I want a smiley like Tanny.
I went through this entire thread, where the game began, to try and analyze our actions as a whole. Sorry if this is quote-riddled, messy, or hard to read. Since there's so much bulk, it's going to be a long post... Also, I dig back up the Ronike v. Mayling thing because I felt it is one of the causes of the Delvro case and needed to be thoroughly analyzed now that the discussion was finished.
Vote Frozen for using who instead of whom.
Vote Hilt for being a grammar nazi and for beating me yesterday.
Oh wow you guys talk a lot and make a lot of good points, considering it's still early in Day 1. On AiB mafia, we'd still be "lol I'm tony the tiger," "lynch tony the tiger guys." I'll say I'm impressed.
I can't really make a convincing argument for anyone myself yet, but I like all the discussion going on. I'll tell you guys when I notice something.
Unvote: Hilt
Eh, I understand the necessity of RVS, I just would rather have another medium. Maybe like that movie Clue, we can all make introductions in character about our roles. "I'm Miss Scarlett, I'm a hostess,....nothing suspicious here."
me is not a big fan of the random voting process.
Alright, so something I noticed out of these posts is that S2 was similarly being lurky/inactive/whatever you wanna call it, like Eric was. S2 even said "I'll tell you guys when I notice something." (* To me* this corralates to Eric "Until I have more information.")
but Ronike didn't jump onto S2 like he did Eric. Whether or not it was because of Tandora's lead, or because they're scum buddies, I don't know. The only thing to further the argument of their buddying scumminess is that later S2 tries to derail Delvro's attack on Ronike onto Delvro. Something I've noticed of s2 is that he likes to defend his scum buddies. It, in fact, got him lynched and flipped as mafia just two nights ago (in aimafia).
A current thought process I noticed is that the newer players (tandora, raptor, eric) didn't like RVS. Just because s2 participated in RVS, he didn't get rap for saying "I'll tell you guys if I notice anything." even though, at the time, he hadn't really participated in much. I think the new guys, Eric, in particular, just didn't understand the necessity of RVS.
Here is a quote, from Raptor, as well:
I agree with this. I'm definateley not a fan of the random voting stage, and I dont plan on participating in it. Silly, sporatic votes may help get people talking but I'm uncomfortable making them for reasons like "the players avatar" and such. so dont expect a random vote from this guy.
So I guess my question, to Ronike, is:
Why did you jump onto the Eric bandwagon, but said nothing to S2?
With two anti-town groups out there, I thought it would be a good idea to set up some universally used terminology, so that we don't confuse each other with our different usage of the same words. Somethink like:
Townie: Pro-town aligned + Seer
Goon: one of the mafia members
Werewolf: The other anti-town group that makes night kills
Mafia: the name of the game we are playing, not to be confused with a Goon.
Also, I don't think this is anyone's first mafia game. Most of us here, while he haven't been playing for years, know how the game works and what things mean. Most people have played at least as much as I have. Using the noob card whenever someone makes a booboo seems, to me, like an easy excuse to let a wolfy off the hook, and it will make me suspicious.
TBH, there is almost no reason to distinguish between a wolf and a mafia member, or any such thing. Town needs to be killing all scum, and probably shouldn't need to individually hunt for wolf or mafia. Scum is the general word used.
Also, an interesting anecdote, I've never played in a wolf game, but games with multiple scum teams are common, and the above is the norm.
Of course town wants to be killing all scum... but let's not forget that wolves have a chance of night-killing mafia members.
IMO The best case scenario would be :
Day 1 kill a wolfie --
Day 2 + 3 kill some mafia -- during this time the other surviving wolf might kill mafia too
Once some mafia are dead kill the other wolf
Of course that's all assuming that we'll be able to distinguish between mafia actions and wolf actions. But still, that's the preferred situation in my eyes.
No, it IS possible to discriminate suspected scum into the two separate groups, and we do it by observing the actions between two suspected scum. How are they talking with each other? Do the actions between them seem scripted? Are they ignoring each other? Etc etc....
We can't say for certain that "person x is mafia and person y is wolf" but we CAN say whether "hey these guys are in the same group" or not.
I honestly think that separating the two groups is crucial. After all, there are 5 (!!!!) anti- town roles. There are only 7 town. We can't afford to just chase after whoever.
I really disagree about this, and think that it would be really naive to simply lump up scum and mafia into one group. I think it is entirely possible to determine whether someone is a wolf or a mafia, and I'm willing to bet that the success of the town depends on it.
So let me get this straight.... people are voting me because I think that killing a wolf today is the town's best option? I'm sorry, but this confuses me.
I had it all planned out in my head... where, percentage wise, killing one werewolf, then killing ALL the mafia, and lastly killing the other werewolf provided the GREATEST chances for town winning, because you're optimizing the werewolf vs mafia portion of the game.
How can you tell if someone is wolf or mafia? I figured you could do it the same way you discriminate scum from town. Player reactions. Voting patterns. NIGHT KILLS.
I can understand why you guys think that it's impossible to tell, but frankly I think you're wrong. Sorry. Perhaps it's impossible to tell on Day 1 when there are no lynches or night kills to go off of. That's fine, instead we just hunt scum.
Like I said before, I think that Roniker was purposefully putting down the prospect of hunting down wolves in particular and just saying "Hey guys it doesn't matter what they are just get em all"... of course saying that sounds Mafia but it was a risk that I was willing to take. I really don't understand why nobody else sees it my way. I see NO REASON at all to believe that, on Day 1, killing a wolf would NOT be better than killing a Mafia. Like I said earlier, killing mafia is best once one of the wolves die, because every day the other wolf is feeling the pressure of being the last man standing, as well as the fact that wolves can kill mafia with night kills.
However, I think the real reason that me and Xiivi have made these typos is because I play a game called "mafia" all the time in which there are mafia and wolves do not exist. Perhaps Xiivi plays a game called "werewolf" in which the only anti-town group are wolves.
We are attacking you because you are attacking myself and others for putting down your strategy when you haven't actually put forward a strategy. You've put foward an idea, that while it WOULD be the best possible way, is feasibly impossible.
Good for you. That still doesn't change the fact that it is impossible to do this on purpose.
Player Reactions: I can see where you can differentiate scum from town this way, but how EXACTLY would you distinguish mafia from wolf? Kill the people that lynch a mafia member? That's a ridiculous idea.
Voting Patterns: Yes, the mafia has 3 and wolfs have 2. Here's the thing: if the mafia does their job well, only two of them should ever have to be on a lynch. Their job is to manipulate the town and wolves into lynching someone. So then we have two mafias voting similar and two wolves voting similar. Thats not even counting the fact that we have several inactives, so the mafia may have NO choice but to only have two people on a lynch
Night Kills: Yes, this is the sole piece of evidence we have on wolves that we don't have on mafia, however, it is general very hard to determine which player was responisble for a particular players death. Some mafia just kill randomly, some go to frame someone (which is where this train of thought would be particularily bad), and others may go for the threats (i.e: the experienced player). Not even to mention that we don't even know each other that well in this kinda of scenario, let alone well enough to know who would have killed said person.
Its not impossible to tell, just too difficult to tell to be worth doing.
First off, its RONIKE!!! Row-Nigh-Kuh. No r at the end... grrr...
Second, yes killing a wolf would be nice, but how do we go about doing that on purpose? You STILL haven't given us an answer.
Third, How does saying I want to get all the scum killed scummy? Thats the town win condition, I like to win.
Honestly, I've had enough of this. I'd vote for you, but you've already got a considerable wagon going, so instead I'll give you one more chance to convince me not to vote you. Answer some of these questions and the HOW question why don't you?
Delvro, Ronike, if you look at your argument as a whole, it's a tad bit silly don't you think? Both of you are trying to go for scum the best way you guys know how.
For Delvro, he wants to get rid of one werewolf, then mafia, then werewolf.
Ronike wants to get rid of all scum.
Just because you guys think the other tactics is stupid, doesn't mean the other one is scum.
After all, not only is this the first game for some of us, it's the first game for all of the newbies with two fractions. It's strange and bizarre. What I got from Delvro's posts is that he had this grand master plan of percentages and was using that to try and help town win.
What I don't understand about Delvro is that he wanted to leave one werewolf alive. I understand that the werewolf could potentially kill a mafia, but he could just as easily kill a townie too.
As far as Ronike goes, I don't understand why he wants to lynch Delvro so bad simply because he is trying to do what he thinks is best for town. After all, hasn't Delvro mentioned the "HOW" to differentiate already? (just cause it doesn't make sense in your mind, Ronike, doesn't make Delvro scum.)
Looking at this as a whole, you guys are just going back and forth deciding on what best tactic to use... in the end, you concluded that the other one was scum. But just remember, what started the argument is that you were both just trying to be pro-town in your own way!
Alright guys I finally got caught up. Sorry for my inactivity.
Greg, or Delvro as the dGamers might know him as. I honestly think you're reasoning for going after Ronike is pretty frail.
I don't see anything particularly wrong with lumping up "scum and mafia". I feel that there are ways to tell the difference between the two, but I also feel that if you concentrate too much on doing it, you're making everything more complicated, and making everything easier for a mislynch. I do have to ask you now though. "Scum and Mafia." Why do you refer to the Mafia by their actual name, but you called the Werewolves scum? That's just odd, to me.
What fished up from the argument was more scum points for S2, from me.
S2, if you read through the thread, you'd see where Greg points out his terminology and why he differentiated between the two. If you were really pro-town, why wouldn't you read the thread thoroughly and completely, so you could scum-hunt at its best?
It seemed like a feeble attempt to redirect the attention onto Greg.
You say his differentiating Scum and Mafia was odd... but he already explained why he did it.
In addition, there is no reason for you to be calling other people particularly bad or what not at this or any stage really. All it does is promote negative feelings for each other, which goes against the main reason for playing these games: fun.
I didn't particularly catch that in his post.
Look, this isn't a personal argument, dont try to make it one.
give me an ironclad way to determine who is wolf or mafia.
As for the aggresiveness, frozen already explained that. It gets scum to either crack, or slip up.
God you're kidding me...
I wasn't voting out of Oh My God yoU Suck, I was voting because he did the scummiest thing I can think of
replace all he with she. Sorry, hard to edit on my phone.
Good for you.* That still doesn't change the fact that it is impossible to do this on purpose.
*pointing this out as unneeded sarcasm.
Looking through the posts Ronike, I noticed that so far, you are the one who was trying to "keep peace." (first two quotes) Despite this, as you can see what I've bolded, you're either getting super frustrated or being plain cruel to us newbies. You, on one hand, say we are newbies and we shouldn't judge others cause of that. However, at the same time, you expect us to play like super pros... And get frustrated when we point out the holes in your logic. Whether or not people believe the vote was an "OMGUS" (that's up to the others to decide...actions speak louder than words) .. when it was pointed out you got defensive/frustrated with it. Why are you getting so upset? o_o
Furthermore, despite saying this...
again, aim mafia and forum mafia is very different, and swf forum mafia and mafia scum forum is very different as well. Here, we tend to take our time with our days when possible and come to lynch the scummiest player. Thus it is not enough to just have a single wifom point to get someone lynched
you are now more than willing to lynch Delvro...despite the fact we still have a good ~8 days left... Sure, you say you're going to "give him one last chance to defend himself" ... but that could just be protecting your scummy self from looking like you're hammering him. Besides, your attack on Delvro is, again, sort of silly. From what I see, he's a mafia* player trying to adjust to two conflicting fractions.
*(the game, not the fraction)
Ronike said:
Honestly, I've had enough of this. I'd vote for you, but you've already got a considerable wagon going, so instead I'll give you one more chance to convince me not to vote you. Answer some of these questions and the HOW question why don't you?
Here's some more proof about Ronike's frustration.
What's so bad that's happening that you've had enough of?
What bothers so much you feel the need to choose the diction you are? (Ugh.../God you're kidding me.../Honestly, I've had enough of this...)
What I take from this is that Ronike got his hand caught in the cookie jar and is trying desperately to claim his "over-zealousness" is him trying to be pro-town.
***I just understood this quote:
Look, this isn't a personal argument, dont try to make it one.
It was in response to the "pro players" comment.
The thing I don't like about these "pro players" is they take your words and twist it to the extreme.
You're right. Scratch that. Replace "pro players" with "Ronike."
Sorry about that, other pro players.
Anyway, I do have to say, sorry if someone I offended you. However, whether or not you're intentionally misinterpreting me and thus intentionally trying to twist my words is where your scum-ness lays. It's now up to the others to decide which one of us is telling the truth, or if we both happened to misinterpret each other and went at each other's throats for lack of better suspects.
I was already thinking this when looking through the thread, about making an attack on Frozenflame. that's when I saw Hilt had already mentioned it. He said FF's actions have been mostly "active lurking" ... when I say this, I mean he has been contributing helpful general information... and agreeing only with others. He has really offered his own suspicions or attacks on anyone, until after hilt questions them. However, he doesn't acknowledge what hilt has said about him, and instead goes on to make opinions on two other players.
Delvro's riding the wolf thing pretty hard in his conversations with Ronike. Actually, I've been doing it myself, too, but I'll admit, in hindsight, my wolf insinuations against Xiivi were a bit farfetched. About Delvro's suggestion that we'll be able to distinguish the types of scum; how could we go about that?
You're coming off as taking that a bit hard, Greg.
Seeming emotional when you make your vote will just take credence away from your
reasoning. Is there anything else you can offer other than this "hounding" of May?
This is a really unprovoked response. In addition to the fact that I think you are lying about defending anyone else with such tenacity, or at least mistaken, I think you're overreacting to a simple question. He didn't even vote for you.
I don't see where "riding the wolf" thing is a bad thing. So Greg wants to get rid of wolf, big deal? That's what we're all trying to do right? Sure, there may be NO FEASIBLE POSSIBLE way to go for wolves specifically instead of scum in general, and here's where I would call Greg a mafia, except he wanted to "keep one wolf" alive so that wolf could possibly feast on mafia.
Furthermore, I don't see how it was an unprovoked response... he's responding to an argument. If someone brings up something to me, scummy about me, I'm going to try and defend myself against it. That's what I saw Greg was doing.
So I would really like some clarification about why you guys think Greg's repsonse was unprovoked. I don't think it was in the least (especially going back and seeing what I saw about s2.)

I worked on this post for three hours. I hope everyone reads it! Also, sorry about the quotes, but I was afraid I might "edit" something out to make someone look scummy, that's why I kept them in!