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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I watched it when it was new. :)

<-- Old.

Dude... I even watched almost every episode of the X-Files and the movie for it when I was a kid. >_>;


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
i'm way too lazy to list all of what i wanna argue with inui about lol

but i will say this

1.Didn't kai say he doesn't even know the matchup as it is
2.As far as it counts You BOTH didn't have access to higher tier characters (Johns)
3. Saying you had no resolve to win is the most BS john i've ever heard
4.It was low tiers and the fact remains it wasn't regular singles (john all u want :3)
and 5.You mad

and since were throwing around john cards

Kai sucided and counterpicked badly in a LOW tier match

Hell in fact i sucided against ksizzle in round 2 He didnt beat me i sucided then i had no resolve to win makes sense right?

Low tiers was made for fun, and for people who main the lower tiers characters for fun can compete in a higher tier free environment without them getting ***** >.<

Low tier tournaments are simply for clean healthy competitive fun not a free trip on the power rankings

and if the NJ panel actually think low tier wins is deserving of a power rankings then NJ power rankings have gone to a new low

i mean inui i dont understand what the big deal is

just challenge them to a 5dollar MM :laugh::laugh:

Right sir?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Allied, every argument NOT mine has been thoroughly wrecked. I am done. I have proven myself totally right over and over.

Just stfu, kid. It's over.


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
I never asked for you to address anything, fool

I was merely repeating facts

What i was trying to tell you was

If you can beat them in low tier just do it again in regular to make it count >.>

can't be too hard right? you were handicapped right?

all this to have pointless wins counted?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
Well, there are other panelists in charge of the rankings people so dont fret. keitaro and inui gave thier points. kai i dont what hes siding on. pierce and i havent said anything cuz this is dumb. ill say something soon tho.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Well, there are other panelists in charge of the rankings people so dont fret. keitaro and inui gave thier points. kai i dont what hes siding on. pierce and i havent said anything cuz this is dumb. ill say something soon tho.

I don't understand the debate here. I've already proven myself right. Nobody has contested my logic at all. Disagreeing with me on this is just...silly.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006

typical answer for a typical person. When your wrong you write IDC to make it should like your above everyone. Stop trying it...does not work.

@ksizzle : inui does have a point however I do understand that things would be different if inui used his main. At the same time he may have a point about being at a disadvantage. IMO it should all be clarified in the rules cause Inui does bring up low tiers often and maybe it should be noted that no matter if low tiers should or should not be included.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Serious sets for money.

Mains were involved.

In fact, everyone I faced but Mew2King and Zucco, mained the characters they used against me. My bracket was Camalange, Lawz, Vex, Zucco, Mew2King, Kai, Mew2King. I fought mostly people that mained the characters they got to use, which is why those wins actually count for me. If someone beats my Ike, they can count it. Ike is real for me. He's in my top three and I do use him in real tournaments.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
like i give a dam if he handicapped himself. kai has a diddy and zucco has a lucario. vex has a ddd. who knows if they wanted to use them?

whoa alex calm down with that people like you in life dont last long. dont be so harsh. kai didnt care about ur opinion. why reply with something like that? did he deserve it? if so, show me

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
Serious sets for money.

Mains were involved.

In fact, everyone I faced but Mew2King and Zucco, mained the characters they used against me. My bracket was Camalange, Lawz, Vex, Zucco, Mew2King, Kai, Mew2King. I fought mostly people that mained the characters they got to use, which is why those wins actually count for me. If someone beats my Ike, they can count it. Ike is real for me. He's in my top three and I do use him in real tournaments.

well the rankings should have that put in that way no one can question you. You have a point but just have it written so people cannot *****

Kelvin - sit with everyone and discuss it and make a final ruling whats the point of arguing. His mind will not change and neither will yours. Make something final and it will make a lot more sense and that way no one can argue about it from this point forward.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
like i give a dam if he handicapped himself. kai has a diddy and zucco has a lucario. vex has a ddd. who knows if they wanted to use them?
I did not count Zucco. Why do people keep bringing him up? He mains Lucario.

Vex would not use Dedede against me. Is that some sort of joke? I have ***** his Dedede over and over and I **** Dedede in general. He'd use Bowser because he's been going 100% Bowser for a while now.

well the rankings should have that put in that way no one can question you. You have a point but just have it written so people cannot *****
You're right.

We did all agree that all serious sets for cash involving mains count. Low tiers had a $5 entry fee, which is our minimum. Mains were involved. It meets the requirements to count.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
Neither do people who constantly have to go to hospitals.

I didn't start disrespecting you, don't start.

thats fine I dont go to hospitals anymore XD I am actually well and happy. The ignore feature is a wonderful thing and the block button XD. Making comments like that are disrespecting but you do not have respect for yourself cause you criticize everyone and make it your mission to annoy. I'd say FU but thats kinda too nice to say. I figure I'd let life come to you and see how people like you fair rather than do anything like comment back.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
thats fine I dont go to hospitals anymore XD I am actually well and happy. The ignore feature is a wonderful thing and the block button XD. Making comments like that are disrespecting but you do not have respect for yourself cause you criticize everyone and make it your mission to annoy. I'd say FU but thats kinda too nice to say. I figure I'd let life come to you and see how people like you fair rather than do anything like comment back.
I love how you mention life all the time.

Luckily my financial situation isn't horrible, I go to school, and work. You are not the only one with priorities out of brawl. I never see you outside of events but you know me sooo well XD. Enjoy


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Keep your fighting between yourselves, please. I'd prefer my crew not fight amongst themselves in public like this, especially two rather important members.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
I love how you mention life all the time.

Luckily my financial situation isn't horrible, I go to school, and work. You are not the only one with priorities out of brawl. I never see you outside of events but you know me sooo well XD. Enjoy

Im suppose to be impressed? I went to school ( graduated ) and I work full time and a possible masters degree. I am glad I am not the only one with priorities outside of brawl that makes me feel good knowing people have lives. Its fine that I do not see you outside of events. The only ones I'd ever see would be Inui, Atomsk, Dave, Vex, and of course Crismas cause I get along with them in and out of smash.

Congrads on making a statement that is obvious for many people in this community I think we can call you Kaiber Obvious now lol.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Im suppose to be impressed? I went to school ( graduated ) and I work full time and a possible masters degree. I am glad I am not the only one with priorities outside of brawl that makes me feel good knowing people have lives. Its fine that I do not see you outside of events. The only ones I'd ever see would be Inui, Atomsk, Dave, Vex, and of course Crismas cause I get along with them in and out of smash.

Congrads on making a statement that is obvious for many people in this community I think we can call you Kaiber Obvious now lol.
I did not bring it up initially. You mentioned "life". I was reminding you that you are not the only one with one. I am 19. Master's degree doesn't come that early. I wasn't trying to impress.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
I did not bring it up initially. You mentioned "life". I was reminding you that you are not the only one with one. I am 19. Master's degree doesn't come that early. I wasn't trying to impress.
ya you can take life many ways but it does not bother me either way.

Inui : I'd take it elsewhere if I could but I'll respect it and drop it cause someone has to.
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