Manga and mango in Portuguese are written the same, so the pun works even better. Oh, and "manga" can also mean sleeve (as in, the sleeve of a shirt).
And this is why Americans are terrible at foreign languages.
La Vita es Bella is precisely what I was thinking of as I made that statement.
Well, bear in mind that I say this as a language teacher. Reason all my students suck at English is cause all films are dubbed to Spanish over here.
Here in Portugal, only shows/films targeted to children are dubbed, with theaters also providing the option to watch it in the original language (with subtitles in Portuguese, of course).
Subtitles are the norm here. The majority of foreign works aimed at ages 6 or up (as in, the age group that is expected to know how to read) is shown in the original language subbed. This goes for theaters, TV broadcasting and so on. And yes, anime is shown in Japanese, though sometimes they use other foreign dubs (I remember watching anime in English or Spanish on TV as a kid).
Can't watch the top three because... Sony won't allow it in my country? Weird.
That last one was good though, but I was talking about the lyrics. Pumpkin Hill level of cringe.
I can watch them with no problem... Weird.
And yes, the music was produced by Sony Music Japan. Sawano produces music under the Sony Music label. Ironic considering the game is a Nintendo game, isn't it? Well, Nintendo and Sony only compete on the video game market, after all. In fact, the music for the Pokémon anime is also produced by Sony Music (though Sawano isn't the composer).
As for the lyrics, they're pretty much a staple of Sawano's work. His anime OSTs tend to have lyrics as well. They usually relate to the work he's composing for, actually. He collaborates with a lot of vocalists for his music. Some of them are kind of cheesy and sometimes the singers don't pronounce English too well, but some are actually pretty good sounding.