Yeah, just want to throw in a few things based on what I read in the past five minutes.
Art style or design of a character doesn’t really matter much, especially in a crossover that has Mario (a shorter, rounder man will an abnormally shaped noise, head, and body parts) fighting Samus (intergalactic bounty hunter) fighting Snake (genetically enhanced super solider with typical human features) fighting Inklings (squid children) fighting Corrin (a sword user who can turn into a dragon) fighting Bayonetta (Umbra witch who can attack with her hair), among other things.
Like, the point of the crossover is to bring things that would never happen, together so that they can happen. That’s literally the point.
While I won’t point fingers, it really seems sometimes like people will say anything to make their preferred picks seem more likely. People said the same thing when Snake got cut from Smash and we got Mega Man and Pac-Man instead.
“Pac-Man and Mega Man seem more ‘Nintendo’, so it makes sense that they’re in the game. Snake doesn’t fit as much.”
I mean that’s great. But Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man aren’t Nintendo characters even if they’re cartoony.
Some of it sorta goes back to the whole thing with Nintendo purism, which is what basically started as this idea that 3rd parties should just stop altogether, as if adding hype-worthy characters from non-Nintendo characters was inherently worse than adding 3rd string side characters from Nintendo games.
I don’t know, everybody can have their preferences, but like, some of the reasons we come up with to make some characters not look good get silly. Unless we’re talking about keeping things PG, I don’t really think art style would have as huge of an impact when the entire roster already tells us otherwise.