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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2013
Final Fantasy 7 Remake just came out a few days ago. They may as well just go with that. Especially considering the current amount of FF7 content in Smash.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
I have a feeling the spirit board will be generic, but if I had to choose someone, it will probably be something that is way out there. A lot of spirits we have been receiving are on the lines of Warframe or River City. I'm gonna go out on a whim and say it might be Contra. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we have any Contra content in the game at all. Not even spirits. That is surprising for a series that is iconic and was associated with Nintendo during the NES and SNES days. Plus there are still Contra games being made today.
My hope would be that Contra AT LEAST warrants some Mii Gunner costumes. But then, I felt the same with Kunio and Brawler costumes...and all I got there was Spirits too...

I don't think I'll ever understand why certain people choose to take ATs as nothing but an insult.

If Sakurai wasn't going to include them anyway, then I'd prefer the next best thing, and that's arguably an AT.
The respect goes in order of the amount of effort it takes to make them. So:

Playable Character > Boss > Assist Trophy > Mii Costume > Spirit
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Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
I don't think I'll ever understand why certain people choose to take ATs as nothing but an insult.

If Sakurai wasn't going to include them anyway, then I'd prefer the next best thing, and that's arguably an AT. Dark Samus and Isabelle being revealed as an AT in Smash 4 was disappointing for me, but the pain would be no different than if they were revealed as standard trophies. This way, the character gets a unique model, possible voice clips, and special attacks — it's a nice tribute to the character. I'd definitely prefer seeing them as that over a stationary model (Plus, all ATs in Smash 4 got a trophy anyway, so it's not you get one or the other).

I just don't see how Bomberman or Shovel Knight being nothing more than a Spirit (or even worse, cut from the game entirely) is somehow more respectful to the character than making them an AT.
I think it's just because it's perceived as Sakurai's way of saying "yeah, this character you like? Sorry, not good enough".

Part of the problem is that a lot of people sorta see their character getting into Smash Bros. as some kind of validation. Big reason people were rallying for the likes of King K. Rool and Banjo & Kazooie is because those people wanted to prove that those characters were still important/popular, and not just old outdated cereal mascots that were better off collecting dust as their detractors would argue.

I guess fans of Isaac, Ashley, Bomberman, whatever want that same kind of vindication, that their character matters and can stand alongside the likes of Mario and Link. And for Sakurai to instead turn them into an assist trophy, it feels like the ultimate rejection, that the character in question wasn't good enough.

It doesn't help that basically the bulk of assist trophies have never been upgraded between games, only outside of special occassions (Little Mac because he got a new game, Isabelle because she's super popular now, Dark Samus because she could be an echo fighter). So you when see the likes of Waluigi, Lyn, Ashley, etc still being ATs to this day, it comes off as Sakurai not thinking they're worthy of being playable, which naturally upsets the fanbase of said characters.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I don't think I'll ever understand why certain people choose to take ATs as nothing but an insult.

If Sakurai wasn't going to include them anyway, then I'd prefer the next best thing, and that's arguably an AT. Dark Samus and Isabelle being revealed as an AT in Smash 4 was disappointing for me, but the pain would be no different than if they were revealed as standard trophies. This way, the character gets a unique model, possible voice clips, and special attacks — it's a nice tribute to the character. I'd definitely prefer seeing them as that over a stationary model (Plus, all ATs in Smash 4 got a trophy anyway, so it's not you get one or the other).

I just don't see how Bomberman or Shovel Knight being nothing more than a Spirit (or even worse, cut from the game entirely) is somehow more respectful to the character than making them an AT.
I think the issue is DLC and who is getting added as AT. In Brawl, this wasn't a problem as all the ATs were characters who made sense being an AT. Sure, some, like Little Mac, would have been great as playable characters, but Brawl added a lot of major characters as playable. In Smash 4, there wasn't as many obvious characters like Brawl had (Meta-Knight, Dedede, Diddy, Olimar ect). So it was a bigger deal when a character was made an AT over a playable character. Its gotten worse as time has gone on because in addition to fewer big name Nintendo characters people are also apply this to guest characters as well. Now it's an issue when Bomberman or Shovel Knight become ATs, when back in Brawl or even Smash 4 it would have been a huge deal if those characters even got AT.

With DLC, there is the possibility if a character doesn't make the cut that they could just be added in down the road. ATs close the door on this. Again, this wasn't a problem for Brawl. Thats why some people only care about Springman getting in because it would break this rule (aside: but I feel like there is this assumption that Vol 2 is about "breaking" rules. This feels like fan logic. Sure, some rules could be broken but thats more due to the planning of Vol 2 rather than something they are intentially doing).

I do think ATs have over stayed their welcome, at least in the game play department. They've become more chaotic than they were in the last too games to the point where they detract from the fight. Plus KOing them gives you points which messes up time battles and even then the KO rule isn't consistent. In the future, it may be time to come up with another idea.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
I used the most foolproof way to find out the next spirit event: RNG. Looks like we're getting...

a John Adams spirit board! Big shame, this disconfirms a future slot from the US President series, meaning no Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln.

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
I don't see assist trophies/Pokeballs as "better than nothing" I actively like that they're here from a gameplay aspect and a reference aspect.

When playing with items on, assist trophies/Pokeballs are the most sought after items. Having a random character show up to alter the battle dynamic for a bit is fun.

Deleted member

Warning Issued
Who the hell are begging for more Assist Trophies? Who is going "oh boy, I can't to see these NPCs"? People aren't that desperate to see these characters as an Assist Trophy, nobody would care if these characters get cut or just never made it as an Assist Trophy. You don't see the Sin & Punishment fans upset because Saki got removed as an Assist Trophy because nobody gives a damn about Assist Trophy.
But yeah, such an amazing way to play by picking up an item a get a random character that does it's own thing for 15 seconds. This "fan service" is the equivalent of a Ready Player One cameo.
It's not about rooting for assist trophies. It's either they're there or they aren't there. I highly doubt omitting assist trophies as a concept would have made Saki or Bomberman somehow more likely. If anything, Isaac not getting his AT in Smash 4 proves that.

Like nobody gives a **** if you hate them or not. Just turn them off if you hate them. However, the continuous ranting about them wont make them go away, and making them go away wont even make your most wanted characters more likely. Assist trophies aren't the issue; finite time and resources are the issue. Assist trophies all being removed would only add like one fighter, maybe. Given your cynicism toward "shill picks," it doesn't sound like a valuable trade. This isn't even the first time we've told you this.

But hey, I guess that means we get to reset the clock.

Mod EDIT: Image Removed
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 18, 2018
I don't think I'll ever understand why certain people choose to take ATs as nothing but an insult.

If Sakurai wasn't going to include them anyway, then I'd prefer the next best thing, and that's arguably an AT. Dark Samus and Isabelle being revealed as an AT in Smash 4 was disappointing for me, but the pain would be no different than if they were revealed as standard trophies. This way, the character gets a unique model, possible voice clips, and special attacks — it's a nice tribute to the character. I'd definitely prefer seeing them as that over a stationary model (Plus, all ATs in Smash 4 got a trophy anyway, so it's not you get one or the other).

I just don't see how Bomberman or Shovel Knight being nothing more than a Spirit (or even worse, cut from the game entirely) is somehow more respectful to the character than making them an AT.
Only being a spirit is one thing, Advance wars used to be represented with an assist trophy but then got demoted to only have spirits. I always felt that was weird but I didn't pay it any mind since I haven't ever played an AW game. Fast forward to a couple months ago when I finally played one and now I feel like the series was done dirty. The series responsible for FE ever coming west getting shafted like that isn't right imo.
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Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2013
Assist Trophies should be scrapped solely because of the inexcusably shoddy representation of Nightmare.
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
My 'too sense' on the ATs thing;

It's cool seeing Assist Trophies show up in a Smash game if they're new. Little Mac and Samurai Goroh showing up in Brawl was cool to see, Skull Kid, Ghirahim, Isabelle and Dark Samus popping up in Wii U was cool even if I wanted the first two properly playable, and seeing Bomberman, Zero and Alucard showing up in Ultimate was a nice surprise.

People start complaining when they get stuck as ATs in succeeding Smash games. There's no excitement in seeing Waluigi popping out an AT for the 3rd time, a large part of Skull Kid's support this time around was the inclusion of the Moon AT potentially replacing his, and Isaac's reveal on November was more of a death knell to me rather than a triumphant return.

Honestly don't know the best way to solve this issue, but that's how Assist Trophies are to me; a one-and-done deal in which each character's appeal has a shelf life of one game before people want them properly playable. An ideal solution would be taking all the humanoid ATs and making them playable next Smash, but I'm not entitled enough to demand that of Sakurai.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
I think the issue is DLC and who is getting added as AT. In Brawl, this wasn't a problem as all the ATs were characters who made sense being an AT. Sure, some, like Little Mac, would have been great as playable characters, but Brawl added a lot of major characters as playable. In Smash 4, there wasn't as many obvious characters like Brawl had (Meta-Knight, Dedede, Diddy, Olimar ect). So it was a bigger deal when a character was made an AT over a playable character. Its gotten worse as time has gone on because in addition to fewer big name Nintendo characters people are also apply this to guest characters as well. Now it's an issue when Bomberman or Shovel Knight become ATs, when back in Brawl or even Smash 4 it would have been a huge deal if those characters even got AT.

With DLC, there is the possibility if a character doesn't make the cut that they could just be added in down the road. ATs close the door on this. Again, this wasn't a problem for Brawl. Thats why some people only care about Springman getting in because it would break this rule (aside: but I feel like there is this assumption that Vol 2 is about "breaking" rules. This feels like fan logic. Sure, some rules could be broken but thats more due to the planning of Vol 2 rather than something they are intentially doing).

I do think ATs have over stayed their welcome, at least in the game play department. They've become more chaotic than they were in the last too games to the point where they detract from the fight. Plus KOing them gives you points which messes up time battles and even then the KO rule isn't consistent. In the future, it may be time to come up with another idea.
Another thing to note is that in the Brawl days, playing with items on was more popular. There were less competitive players, and items while more chaotic than Melee's were not as annoying as 4's.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
I think the issue is DLC and who is getting added as AT. In Brawl, this wasn't a problem as all the ATs were characters who made sense being an AT. Sure, some, like Little Mac, would have been great as playable characters, but Brawl added a lot of major characters as playable. In Smash 4, there wasn't as many obvious characters like Brawl had (Meta-Knight, Dedede, Diddy, Olimar ect). So it was a bigger deal when a character was made an AT over a playable character. Its gotten worse as time has gone on because in addition to fewer big name Nintendo characters people are also apply this to guest characters as well. Now it's an issue when Bomberman or Shovel Knight become ATs, when back in Brawl or even Smash 4 it would have been a huge deal if those characters even got AT.

With DLC, there is the possibility if a character doesn't make the cut that they could just be added in down the road. ATs close the door on this. Again, this wasn't a problem for Brawl. Thats why some people only care about Springman getting in because it would break this rule (aside: but I feel like there is this assumption that Vol 2 is about "breaking" rules. This feels like fan logic. Sure, some rules could be broken but thats more due to the planning of Vol 2 rather than something they are intentially doing).

I do think ATs have over stayed their welcome, at least in the game play department. They've become more chaotic than they were in the last too games to the point where they detract from the fight. Plus KOing them gives you points which messes up time battles and even then the KO rule isn't consistent. In the future, it may be time to come up with another idea.
But chaotic Smash is fun!


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
Who the hell are begging for more Assist Trophies? Who is going "oh boy, I can't to see these NPCs"? People aren't that desperate to see these characters as an Assist Trophy, nobody would care if these characters get cut or just never made it as an Assist Trophy. You don't see the Sin & Punishment fans upset because Saki got removed as an Assist Trophy because nobody gives a damn about Assist Trophy.
But yeah, such an amazing way to play by picking up an item a get a random character that does it's own thing for 15 seconds. This "fan service" is the equivalent of a Ready Player One cameo.

.....I really like Assist Trophies. I absolutely hate that Saki was removed from Assist Trophy status. As a Sin and Punishment fan, I absolutely loved that Sin & Punishment had such representation in smash. Sometimes I like to take a break from competitive smash and play timed AT only matches with friends. It gives the game this sense of all star appeal seeing so many characters pop up and join the fight. It would be cool if a bunch of new assist trophies were to get added next season.
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King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
Another thing to note is that in the Brawl days, playing with items on was more popular. There were less competitive players, and items while more chaotic than Melee's were not as annoying as 4's.
Do you have anything to back up that assumption that items are not as popular as they once were? I don't play as much with items either, but I really can't use my own personal anecdotes to back that up that claim.

Most people who play smash are casuals, and casuals are more likely to play with items.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
While it's impossible to prove this, I think the number of players using items has been consistent. A lot of people here first got into Smash through Brawl, and as they got older, their preferences changed. They started spending more time with other older fans and took Smash more seriously.

It might feel like items were more popular back then, but that's probably because many of us didn't pay much attention to that. There are still quite a few people who choose to play with items, and I'd even be willing to bet that number is just as high, if not higher than those who don't.


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
Do you have anything to back up that assumption that items are not as popular as they once were? I don't play as much with items either, but I really can't use my own personal anecdotes to back that up that claim.

Most people who play smash are casuals, and casuals are more likely to play with items.
In my personal experience, casual style matches *felt* more prominent in Brawl due to

1. I didn’t have much contact with “the online Smash community” back then (i.e. people here on Smashboards, livestreamed tournaments + tourney players’ personal livestreams, compilation videos that tend to feature mostly clips from competitive style matches, ect) and these communities tend to prioritize competitive style play

2. Brawl’s own online mode, when playing with strangers and not friends, was designed for casual items matches only, pretty much. Smash 4 and Ultimate both had proper ways of playing competitive style matches, by comparison. The removal of For Fun unranked matches in Ultimate makes competitive feel even more prominent. (Yes, you can play casual items-on quickplay, but it feels kinda wrong to have that be part of the GSP system, and it sometimes drag in players who don’t want to do that, which makes me not want to try it...)

Of course, neither of these things are proof of anything, but they’re possible reasons for one to mistakenly think that there was a real change.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
In my personal experience, casual style matches *felt* more prominent in Brawl due to

1. I didn’t have much contact with “the online Smash community” back then (i.e. people here on Smashboards, livestreamed tournaments + tourney players’ personal livestreams, compilation videos that tend to feature mostly clips from competitive style matches, ect) and these communities tend to prioritize competitive style play

2. Brawl’s own online mode, when playing with strangers and not friends, was designed for casual items matches only, pretty much. Smash 4 and Ultimate both had proper ways of playing competitive style matches, by comparison. The removal of For Fun unranked matches in Ultimate makes competitive feel even more prominent. (Yes, you can play casual items-on quickplay, but it feels kinda wrong to have that be part of the GSP system, and it sometimes drag in players who don’t want to do that, which makes me not want to try it...)

Of course, neither of these things are proof of anything, but they’re possible reasons for one to mistakenly think that there was a real change.
That and EVO 2008 taking a big hit to competitive Smash, and it not getting out of that slump until the Smash Brothers documentary and Melee at EVO in 2013.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
2. Brawl’s own online mode, when playing with strangers and not friends, was designed for casual items matches only, pretty much. Smash 4 and Ultimate both had proper ways of playing competitive style matches, by comparison. The removal of For Fun unranked matches in Ultimate makes competitive feel even more prominent. (Yes, you can play casual items-on quickplay, but it feels kinda wrong to have that be part of the GSP system, and it sometimes drag in players who don’t want to do that, which makes me not want to try it...)
There were also a butt ton of taunt parties, something the online systems have cracked down on in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3Ds/Wii U and (I assume) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Personally, I think it'd be fun if they made it it's own online mode. It sounds dumb, but enough people find it fun that these people are a bit notorious for ruining everyone else's online experiences by trying to force them to play this way. EDIT: Why not let them play this way in a way that doesn't bother anyone else?
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
There were also a butt ton of taunt parties, something the online systems have cracked down on in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3Ds/Wii U and (I assume) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Personally, I think it'd be fun if they made it it's own online mode. It sounds dumb, but enough people find it fun that these people are a bit notorious for ruining everyone else's online experiences by trying to force them to play this way.
Taunts are partially disabled during some of Ultimate's online from what I remember. Soooooooo... its own mode could be neat, yeah.

Note that you can still use the button for stuff like Kirby.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Taunts are partially disabled during some of Ultimate's online from what I remember. Soooooooo... its own mode could be neat, yeah.

Note that you can still use the button for stuff like Kirby.
Oh yeah. I forgot they disabled taunts for everyone except Kirby in certain circumstances (probably because of taunt parties). Too bad, since Snake & Luigi's taunts actually have a semi-practical application.


Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
Who the hell are begging for more Assist Trophies? Who is going "oh boy, I can't to see these NPCs"? People aren't that desperate to see these characters as an Assist Trophy, nobody would care if these characters get cut or just never made it as an Assist Trophy. You don't see the Sin & Punishment fans upset because Saki got removed as an Assist Trophy because nobody gives a damn about Assist Trophy.
But yeah, such an amazing way to play by picking up an item a get a random character that does it's own thing for 15 seconds. This "fan service" is the equivalent of a Ready Player One cameo.
I guess I just don't exist because I want MORE assists to be added in updates.

From characters who will probably never get in like Ray and Saki, to newer series that don't have assists, like Futaba or Tifa. I would be grateful for that kind of thing.

Deleted member


Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin rollin
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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018

Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin rollin
Is this hinting at Beyblade?

Oh no, I've caught the theory-crafting disease...


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I guess I just don't exist because I want MORE assists to be added in updates.

From characters who will probably never get in like Ray and Saki, to newer series that don't have assists, like Futaba or Tifa. I would be grateful for that kind of thing.
DLC Assist Trophies would be pretty rad (But would they be Nitro Rad?). You could have Kyo running around beating people up, Gruntilda cast random spells on people, Slime...do whatever Slime does, and Morgana could put everyone to sleep. Everyone.
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Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019

Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin rollin
You get a screw attack! YOU GET A SCREW ATTACK!

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I guess I just don't exist because I want MORE assists to be added in updates.

From characters who will probably never get in like Ray and Saki, to newer series that don't have assists, like Futaba or Tifa. I would be grateful for that kind of thing.
I've been wanting DLC assists for a while too. Tons of potential for them. I mean, it'd be a different series, but SMT having Jack Frost could've been neat(officially Atlus has declared they're different series. The perception Persona is related outside of obviously some assets/reused monsters is due to a localization error of the name. It's kind of like Final Fantasy Legend, a localization name that's inaccurate), Hero(tons of Dragon Quest guys. Wyverns, Golems, etc.), Banjo-Kazooie(Mumbo Jumbo, perhaps? I admit I never got far nor remember that much. I think they covered them all on the stages, but... that'd have been nice too, even if they only spawn on other stages), tons of SNK options as is, maybe another FE character like Hector or something for Byleth(not from his/her world specifically, but...), and that's just off the top of my head for ideas. It's hard to say for ARMS cause it not only has an AT, but we don't know who the character is yet.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Maybe I was a fool but before Joker gameplay's reveal I always assumed each one of the DLCs would bring an assist with them.
I thought Joker would come with Morgana or maybe Jack Frost, and that would have been pretty cool.

Slime for Hero, Geese or Kyo with Terry, and of course, the Gatekeeper for Byleth.
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Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019

Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin rollin
I'm scared.



Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
No but I also don't really see Sin & Punishment fans period. I'm pretty sure Isaac fans were at least a little sad that they didn't even get their Assist Trophy back.
No they were, because they thought that means Isaac had a chance to be playable in Smash 4. Then they showed the Isaac Assist Trophy in the last Smash Bros Direct and Nintendo received a bunch of angry calls.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
Here's my idea for the DLC Assists:
  • Persona: Queen (Makoto rides back and forth across the stage on Johanna, dealing damage to anyone she hits. Right before she leaves, she casts Freidyne and makes a moderately sized explosion).
  • Dragon Quest: Jessica Albert (Jessica moves freely around the stage like Alucard or Zero, attacking opponents by hitting them with a series of whip lashes, shooting a sexy beam, or raining ice down with Kacrackle).
  • Banjo-Kazooie: Mumbo (Mumbo will 'transform' whoever summoned him by making them large, metal, or giving them a tail. However, Mumbo's spell occasionally backfire and shrink the person who summoned him).
  • Fatal Fury: Krauser (Krauser moves around, throwing three Blitz Balls, followed by a Kaiser Wave. However, if someone is above him when he's about to perform his Kaiser Wave, he instead does a Gigaton Cyclone).
  • Three Houses: Lysithea (Lysithea casts Dark Spikes T, causing a bunch of... dark spikes to appear above the opponent in a semi-circle and fly at them, impale the other character. Somewhat weak, but does good damage to shields)
  • ARMS: Biff (Similar to Mr. Resetti, Biff appears as a textbox at the bottom of the screen, commentating while blocking the UI and any action that happens behind him).

Deleted member

Dragon Quest: Jessica Albert (Jessica moves freely around the stage like Alucard or Zero, attacking opponents by hitting them with a series of whip lashes, shooting a sexy beam, or raining ice down with Kacrackle)
Jessica should just use timbrels of tension, and then magic burst as soon as she gets onto the stage. Insta-kill everything.
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