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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
I can vouch, Inui only uses white Snake (and MK/Marth, for that matter), because he is a white supremacist and hates minorities. <3

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
<3 Bleachigo.

I'd like our 3rd match to go up. I wanna see what I was doing. I have no set plan to fight falco and never have time to think in the match bc of the stupid lasers :(.

First game he beat my diddy legit on LC last stock 70%. 2nd game I went Sonic 2stocked him 40%. Third game was going well till the end on RC, I Dair, platform appears, i suffer landing lag, MK Dsmash near blast zone = dead Kai XD. Oh well, he won. I wouldn't try to take that away from him.
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