Personal preference:

: By far my most wanted got in!

: A character I've fallen in love with thanks to Ultimate. I mained Incineroar for a long time, but considering my friends main top tiers Palutena and Wario, I wanted a top tier main for myself. I've tried many, but Joker is the one who really clicked with me. He's my co-main alongside the cat!

: Idk. This character's weird and such a random addition, yet one of my favorites to play! One of my most-picked secondaries.

: I adore her so much! Wanna make her another of my most-played secondaries. I'm still very early in the learning phase, obviously.

: So, I was disappointed by this character... for like a few seconds, then I saw their kit and fell in love. Lol!

: I'm not much of a Dragon Quest fan, honestly not even a DBZ fan, so Hero doesn't do much for me.

: Likewise, I'm not much of a traditional fighting games player. Maybe that'll change, but as it is right now, Terry's inputs are hard for me to learn. And I hadn't really heard of SNK before the SNK leak, so no attachment to Terry either.
By what they added to Smash:

: SNK is a big, influential franchise that deserved to be immortalized in Smash. And 50 songs!

: Dragon Quest is the father of all RPGs, wildly popular in Japan, and I'm glad Hero's inclusion should help expose western audiences to it. Terry got the edge because he kicked Hero's butt in the songs department.

: Nintendo and Microsoft are collaborating in Smash! This could bring big gaming icons from Microsoft in the future, such as Master Chief or Steve. But as for Banjo & Kazooie themselves... Welcome home. You should have been added back in Brawl, but we all know why that didn't happen. It just feels right to have them as a part of Smash.

: ARMS was pretty successful, selling around 2 million copies. I'm glad Smash is giving the franchise a signal boost, because I'd hate to see it die after only game. It shows excellent potential.

: Even though P5 didn't really need a signal boost, it's great to see Atlus content in Smash! I'd say the SMT and Persona series are criminally underrated, but P5 started breaking that trend even before Joker's inclusion.

: I like Byleth a lot, but even I'll agree that this was a pretty weak inclusion. I could understand if the success of FE3H was why they added Byleth, but Byleth was planned long before the game even released. Points here for stage and songs, though.

: I almost gave Plant the edge over Byleth, because common, weak enemies are a big part of gaming that kinda should be in Smash when you really think about it. I decided to give Byleth the edge because Plant didn't bring stage and songs. Mario doesn't really need more of those, but still.