Limit Break - Over time Clive's limit bar will charge, it charges by taking damage or dealing damage, when it is full, clive will activate it and become faster and his attacks are infused with Flame. When limit is active, Torgal goes into his fenrir form.
Torgal - Clive is accompanied by Torgal who appears in the background and appears for some attacks.
--Basic Attacks--
Jab: The 4-hit combo from FFXVI
Side tilt:
Magic Burst - Clives swings his left hand as a burst of fire magic appears in front of him
Up tilt: An upwards slash
Down tilt:
Charged Torrent - Clive uses the Leviathan Arm to shoot a blast of water at a downwards angle (Mii Gunner D-tilt).
Dash Attack:
Lunge - Same as the attack from 16, Clive lunges forward and stabs
Side Smash:
Windup - One of Titan's Fists appears next to Clive and punches forwards.
Up Smash:
Ice Age - Clive summons a large pillar of ice in front of him. This freezes opponents.
Down Smash:
Pile Drive - Clive takes Ramuh's Staff and stabs it into the ground, creating an explosion of electricity around him
Neutral air:
Will-'o-the-Wykes - A series of fireballs surround Clive, this is a multi-hit Nair.
Forward Air: A downwards slash that spikes.
Back Air:
Magic Burst - Clive sticks his hand backwards and an explosion of flame is released from his palm.
Up Air: An Upwards Slash
Down Air:
Downthrust - The same as the attack from 16, Clive slams his sword downwards, it's a stall and fall.
Fire/Fira - Tapping the button has Clive shoot out a bolt of fire forwards, holding the button charges up the attack making it more powerful and explodes on contact.
Phoenix Shift - Clive disappears and teleports forwards a little bit, reappearing can allow Clive to perform Shift Strike, a Fiery downwards slash with his sword. Reappearing on an enemy automatically performs the Shift Strike.
Zantetsuken - Clive charges a powerful slash with Odin's Sword, the move changes depending on how long the attack has been charged, there are 5 levels of the attack.
Lvl. 1 - The simplest slash, A vertical slash upwards. It can be used repeatedly.
Lvl. 2 - The slash now has more range.
Lvl. 3 - The slash once connects will temporarily hitstun opponents as they take a flurry of smaller slashes.
Lvl. 4 - Clive now performs and downward slash after the first slash
Lvl. 5 - The primary slash is now horizontal instead of vertical, there is only one, and Clive moves forward when he slashes, anyone over 150% is KO'd instantly
Wings Of Light/Gigaflare - Clive spins upwards while activating Bahamut's Eikonic Ability, he is surrounded by 2 projectiles from Impulse that deal damage, After Clive has ascended he will slowly descend downwards, if you press B again while descending, Clive will perform Gigaflare, where Clive shoots out a large beam of light down on to the stage, it can slightly be aimed. The longer you are hovering, the longer Gigaflare will be active.
Final Smash:
Hellfire - Clive primes as Ifrit jumps into the background and starts to channel Hellfire, he creates a large ball of fire that charges for 3 seconds before the ball is sent towards the stage and explodes sending out a series of smaller fiery projectiles.
Deadly Embrace - Clive sends out Garuda's claw, and grabs the opponent and pulls them towards him, Torgal also appears next to Clive. It is technically a tether, does not give Clive a Z-air
Pummel: Clive knees the opponent.
F-throw: Clive slashes the opponent forwards
Sic - Torgal jumps behind the opponent and bites them.
Ravage - Torgal performs the ravage attack and sends the opponent flying
D-throw: Clive slams the opponent down and stomps on them.
Entrance: Clive and Torgal walk in as Clive draws his sword
Up taunt: Clive closes his left hand and a burst of elemental energy appears from it, the type of energy changes each time in a random order (Fire, Electricity, Ice, Wind, Earth, Light, Darkness)
Side Taunt: Clive feeds Torgal
Down Taunt: Clive pulls out a Phoenix down as the wings of the Phoenix appear behind him
Victory 1: Clive takes his sword stabs it into the ground with both hands and fire appears around it as the camera focuses on his face.
Victory 2: Clive bends down to pet Torgal
Victory 3: Clive in his primed form, stabs his sword into the ground as Torgal in his fenrir form walks behind him. The background is on fire.
Team Victory: Clive pets Torgal
1: Clives default design post timeskip
2: Teen Clive colors
3: Ramuh Colors
4: Garuda Colors
5: Titan Colors
6: Infernal Shadow Clive
7: Clive's Burnt Black outfit
8: Burnt Black outfit but with the colors of Jill's Snow White costume
Gains Clive's hair and beard as well as his Brand from before the timeskip
Phoenix Gate - Taking place in the middle of the clash between the Phoenix and Ifrit. The layout is 3 main platforms, a wall to the leftand a platform sticking out of there, and a ground floor covered in fire and rubble that damages you and can KO you if you are at a high enough percentage. The battle with Phoenix and Ifrit will mean that fireballs will rain from the sky that explode and deal damage, as well as the wall getting destroyed causing the middle platform to disappear.
(The orange area is the fire)
Final stock/last minute will transition into the area where Clive battled Infernal Shadow Ifrit, It is just a simple walk-off as you see the 2 Ifrits Duel.
Victory music:
Final Fantasy XVI Victory Jingle
Find The Flame
Regular music:
Titan Lost
To Sail Forbidden Seas
Do or Die
The Riddle
Hymn of the Penitent
All as One
Away (1987)
--Classic Mode--
Name: Eikonic Clash (Fighters that resemble the Eikon boss fights from FFXVI)
The First - Falco on Phoenix Gate
The Second - ZSS on Gerudo Valley
The Third - Zelda on Garreg Mach
The Fourth - Donkey Kong on Mushroomy Kingdom
The Fifth - Ganondorf on Reset Bomb Forest
The Sixth - Clive (In his Infernal Shadow Costume) on Phoenix Gate
The Boss - Rathalos
--Boxing Ring Title--
Shield Of Rosaria