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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I've been playing a lot of Hades recently, so I've written up a moveset for Zagreus, the main character of that game. I wasn't sure about making an entire thread for the character, so I figured that I'd post it here.

Zagreus Raises Hell! (or, if that’s not acceptable by the ESRB, Zagreus Breaks Out!)

Zagreus’s palette swaps are based on other characters that he encounters – Thanatos (black and gold), Megaera (blue and yellow), Charon (an inverted version of Thanatos’s colours – far more gold than black), Nyx (purple), Cerberus/Hypnos (mostly red with some green), Achilles/Dusa (green with blonde hair), and Persephone (white with some green, and his hair is very light blonde).

For a series logo, I’ll go with Hades’ symbol, which appears on Charon’s obols and Hades’ beard, among other places.

For a stage, I’m going with House of Hades, where Zagreus returns every single time that he dies. Specifically, the main lobby, where Hades is sitting at his desk in the background as shades pass through. Various characters can be present in the background, whether it’s Cerberus, Thanatos, Megaera, Orpheus, Nyx, Achilles, or Hades himself. If Zagreus is being played as, Hades is always absent for reasons that I’ll get into later. The house contractor is always present, and will occasionally get tossed some gems or diamonds to add new features to the house, that act as platforms or obstacles.

Zagreus arrives on stage similarly to how he starts a run – by falling from the sky and landing on the platform, though fire flares out of the ground on either side of him as he lands. For his idle animations, he hops from foot to foot impatiently or twirls his sword.


Zagreus will cycle between his various weapons for the moveset, though he’ll generally be holding the Stygian Blade in his right hand, keeping his left hand free, and taking the others out as he needs them. To justify his main gimmick (which I’ll get into later), he’ll be wearing the Shattered Shackle from Sisyphus on his arm.

A-->AA-->AAA: Zagreus swings the Stygian Blade twice before stabbing with it.

Forward A: Zagreus stabs with the Eternal Spear

Up A: Zagreus uppercuts the enemy twice (based on the Twin Fists of Malphon’s special)

Down A: Zagreus throws out two quick punches with the Twin Fists of Malphon

Forward Smash: Bull Rush – while charging, Zagreus holds the Shield of Chaos in front of him, which blocks attacks from the front like Link’s shield. Upon release, he shoves with the shield; it doesn’t send enemies as far as most Smash attacks or have much range to compensate for its blocking properties.

Up Smash: Zagreus shoots an explosive into the air, which acts like Snake’s mortar. (based on the Adamant Rail’s special)

Down Smash: Zagreus uses the Eternal Spear’s spin attack

Neutral Air: Zagreus spins around, swinging the Shield of Chaos

Forward Air: Zagreus fires the Adamant Rail (basically a machine gun) at a slightly downwards angle – the recoil pushes him back slightly.

Back Air: Zagreus turns around, swinging the Stygian Blade behind himself.

Up Air: Zagreus throws the Shield of Chaos into the air

Down Air: Zagreus uses the Heart-Seeking Bow’s Volley Fire ability straight down. (fires several arrows quickly in an arc)

Dash Attack: Zagreus thrusts with the Stygian Blade

Wake-Up Attack: Zagreus punches on either side of him with the Twin Fists of Malphon

Climb Attack: Zagreus climbs back on stage, swinging the Stygian Blade vertically at the ground.


Grab: Zagreus grabs the opponent with his left hand.

Pummel: Zagreus hits the opponent with the bottom of the sword.

Forward Throw: Zagreus quickly charges up a shot with the Heart-Seeking Bow, firing it point-blank to knock the opponent away.

Back Throw: Zagreus stabs the opponent with the Eternal Spear and throws it behind him, with the opponent still attached to it. He recalls the spear shortly after, though the opponent keeps flying in the original direction.

Up Throw: Zagreus uppercuts the enemy with the Twin Fists of Malphon, launching them into the air.

Down Throw: Zagreus throws the opponent to the ground and smacks them in the back with the Shield of Chaos before kicking them away.


Up Taunt: Zagreus pumps his arm into the air, which he does when he catches a fish.

Side Taunt: Zagreus points forward, like he does in front of the motivational poster, and tries giving a motivational speech that just sounds lame.

Down Taunt: Zagreus puts his hand on his face and shakes his head


Unlike most of my move lists, I’m going to start with Down B, since it’s the source of Zagreus’s main gimmick.

Down B: Fickle Boon. Much like Shulk’s Monado art, Zagreus can cycle between six boons, which have different effects on his specials:

  • none – represented by a gray picture of Bouldy, Sisyphus’s boulder. No special powers, but it’s more powerful
  • Zeus – represented by a lightning bolt in a yellow circle.
  • Poseidon – represented by a trident in a blue circle.
  • Athena – represented by a shield in a yellow and blue circle.
  • Artemis – represented by a bow and arrow in a green circle.
  • Ares – represented by a spear in a red circle.

The boons decrease the damage of Zagreus’s specials slightly, and he travels shorter distances for his side B and up B in exchange for abilities that are detailed below.

B: Cast. Zagreus fires a red projectile, and if it hits the enemy, it latches on to them, indicated by a Bloodstone symbol (a red prism) above their life bar. Only one Bloodstone can be latched on to anyone at a time, and while it’s latched, Zagreus deals more damage to them. Hitting the opponent enough times, or hitting them hard enough, will knock the Bloodstone out of them.

  • Zeus: the cast projectile becomes chain lightning, bouncing between up to three opponents. The Bloodstone will latch onto the last person who is hit.
  • Poseidon: the cast projectile knocks enemies away once it hits
  • Athena: the cast projectile’s range is shorter, but it can deflect projectiles
  • Artemis: the cast has a slight homing ability, and is flanked by two homing arrows that deal additional damage.
  • Ares: the cast sends a Blade Rift (a whirling circle of blades) ahead. The Blade Rift is slower than the normal cast, and has a shorter range, but it deals significantly more damage if the whole thing hits.

Up B: Dash. Zagreus dashes upwards, which can be controlled similar to Lucario’s up B. This does no damage without any boons, though it travels farther.

  • Zeus: lightning strikes where he started the dash
  • Poseidon: when he reaches the end of the dash, water bursts out from Zagreus to knock opponents away and damage them
  • Athena: a shield appears around Zagreus at the start of the dash, deflecting projectiles
  • Artemis: the attack ignores super armour (based on some of her skills doing more damage to armour)
  • Ares: a Blade Rift appears where Zagreus started, continuously dealing damage for a second or two

Side B: Nova Smash. Leaping forward, Zagreus swings the sword downwards, creating a small burst as an area attack.

  • Zeus: lightning strikes on the outer edges of the shockwave, dealing significantly more damage if the opponent is on the outer edge of the shockwave
  • Poseidon: water bursts out from Zagreus, causing enemies to get send further away
  • Athena: a shield appears around Zagreus to deflect projectiles, though it’s in a much tighter circle than the shockwave
  • Artemis: the shockwave has a small chance to inflict critical damage, significantly increasing damage and knockback
  • Ares: the shockwave causes Doom, meaning that a few seconds after it hits, opponents take extra damage, though the extra damage doesn’t cause knockback.

Final Smash: Blood and Darkness. Hades appears in a puff of smoke, saying something like “Thought you could escape me, boy?” before burning off his cloak. Hades teleports into the air and starts firing lasers all over the stage, with Zagreus dashing to avoid them. Zagreus is temporarily invincible (as shown by a blue crystalline shield around him), but his opponents aren’t so lucky.


For his first victory pose, Zagreus places his sword on his shoulder, like his stance on the game’s title screen. For his second one, he bites into a slice of a Pom of Power, and he makes a comment about how good it tastes. For his third victory pose, Cerberus growls at the camera before Zagreus walks on-screen. Cerberus’s demeanour immediately changes to being a big, friendly three-headed dog as Zagreus pets him.

For a victory theme, the first thing that comes to mind is a snippet from No Escape, the game’s title theme. (the 23 second mark or the ending seem like good notes to possibly end on)

When Kirby absorbs Zagreus, he gets Zagreus’s hair and laurel wreath, along with his Cast ability. Like with Zagreus, Kirby’s attacks will deal more damage to whoever it latches onto, though Kirby’s Bloodstone is pink to differentiate it from Zagreus’s.
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Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Anyway we all know TGA is a sham because Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2 isn't on every category
Every category at TGA you say? Well, if the Farming Simulator League is a thing:

...Then maybe Bloodstained could be an e-sport too and be in the running for the e-sports categories? :4pacman:

(I was also considering the Minecraft e-sports replay with Devil Trigger or the Tom and Jerry e-sports tournament, but Farming Simulator League's nearly impossible to top.

This part of the post in a nutshell: Has e-sports gone too far? :4dedede:)

This is pretty much my line of thinking regarding this year's TGA. GoT is the one I respect the most because of its launch state, Hades is the one I'd want to win on a personal level and AC is the one I want to win just to see the world burn. :roll:
Well, can't spell Villager without the first part of "Villain". Additional plot twist: Resident Evil 8: Village(r) is likely to have cross-over content from Animal Crossing. :p

(Damn it, I keep thinking that GoT is Game of Thrones. GoT at TGA when?)

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Every category at TGA you say? Well, if the Farming Simulator League is a thing:

...Then maybe Bloodstained could be an e-sport too and be in the running for the e-sports categories? :4pacman:

(I was also considering the Minecraft e-sports replay with Devil Trigger or the Tom and Jerry e-sports tournament, but Farming Simulator League's nearly impossible to top.

This part of the post in a nutshell: Has e-sports gone too far? :4dedede:)

Well, can't spell Villager without the first part of "Villain". Additional plot twist: Resident Evil 8: Village(r) is likely to have cross-over content from Animal Crossing. :p

(Damn it, I keep thinking that GoT is Game of Thrones. GoT at TGA when?)
I think most of us have actively tried to disassociate GoT with Game of Thrones ever since that disasterrific final season

I do, and I’ve never even watched the show


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Well, can't spell Villager without the first part of "Villain". Additional plot twist: Resident Evil 8: Village(r) is likely to have cross-over content from Animal Crossing. :p

(Damn it, I keep thinking that GoT is Game of Thrones. GoT at TGA when?)
Think of it this way: there's no other frontrunners for GotY anymore.

Villager made sure of that. :4villager:


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Just because the roster won't expand forever doesn't mean they'll straight up stop adding newcomers.
Of course not!
If I was unclear- I just meant, reading "oh they'll get in next game" just rubs me the wrong way.
Without the reboot conversation, again, it's just... not a satisfactory answer.
A huge part of the appeal of getting a character now is that you can faceoff against the cast that already exists, which is enormous.
Getting Bomberman in the next Smash? Cool. But it's seemingly guaranteed I cannot be Bomberman v Snake v Cloud.
So, the statement of, 'yeah, maybe next game' isn't really... satisfactory, to what the intent seems to usually be.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I've been playing a lot of Hades recently, so I've written up a moveset for Zagreus, the main character of that game. I wasn't sure about making an entire thread for the character, so I figured that I'd post it here.

Zagreus Raises Hell! (or, if that’s not acceptable by the ESRB, Zagreus Breaks Out!)

Zagreus’s palette swaps are based on other characters that he encounters – Thanatos (black and gold), Megaera (blue and yellow), Charon (an inverted version of Thanatos’s colours – far more gold than black), Nyx (purple), Cerberus/Hypnos (mostly red with some green), Achilles/Dusa (green with blonde hair), and Persephone (white with some green, and his hair is very light blonde).

For a series logo, I’ll go with Hades’ symbol, which appears on Charon’s obols and Hades’ beard, among other places.

For a stage, I’m going with House of Hades, where Zagreus returns every single time that he dies. Specifically, the main lobby, where Hades is sitting at his desk in the background as shades pass through. Various characters can be present in the background, whether it’s Cerberus, Thanatos, Megaera, Orpheus, Nyx, Achilles, or Hades himself. If Zagreus is being played as, Hades is always absent for reasons that I’ll get into later. The house contractor is always present, and will occasionally get tossed some gems or diamonds to add new features to the house, that act as platforms or obstacles.

Zagreus arrives on stage similarly to how he starts a run – by falling from the sky and landing on the platform, though fire flares out of the ground on either side of him as he lands. For his idle animations, he hops from foot to foot impatiently or twirls his sword.


Zagreus will cycle between his various weapons for the moveset, though he’ll generally be holding the Stygian Blade in his right hand, keeping his left hand free, and taking the others out as he needs them. To justify his main gimmick (which I’ll get into later), he’ll be wearing the Shattered Shackle from Sisyphus on his arm.

A-->AA-->AAA: Zagreus swings the Stygian Blade twice before stabbing with it.

Forward A: Zagreus stabs with the Eternal Spear

Up A: Zagreus uppercuts the enemy twice (based on the Twin Fists of Malphon’s special)

Down A: Zagreus throws out two quick punches with the Twin Fists of Malphon

Forward Smash: Bull Rush – while charging, Zagreus holds the Shield of Chaos in front of him, which blocks attacks from the front like Link’s shield. Upon release, he shoves with the shield; it doesn’t send enemies as far as most Smash attacks or have much range to compensate for its blocking properties.

Up Smash: Zagreus shoots an explosive into the air, which acts like Snake’s mortar. (based on the Adamant Rail’s special)

Down Smash: Zagreus uses the Eternal Spear’s spin attack

Neutral Air: Zagreus spins around, swinging the Shield of Chaos

Forward Air: Zagreus fires the Adamant Rail (basically a machine gun) at a slightly downwards angle – the recoil pushes him back slightly.

Back Air: Zagreus turns around, swinging the Stygian Blade behind himself.

Up Air: Zagreus throws the Shield of Chaos into the air

Down Air: Zagreus uses the Heart-Seeking Bow’s Volley Fire ability straight down. (fires several arrows quickly in an arc)

Dash Attack: Zagreus thrusts with the Stygian Blade

Wake-Up Attack: Zagreus punches on either side of him with the Twin Fists of Malphon

Climb Attack: Zagreus climbs back on stage, swinging the Stygian Blade vertically along the ground.


Grab: Zagreus grabs the opponent with his left hand.

Pummel: Zagreus hits the opponent with the bottom of the sword.

Forward Throw: Zagreus quickly charges up a shot with the Heart-Seeking Bow, firing it point-blank to knock the opponent away.

Back Throw: Zagreus stabs the opponent with the Eternal Spear and throws it behind him, with the opponent still attached to it. He recalls the spear shortly after, though the opponent keeps flying in the original direction.

Up Throw: Zagreus uppercuts the enemy with the Twin Fists of Malphon, launching them into the air.

Down Throw: Zagreus throws the opponent to the ground and smacks them in the back with the Shield of Chaos before kicking them away.


Up Taunt: Zagreus pumps his arm into the air, which he does when he catches a fish.

Side Taunt: Zagreus points forward, like he does in front of the motivational poster, and tries giving a motivational speech that just sounds lame.

Down Taunt: Zagreus puts his hand on his face and shakes his head


Unlike most of my move lists, I’m going to start with Down B, since it’s the source of Zagreus’s main gimmick.

Down B: Fickle Boon. Much like Shulk’s Monado art, Zagreus can cycle between six boons, which have different effects on his specials:

  • none – represented by a gray picture of Bouldy, Sisyphus’s boulder. No special powers, but it’s more powerful
  • Zeus – represented by a lightning bolt in a yellow circle.
  • Poseidon – represented by a trident in a blue circle.
  • Athena – represented by a shield in a yellow and blue circle.
  • Artemis – represented by a bow and arrow in a green circle.
  • Ares – represented by a spear in a red circle.

The boons decrease the damage of Zagreus’s specials slightly, and he travels shorter distances for his side B and up B in exchange for abilities that are detailed below.

B: Cast. Zagreus fires a red projectile, and if it hits the enemy, it latches on to them, indicated by a Bloodstone symbol (a red prism) above their life bar. Only one Bloodstone can be latched on to anyone at a time, and while it’s latched, Zagreus deals more damage to them. Hitting the opponent enough times, or hitting them hard enough, will knock the Bloodstone out of them.

  • Zeus: the cast projectile becomes chain lightning, bouncing between up to three opponents. The Bloodstone will latch onto the last person who is hit.
  • Poseidon: the cast projectile knocks enemies away once it hits
  • Athena: the cast projectile’s range is shorter, but it can deflect projectiles
  • Artemis: the cast has a slight homing ability, and is flanked by two homing arrows that deal additional damage.
  • Ares: the cast sends a Blade Rift (a whirling circle of blades) ahead. The Blade Rift is slower than the normal cast, and has a shorter range, but it deals significantly more damage if the whole thing hits.

Up B: Dash. Zagreus dashes upwards, which can be controlled similar to Lucario’s up B. This does no damage without any boons, though it travels farther.

  • Zeus: lightning strikes where he started the dash
  • Poseidon: when he reaches the end of the dash, water bursts out from Zagreus to knock opponents away and damage them
  • Athena: a shield appears around Zagreus at the start of the dash, deflecting projectiles
  • Artemis: the attack ignores super armour (based on some of her skills doing more damage to armour)
  • Ares: a Blade Rift appears where Zagreus started, continuously dealing damage for a second or two

Side B: Nova Smash. Leaping forward, Zagreus swings the sword downwards, creating a small burst as an area attack.

  • Zeus: lightning strikes on the outer edges of the shockwave, dealing significantly more damage if the opponent is on the outer edge of the shockwave
  • Poseidon: water bursts out from Zagreus, causing enemies to get send further away
  • Athena: a shield appears around Zagreus to deflect projectiles, though it’s in a much tighter circle than the shockwave
  • Artemis: the shockwave has a small chance to inflict critical damage, significantly increasing damage and knockback
  • Ares: the shockwave causes Doom, meaning that a few seconds after it hits, opponents take extra damage, though the extra damage doesn’t cause knockback.

Final Smash: Blood and Darkness. Hades appears in a puff of smoke, saying something like “Thought you could escape me, boy?” before burning off his cloak. Hades teleports into the air before firing lasers all over the stage, with Zagreus dashing to avoid them. Zagreus is temporarily invincible (as shown by a blue crystalline shield around him), but his opponents aren’t so lucky.


For his first victory pose, Zagreus places his sword on his shoulder, like his stance on the game’s title screen. For his second one, he bites into a slice of a Pom of Power, and he makes a comment about how good it tastes. For his third victory pose, Cerberus growls at the camera before Zagreus walks on-screen. Cerberus’s demeanour immediately changes to being a big, friendly three-headed dog as Zagreus pets him.

For a victory theme, the first thing that comes to mind is a snippet from No Escape, the game’s title theme. (the 23 second mark or the ending seem like good notes to possibly end on)

When Kirby absorbs Zagreus, he gets Zagreus’s hair and laurel wreath, along with his Cast ability. Like with Zagreus, Kirby’s attacks will deal more damage to whoever it latches onto, though Kirby’s Bloodstone is pink to differentiate it from Zagreus’s.
This is really good. I liked how the boons affect his specials and the way you portrayed Zagreus' s personality.

My only complain is that his normals feel a little too hectic. Maybe something similar to Byleth's directional weapon switch can help Infernal Arms stand out more from each other.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
You guys ain't alone.

TLoU: Part II is bad fanfiction in the form of a game. People are just too blinded by the cinematic graphics to notice the bad story and writing.
I wasn't blinded by the cinematic graphics. But my heart reached out to the fact that they had the balls to make a character that many grew up with, whom we watched as a child, have an intense coming out. That alone makes it a game for impact, in my eyes.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
This is really good. I liked how the boons affect his specials and the way you portrayed Zagreus' s personality.

My only complain is that his normals feel a little too hectic. Maybe something similar to Byleth's directional weapon switch can help Infernal Arms stand out more from each other.
That's fair - I just went with weapons that seemed to fit the direction, as opposed to trying to have a theme to how the weapons were used. I wanted to include all six weapons, though it seemed tough to include the projectile weapons.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
I've been playing a lot of Hades recently, so I've written up a moveset for Zagreus, the main character of that game. I wasn't sure about making an entire thread for the character, so I figured that I'd post it here.

Zagreus Raises Hell! (or, if that’s not acceptable by the ESRB, Zagreus Breaks Out!)

Zagreus’s palette swaps are based on other characters that he encounters – Thanatos (black and gold), Megaera (blue and yellow), Charon (an inverted version of Thanatos’s colours – far more gold than black), Nyx (purple), Cerberus/Hypnos (mostly red with some green), Achilles/Dusa (green with blonde hair), and Persephone (white with some green, and his hair is very light blonde).

For a series logo, I’ll go with Hades’ symbol, which appears on Charon’s obols and Hades’ beard, among other places.

For a stage, I’m going with House of Hades, where Zagreus returns every single time that he dies. Specifically, the main lobby, where Hades is sitting at his desk in the background as shades pass through. Various characters can be present in the background, whether it’s Cerberus, Thanatos, Megaera, Orpheus, Nyx, Achilles, or Hades himself. If Zagreus is being played as, Hades is always absent for reasons that I’ll get into later. The house contractor is always present, and will occasionally get tossed some gems or diamonds to add new features to the house, that act as platforms or obstacles.

Zagreus arrives on stage similarly to how he starts a run – by falling from the sky and landing on the platform, though fire flares out of the ground on either side of him as he lands. For his idle animations, he hops from foot to foot impatiently or twirls his sword.


Zagreus will cycle between his various weapons for the moveset, though he’ll generally be holding the Stygian Blade in his right hand, keeping his left hand free, and taking the others out as he needs them. To justify his main gimmick (which I’ll get into later), he’ll be wearing the Shattered Shackle from Sisyphus on his arm.

A-->AA-->AAA: Zagreus swings the Stygian Blade twice before stabbing with it.

Forward A: Zagreus stabs with the Eternal Spear

Up A: Zagreus uppercuts the enemy twice (based on the Twin Fists of Malphon’s special)

Down A: Zagreus throws out two quick punches with the Twin Fists of Malphon

Forward Smash: Bull Rush – while charging, Zagreus holds the Shield of Chaos in front of him, which blocks attacks from the front like Link’s shield. Upon release, he shoves with the shield; it doesn’t send enemies as far as most Smash attacks or have much range to compensate for its blocking properties.

Up Smash: Zagreus shoots an explosive into the air, which acts like Snake’s mortar. (based on the Adamant Rail’s special)

Down Smash: Zagreus uses the Eternal Spear’s spin attack

Neutral Air: Zagreus spins around, swinging the Shield of Chaos

Forward Air: Zagreus fires the Adamant Rail (basically a machine gun) at a slightly downwards angle – the recoil pushes him back slightly.

Back Air: Zagreus turns around, swinging the Stygian Blade behind himself.

Up Air: Zagreus throws the Shield of Chaos into the air

Down Air: Zagreus uses the Heart-Seeking Bow’s Volley Fire ability straight down. (fires several arrows quickly in an arc)

Dash Attack: Zagreus thrusts with the Stygian Blade

Wake-Up Attack: Zagreus punches on either side of him with the Twin Fists of Malphon

Climb Attack: Zagreus climbs back on stage, swinging the Stygian Blade vertically along the ground.


Grab: Zagreus grabs the opponent with his left hand.

Pummel: Zagreus hits the opponent with the bottom of the sword.

Forward Throw: Zagreus quickly charges up a shot with the Heart-Seeking Bow, firing it point-blank to knock the opponent away.

Back Throw: Zagreus stabs the opponent with the Eternal Spear and throws it behind him, with the opponent still attached to it. He recalls the spear shortly after, though the opponent keeps flying in the original direction.

Up Throw: Zagreus uppercuts the enemy with the Twin Fists of Malphon, launching them into the air.

Down Throw: Zagreus throws the opponent to the ground and smacks them in the back with the Shield of Chaos before kicking them away.


Up Taunt: Zagreus pumps his arm into the air, which he does when he catches a fish.

Side Taunt: Zagreus points forward, like he does in front of the motivational poster, and tries giving a motivational speech that just sounds lame.

Down Taunt: Zagreus puts his hand on his face and shakes his head


Unlike most of my move lists, I’m going to start with Down B, since it’s the source of Zagreus’s main gimmick.

Down B: Fickle Boon. Much like Shulk’s Monado art, Zagreus can cycle between six boons, which have different effects on his specials:

  • none – represented by a gray picture of Bouldy, Sisyphus’s boulder. No special powers, but it’s more powerful
  • Zeus – represented by a lightning bolt in a yellow circle.
  • Poseidon – represented by a trident in a blue circle.
  • Athena – represented by a shield in a yellow and blue circle.
  • Artemis – represented by a bow and arrow in a green circle.
  • Ares – represented by a spear in a red circle.

The boons decrease the damage of Zagreus’s specials slightly, and he travels shorter distances for his side B and up B in exchange for abilities that are detailed below.

B: Cast. Zagreus fires a red projectile, and if it hits the enemy, it latches on to them, indicated by a Bloodstone symbol (a red prism) above their life bar. Only one Bloodstone can be latched on to anyone at a time, and while it’s latched, Zagreus deals more damage to them. Hitting the opponent enough times, or hitting them hard enough, will knock the Bloodstone out of them.

  • Zeus: the cast projectile becomes chain lightning, bouncing between up to three opponents. The Bloodstone will latch onto the last person who is hit.
  • Poseidon: the cast projectile knocks enemies away once it hits
  • Athena: the cast projectile’s range is shorter, but it can deflect projectiles
  • Artemis: the cast has a slight homing ability, and is flanked by two homing arrows that deal additional damage.
  • Ares: the cast sends a Blade Rift (a whirling circle of blades) ahead. The Blade Rift is slower than the normal cast, and has a shorter range, but it deals significantly more damage if the whole thing hits.

Up B: Dash. Zagreus dashes upwards, which can be controlled similar to Lucario’s up B. This does no damage without any boons, though it travels farther.

  • Zeus: lightning strikes where he started the dash
  • Poseidon: when he reaches the end of the dash, water bursts out from Zagreus to knock opponents away and damage them
  • Athena: a shield appears around Zagreus at the start of the dash, deflecting projectiles
  • Artemis: the attack ignores super armour (based on some of her skills doing more damage to armour)
  • Ares: a Blade Rift appears where Zagreus started, continuously dealing damage for a second or two

Side B: Nova Smash. Leaping forward, Zagreus swings the sword downwards, creating a small burst as an area attack.

  • Zeus: lightning strikes on the outer edges of the shockwave, dealing significantly more damage if the opponent is on the outer edge of the shockwave
  • Poseidon: water bursts out from Zagreus, causing enemies to get send further away
  • Athena: a shield appears around Zagreus to deflect projectiles, though it’s in a much tighter circle than the shockwave
  • Artemis: the shockwave has a small chance to inflict critical damage, significantly increasing damage and knockback
  • Ares: the shockwave causes Doom, meaning that a few seconds after it hits, opponents take extra damage, though the extra damage doesn’t cause knockback.

Final Smash: Blood and Darkness. Hades appears in a puff of smoke, saying something like “Thought you could escape me, boy?” before burning off his cloak. Hades teleports into the air before firing lasers all over the stage, with Zagreus dashing to avoid them. Zagreus is temporarily invincible (as shown by a blue crystalline shield around him), but his opponents aren’t so lucky.


For his first victory pose, Zagreus places his sword on his shoulder, like his stance on the game’s title screen. For his second one, he bites into a slice of a Pom of Power, and he makes a comment about how good it tastes. For his third victory pose, Cerberus growls at the camera before Zagreus walks on-screen. Cerberus’s demeanour immediately changes to being a big, friendly three-headed dog as Zagreus pets him.

For a victory theme, the first thing that comes to mind is a snippet from No Escape, the game’s title theme. (the 23 second mark or the ending seem like good notes to possibly end on)

When Kirby absorbs Zagreus, he gets Zagreus’s hair and laurel wreath, along with his Cast ability. Like with Zagreus, Kirby’s attacks will deal more damage to whoever it latches onto, though Kirby’s Bloodstone is pink to differentiate it from Zagreus’s.
Great work and very cool moveset, I must say
It won't happen but Zagreus in Smash would be really really cool, seriously.

There was a problem fetching the tweet
Jesus christ Capcom's going ing ape with giving fans damn near everything they want here
I saw it a few minutes ago
Where the **** is AA7 they better not play with me

Also more things have popped up. A new Ghost and Goblins game made with the RE engine is supposed to release early 2021, first on Switch

PD: Also RIP DMC6 coming in the next few years, based Itsuno-san working on Dragon's Dogma 2, which was a given, but still :(


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2019
2 was too late for nominations, Torna was probably too short, XCDE is a remaster
Other games that fall under these conditions have been nominated.
Anyway, they don't hate XB, they just don't care or don't think they would generate enough buzz, which is what TGA is ultimately about.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Also, a potential Zagreus reveal trailer should absolutely feature Bayonetta for the following thematic parallels:
  • They're both spiky black haired action heroes
  • Both of their games feature multiple weapon movesets
  • Both of them go through a plot involving going through the netherworld of their respective mythologies
  • While snarky and confident on the outside, they both have deep insecurities about their place in the world which they gradually overcome with the help of their human bonds
  • Neither of them are straight

PK Duststorm

Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2020
As a lifelong digimon fan, I'd love it. He'd probably have a semi perm transformation a la mega lucario and charizard. Imagine if Arsene made joker go from skinny weeb to the size of DK


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Great work and very cool moveset, I must say
It won't happen but Zagreus in Smash would be really really cool, seriously.

I saw it a few minutes ago
Where the **** is AA7 they better not play with me

Also more things have popped up. A new Ghost and Goblins game made with the RE engine is supposed to release early 2021, first on Switch

PD: Also RIP DMC6 coming in the next few years, based Itsuno-san working on Dragon's Dogma 2, which was a given, but still :(
There is a chance that AA7 or DMC6 is under one of the codenames or they just aren't working on them yet but it's not looking good
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
People also mention Don-Chan. I'm not familiar with him, what impact and legacy did he left?
As far as I know, Taiko no Tatsujin is probably one of the biggest rhythm game series. Probably doesn't say much since its competition is pretty much just Dance Dance Revolution and Just Dance, but I'd say it's up there, at least in Japan.

As a lifelong digimon fan, I'd love it. He'd probably have a semi perm transformation a la mega lucario and charizard. Imagine if Arsene made joker go from skinny weeb to the size of DK
Hmm...Comeback mechanics, but permanent sounds like it could be annoying to deal with...


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I think most of us have actively tried to disassociate GoT with Game of Thrones ever since that disasterrific final season

I do, and I’ve never even watched the show
Actually, the final season of the show is pretty good, if it is the only season you watch.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Jesus christ Capcom's going ing ape with giving fans damn near everything they want here
  • Power Stone remake
  • Final Fight remake
  • Captain Commando
  • Onimusha title
  • Dragon's Dogma 2
  • Resident Evil: Hunk
Interesting. That Hunk one is going to get alot of people's attention, especially if the game actually turns out to be about Hunk and give us actual info about him.
  • Rockman Match
Wonder what this title is about.
  • Resident Evil Apocalypse
Umm.......do I want to know what this is cause all I'm thinking about is the terrible movie. And last thing I want is a game based on that movie and the ones after it.
Also more things have popped up. A new Ghost and Goblins game made with the RE engine is supposed to release early 2021, first on Switch
This could be interesting.

All those aside..........no sign of Dino Crisis. :(
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
If yall want a new topic to discuss... how about Agumon for smash?
One of my most wanted.
And, while he is occasionally discussed, I'd list him high up on the list of sleeper picks.
Creative moveset, unrepped gaming device, new resurgence, enormous media franchise, unique design...
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Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Ivander Ivander Megaman is called Rockman in japanese so that is 100% a Megaman game, I'd say

There is a chance that AA7 or DMC6 is under one of the codenames but yeah it isn't looking good 😟
I guess so

I don't have much of a problem waiting for DMC6 a bit longer, I was already prepared for that because Itsuno already said that Capcom gave him the option to make either DMC5 or Dragon's Dogma 2. And we know he chose the first one, so it was highly likely he was going to do DD2 after DMC5.

But AA7... it's strange. Certainly the info found about AA7 was from last year if I remember correctly. And this new list I believe it's very recent. Maybe AA7 is in development hell? Maybe it doesn't appear here for some strange reason? At the same time Monster Hunter Rise and RE8 aren't here as well lol

The first codename is for Pragmata by the way so that's one codename less. And I'm guessing one of the remaining codenames is for a Marvel vs Capcom game? Or a Versus game of some kind at least
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Not gonna lie - part of me doubts that spreadsheet because it has so much Capcom fan wish fulfillment. Power Stone? TGAA? Onimusha? Freaking Captain Commando? God, would the next years be crazy if all of that came to fruition.

At this point all that's missing is Darkstalkers and a proper MvC. Maybe a new Strider or BC while we're at it.
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PK Duststorm

Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2020
I imagine a hypothetical Agumon/Greymon transformation would act very similar to other meters. Get hit and it depletes. Agumon has a very unique silhouette and would give the pokemon x digimon wars a final round.

Anyone watch The Last Kishuna movie?

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Not gonna lie - part of me doubts that spreadsheet because it has so much Capcom fan wish fulfillment. Power Stone? TGAA? Onimusha? Freaking Captain Commando? God, would the next years be crazy if all of that came to fruition.

At this point all that's missing is Darkstalkers and a proper MvC. Maybe a new Strider or BC while we're at it.
check the tweet replies, apparently the schedule's file matches up with the files provided by the og leakers

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I'm gonna ****ing laugh my ass off if the timed exclusive GnG game ends up being a way to promote Arthur as Smash DLC. No Dante, Ammy, Hunter, Nick, anything, just Sir Arthur and it'd be ****ing brilliant
Won't lie. Arthur not only wouldn't be a surprise but he'd be a welcoming addition too.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Ivander Ivander Megaman is called Rockman in japanese so that is 100% a Megaman game, I'd say
I know that. I could've been clearer on it. But I was asking more on what kind of title it was going to be? I mean, with a name like Rockman Match, it feels quite easy to assume it will be a Megaman game that revolves around competition or fighting.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
As a lifelong digimon fan, I'd love it. He'd probably have a semi perm transformation a la mega lucario and charizard. Imagine if Arsene made joker go from skinny weeb to the size of DK
Eh, I don't know what semi-permanent means in this context- given that Lucario and Arsene function...in an opposite manner... but I would imagine that his Digivolving would not last a whole life.

Your damn right
and here is the cop
View attachment 292190
hes coming for you
My smile quota is now fulfilled for the afternoon. Thank you.
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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
At this point all that's missing is Darkstalkers and a proper MvC. Maybe a new Strider or BC while we're at it.
I myself am still waiting for Darkstalkers to make a return. Hopefully at least this decade...

Speaking of which I know there was a Street Fighter vs. Darkstalkers comic. If they really want to get Darkstalkers back in the running, mash and make a Vs. game against the most iconic fighting game series ever, especially being both are made and owned by Capcom. That would definitely sell.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I know that. I could've been clearer on it. But I was asking more on what kind of title it was going to be? I mean, with a name like Rockman Match, it feels quite easy to assume it will be a Megaman game that revolves around competition or fighting.
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