Ryker said:
I had zero intention of lynching Swiss, although when McFox flips scum I may come back to him.
McFox? Pissed as hell because he's playing like scum.
Derp and you still fail to understand. As I have mentioned numerous times, anything can be done for good or bad, it all depends on the context. I feel like that moment has passed, and so now I can explain myself.
I jumped in front of Swiss because as a new player, if he were scum he'd be much more likely to allow me to defend him. Whereas if he were town, he'd still want to get a word of his own in.
Looking at Swiss' posts about Ryker, I don't see him using me to defend himself. Swiss still addressed most of the point directed at him as best he could (and the points were, as I've pointed out, flawed at best anyway). So yes, I jumped in front of Swiss because I thought it would make it much easier for me to get a read on both Swiss
and Ryker. Ryker by arguing with him when he was trying to get something else done (thus distracting him and leaving his guard down for manipulation from my end), and Swiss because like I said, new scum would allow an IC to defend them more than new town would, from my POV.
I don't think either Swiss or Ryker is scum at the moment. Ryker's case on Swiss was obviously weak, but like I figured (and he confirms
here), he was mostly grasping straws to get us out of RVS anyway. Ryker is understandably frustrated with my intervening, which I do not see coming from scum. Sure, he might be a bit miffed that I stepped in, but he wouldn't be as peeved as he is now if he were scum pushing a fake case on a townie.
"But McFox," you might be asking yourself, "why go through all of that instead of just letting Ryker push his weak case on Swiss?"
Well for one, if Swiss was allowed to handle it on his own and he was scum, he could be coached by his scumbuddies on what to say. He could just wait to respond until he conferred with them, and they could come up with something good. This way, I figured, even if Swiss talked to scumbuddies about it, all they'd have to say is "Hey, looks like McFox is doing the heavy lifting for you. Ryker's case on you is weak anyway, so just let McFox take care of it." I didn't see any evidence of that in his responses.
And secondly, like I said, this allowed me to gauge Ryker as well as Swiss at the same time. Me muscling in on Ryker's case puts him off-balance. If he's scum, he wouldn't really care if his case against Swiss didn't go through, because he'll be happy with any lynch that isn't scum. However, as a townie, Ryker grew increasingly frustrated and determined to see his case through to the end, despite my doing my best to meddle with it.
For now, Sworddancer is my #1 suspect. Kat clearly highlighted how he has managed to keep his options open, pulling for both sides while definitely siding with neither. As I mentioned, scum is happy with any lynch that isn't their own, so they keep their options open so that they can jump on or off of bandwagons at their leisure.
Swiss said:
@McFox, can you explain why you voted for Swords, I don't see the actual evidence in your evidence, as it were.
Now hopefully you understand. After my little spat with Ryker, I'm pretty unconvinced that he is scum. He pushed his weak case on you to "start" the game, basically. I called him on it, but his responses to our argument haven't seemed scummy at all, they seem like an increasingly frustrated townie whose work is being interfered with. dancer jumping onto a bandwagon I started while simultaneously calling what I did scummy
is scummy.