Whether you like it or not, even in a bad condition, he did beat us before. Hey, he may not be great, but he knows how to play.
Hell, he can beat and top other players who go to tourneys. The thing is, is that I am just upset about beating NL the previous night then losing to jigglymaster. Before when I played jigglymaster, I 2 stocked him twice, from my memory, I can be wrong though.
I don't know if anyone has anything against you, I don't, however, think of beating M2K in a match then losing to uh... MKsnadofiend666 the next.
EDIT)) It's just sad for me, not for you, good job for you.
From both sides, stop the drama, it's not cool for NJ's image really, but I don't care either way. Come on d: