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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
Y'know I could write a whole long post about Yakuza, but I'm just gonna plug my favorite song from the series.

Hideki Naganuma is a genius. Also the entiree series is full of amazing fighting music, Sega never slouches when it comes to the music department.


Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
Y'know I could write a whole long post about Yakuza, but I'm just gonna plug my favorite song from the series.

Hideki Naganuma is a genius. Also the entiree series is full of amazing fighting music, Sega never slouches when it comes to the music department.
Even if Kiryu made it in I doubt we'd get songs from this game, it's the most obscure entry in the series after all.

I want the entire soundtrack of Zero, I know it won't happen but damn that soundtrack is utter perfection.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Both characters were created by a Japanese company, so I don't count them.
So... we got our first ever fully owned fully created Western third party just last year and your saying that you don’t thing there’s any way we could get another? Doesn’t that seem a bit... backwards? Like they finally break into the western fan base with their most popular character and then just stop?


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
So... we got our first ever fully owned fully created Western third party just last year and your saying that you don’t thing there’s any way we could get another? Doesn’t that seem a bit... backwards? Like they finally break into the western fan base with their most popular character and then just stop?
Said character was mostly an exception due to massive fan demand and the cooperation of Microsoft.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
If you’re gonna pitch me something pitch it right or else I ain’t sold.

It’s like selling a house, if I don’t know anything about it I can’t form an opinion of my own and I won’t be inclined to purchase it.
Fair enough. To be honest my post was more me being kinda miffed at the mentality that "if the character's not likely, it's not worth talking about" that seems to be pretty prevalent around here lately.

I don't really know enough about the series to give you a pitch. Though I will say that I love how stupid and nonsensical the plots are. Like, there's an ending where the protagonist gets tired, and the final boss convinces her to go home and go to bed literally just by suggesting the idea.

So... we got our first ever fully owned fully created Western third party just last year and your saying that you don’t thing there’s any way we could get another? Doesn’t that seem a bit... backwards? Like they finally break into the western fan base with their most popular character and then just stop?
It's a Japanese company. You think they care about what the westerners want? Sure they'll throw 'em a bone every once and a while, but it wasn't hard to do so with first party characters. Also, they only added Banjo & Kazooie because Microsoft proved to be a beneficial partner, and because them westerners wouldn't shut up. This was a one and done deal, and you're beyond stupid if you think this will ever happen again.

/s of course. I think this argument is stupid, and probably gatekeeping.
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V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Said character was mostly an exception due to massive fan demand and the cooperation of Microsoft.
You can’t know that. There’s no way anyone could know whether Banjo is an exception/one time thing. There are plenty of western made characters who are popular all over the world.

League of Legends and Assassin’s Creed are two super EASY examples that I just thought up based upon leaks we have gotten RECENTLY. There’s plenty more we can add on top of that.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2013
Serious question: Do you guys think the popularity/recognizability of a character will play a huge role in this fighters pass? If so, do you think they'll prirotize certain regions or try to appeal to them all equally?

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
After Incineroar didn't get a table smash move from his concept art, I just really, REALLY want Kiryu to get in and have a bicycle smash move.

There's a primal part of my brain that absolutely loves unorthodox improvised weapons.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2020
Arlo has a bunch of moveset potential like asking for pikmin 4.... I don't think this joke is funny anymore is it.

Anyways considering Arle came from a RPG (Madou Monogatari) before Puyo Puyo and in Puyo Puyo they still shout spell names when you get a combo (or at least in champions they do) I think she could have a good pure magical arsenal like most people I've seen talk about her suggest.

She could either summon the Puyos for a special or smash attack like pac-man.
Her most common spells in the game are Fireball, Icestorm (which are kinda self explanatory) Diacute (Buff move) Mind Blast (Lowers attacks or Stuns in the games) Judgement (Powerful Non-Elemental attack) and Bayoen which could be her final smash considering it stuns opponents and the offensive version has her throwing random objects like planets stars or Puyos.
For her recovery she has wind moves (though that might get a little old because of Robin and Hero) and she has a Warp (which might also get a little old too)
She even has healing spells (Light) and Debuffing moves (Dark).

I might be Ranting and Rambling too much about it so sorry but TLDR basically shes a mage so she could use a lot of spells from her games.

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
Arlo has a bunch of moveset potential like asking for pikmin 4.... I don't think this joke is funny anymore is it.

Anyways considering Arle came from a RPG (Madou Monogatari) before Puyo Puyo and in Puyo Puyo they still shout spell names when you get a combo (or at least in champions they do) I think she could have a good pure magical arsenal like most people I've seen talk about her suggest.

She could either summon the Puyos for a special or smash attack like pac-man.
Her most common spells in the game are Fireball, Icestorm (which are kinda self explanatory) Diacute (Buff move) Mind Blast (Lowers attacks or Stuns in the games) Judgement (Powerful Non-Elemental attack) and Bayoen which could be her final smash considering it stuns opponents and the offensive version has her throwing random objects like planets stars or Puyos.
For her recovery she has wind moves (though that might get a little old because of Robin and Hero) and she has a Warp (which might also get a little old too)
She even has healing spells (Light) and Debuffing moves (Dark).

I might be Ranting and Rambling too much about it so sorry but TLDR basically shes a mage so she could use a lot of spells from her games.
The Arlo jokes still gets a giggle out of me.

Despite my obvious bias towards Kiryu, Arle's got a lot to work with make her work as fighter too. Even though she has a full magical arsenal, I'd hope she'd really take advantage of Puyos themselves in her moveset to make her stand out from other magic knights like Robin or Hero.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Mostly because that's how Smash operates. The only Western character we got on because of fan demand and Microsoft's budding relationship with Nintendo.
I legitimately don't understand what youre trying to communicate.

Your claim is that we have only ever gotten characters that are popular in Japan?


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I can totally understand this criticism; especially Ryu and Travis with their swords, though obviously still distinct, in silhouette can seem similar. Unfortunately, I happen to think most commonly talked about caroony/antropomorphic characters are unlikely for one reason or another.
And c'mon, Reimu's a little cartoony...

Reimu is maybe anime-esque, but I wouldnt put her in the cartoony category. And no, I'm not looking to debate semantics. I see Smash characters in three categories.

The cartoon ones- like Kirby series, Mario series, Pokemon, and the like.
The anime ones- like Kid Icarus, Zelda, Fire Emblem.
The grit/realistic ones- like Fire Emblem, Metroid, Belmonts.

Sure, it's not hard lines, but I see it in that triangle.

I'm curious; why do you discount most of the cartoonish characters?

Rayman, Frogger, Spyro, Crash, Dixie, Bandana Dee, Toad...

Said character was mostly an exception due to massive fan demand and the cooperation of Microsoft.
You keep narrowing what your perspective is Riley.

-only popular in japan
-popular in japan
-character created explicitly in japan
-character just created by a japanese owned franchise
-easy enough to be in Japan

Serious question: Do you guys think the popularity/recognizability of a character will play a huge role in this fighters pass? If so, do you think they'll prirotize certain regions or try to appeal to them all equally?
I really hope so. Even when I'm not personally into a character, when they have a very uniquely effective legacy (especially with a new company), or when they are extremely popular (and I'm not talking Joker levels of popular, I mean statistically over the top popular), then I find the additions more appealing.

So even when I dont play Overwatch and LoL, their inclusions, due to the sheer amounts of numbers of people that play them, make me more satisfied.

I suppose its also when its a generally untapped genre, too.
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Phew...I wanted to get in on the "My Dream Pass" game, but I may have gone overboard finding stages and music to match for them...

1. Springman (Ribbon Girl alt)
A basic stage with fans in the audience. Many of the fans wear shirts that correspond with the fighter colors (P1 red, P2 blue, etc.). Other ARMS characters can appear in the background.

Music: Grand Prix, Mashup of Spring Stadium and Ribbon Ring, Ninja College, Ramen Bowl, DNA Lab, [NAME REDACTED]

2. Dovahkiin (Male and Female alts)
Viewed from the west (opposite side of this image) with geography slightly modified so Whiterun can be seen in the far distance. There is a day/night cycle (like Battlefield) with a periodic aurora at night. Alduin can fly by and attack every so often.

Music: Dragonborn, One They Fear, Watch the Skies, Sovngarde, Nerevar Rising (Morrowind), Reign of the Septims (Oblivion), For Blood, for Glory, for Honor (ESO), Weapons Drawn (ESO)

3. Tails
Some moving parts, and it has to have that bit where the stage is just a few blocks with rising purple water. My childhood still has scars from that.

Music: Chemical Plant Zone (yeah, this is a fanremix, but come on! So cool!), Casino Night Zone, Special Stage (Sonic 2)

4. Nightmare (Soul Calibur), Siegfried as an alt costume
From SCII, with a clear view of the rest of the castle from the broken wall. Will eventually be consumed by flames and become Inferno. Some of the other fighters are seen fighting in the background, including Ivy (censored), Mitsurugi, Kilik, Xianghua, Raphael, and Sophitia.

Music: Under the Star of Destiny (SCII), Raise Thy Sword (SCII), No Turning Back (SCII), If There Were Any Other Way (SCII), Hellfire (SCII), Face your Fate (SCIII), Forsaken Sanctuary (SCIII) Sacred Dawn (SCV), Antares (SCV)

5. Urbosa, Midna, or Skull Kid (I’m not picky here)

Not really picky about which game, but we don’t have a forest stage in Smash at all. A BotW or OoT version could have the Great Deku Tree in the background, while a TP version could have the ruined Temple of Time and the statues there. And of course, the Master Sword in a pedestal…unless Link’s on stage.

Music: Skyloft (Hyrule Warriors), Title & Dragon (Hyrule Warriors Legends), Molgera (Hyrule Warriors Legends), Hyrule Castle (interior) (BotW), Mashups of each champion’s theme song with The Champion's Ballad and the main theme as Kass does in the Champion’s Ballas DLC, Mashups of the attack on each Divine Beast themes with their respective Blight Ganon battle themes.

6. Waluigi
A travelling stage. Could be the same one we had in 3DS or based on one of the Rainbow Roads in MK8 (Original or N64 remake)

Music: …I’m sure there’s some good things, but I’m blanking after all the rest of these above…
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King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
Reimu is maybe anime-esque, but I wouldnt put her in the cartoony category. And no, I'm not looking to debate semantics. I see Smash characters in three categories.

The cartoon ones- like Kirby series, Mario series, Pokemon, and the like.
The anime ones- like Kid Icarus, Zelda, Fire Emblem.
The grit/realistic ones- like Fire Emblem, Metroid, Belmonts.

Sure, it's not hard lines, but I see it in that triangle.

I'm curious; why do you discount most of the cartoonish characters?

Rayman, Frogger, Spyro, Crash, Dixie, Bandana Dee, Toad...

You keep narrowing what your perspective is Riley.

-only popular in japan
-popular in japan
-character created explicitly in japan
-character just created by a japanese owned franchise
-easy enough to be in Japan
Not fully updated image but basically this

:ultisabelle: in Stop Watching Cartoons, :ultken: next to Ryu, :ultincineroar: next to DK, :ultpiranha: next to Yoshi.

:ultjoker:should be the top of Weeb Hell, :ulthero: should also be at the top but lean towards the left, :ultbanjokazooie: is stop watching cartoons, :ult_terry: next to Ritchter, :ultbyleth:with the rest of FE crowd
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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
On the topic of a Western Character, I think Banjo was like a test drive for Western owned characters, and seeing how it went well it could be a green light to more western characters. We've gotten more western content after Banjo, like Cuphead mii cotume, Warframe Spirits, and Ubisoft got full costumes this time. I think we will get more Western Representation in this pass, through Spirit events, Mii costumes, and likely at least 1 Western owned character

Also We will Get Mrs. PAC-MAN as a extra character or Extra Costume for PAC-MAN.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Serious question: Do you guys think the popularity/recognizability of a character will play a huge role in this fighters pass? If so, do you think they'll prirotize certain regions or try to appeal to them all equally?
I've never seen that before.

I don't agree with a lot of the classifications- but yes, yes by golly I think you've got it!

On the topic of a Western Character, I think Banjo was like a test drive for Western owned characters, and seeing how it went well it could be a green light to more western characters. We've gotten more western content after Banjo, like Cuphead mii cotume, Warframe Spirits, and Ubisoft got full costumes this time. I think we will get more Western Representation in this pass, through Spirit events, Mii costumes, and likely at least 1 Western owned character

Also We will Get Mrs. PAC-MAN as a extra character or Extra Costume for PAC-MAN.
Well yeah- hence my poll (and shameless repost)
Are we at the RATE MY PASS GAME?

1- Twintelle with a Min Min echo (I've called them the mascots and fan favorites for a while, but also, visual variety) Hollow Knight Mii+
2- Paper Mario (the year of Mario, old beloved character) with a Geno costume Mii+ (Dixie Kong echo on par with Ken variances)
3- unknown Zelda character, with an Impa echo of Sheik + Ganondorf. Mii+ of Quote
4- Agumon (the easiest third party to work with is Bandai Namco). Ms Pacman echo. Shovel Knight Mii+
5- Balloon Fighter. Octoling as an echo of Inkling as primary. Shocking STEVE Mii+
6- Rayman (for Ubisoft). No echo, but very fun costumes. Shocking- Vault Boy Mii+

And, I've been keeping no secret that I now think a third pass is likely, because
a- its a team already together, and so an ongoing project after a pandemic is easier to organize
b- its more of a guarantee to help restore lost revenue, and marketing opportunity
c- Sakurai would want to please fans in a time of global crisis, he would stay on just to bring joy to millions, even see it as his duty
d- third parties would be difficult to work with during this pass without meeting face to face- if they were negotiated, they would require to be pushed back, perhaps even to a new pass

1- Doomguy
2- Heihachi
3- Crash Bandicoot
4- Lara Croft
5- Frogger
6- Scorpion. Final echo in Sub Zero.
7- Sora. The dream is complete.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
If we get any Western fighters I don't expect more than one. Most if not all of these challengers will be from Japanese studios.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2016
Reimu is maybe anime-esque, but I wouldnt put her in the cartoony category. And no, I'm not looking to debate semantics. I see Smash characters in three categories.

The cartoon ones- like Kirby series, Mario series, Pokemon, and the like.
The anime ones- like Kid Icarus, Zelda, Fire Emblem.
The grit/realistic ones- like Fire Emblem, Metroid, Belmonts.

Sure, it's not hard lines, but I see it in that triangle.

I'm curious; why do you discount most of the cartoonish characters?

Rayman, Frogger, Spyro, Crash, Dixie, Bandana Dee, Toad...
For many, being spirits makes them less likely in my eyes; not impossible, but it seems like that's the role Sakurai had in mind for them. Toad in particular, since he serving as the Princesses' neutral B, is a bit of a hard sell. I'd say he "deserves" it as much or more than any other non-playable Nintendo character, but circumstances are that I don't think he'll make it.

Then, several are western characters. I don't think western characters should be excluded, we've seen they can make the cut, but it does seem to me an extra wrinkle. Rayman unfortunately gets hit with the double whammy here.

And then there's Frogger. Honestly, I think he'd be more out of left field than Reimu. He has a larger presence in the headspace of gamers especially in the west, but he's had a much sparser (or I guess uneven?) career overall. When people think Frogger they think the og arcade game. I'm not sure if Nintendo will select a retro character. There wasn't one in the first pass, but who can say for sure.

I think of the characters listed, Crash probably has the best shot. He isn't a spirit, and though a western character has a strong fanbase, legacy, and sales, including in Japan. I still think people tend to oversell him a bit. He wasn't really heavily requested until after Ultimate released, which may have been enough time for FP2 but who can say. I can understand people wanting to rally behind a cartoonish character though.

I don't dislike cartoony characters on principle, although my taste in games often lead to titles with more realistic/anime-esque character design. Rather, out of the cartoony characters that I can think of or people talk most about, they happen to be in situations I think make them unlikely.

I've got enough nostalgia about Spyro I'd be exited if he made it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2013
On the topic of a Western Character, I think Banjo was like a test drive for Western owned characters, and seeing how it went well it could be a green light to more western characters. We've gotten more western content after Banjo, like Cuphead mii cotume, Warframe Spirits, and Ubisoft got full costumes this time. I think we will get more Western Representation in this pass, through Spirit events, Mii costumes, and likely at least 1 Western owned character

Also We will Get Mrs. PAC-MAN as a extra character or Extra Costume for PAC-MAN.
Yeah, I don't see a reason why they'd stop now since they've already reached out to many in the West to use their characters in some way.
Not sure why people are so confident about getting Mrs. Pac-Man tho, but hey I'm all for it
I really hope so. Even when I'm not personally into a character, when they have a very uniquely effective legacy (especially with a new company), or when they are extremely popular (and I'm not talking Joker levels of popular, I mean statistically over the top popular), then I find the additions more appealing.

So even when I dont play Overwatch and LoL, their inclusions, due to the sheer amounts of numbers of people that play them, make me more satisfied.

I suppose its also when its a generally untapped genre, too.
Fair enough, I only ask because I remember someone describing mii costumes and spirits as consolation prizes for characters that couldn't be playable in Smash, which would have some interesting implications if it were true considering we got a Warframe spirit and a Goemon costume of all things.


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
So I skimmed a bit past a few pages since it's been awhile, and I'm seeing some panic for June. I was wondering what was that about.
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Kiryu, Arle AND Reimu talk? At this time of day, located in these Character Discussion Forums?

Kiryu - Safe to say that since I started Yakuza 0 late last year, I've become quite attached this franchise and would absolutely LOVE to see Kiryu in Smash if he ever gets the invite. There's plenty of potential for him to be quite the fun brawler archetype, especially if you implement many of the mechanics in the Yakuza games - Style Switching of Yakuza 0 and Kiwami; Brawler as an all-rounder, Rush with quick but weak combo attacks, and Beast with massive damage and able to tank through hits... being able to smash people in the face with a bicycle, street sign, traffic cones, etc... Building up the Heat Gauge as he fights to perform Heat Actions for even more stylish Specials or Throws... Yeah, Kiryu's definitely amongst my top 10 most wanted since I started Yakuza.

Arle - While I prefer Kiryu as the Sega character I'd like to see in Smash, I wouldn't have a problem with Arle. Puyo Puyo's seen great success commercially throughout the years, and there's a fair bit of room for making a more proper representation of a "Puzzle Fighter" in a sense compared to Dr. Mario. Have her drop and stack Puyos together to block opponents or maybe use them as a way to build up strength for one of her more powerful spells. More magic users in the Smash series is a welcome addition in my book.

Reimu - Unlike these Sega mascots, Reimu has quite the mountain to climb, but she and the Touhou series are amongst some of the most recognizable doujin franchises. Similarly, Touhou has another significant obstacle in that while Touhou has become synonymous with Japanese doujin culture, the indie scene of the West also has a strong set of contenders as well vying invites - Shantae, Shovel Knight in particular - and Touhou is still somewhat obscure compared to the promotion these indie games often see. That said, similar to Arle, she'd be another fun 'magical girl' archetype fighter, able to fly and shoot barrage upon barrage of danmaku or bombs, thwack people on the head with a gohei, and bring countless great songs too.

All in all, I'd say any of them is worthy for an invite to Smash Bros!


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Is that so? Well, that's unfortunate.
Keep in mind that said "relatively credible." The leaker who claimed it is Zippo, and his track record is beyond spotty.

Furthermore, it just said there wouldnt be a Nintendo Direct for E3 in June. It didnt say it couldnt happen sooner, or that the information might not be labeled as a 'Nintendo Direct.' In short- more hooplah.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Keep in mind that said "relatively credible." The leaker who claimed it is Zippo, and his track record is beyond spotty.

Furthermore, it just said there wouldnt be a Nintendo Direct for E3 in June. It didnt say it couldnt happen sooner, or that the information might not be labeled as a 'Nintendo Direct.' In short- more hooplah.
It was also reaffirmed by another credible (as far as people have said) source.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Wow this is a bop! If the Sonic the Hedgehog series had more songs like this I'd probably be a huge Sonic music fan.

But instead we have Scrap Brain Zone...
Pfft, best Sonic song is Rooftop Run. Course, that's already in Smash so...

You know that's the exact same argument people used against Dragon Quest, right?
Yeah, but it wasn't actually true with Dragon Quest. As most western gamers actually HAVE heard of Dragon Quest.
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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Yeah, but it wasn't actually true with Dragon Quest. As most western gamers actually HAVE heard of Dragon Quest.
I feel like this is going to be anecdotal evidence vs anecdotal evidence but in my experiences, most people I talk to about games have never heard of Dragon Quest. They have, however, seen Slime. They just have no idea where it's from.


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
Kiryu, Arle AND Reimu talk? At this time of day, located in these Character Discussion Forums?
View attachment 270733
Kiryu - Safe to say that since I started Yakuza 0 late last year, I've become quite attached this franchise and would absolutely LOVE to see Kiryu in Smash if he ever gets the invite. There's plenty of potential for him to be quite the fun brawler archetype, especially if you implement many of the mechanics in the Yakuza games - Style Switching of Yakuza 0 and Kiwami; Brawler as an all-rounder, Rush with quick but weak combo attacks, and Beast with massive damage and able to tank through hits... being able to smash people in the face with a bicycle, street sign, traffic cones, etc... Building up the Heat Gauge as he fights to perform Heat Actions for even more stylish Specials or Throws... Yeah, Kiryu's definitely amongst my top 10 most wanted since I started Yakuza.

Arle - While I prefer Kiryu as the Sega character I'd like to see in Smash, I wouldn't have a problem with Arle. Puyo Puyo's seen great success commercially throughout the years, and there's a fair bit of room for making a more proper representation of a "Puzzle Fighter" in a sense compared to Dr. Mario. Have her drop and stack Puyos together to block opponents or maybe use them as a way to build up strength for one of her more powerful spells. More magic users in the Smash series is a welcome addition in my book.

Reimu - Unlike these Sega mascots, Reimu has quite the mountain to climb, but she and the Touhou series are amongst some of the most recognizable doujin franchises. Similarly, Touhou has another significant obstacle in that while Touhou has become synonymous with Japanese doujin culture, the indie scene of the West also has a strong set of contenders as well vying invites - Shantae, Shovel Knight in particular - and Touhou is still somewhat obscure compared to the promotion these indie games often see. That said, similar to Arle, she'd be another fun 'magical girl' archetype fighter, able to fly and shoot barrage upon barrage of danmaku or bombs, thwack people on the head with a gohei, and bring countless great songs too.

All in all, I'd say any of them is worthy for an invite to Smash Bros!
Wait I missed a Kiryu discussion? Dang it.

Don't know how likely he is but I'm sure he would be fun.
Aug 3, 2018
Just some random thoughts...

I have a feeling that Nintendo will again make an effort to reach 'new fanbases'/new consumers with some part of their remaining DLC picks. It's most probably one of their main objectives along with trying to keep the current Smash players relatively happy (because they know that a happy fanbase creates hype, precious hype). Like we saw with Inkling, Byleth and now with the mysterious ARMS rep, cross-promoting with other Switch titles is also up there in their plans it seems.

I'm convinced that inclusions like Snake, Cloud, Ryu, or more recently Ken, Joker and Terry have helped Nintendo reach significant chunks of consumers outside of their normal range (e.g. a bunch of Playstation owners with Snake, Cloud and Joker or more traditional fighting games fans with Ryu, Ken and Terry). I assume it's all intentional on Nintendo's part. Like i said, whatever they're doing, i'm sure that trying to please the current Smash fanbase is always in the back of their minds but if, at the same time, they have an opportunity to reach out to a significant amount of new gamers, it's basically 'hitting two birds with one stone' at this point, pretty sure they'd give it a shot (especially if it has been proven to work in the past).

Obviously, it's just my interpretation but based on that logic, i wouldn't be surprised to see Nintendo reveal one or two DLC fighters (out of the remaining 5) with the main focus of reaching out to a new type of consumer/gamer. Characters from a game genre not yet represented in Smash and/or typically associated with another console would best fit the bill imo, like Master Chief or Doomguy for example (to try and promote Smash to a bunch of FPS fans, potentially Xbox owners). Same goes for a rep originating from a game with a ginormous fanbase like Minecraft, League of Legends or even Fortnite.

While choices like these are not necessarily the most popular choices among Smash fans, they make a lot of sense from a marketing perspective.

So yeah, that's just something to consider i think.
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Just some random thoughts...

I have a feeling that Nintendo will again make an effort to reach 'new fanbases'/new consumers with some part of their remaining DLC picks. It's most probably one of their main objectives along with trying to keep the current Smash players relatively happy (because they know that a happy fanbase creates hype, precious hype). Like we saw with Inkling, Byleth and now with the mysterious ARMS rep, cross-promoting with other Switch titles is also up there in their plans it seems.

I'm convinced that inclusions like Snake, Cloud, Ryu, or more recently Ken, Joker and Terry have helped Nintendo reach significant chunks of consumers outside of their normal range (e.g. a bunch of Playstation owners with Snake, Cloud and Joker or more traditional fighting games fans with Ryu, Ken and Terry). I assume it's all intentional on Nintendo's part. Like i said, whatever they're doing, i'm sure that trying to please the current Smash fanbase is always in the back of their minds but if, at the same time, they have an opportunity to reach out to a significant amount of new gamers, it's basically 'hitting two birds with one stone' at this point, pretty sure they'd give it a shot (especially if it has been proven to work in the past).

Obviously, it's just my interpretation but based on that logic, i wouldn't be surprised to see Nintendo reveal one or two DLC fighters (out of the remaining 5) with the main focus of reaching out to a new type of consumer/gamer. Characters from a game genre not yet represented in Smash and/or typically associated with another console would best fit the bill imo, like Master Chief or Doomguy for example (to try and promote Smash to a bunch of FPS fans, potentially Xbox owners). Same goes for a rep originating from a game with a ginormous fanbase like Minecraft, League of Legends or even Fortnite.

While choices like these are not necessarily the most popular choices among Smash fans, they make a lot of sense from a marketing perspective.

So yeah, that's just something to consider i think.
While that is a good point, I'm unsure of how much Ryu and Terry actually brought people over. While this is just my personal experience, I really don't think a sizeable chunk of the hardcore SF or SNK fans suddenly became interested in Smash because of them. It's more likely that the people who appreciate these characters were already fans of both their games and Smash - I can speak for myself on that front, at least.

I also gave a counterpoint to the "new demographics" argument a few days ago:

It's perfectly understandable that Smash is changing directions to a "global gaming" crossover. I for one welcome it - most of the picks I want are third party, after all. But there's something that a lot of the people arguing that "the problem is the fanbase" and "we should keep expanding" haven't considered: Smash has added a lot of value with third parties, but even that has an eventual limit.

For one: Smash is already the best selling fighting game series and Ultimate is the best selling fighting game of all time. I think there's less places to go from here (in terms of actually bringing in a whole lot of people) than people think there are.

Even among third parties, Smash hasn't gone that far from Nintendo. I'd argue the only ones that really did were :ultcloud: and :ultjoker:. Most of the third party picks I see being discussed here would likely also fall under the "Nintendo fan" umbrella in some way. So in that sense, there are relatively few options to keep expanding:
  1. Characters exclusive to other consoles (Master Chief, a Sony rep, a PC or mobile rep) or at least ones that are mostly associated with other consoles (in a similar vein to Joker. I think Dante could fit this, due to not being on Nintendo consoles until recently).
  2. Characters from games/franchises bigger than Smash (like Master Chief, Steve or a GTA rep).
Chances are, if you want someone like Crash or Sora... you're already here. You've probably bought Ultimate already.
I think Minecraft or League are definitely worth keeping in mind, but at the same time I think that if we get a newcomer that's supposed to bring a lot of people in, it'll probably be just one or two and the remaining choices - assuming most of them are third party - should be "safer" in comparison.
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