It is finished! This... wasn't as easy as I'd like, but it's a super fun concept, IMO. Honestly, I put wayyy too much effort into this, especially since I'm on mobile. But I think it'll make at least one person happy, so that's all that matters to me. It was also a neat challenge; I've never played the game or even heard of the character until today. I'd like this to be a reminder to just accept whatever comes our way with an open mind, because it'll fulfill at least one wish. Learning about the character made me interested as well; I had no idea this was the first circus based videogame. I tried my hardest to capture the feel of the acrobatics; I love how momentum-based the game looked.
Anyway, as stated, Charlie would be unrivaled in the air, at the cost of his ground game. To compensate, he has the unique ability to charge aerial attacks. Most of his special moves also make him airborne. Due to the nature of how some of the attacks work, opponents will be forced to carefully watch Charlie perform them before safely approaching. The battle will feel like he's putting on a show, and you are his audience!
Neutral Special: Monkey.
Pressing the button causes Charlie to place a monkey on the ground in front him. Charlie can only use one monkey at a time. It deals no damage, but it acts as a barrier/obstacle. Opponents can attack the monkey; similar to Pacman's hydrant, when opponents cause enough damage to it, it can fly and harm Charlie. Monkeys destroy Charlie's ball; avoiding running over them.
Holding down the button causes the monkey to move and attack instead. The longer the button is held, the farther the monkey will travel. The monkey deals very little damage, but it breaks shields: it is more effective to jump over it!
Side Special: Lion.
Charlie mounts a lion that runs forwards. Press the special button again to jump. Press

to jump off of the lion. The lion can be used as an additional jump. The lion jumps in an arc like:
Down Special: Trampoline/Trapeze
This up special move has three parts to it. Simply pressing the button once causes Charlie to bounce upwards off of a trampoline.
Pressing it again spawns a trapeze. Charlie will be suspended in midair, first rocking backwards
Then forwards. The first time he moves forwards is an attack, but after that, the move no longer deals damage. Charlie can swing back and forth on the trapeze up to three times before falling off. If he is attacked while swinging, it will result in Charlie being put into freefall. Finally, pressing the button again causes Charlie to jump off of the trapeze. When Charlie lands on the ground, he takes a quick bow. If you listen closely, you can hear quick/quite applause.
Down Special: Ball Walk/Bounce
This move has two versions: 1 for the ground, the other for the air. On the ground, press the button for a ball to spawn underneath Charlie. Charlie can then try to roll over opponents. The ball's movement is slow, but it buries enemies that get hit by it. Press

to jump off of it. The attack lasts for 15 seconds, or until Charlie jumps off of it. You must wait 15 seconds before using it again. There's a deflated ball meter that gradually pumps up as an indicator for when the attack is ready.
When used in the air, the ball bounces and gradually gains momentum and bounces higher. Each time the ball hits the ground, it deals damage to opponents. On the final bounce, Charlie is thrown high into the air, and the ball bursts. Charlie can cancel the attack at any time by jumping off of it. Here's a visual for reference:
Final Smash: Charlie rides a horse. If it hits you, cue circus performance,
that one jingle, and an explosion.
Smash Attack: In the lion gif above, you see Charlie jumping over flaming jar things. He carries one of those and drops it like Villager. Leaves flame residue on the ground that doesn't damage opponents. However, this move can be used in tandem with Charlie's...
Forward Tilt: Charlie tosses a hula hoop ring forward. Does little damage. However, you can toss the hoop into the flames left behind by his smash attack for extra damage.
Up Smash: Fireworks like Villager.
Down Smash: Charlie carries two money bags and slams them on the ground. Has a rare chance of a coin popping out and hitting above him.
Grabs: Charlie's grab is a rope/tether recovery. If you're wondering why he's using as lasso, it's not because he's a rodeo clown. That rope is his tightrope!
He's a clown so I'd imagine the buzzer hand as his back throw, the squirt flower as his forward throw, etc. Cheesy little gags, to flesh out the character and reference the circus. Visuals for reference:
Victory animation:
His taunts are three different balloon animals: an elephant, a lion, and a horse.