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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
There are some good choices already as possibilities considering the Trailer like Kiss for Geese (or any of its variations) and Stormy Saxophone (Arashi no Saxophone) 2
The Art of Fighting Theme from King of Fighters 98 (which is based upon Ryuhaku Todoh's theme in the AoF series) and ESAKA Forever from the King of Fighters 97 are my fave themes that I hope will make it in Smash.

Either ways I do expect the likes of Kurikinton (Terry's Theme from the Fatal Fury series), Mai Mai Kyuun (Mai Shiranui's Theme) and Kiss of Geese to be in.

In addition, I expect this to be Terry's Victory Theme:

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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
The Art of Fighting Theme from King of Fighters 98 (which is based upon Ryuhaku Todoh's theme in the AoF series) and ESAKA Forever from the King of Fighters 97 are my fave themes that I hope will make it in Smash.

Either ways I do expect the likes of Kurikinton (Terry's Theme from the Fatal Fury series), Mai Mai Mai Kyuun (Mai Shiranui's Theme) and Kiss of Geese to be in.
Oh yeah, I love ESAKA, I want some version of the song, Esaka Forever and Good bye Esaka are my favorite versions.

Though to be fair I like most of the Kyo's theme songs.

"Tears" has a special place in my heart, but is maybe a bit too melancholic for Smash?
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Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2019
Some variation of A Kiss for Geese/Soy Sauce for Geese is practically guaranteed, though I hope they also include this version...


Deleted member

So here's a question and perhaps a foreboding one: say we get FP5 revealed on Friday and it's someone decent and not too out-there like Jill or Dante or Kiryu or what-have-you. But that's all the info we get. What becomes of speculation then? Because at that point we still don't have a character to base future picks off of and just have to wait until we receive more info about the next pass. Most likely go back to Ryu, Doomguy, and Crash? lol
Speculation will mostly be those three names, but they're pretty much expected picks.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
So here's a question and perhaps a foreboding one: say we get FP5 revealed on Friday and it's someone decent and not too out-there like Jill or Dante or Kiryu or what-have-you. But that's all the info we get. What becomes of speculation then? Because at that point we still don't have a character to base future picks off of and just have to wait until we receive more info about the next pass. Most likely go back to Ryu, Doomguy, and Crash? lol
I think speculation will be for the most part the same unless:

1.- It's a First Party Character
2.- It's a Promoted Assist Trophy/Spirit/Whatever


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
I'm sure most of the signature/classic Fatal Fury and KoF themes are guaranteed... So, all I ask for is a remix of Destiny (Last Blade) and the original version of Each Promise (KoF XIII):

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Deleted member

I'm sure most of the signature/classic Fatal Fury and KoF themes are guaranteed... So, all I ask for is a remix of Destiny (Last Blade) and the original version of Each Promise (KoF XIII):

Would definitely want to hesr that KoF XIII soundtrack in Smash.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Fatmanonice made a clever "rumor" that a playable Geno and a fighter that is in unexpected levels of Piranha Plant (IDK if it is part of the fighters pass or not) are going to be in the game.
He's just speculating based on some inside info in Sabi's discord or somethin', so he didn't claim Geno is in or anything like that.


-Most insiders he's been among have given Geno a 50% chance at worst, with only a few still giving him low chances.
-Some names have been thrown around and most seem like they'd make people happy, but they're not for-sure getting in.
-If the names that have been thrown around get in, one may be like a Plant situation.

Deleted member

He's just speculating based on some inside info in Sabi's discord or somethin', so he didn't claim Geno is in or anything like that.


-Most insiders he's been among have given Geno a 50% chance at worst, with only a few still giving him low chances.
-Some names have been thrown around and most seem like they'd make people happy, but they're not for-sure getting in.
-If the names that have been thrown around get in, one may be like a Plant situation.
That's quite interesting. Probably they're getting Geno post-pass. Malakas ang mga guardian angel sa likod niya


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
He's just speculating based on some inside info in Sabi's discord or somethin', so he didn't claim Geno is in or anything like that.


-Most insiders he's been among have given Geno a 50% chance at worst, with only a few still giving him low chances.
-Some names have been thrown around and most seem like they'd make people happy, but they're not for-sure getting in.
-If the names that have been thrown around get in, one may be like a Plant situation.

Deleted member

I'm just in for the Geno fans who are probably getting their character down the line. Nintendo just finally giving in and telling them to shut up and enjoy their character.


Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
I cant wait to see terry's victory poses in the Smash style.

Shameless plug but on the subject of swords, new SNK fans checking out all their games and stuff because of Terry need to learn that Last Blade exists. To this day, I have no idea why its overlooked unlike SamSho. Last Blade 2 was the bees knees.
Last blade was literally the first game I bought off the Switch Eshop lol

Deleted member


-Most insiders he's been among have given Geno a 50% chance at worst, with only a few still giving him low chances.
-Some names have been thrown around and most seem like they'd make people happy, but they're not for-sure getting in.
-If the names that have been thrown around get in, one may be like a Plant situation.
Sounds like a "come back to me when you actually have an answer" situation.

Deleted member

Come back when you start getting answers fpr everything.
Pretty much. I've never seen Sabi or her sources give me anything concrete on Smash Bros. Flashbacks to that one Microsoft source she had that said, "Banjo is in!" and then immediately backpedaled. When pressed, Sabi just said, "Just speculate, y'all."
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Deleted member

Pretty much. I've never seen Sabi or her sources give me anything concrete on Smash Bros. Flashbacks to that one Microsoft source she had that said, "Banjo is in!" and then immediately backpedaled. When pressed, Sabi just said, "Just speculate, y'all."
Every day Sabi disappoints.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I think Fatmanonice just tries to keep everyone's head up if what he hears sounds good; it sounds like there's more than just Sabi in that discord, but of course vague answers don't do as much good as a straight one.

But it's not the first time people have been given vague answers because of an insider, or the insider themselves gave the answers.

Deleted member

I think Fatmanonice just tries to keep everyone's head up if what he hears sounds good; it sounds like there's more than just Sabi in that discord, but of course vague answers don't do as much good as a straight one.

But it's not the first time people have been given vague answers because of an insider, or the insider themselves gave the answers.
I know Fatman is constantly pressed by the Geno thread for any new info. I wouldn't be surprised if he just says stuff just to say stuff.
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Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
I think if you're actually a leaker and you know something, then either come out and say it or just shut up. None of this "tee hee I know something but I'll just be super vague about it please pay attention to me" garbage. There honestly needs to be a pushback against that but it won't happen because people are always too busy playing guessing games while the leaker gets their time in the limelight.

Like if I was a leaker I would just flat out say "Geno is in, get ****ed zoomers".
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Deleted member

I think if you're actually a leaker and you know something, then either come out and say it or just shut up. None of this "tee hee I know something but I'll just be super vague about it please pay attention to me" garbage. There honestly needs to be a pushback against that but it won't happen because people are always too busy playing guessing games while the leaker gets their time in the limelight.
It just kills the hype for me honestly.

Deleted member

Like the dude, but feel he is awful at speculating due to his bias sometimes.
I think Fatmanonice just tries to keep everyone's head up if what he hears sounds good; it sounds like there's more than just Sabi in that discord, but of course vague answers don't do as much good as a straight one.

But it's not the first time people have been given vague answers because of an insider, or the insider themselves gave the answers.
Its well meaning but I don't think that's good in the long run. It creates false expectations and can generate a lot of anger if it doesn't end up happening.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
Switch FC
I think if you're actually a leaker and you know something, then either come out and say it or just shut up. None of this "tee hee I know something but I'll just be super vague about it please pay attention to me" garbage. There honestly needs to be a pushback against that but it won't happen because people are always too busy playing guessing games while the leaker gets their time in the limelight.

Like if I was a leaker I would just flat out say "Geno is in, get ****ed zoomers".
Cept I'm pretty sure they have to be vague about it for a reason.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Yes, to draw out the attention they get for as long as possible.
To be fair, some info they get they really can't say because it'll cost their source their job.

But yeah, I guess they basically leak for attention from potential followers. Can't imagine why else they'd risk their/their sources' jobs unless they genuinely just want to let people know stuff and that's all (I mean, I'm sure some people are like this, but the way some leakers act doesn't seem like this...though, some do seem to care about how people are feelin' or whatever).

Fatmanonice is just speculating based on what he's heard/seen from Sabi's insider discord or whatever it is, though, and isn't trying to leak or anything. He's really not allowed to outright say any names and whatnot.
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Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Houston, Texas
I think if you're actually a leaker and you know something, then either come out and say it or just shut up. None of this "tee hee I know something but I'll just be super vague about it please pay attention to me" garbage. There honestly needs to be a pushback against that but it won't happen because people are always too busy playing guessing games while the leaker gets their time in the limelight.

Like if I was a leaker I would just flat out say "Geno is in, get ****ed zoomers".
Oh yeah, you do that and think you won’t get either:
A). Get fired
B). Get a cease and desist note, or
C). Get blackballed out of the industry and to never be trusted in the leak scene ever again!

I’m pretty sure the leak scene is practically a dog eat dog world out there!
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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
So here's a question and perhaps a foreboding one: say we get FP5 revealed on Friday and it's someone decent and not too out-there like Jill or Dante or Kiryu or what-have-you. But that's all the info we get. What becomes of speculation then? Because at that point we still don't have a character to base future picks off of and just have to wait until we receive more info about the next pass. Most likely go back to Ryu, Doomguy, and Crash? lol
We'll be back to pre-Joker speculation, which wasn't too bad.

Ryu and Reimu still have some backing, so they'll be there. I imagine Crash will be around, and Doomguy might see a dip. I imagine all currently speculated third parties will stay on the field and first parties will be more prominent.

Deleted member

Oh yeah, you do and think you won’t get either:
A). Get fired
B). Get a cease and desist note, or
C). Get blackballed out of the industry and to never be trusted in the leak scene ever again!

I’m pretty sure the leak scene is practically a dog eat dog world out there!
Such crazy things exists just for the simple reason of knowing who's next. Interesting.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Such crazy things exists just for the simple reason of knowing who's next. Interesting.
Games like Smash thrive off of surprises. It's what gets people talking, and by extension, raises awareness and hype, which boosts sales.

Taking that surprise away, at least to the extent of, say, how :ultken: got leaked, and you've got a problem. The last Smash Directs was a massive disappointment for some, and I feel the majority of that reason was us pretty much knowing who the last two fighters were, and really hoping for the Grinch leak.

World of Light was being discussed far, FAR more than Inceneroar and Ken. Because, for the most part, it wasn't leaked.

TLDR: You take away hype, you take away profit. Companies don't like that.
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Deleted member

Games like Smash thrive off of surprises. It's what gets people talking, and by extension, raises awareness and hype, which boosts sales.

Taking that surprise away, at least to the extent of, say, how :ultken: got leaked, and you've got a problem. The last Smash Directs was a massive disappointment for some, and I feel the majority of that reason was us pretty much knowing who the last two fighters were, and really hoping for the Grinch leak.

World of Light was being discussed far, FAR more than Inceneroar and Ken. Because, for the most part, it wasn't leaked.

TLDR: You take away hype, you take away profit. Companies don't like that.
This is why I never liked leaks in the first place. A surprise reveal is more thrilling than the leaked one.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2019
The Stray Sheep
Switch FC
"Tears" has a special place in my heart, but is maybe a bit too melancholic for Smash?
Don't get too excited. I got attached to "Behind the Mask" from Persona 5 and they had to f**k that up to work in Smash Bros.

seriously that remix is s**t


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
Don't get too excited. I got attached to "Behind the Mask" from Persona 5 and they had to f**k that up to work in Smash Bros.

seriously that remix is s**t
At least I know "Tears" can actually work in a combat setting because it was already used several times in KOF; and gets a bit more "fiercing" after the first 30 seconds, but always has this "sad aura" around it.
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Don't get too excited. I got attached to "Behind the Mask" from Persona 5 and they had to f**k that up to work in Smash Bros.

seriously that remix is s**t
What? I love that remix to death, and Beneath the Mask was bar none my favorite P5 song.

Different =/= bad. They gave the song a different approach. If you want to talk bad remixes, Persona 5 Dancing has them in spades :V


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
The only thing I will never understand about Smash is how not-15-years-old Roy looks.

Even in the gacha game he looks like a baby boy.

Could be Awakening to blame, since he looks considerably aged in that iteration.

I mean, he looked 15 years old in Melee.

I kind of took Roy's Smash for Wii U/3DS & Ultimate look to be him as imagined by Sakurai's art team to be an 'older' version of himself, as if he would have had a sequel game like Ike did. So I think they purposely decided to make Roy look older as part of a 'look who's back after so long' type thing.
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Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Imagine living in a world in which you're talking about how a fictional character in a fictional world acts and someone feels the need to come and let you know that it's not realistic. All that's missing is an "umm, actually" and we've got Bingo.
Well, again, they weren't like, "This is how Lyn wields katanas" or "this is how katanas are wielded in FE". They were like "This is how katanas are wielded", which makes it sound like they don't know how a katana works.

Shameless plug but on the subject of swords, new SNK fans checking out all their games and stuff because of Terry need to learn that Last Blade exists. To this day, I have no idea why its overlooked unlike SamSho. Last Blade 2 was the bees knees.
Probably because SNK has enough trouble getting people interested in ONE samurai-themed fighting game, much less getting people to care about a 2nd one.

But yes, Last Blade 2 is amazing. I wish Last Blade characters could show up in SamSho, but they games take place, like, 70 years apart.

No, it's because blurting it out would put both you and your source in deep ****.
If they actually cared about that, they wouldn't "drop hints" in the first place. They'd just stfu and not say anything.

None of them know anything, it's all a cry for attention.
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Its well meaning but I don't think that's good in the long run. It creates false expectations and can generate a lot of anger if it doesn't end up happening.
Since he's not really saying any names, though, and is only allowed to say some stuff without outright spoiling the names and whatever else, it's really just on whoever is listening if they feel hurt in the long run and get mad at him.

I mean, he did say what some insiders are saying about Geno, but I don't really see anything wrong with that. It's not like he said "Geno is in, get hyped my dudes," it was really just like "some insiders think Geno is basically a coin flip at this point, so at least it's better than 'nah lol'."

Though some users find it more fun to assume Geno is in, without worrying about disappointment and while being very well aware he could not get in, but (and I agree tbh) listening to "hype responsibly" and whatever else a lot starts feeling like a buzzkill and kinda sounds annoying after a certain point (though I guess it's mainly just said for the...angrier people); it's just videogame speculation, after all, even if some people tend to take it too far instead of just feeling down for 20 minutes in the end.
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