Smash Ace
They may have revolutionized gaming at their respective eras but they sure aren't now. To be honest, I've never understood the allure of the N64 era Zeldas. They're ok but they have aged extremely poorly. They earn respect for pushing the bar but in hind sight, they are ugly, empty and not very engaging.Idk how ANYONE could call Zelda "basic" and "samey" when games like Link to the Past, Ocarina, and BOTW revolutionize the idea of action adventure games.
The clown school you went to mustve been Ivy League because I'm laughing at you rn
And yeah, they're pretty basic. They aren't complex games. Puzzles have been painfully easy (if you want to call them puzzles), bosses are repetitive, exploring isn't rewarding, story is very generic and barely alters (This is more due to Zelda being shoe horned into this repeating prophecy nonsense that has really prevented the main line series from growing. This is also why I said select titles are better. The spin offs tend to be far better story wise than the main series. Oracle/Ages happen to be my favorite in the entire Zelda series). BOTW helped break that trend a bit though the series is still lagging compared to more recent years in the very same genre they once helped push.
Zelda isn't a bad series. It's just 'babies first rpg adventure' game. Which isn't being mean spirited. There are far better games in the same field that continue to innovate while Zelda stagnated for a long, long time but survived purely on brand.
P PhantomShab
yes, it is. RPG = Role Playing Game. You're playing the role of Link in a fantasy world. It's also an adventure game. RPG is a general term. There's sub genres to RPG such as turn based, tactical, and so on. Zelda is an Adventure RPG.
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