Because Joker, a modern high school thief clad in black and wielding a knife and a gun, would totally be similar to say, Lloyd Irving, a dual wielding borderline Super Saiyan, or Edea Lee, a Final Fantasy Samurai with a variety of different abilities, or etc. etc. etc.
Genre doesn't matter when it comes to character design and moveset potential. The fact of the matter is that JRPGs are a highly influential genre of games spanning every console generation and seeing a large resurgence as of late. You don't have to like them, but don't misrepresent them in bad faith.
Again, I am not comparing them on a character-to-character basis. Joker is different from Hero who is different from Byleth who is different from Lloyd and co. But the trend so far has been overtly humanoid. Is that the fault of RPGs? No. RPGs can have non-humanoid protagonists/characters, such as Geno and humanoids can come from any type of game (Terry showed this). But characters do bring their own game to Smash, and things like weapons and meters are more common in RPGs than in other genres, and more importantly, RPGs do not have the mechanics of fighting games, rhythm games or shooters.
If you compare them one-by-one, it‘s a silly argument to make, RPGs are not inherently bad or not unique or whatever, but if you look at the trend it would leave certain types of playstyles, characters and fanbases out of the trend continued in a consistent capacity. I’d also argue against the fact that genre doesn’t have an impact: Sakurai takes game mechanics in mind. It’s lead to Terry, Min-Min being so faithful. If fighters were only from one specific type of game, we would lose out on those characters and their playstyles. That’s not a knock on RPGs as a genre on its own, but to as a genre that has taken the lion’s share of the Pass 1 and has so far been a frontrunner in speculation for Pass 2 as well.
Lloyd being added to the game doesn’t sour DLC, of course not. Fighter Pass 1 wasn’t soured either, because it would mean that I dislike RPGs personally, which I don’t.
So you're arguing with an uninformed opinion?
There's your problem; you don't have an argument at all.
It's okay to have opinions, but don't try to argue them if you don't have any evidence to back them up. Especially when the evidence contradicts your claims.
That's generally not a good look.
Let me preface this by saying that none of the choices so far were bad or unexciting to me and Persona, Dragon Quest and Three Houses are all hugely influential series and games with unique mechanics and even better Smash reps and I in no way have a vendetta against RPG or their characters and especially not their fans and I feel my argument has been misrepresented to be about the similarities between the RPG characters (they’re different series with different characters and different playstyles) when it’s more about the differences ”non-RPG characters” could bring as we saw with Min Min or even someone like Banjo-Kazooie with their quirky animations.
But I am arguing in bad faith, and I’m sorry for that. I woke up today, saw a post on the discourse (while later being told what the discourse was about) and made a post saying that, or at least implying that RPGs share something inherently. I don’t know what it is, I presume it is humanoid protagonists so far and I’m still trying to figure out what it was. I got called out on it, rightfully, and edited my post on a point. But it‘s hard to admit you were wrong, especially when you’re trying to figure out what it is exactly that you feel and are trying to argue, so I made the post above to try to explore further why I would have issues with a second pass similar that would be similar to the first, even though, yes, rationally and obviously, genre doesn’t dictate the set in any overarching way.
I would love to know more about Lloyd, who I found out this discussion was about, and will leave the verbalizing of my knee-jerk reaction to my personal headspace and I’m sorry if you felt duped into discussing it with me