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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
At this point, I would not be surprised if this is a Shadowdrop/tweeted about literal hours ahead of time, if we are getting anything tomorrow.

This year, just off the top of my memory:

Our ONE(UNO)(1) Direct was dropped on YouTube with 0 prior warning

And both our Minis were tweeted in advance not even 12 hours ahead of time.

Seems like Nintendo is just all over the place.
Huh? I thought the only Mini this year that was announced in advance was the first Partner Showcase.

NoA or NoE not having tweeted so far this days is certainly strange.

Maybe they're gonna shadowdrop something in a strange hour like they did with the first Partner Showcase? Also, we have that 3 hint from Zell, which I assume was pointing to September 3rd.
That's definitely not anytime soon then, since it's almost 12PM here (almost 11PM UK time), and Ninty never does anything in the hours between now, and like, early morning.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Huh? I thought the only Mini this year that was announced in advance was the first Partner Showcase.
Was it? I could have sworn the 2nd was as well, but if so, that's even more credence that **** just kinda... happens now.
Yeah the second one definitely wasn't announced in advance. We all had our ears to the ground about the "Friday direct" and then someone randomly popped up with the Partner Showcase. If it had been announced beforehand, the whole ordeal with NateDrake n' friends wouldn't have happened.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
K, guys, I have news on the next trailer for FP7

Trailer opens up with he generic Smash newcomer trailer opening...

We see Wario, nonchalantly puttering along on his bike while picking his nose. He manages to unearths particulary delectable booger and wats it to his delight. The scenery is highly reminiscent of the Brawl trailer with an arid and desert-like backdrop. As he is about to devour said booger, something rushes past him which causes him to comedically crash his bike which explodes.

This individual is known other than Cloud who is racing along with his bike from Advent Children. Cloud dramatically looks behind him and then grits his teeth. Taking out his Buster Sword, he uses it to deflect an incoming projectile from what appears behind him. Several more shots are fired as Cloud deflects each one.

The camera then changes to the pursuer (who isn’t Wario) who revs up the engine of their bike to close in on Cloud. The camera once against changes to Cloud to defends himself against several, largely unseen attacks that appear sword-like in nature. Suddenly, his bike looses control like Wario which throws him off. However, unlike Wario, Cloud lands gracefully and readies his blade. He says in Japanese “Just who are you?”

A voice can be heard while the camera still focuses on Cloud:

“Yeah, I don’t understand a single thing you said. But, well, thems the breaks.”

The camera slowly pans to the mystery fighter as he delivers a blistering and cynical verbal assault.

“You made me chase ‘ya through hell and back and went to all this work. If you just gave me that invite, it wouldn’t of been a problem. I don’t even know we are at. So be a good boy and hand me that letter you have. We can call things even.” Just as the camera pans up the foghter’s chest, revealing a dark red trench coat, it cuts to Cloud. He readies and grips his blade while saying in Japanese “We are going to have to fight.”

The camera swivels back to the mystery fighter while they say “It’s time to go all out!” It finally cuts to the fighter and the splash screen cuts in:

Dante Runs Wild!

Dante pulls out his two handguns and says “Yeah, I’m not the type to pull punches. You’re going to have to come at me with a little more than a silly Limit Gauge and a big kitchen knife! Bring it!”

The next segment then shows a gameplay with Dante’s moves, the ability to switch styles in mid-fight, and even the stage, Temen-ni-Gru. The gameplay shows Dante throughly beating on Cloud and eventually KO’ing him.

The trailer cuts back to the CGI portion which shows Cloud kneeling on the ground in apparent distress. Suddenly, another mystery figure lands next to Cloud. Cloud looks up to see the Advent Children version. Dante says “Well, if we can summon doppelgängers and such all Willy-nilly, that’s gonna be a problem. Not even sure what universe this is!” Both Cloud’s say “It’s finished.”

Dante laughs and says “Hey, Verg! Could use some help about now!” Suddenly, from the sky, another mystery figure lands on the ground. Standing up, the newcomer is Vergil, Dante’s brother. This cuts into the splash page:

Vergil Unsheathes his Sword

Dante poses next to Vergil and says “That’s right, folks! Verg here ain’t no echo fighter or costume! He is the real deal! A playable fighter! Boo yah!”

Vergil looks at Dante and smirks while saying “I’m not here to help you. I’m here in search for something. Our paths just happened to cross. That being said, I look to fighting all sorts of warriors to show I’m indeed the strongest.” Dante shrugs and says “Whatevs, Verg. Let’s show these two angst-filled boy ban-wannabes what to half-demon brothers can do!!”

The gameplay then cuts into Vergil’s gameplay, his abilities specials, and more. At the final, Dante does his FS against Cloud while Vergil does his FS against AC Cloud which, as per usual then cuts into the closing Ultimate logo and the “Smash Ultimate x Devil May Cry.”

The bonus feature at the end shows the continuing battle between the four fighters from the distance. Wario sits, charred and forlorn while watching when suddenly, a mysterious man shows up. Wario looks behind him to see Nero. Nero smirks while looking down but his look turns to disgust as Wario’s belly swells up. The scene then cuts back to the four fighters who suddenly stop as a atomic fart unleashes with a mushroom cloud in the background. Fairly visible is a star that shines slightly which may signify that the fart launched Nero and KO’d him out of the universe.

Dante presentation next week

Vergil the week after

Release two weeks after Vergil’s presentation.

instant gold.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2015
I think a good piece of homework right now would be this:

We know we're not getting a Spirit/Tourney event in Smash this week

So why not go back and check the weeks we DIDN'T get either in the past to make sure we can 100% say for certain that those weeks always lined up with something new Smash related?
It only happened once since the release of Smash Ultimate and back then at the end of July 2019 the Hero was released + we had a "Sakurai Presents: Hero". This was the only time ever we neither got an Event Tourney nor a Spirit Event.

There were two times the event news wasn't announced on Tuesday/Wednesday but later... and those two times were when Banjo (September 2019) and Terry (November 2019) released respectively - in both weeks we had a Sakurai Presents as well!

I don't think there were other instances were events were announced later, but I can do some research about it*. If those were the only two times events were announced at a later point, then it seems very likely that we get a character announcement + a Sakurai Presents tomorrow, no matter whether an event will be announced in the next few hours or whether there won't be an event this week for the first time since the Hero presentation.

*EDIT: I checked every single event tourney and spirit event, and yesss, those were the only two events with delayed announcements!!
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Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Slippi.gg doesn't have 4 characters, items, or non-legal stages, though.
You picked unranked, a character, and then the game automatically sets you on a random tournament legal stage with an online opponent.
Ah, fair enough then.

J. Bond

Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2020
7 trailer leak
Wario is cornered so he uses an assist trophy but it breaks and Waluigi Joins the Brawl.


Sep 26, 2013
It only happened once since the release of Smash Ultimate and back then at the end of July 2019 the Hero was released + we had a "Sakurai Presents: Hero". This was the only time ever we neither got an Event Tourney nor a Spirit Event.

There were two times the event news wasn't announced on Tuesday/Wednesday but later... and those two times were when Banjo (September 2019) and Terry (November 2019) released respectively - in both weeks we had a Sakurai Presents as well!

I don't think there were other instances were events were announced later, but I can do some research about it. If those were the only two times events were announced at a later point, then it seems very likely that we get a character announcement + a Sakurai Presents tomorrow, no matter whether an event will be announced in the next few hours or whether there won't be an event this week for the first time since the Hero presentation.
So what you're saying is



Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
Man, I just really hope the next Smash character is someone that’ll excite most people again. There’s a lot of pessimism about who’s getting in & I’d like to see that change. Let’s get a fan favorite “never ever” like Isaac or Geno, new fan favorites like Crash, a shocking 3rd party like Master Chief or Monokuma, etc...

I’m sure we’re getting some characters like Rex or Cinderace but ehhh let’s save them for FP8.


Sep 26, 2013
If we really are getting a shadowdropped reveal this week that would be the most unceremonious way so far to reveal a character, quite a stark contrast to the people who theorized this might have been an E3 reveal originally
This whole year's been unceremonious to be blunt.

If this Mario 3D collection even exists, it'd probably just be part of said Direct with no buildup.

Dr. Yatagarasu

Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2020
Man, I just really hope the next Smash character is someone that’ll excite most people again. There’s a lot of pessimism about who’s getting in & I’d like to see that change. Let’s get a fan favorite “never ever” like Isaac or Geno, new fan favorites like Crash, a shocking 3rd party like Master Chief or Monokuma, etc...

I’m sure we’re getting some characters like Rex or Cinderace but ehhh let’s save them for FP8.
FP7 is now officially a Goomba to celebrate Mario.
or something like that


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2019
To be honest, if all this Mario stuff for tomorrow is real there probably isn't a reveal at all. It might just be some sort of Mario spirits event and its announcement was held back a couple of days just to go along with the rest of whatever is announced.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
To be honest, if all this Mario stuff for tomorrow is real there probably isn't a reveal at all. It might just be some sort of Mario spirits event and its announcement was held back a couple of days just to go along with the rest of whatever is announced.
They've never held back Spirit Events before.


Sep 26, 2013
To be honest, if all this Mario stuff for tomorrow is real there probably isn't a reveal at all. It might just be some sort of Mario spirits event and its announcement was held back a couple of days just to go along with the rest of whatever is announced.
I feel like the only possible way this could happen is a Twitter drop though.

I'm not discounting that this rumored collection could have a Direct unto itself, but it's also just a bunch of Remasters, which, even if you slap "MARIO 35TH" everywhere, still feels like a weak overall presentation.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2019
I feel like the only possible way this could happen is a Twitter drop though.
Yeah but it's not like a twitter drop is some sort of remote possibility. Other than March mini direct all first party announcements have been twitter drops.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I’m kind of unsure in terms of what to actually expect. Seems like uncharted territory. That is not a NateDrake reference I swear.

Not only is it strange that Smash content specifically didn’t get announced for a weekly event (weird), but Nintendo hasn’t really tweeted anything all day, nor has Nintendo VS. It suggests there’s a reason for the quietness, especially when NoA usually posts ****posts throughout the day, such as Dunban for the 30th time.

If we get something, I don’t really know. Considering that 9PM is evidently 10 AM in Kyoto, Japan, there’s potential for a shadow drop of some sort, but you would think they’d want to drop significant information with notice. That suggests that any announcement today would be an announcement of an announcement, and we’d get the presentation either tomorrow or Friday.

Just seems weird. I’m not gonna “call” anything, but boy do I sure hope for some cool stuff.

(Also NateDrake DID hint at something tomorrow but who knows if that will materialize into anything)

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Perfectly be honest at this point, I'm not expecting anything, not this or next week and if we do get something this month it'll be sometime in the middle or late month otherwise if not were looking at October.
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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018

So this gave me an idea for discussion. How would .hack work in Smash? I've never played it myself, but I've heard good things about it. Granted, it never gets mentioned among potential Bandai Namco reps, and I don't know if there's a reason for that or not...


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020

So this gave me an idea for discussion. How would .hack work in Smash? I've never played it myself, but I've heard good things about it. Granted, it never gets mentioned among potential Bandai Namco reps, and I don't know if there's a reason for that or not...
The characters that immediately come to mind are Kite and Haseo. They're chances aren't super duper because of their relative obscurity but maybe a .hack rep could be included

Kite wields daggers and could be a pretty interesting rushdown. Haseo has this weird Sword Scythe thing and scythes are objectively cool
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
So this gave me an idea for discussion. How would .hack work in Smash? I've never played it myself, but I've heard good things about it. Granted, it never gets mentioned among potential Bandai Namco reps, and I don't know if there's a reason for that or not...
I only know that series by passing glances, but I just want to say that I can't really see why BN would shoot the idea down.

.hack honestly sounds like one of the few possible options from the "Bandai" side of Bamco - most of that territory is anime adaptations.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2019

So this gave me an idea for discussion. How would .hack work in Smash? I've never played it myself, but I've heard good things about it. Granted, it never gets mentioned among potential Bandai Namco reps, and I don't know if there's a reason for that or not...
"But their response was that it’s hard to predict the cost of porting and the sale prospects"

Yeah Bamco, it's really hard to predict the sale prospects of JRPGs on the Switch, I'm sure they'd never recoup the losses from a simple port
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