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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Lord
Nov 22, 2019
United States
Switch FC
If I was able to get both of them it would be a dream come true, you’re getting me hyped just thinking about the possibility!
They could be echo fighters, but I don’t think that’d properly serve either of the characters. They both have mechanics which we wouldn’t be able to see if it was an echo, and that’d just be sad. I want them both, but I know it would come down to one or the other, if either were considered at all. Sad day


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
TWEWY also has a ****ton of cultural influence. You know that Komaeda guy?
Actually I don't, but I'll probably meet him at some point.

Color-Game TV 15, actually.
I'm wondering if this name was made to copyright dodge.

Don’t cut assist trophies, but definitely change it up. Maybe like MHOJ (if you don’t know it don’t bother looking it up) where you pick two assist trophies before the match, as ‘sidekicks’. Someone said something similar to this earlier. There can be meters that let you know when you can use them. They won’t be like assist trophies are now, they’ll just use an attack which has a large hitbox. Then they disappear. But they can also be saved up, and if you have them both charged up and use your final smash, your final smash will be combined with a very strong move from both sidekicks.
Yeah I liked the idea someone mentioned earlier where it's similar to MVC1 you get a random one or two (or select them) that you can use on will a select number of times or something like that. Could be a fun special mode.
It'd be pretty difficult to balance, but I think it could be a neat addition to the main style of play. Chose your character, choose your assist, and battle with them throughout the match. I'm just not sure how each one would work since you'd only get to use one attack per character.

Of course, but at the same time whenever Wynn shows up it feels like the same people go "NO YOU CAN'T WANT THEM PLAYABLE YOU HAVE TO APPRECIATE HOW THEY'RE IN THE GAME AT ALL" while in conversations about AT promos sans Wynn it's perfectly fine to want them.
It's not that he wants Assist Trophies playable. Pretty much everyone does. People take issue when he says the role is disrespectful to the character, or just a waste of time and resources. The whole "appreciating that they're even in the game" thing is just a counterargument to that, as most people believe having them as an Assist Trophy > not having them at all.

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
Oh wait it’s Tuesday, hopefully that means someone’s gonna get spirit boarded tonight! Or we might just get a generic spirit board idk...

anyway, what Spirit board predicts do y’all have? I still have a good feeling about a Firaxis franchise such as Civ or Xcom getting a spirit or two.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
They could be echo fighters, but I don’t think that’d properly serve either of the characters. They both have mechanics which we wouldn’t be able to see if it was an echo, and that’d just be sad. I want them both, but I know it would come down to one or the other, if either were considered at all. Sad day
A double reveal with both Layton and Pheonix going "Objection" would be great


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Oh wait it’s Tuesday, hopefully that means someone’s gonna get spirit boarded tonight! Or we might just get a generic spirit board idk...

anyway, what Spirit board predicts do y’all have? I still have a good feeling about a Firaxis franchise such as Civ or Xcom getting a spirit or two.
Good Job!/The Stretchers two-fer.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Of course, but at the same time whenever Wynn shows up it feels like the same people go "NO YOU CAN'T WANT THEM PLAYABLE YOU HAVE TO APPRECIATE HOW THEY'RE IN THE GAME AT ALL" while in conversations about AT promos sans Wynn it's perfectly fine to want them.
No, you've just spent the entire discussion building strawmen that people are apparently saying you can't want, like, be disappointed by, or still care about characters in supporting roles, when no one has said that. Unless I missed it.

What people have said is that feelings of disrespect, offence, being personally insulted, etc. are products of dubious and arguably flawed mentalities.

It's very easy to criticize another's argument when you get to dictate what that argument actually is.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Oh wait it’s Tuesday, hopefully that means someone’s gonna get spirit boarded tonight! Or we might just get a generic spirit board idk...

anyway, what Spirit board predicts do y’all have? I still have a good feeling about a Firaxis franchise such as Civ or Xcom getting a spirit or two.
every spirit board, I expect professor layton


Smash Lord
Nov 22, 2019
United States
Switch FC
It'd be pretty difficult to balance, but I think it could be a neat addition to the main style of play. Chose your character, choose your assist, and battle with them throughout the match. I'm just not sure how each one would work since you'd only get to use one attack per character.
I imagine it being a move which can’t be used in a combo, unless you’re A. Very lucky or B. Very smart. It could be used as an easy edgeguard. Say they’re off edge and you use bomberman, and then it explodes, killing them. Just something to use in certain situations.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Oh wait it’s Tuesday, hopefully that means someone’s gonna get spirit boarded tonight! Or we might just get a generic spirit board idk...

anyway, what Spirit board predicts do y’all have? I still have a good feeling about a Firaxis franchise such as Civ or Xcom getting a spirit or two.
Someone who is highly-speculated. We need to spice things up around here.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
The actual idea aside, this makes it sound like ATs aren't accepted by the community. Most of the community either doesn't care, or is absolutely fine with them. The dissidents are few and even fewer if you eliminated the ones just concerned with a single outcome that didn't pan out in the way they wanted.
I do agree that within the whole Smash community ATs are generally accepted. I was merely pointing out a way to make it even more accepted among those who are disappointed that their favorites are ATs instead of playable characters and still resent it. It's a way to make your favorite characters who can't be realized as fighters to have a bigger role in matches, ATs as they are currently aren't exactly a perfect way to see your favorite fighter in battle for yourself, it's a 1 in a 59 chance. There probably will still be complains, but at the very least I think this would make people more excited to see ATs, much like how the Echo fighter label made people start requesting and getting hyped for clone fighters.

I think even with that there will be poor reception by some fans. The biggest reason why people hate AT is because they feel that some of them could have been playable (Waluigi, Isaac, Zero etc.) Nobody is mad about Andross, Dr. Kawashima, Nightmare or Rathalos for being an AT because they couldn't be playable either because they're too big (unironically) or/and don't really have moveset potential. If Isaac is a spirit, a trophy, a assit trophy, a sticker, or a support character or really anything that you could come up with that isn't playable, reception will be poor because people can imagine him easily as a playable fighter.
I'm not denying there will still be complaints, but I do think it's better than the current AT system where you have to play the RNG game in hopes of seeing your favorite AT in battle. Will I be disappointed if Waluigi becomes an AT in the next Smash game? Probably, but if ATs become more interactive and consistent than they currently are then my disappointment would fade into curiosity and interest. A way to consistently have your favorite character appear in matches would be exciting, especially if they play a similair role to MvC assists.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
I don't personally find them annoying (except Sherrif. He kills me without fail), but I can see why you would, as most of them demand your attention, and kill you for not avoiding them.

The AI isn't all that bad in this game. They don't fall off nearly as much anymore, and they warp back on stage when they do. That's not even counting the characters that don't move around the stage like a normal fighter does.
This happened multiple times. I had times when Isaac did nothing, Rodin was no where close to the opponent, hell had online matches where the most an Assist Trophy ever did was hit someone once. Fighting majority of Assist Trophies aren't even a problem. The AI for the actual Fighters is great, majority of Assist Trophy AI are pathetic.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Springman being a promoted from just being an Assist trophy doesn't particularly excite me as all the assist trophies I want playable, while not an impossibility anymore, still have plenty of hurdles to overcome.

Lyn, Isaac, Ghirahim, Midna are all characters whose time has passed and Nintendo doubtless probably has more profitable ventures.

Shame as we'll never get to see goth Kirby.
kirby ghirahim.jpg


Smash Champion
Oct 30, 2018
Canada, Québec
Oh wait it’s Tuesday, hopefully that means someone’s gonna get spirit boarded tonight! Or we might just get a generic spirit board idk...

anyway, what Spirit board predicts do y’all have? I still have a good feeling about a Firaxis franchise such as Civ or Xcom getting a spirit or two.
Not really expecing it but it would be crazy to have either Bioshock or Borderlands spirits.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
I have a feeling the spirit board will be generic, but if I had to choose someone, it will probably be something that is way out there. A lot of spirits we have been receiving are on the lines of Warframe or River City. I'm gonna go out on a whim and say it might be Contra. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we have any Contra content in the game at all. Not even spirits. That is surprising for a series that is iconic and was associated with Nintendo during the NES and SNES days. Plus there are still Contra games being made today.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Shame as we'll never get to see goth Kirby.
View attachment 269252
Good! I never want to see Kirby do the tongue thing! Ever!

I'm only half kidding. I wouldn't be sad to see Girahim in, but he makes me super uncomfortable.

Plus there are still Contra games being made today.
You mean that weird one with the panda? Sounds like it's fallen from grace. But you're right, it's weird that the series got nothing.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Imagine if tonight's spirit event turns out to be The World Ends With You themed, right after I wrote my big article.


Smash Champion
Oct 30, 2018
Canada, Québec
I have a feeling the spirit board will be generic, but if I had to choose someone, it will probably be something that is way out there. A lot of spirits we have been receiving are on the lines of Warframe or River City. I'm gonna go out on a whim and say it might be Contra. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we have any Contra content in the game at all. Not even spirits. That is surprising for a series that is iconic and was associated with Nintendo during the NES and SNES days. Plus there are still Contra games being made today.
I also want to add to this that Contra is own by Konami, who already have a lot of representation in the game (Metal gear, Castlevania and Bomberman).


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
Even if Contra has had it rougher compared to other third party franchises, I'd still love to see it get playable reps. If it doesn't get that then at the very least give it some spirits. The series that gave birth to the Konami code should get some level of love.


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
I think the spirit event will be Undertale, I just find it weird how we have Cuphead spirits but no Undertale ones.

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
I have a feeling the spirit board will be generic, but if I had to choose someone, it will probably be something that is way out there. A lot of spirits we have been receiving are on the lines of Warframe or River City. I'm gonna go out on a whim and say it might be Contra. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we have any Contra content in the game at all. Not even spirits. That is surprising for a series that is iconic and was associated with Nintendo during the NES and SNES days. Plus there are still Contra games being made today.
Sakurai: “We have Contra at home”
Contra at home:



Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Watch it be a Devil May Cry event since Dante is the most expected 3rd party character right now.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I think the spirit event will be Undertale, I just find it weird how we have Cuphead spirits but no Undertale ones.
$10 says they’ll include the Sans costume and megalovania track in the battles if you own the aforementioned costume, just like they did with the Cuphead event
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Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Some Zero Escape spirits would be great because 999 is a top 3 DS game of all time and Spike Chunsoft needs content in anyway please Sakurai I'm begging you.
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Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
So your plan to provide better fanservice, short of being able to actually add more characters, would presumably be to... eliminate content.

I know fans always love when you give them fewer ways to play a game.
Who the hell are begging for more Assist Trophies? Who is going "oh boy, I can't to see these NPCs"? People aren't that desperate to see these characters as an Assist Trophy, nobody would care if these characters get cut or just never made it as an Assist Trophy. You don't see the Sin & Punishment fans upset because Saki got removed as an Assist Trophy because nobody gives a damn about Assist Trophy.
But yeah, such an amazing way to play by picking up an item a get a random character that does it's own thing for 15 seconds. This "fan service" is the equivalent of a Ready Player One cameo.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Some Zero Escape spirits would be great because 999 is a top 3 DS game of all time and Spike Chunsoft needs content in anyway please Sakurai I'm begging you.
Danganronpa tho???

wait till we get a PreMiium Monokuma brawler for that first though...


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
Since everyone is predicting what the spirit event could be I might as well just join in.

Lemme just put my blindfold on for just a sec.....
*throws dart*

Well I hit Borderlands so I guess we're getting that for today. :yeahboi:
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Who the hell are begging for more Assist Trophies? Who is going "oh boy, I can't to see these NPCs"? People aren't that desperate to see these characters as an Assist Trophy, nobody would care if these characters get cut or just never made it as an Assist Trophy. You don't see the Sin & Punishment fans upset because Saki got removed as an Assist Trophy because nobody gives a damn about Assist Trophy.
But yeah, such an amazing way to play by picking up an item a get a random character that does it's own thing for 15 seconds. This "fan service" is the equivalent of a Ready Player One cameo.
Aw don't be like that. They're at least Wreck-It-Ralph tier cameos.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Some Zero Escape spirits would be great because 999 is a top 3 DS game of all time and Spike Chunsoft needs content in anyway please Sakurai I'm begging you.
If Monokuma can't be playable, then I really hope we can at least get Zero Escape and Danganronpa spirits. Both of those series are great.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Who the hell are begging for more Assist Trophies? Who is going "oh boy, I can't to see these NPCs"? People aren't that desperate to see these characters as an Assist Trophy, nobody would care if these characters get cut or just never made it as an Assist Trophy. You don't see the Sin & Punishment fans upset because Saki got removed as an Assist Trophy because nobody gives a damn about Assist Trophy.
No but I also don't really see Sin & Punishment fans period. I'm pretty sure Isaac fans were at least a little sad that they didn't even get their Assist Trophy back.

First movie or second?
Fist. The second movie's cameos are just "Hey look! I did a Fortnite!" and "lol We're being self aware about princess movies being about getting the man even though this isn't the case for either character that laments this look at how woke we are".


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Oh my god I forgot Bomberman was an Assist Trophy in Ultimate. What a pathetic waste of a great character. The disrespect is unbelievable.
Being ignored is disrespect. Getting an AT is the next best thing to being playable. It's the second highest honor they can bestow.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I don't think I'll ever understand why certain people choose to take ATs as nothing but an insult.

If Sakurai wasn't going to include them anyway, then I'd prefer the next best thing, and that's arguably an AT. Dark Samus and Isabelle being revealed as an AT in Smash 4 was disappointing for me, but the pain would be no different than if they were revealed as standard trophies. This way, the character gets a unique model, possible voice clips, and special attacks — it's a nice tribute to the character. I'd definitely prefer seeing them as that over a stationary model (Plus, all ATs in Smash 4 got a trophy anyway, so it's not you get one or the other).

I just don't see how Bomberman or Shovel Knight being nothing more than a Spirit (or even worse, cut from the game entirely) is somehow more respectful to the character than making them an AT.
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