3w :p Of them, only me and jason are tourney level ish, and you and Erick are way better than us anyways :p Anyways, come over to fremont sometime during break, I wanna play your falcon that beat TANG in tourney :p And i wanna play Erick again too, his falco is too good :p Oh yea my aim SN is darkatmawpon, IM me sometime :p

Zoap: Woah I hope our set was recorded in pools :p Our first game on yoshi's story was so close, and the ending sucked for you.. But you had that insanely cool comeback from 0-70 something. That was amazing! Second match you had a nice 0-63 death combo with PEACH on sheik! That's hella crazy nice prediction with the floated nair below battlefield :p Pretty crazy ****. I'll play you with my peach sometime too, I think we would have some really cool matches

Ares: I think I scared you from using sheik, don't hesitate to her if she's your best character. I saw you bring BB's fox down to the last stock with sheik, and that's pretty good! And don't cc and dsmash so much with fox and falco, what if i picked peach and then you cc the dsmash and get killed in 1 hit ><

Bok Choi: Haha you have the same name as my friend Bryan Choy's nickname thingy :p Stop illusioning off loll you were doing fine till the SD's

Choy: Do better now that you know how a smash tourney works :p

Meep: Dang I had no idea how to play a luigi :p And I always thought I could escape a combo by DIing behind on the grab, but I just got faired like.. 4-5x >< Crazy luigi, I needa learn how to play one :p Nice matches in pools.

Anyone I missed: GGs

edit that's not a real edit: HOLY **** THIS WAS LONG AS HELL


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
I dun do shoutouts but I will thank my team partner Nemesis as this guy is too ****ing good. I have the tio file on my laptop and when i get everything uploaded and **** I'll post full results and stuff.

I slept till 6:00pm today :)


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
shoutouts soon.

Khepri - I can't thank you enough for the trip. You did amazing at the tournament, and you're a really fun guy to be around and play with ;). haha, but yeah good stuff and thank you very much.

LunInSpectra - Thank you very much for housing us, we all really appreciate it. if you ever need housing in SoCal, i am more than willing to house baysians :]]
DBR - i can't thank you enough for housing us, it was too good hanging out and playing with you guys (no homo). same **** with housing if you guys ever need it too.

SS - haha, you're too good at this game.

Kizz - thanks for hosting this, see you in too weeks.

FMF - Good set, I thought i did fairly well against you, but you are just too overwellming.

Zhu - good sets, i had really fun playing you. you're almost as good as larry ;)

Myko - Ohhh man, i'm gonna get you when i go back up there.

JR - My HAIRCUT!!! :[. haha, it was cool hanging out with you, you're a funny guy.

Miztik - gonna **** you just watch. you still owe me my MM

REL - Haha, good sets, i was so tired man, we'll play again when i go back up there.

Quak - haha your falco is pretty good, you didn't think i'd remember you right?

Hydro - Good matches, you're a good player, and i had a lot of fun in that set for some reason.

SuperRad - lol get *****, good mm.

Phil - wow two weeks just watch i got this, hahaha.

Eric - good matches and MM, first time i've ever gotten a dollar coin from a MM lol. you're a good fox, keep it up man you got this ^_^.

sorry if i forgot anyone, thank you for the tournament, i had a **** load of fun.

see everyone in two weeks.


thelegendofLuCKy (11:17:54 PM): you were at kings house and didnt ask for the norcal vs socal vid's?



Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Shoutouts n stuff:

khepri: You are amazing. All of us owe you.Thank you for putting up with everything. There's no way you couldn't have been annoyed or bothered at some points, but you handled it amazingly well. I couldn't have imagined a better driver, and it was great seeing you show NorCal that you **** at this game. You may be midwest, but for this tourny you represented So Cal too ^^. Your Falcon is too smooth and unpredictable; good **** on beating Zelgadis in pools

AJ: Fuggin ****. You made the trip pretty awesome. I knew you'd get the most out of it, too; it's great to see someone passionate about this game, there's not enough of that anymore. You got so much better from just the car ride, and all that experience is going to serve you well. Most of your mistakes are easily fixable, so you're gonna **** in no time

Mike Haze: I was pissed as **** after we lost to Simna and DRGN in teams, but you played amazingly well after that. We did as well as we could've expected in teams, and vs FMF and Zhu, you were carrying me. When we both step it up from the get go, ****'s gonna get *****

Kira: Your bracket was easier than mine (no johns). I'm better than you (no johns). I **** you in teams (no johns). Naw but your Sheik keeps inspiring me to main Sheik and keep getting better, even with her limitations.


Tournament as a whole was pretty good. NorCal is too ****ing good, I'm really glad I came and got to play such different styles from So Cal. You guys are ridiculously technical compared to So Cal. There is no one in So Cal close to as technical as Zhu / Hydro Kirby, and even people I never heard of are freaking technical and put pressure on you. It made all of us a lot better.

Lunin: Thanks a ton for housing us, I definitely owe you a favor whenever you need it. You guys are too hospitable, and thanks for the advice.

DBR: Your house is too good, thanks for housing us as well. Silent Spectre is as good as the hype, even better in fact.

Zhu: You and all the other good people in NorCal are motivation for me to get really good at this game. Next time I come back I'm going to beat your Falco at the very least since you say you suck against Sheik. And thanks for the tip about FoD, you are insane there

Mr. Ganondorf: Ugh, I'm still irked I suicided on FoD, I liked my chances v whatever your counterpick would've been. Your Fox is way better than I expected though, never expected you to go Fox. In fact I think everyone I lost to in NorCal used Fox, god I need to hurry up and get a Marth, Fox ***** Sheik way too badly

Zel: Your Fox = fun to play. Most foxes = not.

Hydro Kirby: Freaking technical Falco, wish I could've played your Fox :(

Mexican: DK is fun to play against. I can't believe you light shield consistently over regular shield, that ish is hard.

ShadowBTZO: Kira's got johns up the wazoo, but your Sheik is ****ing nice, I love watching it. You pulled some really nice ish, and are way more technical than me. I need to steal some of that.

Choknater: I'm always scared of ICs, but I'm glad Kira gave me the blueprint :p Your ICs are really nice, you just need to play more gay and you'd **** every Sheik ever.

Miztik / HomeMadeWaffles / JP / everyone else I talked to that I can't recall: NorCal is too good, a lot of good quality depth just like So Cal =)


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2006
Hiding from La Migra
Mexican: DK is fun to play against. I can't believe you light shield consistently over regular shield, that ish is hard.
lol, if i didn't light shield, i might as well not shield at all with dk's shield being so horrible. :lick:

Shoutouts later, i'm too lazy right now, and i'm not gonna remember half of you guys anyways. lol, no offense


May 26, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
It was fun seeing everyone again. I guess a lot's changed over this past year. Great work to Danny, Sheridan and Mike for running a great tournament. It was great seeing you guys again. Peter, Rey, Yen, Ian, David (Kizzo), German, Cheyenne, Kurtis, Jeff, and Boback; it was great talking to all of you again as well.

Take it easy everyone. Happy holidays and hope you all have a great new year.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA

Norcal: The usual, I'm too lazy to type it out zz

BTZO - zz. stupid sets.

Frotaz - I play you every tournament. What the ****. Matches were too fun though, they were rather enjoyable this time around.

Phil - **** son, you're always cheering for me whenever i have a crucial match or something. thanks a lot for that support, it's really invaluable.

Lucien - Get more technical rofl.

Bootle - Nice seeing you again.

Minh - those impressions never get old lol

Jeff - Stop beating everyone zz

Julian - Stop losing to Jeff zz

Bryant - mm your falcon's getting too good. we need to play more.

Hyuga - i likes team friendlies. they were fun.

cheese - I'll see you on gfaqs rofl

Mexican - hey, you don't suck. NOWAI

HMW - nice seeing you again dude.

Chok - the only IC player that I enjoy playing ;D

Ian - lol. ur name is ian.

Iceninja - cry moar

Mr. Ganondorf/Dephiki - **** nice in teams lol. When I was watching your match in team finals, I had no idea that's what it was. And when someone was kind enough to inform of the fact, my only response was "WHAT THE **** LOL." But seriously, good ****.

Kira - mm nice matches. socal should go come up to norcal more, or vice-versa

P - you're completely different than i imagined you to be LOL. idaho road trip anyone?

Mikehaze - that was a close match, it was enjoyable. it's like everyone's gotten a lot better a lot faster now.

Thanks to Kizzo/BTZO/Sheridan/Minh/(insert other people i missed here) for running this very smoothly.

All in all, that was probably the most enjoyable tourney I've attended in a while. Thanks to everyone for making it just that.

Nocral is ****ing awesome. Carry on.


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
Wow so this tourney was pretty awesome, I thought it was really well run and you guys recorded a lot of matches and I got in a lot of friendlies which is something I never do. My only complaint was that we weren't allowed to watch matches. I can understand why it was done but honestly I thought it was lame not being able to watch my own friend's matches. But other than that, great job.

I apologize in advance because I don't remember people's names and I have a bad memory in general.

First and foremost:

Khepri - You are the ****ing man, thanks for putting up with all our **** and doing all the driving and being chill and really good at this game and even for driving me back home from Mike's house, and for teaming with me, and probably more stuff.


Mike - Yeah... good times lol. Don't sweat the bracket, we were all falling asleep (or we actually did fall asleep). You definitely improved, I could easily see it. We gotta play more often.

AJ - You're hilarious and you got way better. Less CC and more aggressive air game, Jiggs is faster in the air than she is on the ground. Too many inside jokes to mention, but make that running rest famous.

Adam - LOL pretty much everyone in that car was too ****ing good and you guys made the trip pretty **** fun and way worth it. I don't know what I have to do to prove that I'm better than you, but honestly it doesn't bother me (your cockiness does though) so good job repping Sheik, even though we disagree on every Smash subject ever. But if you were really better than me then I'd be learning from you, not you coming up to me every 2 seconds asking me what to do in certain situations, and you even changed your mind about how to play Fox, good **** on realizing I'm right.

SNPR - Nice work beating Hyuga, you got a lot better too from the last time I saw you. You were the only person smart enough to get on the right bus.

Festizzio - You don't even know LOL. Also my bag is still in your car.


LunIn, Myko, JR, Vanessa - Thanks so much for housing us, dinner and pancakes were really good after all the fast food we had. Lunin your mindset and advice on Smash was really insightful, I think it helped a lot. Too bad you guys had to leave early.

Nintendo King, Frotaz - Yeah we'll play more next time, you guys are too funny.

Meep - After the first game on Poke Stadium I kinda lost my drive to win and I don't even know what made me pick FD over my usual counterpick stages, but you're really good. Good teams friendlies afterwards, those were fun.

Scamp - Gay sheik = win.

ShadowBTZO - I should have had that match, I mean I'd like to think that I'm good at that match up and I don't think you've had that much experience since there aren't that many sheik's in norcal, but I dunno, I guess I choked. You're really flashy and you do a lot of fancy stuff; I kinda just do what works, which usually just means I play really simple and abuse certain things over and over again, but I honestly think you were the better player despite whatever P said, so good games.

Simna - Your Ness is scary, in a way I'm somewhat relieved you went fox.

All those space animals - you guys make our spacies look like ****, too bad you have no experience vs marth or samus =P But yeah, you guys actually know what to do lol. ****in everyone in norcal can play a space animal.

SS - Not much to say, you're too good and it was fun doing random teams lol. Your tech chasing is godlike, and the platform-edge cancel stuff is insane.

Falcomist, Tang - Thanks for the matches, you guys were impressive.

Delphiki - ICs are hard.

Germ, Zel, Sidefx - lol, Denny's was cool, your house is ****. Bob$ I wish I could've played you but I was tired as hell and we had to go.

Choknater, Park, Mexican, Hydro Kirby, KFC, people I played in pools, the guy who supposedly looks like me, other random friendlies - GG, Norcal's tight

I'm tired and my sleeping cycle is jacked up. I'll add more if I remember.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
naw, i just always learn from anyone i can kira. i think you're better than btzo but i learned more from btzo than you, for example. only sheik i can't learn from is fabian :(


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
tia file will be uploaded whenever zoap stops being lazy.
Fixed for Accuracy

I also have all the pools as well.

And TC1 you didnt get in because although you had the same record as the person you were tied with(Same set wins and Same match wins) you lost the set to the person aka the Head to Head. And we dont have time to go back and see who wasnt there and who would replace them, plus if you didnt really make it then you really dont deserve to be in the tournament brackets.

Also JB did alot of recording so plz dont complain like *****es if it takes a while for matches to be uploaded.

The asians split 5 ways, the top 4 + Tang.

And lastly I figured out what happened to Zhus $ today lol. So when I originally counted it was 812. Well when I got it back it was only 799. So what happen you ask? The original time I counted there was actually only 792(I remember when I was counting that I was on 34(for the # of 20's and due to my being tired I paused and Zhu said 36) hence the $20 overage. Well when I found out the Asians were going to split with Tang as well I recollected all the money ALONG with a 5 and 2 1's . So in actuallity we should have been splitting 792 not 812. SO if Zhu really wats his money back lol then from the other 4 he needs to collect roughly $2 a piece. Also if your wondering we had 90 entrants, 2 of which dont pay as it is their venue(Kizzo and Mike 666) so that leaves us with a pot of 880. Of that pot we take $1 for the club to continue to have that venue. So 88 people paid hence the 792. In conclusion I must say **** I'm Good.


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
lets do quick shoutouts

before i start, i was teh blue peach that wasn't zoap, i was tall and white, with a blue turlock highh jacket

first to kizzo, good man for hosting this, and it was fun to play you early on, i remember my first NCB, i had you as my first match and you beat me hella, i got closer though

pool people- at first i thought i had a chance, pfffffffff
zel- i can't believe i did so well on brinstar, i want to play more foxes like yours
so cal dude- crazy falcons, i had no idea how to approch you
peach player (scamp i think)- i wish i knew how to do **** peach dittos, but i did well enough for not knowing, i guuess
superrad- i was always wondering who you were

teams- yea for us jmic
yen and whoever- complete **** to us
choy and whoever- nice, we didn't expect to do that well
lucian and whoever- brinstar ftw, but you went poke and complete **** occured, i wonder if jiggy had gone falcon, hmmm

everything else
frotaz- those friendlies were fun, my peach needs hella work though, i never knew you had a good marth, but danm, hella **** pika with ganon, 0-60 chain grab
chok- i wanna play your fox and see how i do
mike- our friendlies were interesting, your falcon killed me though, and crouch canceling ftw, that made me laugh inside when you did that withh fox in our last match

other people i played, sorry i don't really know who you were, it was fun, i liked playing all these people, i almost never get to play any execpt at tournies so your all my expierence

those of you i played in the hall during singles, it was fun, i forgot all your names though

and hydrokirby, your funny, you kept me intertained while i had to sit in the hall and not play, same to all you baisns, your all funny and cool

moment of the night goes to when mr ganon and zoap were arguing about ganon's nerdyness, i'm sorry but i had to step in and say "i can't believe you guys are arguing about who is more nerdy"

that wasn't quick, bleh


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2004
i fcuken hate my ride. thanks sheridan for refunding tho.
You have a good Yoshi that I don't like playing because it's so good.

Darrell, don't lie. Mewtwo is your main.
I was really happy to see you there haha.

see everyone in two weeks.
Sorry, but there will NOT be a biweekly on the 29th because the entire campus will be closed that weekend. : (

lol, if i didn't light shield, i might as well not shield at all with dk's shield being so horrible. :lick:

Shoutouts later, i'm too lazy right now, and i'm not gonna remember half of you guys anyways. lol, no offense
We made a fun, good team haha.

It was fun seeing everyone again. I guess a lot's changed over this past year. Great work to Danny, Sheridan and Mike for running a great tournament. It was great seeing you guys again. Peter, Rey, Yen, Ian, David (Kizzo), German, Cheyenne, Kurtis, Jeff, and Boback; it was great talking to all of you again as well.

Take it easy everyone. Happy holidays and hope you all have a great new year.
Have a good day, everyday.

Thanks to Kizzo/BTZO/Sheridan/Minh/(insert other people i missed here) for running this very smoothly.
I did not "run" the tournament. I'm only there to make sure nothing gets broken and stuff like that.

Good Job Mike666, best TO ever.
What can I say? - Mike runs the best tournaments.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2004
I was really happy with the tournout. There was more than 100 there, and it was just another biweekly : ).

There were a few problems though. The biweekly before the NUB, someone took my silver controller. I forgot to check controllers this time to see who it was though. I want my controller back.

Also, I believe too many people were sitting on the edge of a table out in the halls and made it break. That sucks, because now I have to deal with a broken table. No more sitting on ****.

Also, someone spilled some foam-like, pink substance in the second room and no one told me. You guys suck for that.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2004
I was really happy with the tournout. There was more than 100 there, and it was just another biweekly : ).

There were a few problems though. The biweekly before the NUB, someone took my silver controller. I forgot to check controllers this time to see who it was though. I want my controller back.

Also, I believe too many people were sitting on the edge of a table out in the halls and made it break. That sucks, because now I have to deal with a broken table. No more sitting on ****.

Also, someone spilled some foam-like, pink substance in the second room and no one told me. You guys suck for that.
Fortunately though, this will be the last biweekly : (

Or it MIGHT be. There are three possible ways to save them:

1. The easiest way to save them is if KizzoGirl (myself), simply starts doing them again. I could keep doing them all through my winter break, but I don't want to because I have plans this winter break that involve no responsibility whatsoever. "But what about next semester?" I don't want to do them next semester because I'll be taking harder classes and I'll need all the time I can get. "How about over summer at least?" That's too far away to tell. "What will happen when Brawl comes out?" That's irrelevant - when Brawl comes out, Brawl will come out. The status of the biweeklies is not dependent on Brawl.

2. The second-easiest way for the biweeklies to be saved is if someone else hosts them (belonging to SJSU Computer Science Club). The only people who could even be considered to do such a thing are Yen and Mike666. However, both of them aren't interested in keeping them stable or even doing them when they feel like it. Basically, they don't care as much as I do.

3. The last solution I can think of is to have someone else host them (not affiliated with SJSU). One person who happily volunteered was Quak. Unfortunately, it's hard for me to imagine anyone not even affiliated with SJSU (let alone the Computer Science Club) be responsible for all of our stuff.


I can't really think of any good solutions, which leaves me to announce that the biweeklies are on hiatus until further notice.
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