W/E happens don't panic...
Decided to go over my DLC ratings since I was stingie on the explanations and I forgot to include plant boi.
-Obviously my favourite DLC fighter so far! I really enjoyed playing Arms and she is my main in that game! Never expected they'd go with her for the Arms rep, but here we are. Still getting the hang of her, but she essentially plays like you would in Arms which is great. Seems to be a common theme for fighting game characters like with RyuKen and Terry and how they play compared to their home series, puts into perspective the issues Sakurai was having with Heihachi. I am definitely enjoying her in Smash and she'll definitely be part of my rotation for sure. Depending on how good she'll be maybe even in my Top 3 (but honestly my Dark Samus and Roy are no pushovers if I say so myself, and there's no way she'll dethrone my Link)
-Despite not owning an N64 I do have some nostalgic connection to Banjo since it was one of the many games I'd played at Wal-Mart while my mom was shopping and I had a lot of fun running around finding Jiggys and such. Once Smash was released I was curious as to why they weren't in the game. I mean we got Mario, Yoshi, DK, 'Zelda', and Pikachu but where's the bird and the bear? So no doubt it's a long time coming and he feels like a natural fit in Smash. He's definitely pretty fun to play and I do use him a decent amount even though I don't put that much time into him.
-Me when watching the trailer: "Mario's pissed AF right now" *sarcastically*"Piranha Plant confirmed!!"....."wait what? SAKURAI I WAS JOKING!!!" Anyways the one character that literally nobdy saw coming at all. And he's surprisingly super fun to play. Honestly everyone's arguing about who can get into Smash or not and who deserves it and who should be next and they always forget Sakurai added this damn plant in the game and I both hate it and love it! lol
-No real attachment to Dragon Quest. But despite that Hero is a character that I find to be very fun to play around with, given the RNG can really make the matches go in more unpredictable ways. Almost feels like playing an RPG game when using Hero, only thing missing is a level up system. Of course that would just be broken though.
-He was hype when he was announced because he was so outta left field. But despite that I am pretty indifferent to both him and the Persona series. And he's the kind of character I just can't get into actually playing.
-Pretty sure I played some Fatal Fury/King of Fighters in some old arcades back in the day (I don't really know I was too young to notice) but not too big on the series as a whole. Truth be told I completely forgot they even existed until the SNK leak happened when all of these characters including Terry started invading speculation. Don't particularly enjoy playing him that much considering the button inputs aren't really my thing.
-Already mentioned that I was disappointed with their inclusion into Smash. But that said I'm not THAT upset considering all this is just bonus anyways. But playing them I'm also not that fond of. Corrin I at least have some fun playing as from time to time but Byleth just doesn't do anything for me, easily my least favourite fighter for this DLC so far.