These are Nintendo's divisions and subsidiaries, for the record
After all these years it still hurts to see Rare under "Former".
Kind of still pisses me off on how you let a company of that status just walk away like that and not try to buy them out, "But all the good people at Rare left" people say, That was mainly just the Goldeneye/Perfect Dark team at Rare, They still had most of the core Donkey Kong/Banjo-Kazooie team intact and even if they were losing talent, Nintendo would have still have had ownership over all their IP's and could outsourced them to other subsidiaries if needed.
- Also it's kind of sad how little Nintendo invest in western studios these days as "Retro Studios" is the only major one they own and while their output has been amazing, They been having trouble in recent years with steady production.
- "Next Level Games" who is 2nd Party and are known for Mario strikers and Luigi Mansion series.
- Monster Games awhile back worked on the "Excite' franchise and 3DS ports, But has been doing only Nascar since.
And that's pretty much it, I'm not asking for Nintendo to go on a spending spree like Microsoft recently and acquire every studio left and right, But their lineup of western studios pales in comparison to Microsoft and Sony, Hell both of them also have a major precense in Europe, Especially in the UK and Nintendo pretty much bailed out of there ever since they cut their ties with Rare and Argonaut software, Would have been nice to have some of their past western partners be under the Nintendo umbrella today, But sadly that's not the case.
Sorry if I'm ranting here, But just had to vent that out.