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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
The pokemon choices,

also you guys have to take into effect that Mewtwo has always been considered, out of those appearances he only made it in one, Star basically said that Mewtwo has a chance but it also depends whether Sakurai bias towards him as well as the fans show it as well.



Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2009
I didn't ignore the part about Zoroark, I just didn't want to respond to it. I believe Zoroark has more of a chance. I couldn't care either or. If Mewtwo's in, then I'm happy (well, with the Pokemon series.)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yea, I could care less about Zoroark or Victini, but like I've said, if Victini were to break the similar body structure then the I'm all up for Victini instead, that would give Mewtwo and possibly Zoroark higher chances to be considered, actually I am quite optimistic due to Chrono's info, but again, it's way to early to be cutting down on conclusions.



Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I just thought of something. Why do so many people suggest Bowser Jr. whom would 90% end up as a clone? Supporters keep bringing up the paintbrush, but that has not been used or seen since Sunshine. Could an unique moveset for Bowser Jr. be made without the paintbrush? Personally, I think Squirtle already has the small, fast turtle moveset taken. Bowser Jr. has also not done much fighting in any of the games he has been in (though in NSMB, he did try to run at Mario and throw shells at him). He usually fights inside a machine (the Galaxy games are a big indicator of this, and in NSMBWii he fought only in the Koopa Clown Car).


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
He uses his paintbrush in Mario Power Tennis

legit non squirtle moveset right here

edit : AND mario sport mix too

Bowser Jr is pretty much the paint guy


Smash Apprentice
Aug 2, 2011
I just had a thought. Would it be possible to import songs from a CD or MP3 player into the game. While the current soundtrack (assuming most of the songs from Brawl make it in) is great, ssometimes I want to fight with my own music on. However this is assuming the Wii U can read/play CDS and MP3 players.



Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2009
@TL OWNS U: There was, in the thousands of years when Brawl was just a newborn, a way to import music to your match using an iPod. Now people just hack in BRSTMs.

The Wii U only has USB ports, so likely no it won't be possible.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
I've stated this before but I don't think anybody really listened to it. Mewtwo has been planned for every iteration of Smash Bros, yet was only playable in one. Which tells me Sakurai's intention has been for him to be a staple. For whatever reason that one character just seems to be the victim of the most misfortune.
I did. This post will probably be overlooked, but I agree with this 100%. Some people say Mewtwo doesn't have much of a chance because "he got cut from Brawl". Did being cut from SSB64 stop Bowser and Mewtwo from making it into Melee? I think not. Mewtwo is still to this day one of the most iconic and well-liked Pokèmon ever. With the backlash Brawl received from cutting Mewtwo (and to a slightly lesser extent, Roy) not making the cut, it wouldn't be wise for Sakurai to let him be absent from 2 games, or else they'll receive an even bigger backlash than before.

Plus, he'd the perfect way to include a Pokèmon with an antagonistic role. I'm not saying that he is absolutely guaranteed, but I honestly can't see why he wouldn't make the cut.



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I'm worried about Mewtwo's chances for the next one. While there is the public backlash to help him, there's also the fact that currently there are already three slots taken up by first gen(at least in brawl: Pokemon trainer all with 1st gen, jiggs and pikachu). Now assuming we had mewtwo as a fourth slot, and there are 5 slots available, that leaves just one slot for a 5th gen(or 6th gen, if they decided to do some advertising) pokemon. Then you leave out 3 generations of pokemon. While i'm not saying they wouldn't do this, it seems both silly and kind of ignorant.

Although i would like to see mewtwo, i would also like to see some other generation representation(as much as i love first gen). It (and i know you guys hate me using this word because this isn't a school or a household, but still) does not seem fair to me. (I'm trying to be as unbiased as possible but i don't know: this could be extremely bias).

However, i would like to see mewtwo, so my opportunistic self would say maybe there can be 6 slots, i guess today i'm just being pessimistic. :-P

And yes if you can change my pessimistic self with good arguments against this i'll be much happier because i actually really do want to see mewtwo.(which i literally just said in the last paragraph, i'm a nonce :p)

Off for a bit, meesa needs to sleep. ^^

Deleted member

@CrimsonFeint: Junichi Masuda's favorite Pokemon is Victini. Just so you know.
ChronoBound said:
I just thought of something. Why do so many people suggest Bowser Jr. whom would 90% end up as a clone? Supporters keep bringing up the paintbrush, but that has not been used or seen since Sunshine. Could an unique moveset for Bowser Jr. be made without the paintbrush? Personally, I think Squirtle already has the small, fast turtle moveset taken. Bowser Jr. has also not done much fighting in any of the games he has been in (though in NSMB, he did try to run at Mario and throw shells at him). He usually fights inside a machine (the Galaxy games are a big indicator of this, and in NSMBWii he fought only in the Koopa Clown Car).
Him being a clone of Bowser is something that I'm worried about if he makes the cut, especially since I have not seen a move set without a paintbrush. However, now that I've though about it, the reason why he is so heavily suggested probably has to do with the fact that he's a villain, which having more of is highly requested. Due to the pressure, it's also why I feel we will see more of an expansion on villains in SSB4. To me, Bowser Jr., King K. Rool, Medusa, and Ridley all have solid shots to be playable. Black Shadow could also work if he took Ganondorf's move set, but relevancy issue may keep him and a second F-zero rep out. Every other suggestions I've seen seems to be more of "WE NEEDZ MOAR VILLENZ!" then ones I feel could stand out as a good character choice. The possibility of Bowser Jr. being a clone of Bowser is why I'm starting to turn my support towards Toad and Paper Mario (two months ago, I would have never considered Toad as a playable character).


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Sorry, I only assumed since you were saying stuff like you knew a lot about the pokemon franchise.

Sure, mewtwo might be planned for ssb4. Looking at his track record, though, he seems to have low priority as he's always one of the victims of time constraints or roster problems. His chances are like 50% at best. If you think he has almost an 100% of undoubtable not-a-shred-of-fear chance of appearing, up there with mario, link, pikachu, and kirby, that's great. Some of us are a little more realistic with our expectations.
I wouldn't say it is low priority as much as circumstances. There is a very good theory that the only reason Roy and Mewtwo were scrapped was because of Sonic being a last minute addition to the game. As far as Smash 64 is concerned King DDD and Pit were planned as well but cut, so they did not appear until Brawl. It isn't as bad as you make it sound.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Tbh that's a good argument, i also heard mewtwo and Roy were planned to be in brawl but didn't make it because of time constraints. Weren't there also a few who's code was found but wasn't fully done or something? I think Plusle and Minim were part of that group.

Okay seriously i'm going to go to dreamland(look at the location under my avatar :p)

Deleted member

Tbh that's a good argument, i also heard mewtwo and Roy were planned to be in brawl but didn't make it because of time constraints. Weren't there also a few who's code was found but wasn't fully done or something? I think Plusle and Minim were part of that group.

Okay seriously i'm going to go to dreamland(look at the location under my avatar :p)
The following were in the Forbidden Seven:
* Mewtwo
* Roy
* Dr. Mario
* Plusle & Minun
* Toon Zelda/Sheik (count as two characters)
* Dixie Kong (planned to be paired with Diddy)

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Plusle and Minun were planned characters? Aren't they 3rd-gen Pokèmon? So maybe getting a 3rd-gen rep wasn't quite as unlikely as some may have thought?



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
When I get off work, I'm going to get you guys to look at a character you may have never thought of.


Deleted member

Plusle and Minun were planned characters? Aren't they 3rd-gen Pokèmon? So maybe getting a 3rd-gen rep wasn't quite as unlikely as some may have thought?

Supposedly, that is the case. If that is true and we get a 3rd gen remake, I think we have a realistic shot of us getting either that or Deoxys.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Hmm, but as a thought, what if we added the forbidden 7 to the Brawl roster?

That gives us:

6 Pokemon Slots
2-3 D.K. Slots
3 FE Slots
5 Mario Slots

Might it be assumed that we might see something similar in SSB4, if Brawl was originally planned to be like this?

Blows your mind doesn't it. :awesome:

Deleted member

Hmm, but as a thought, what if we added the forbidden 7 to the Brawl roster?

That gives us:

6 Pokemon Slots
2-3 D.K. Slots
3 FE Slots
5 Mario Slots

Might it be assumed that we might see something similar in SSB4, if Brawl was originally planned to be like this?

Blows your mind doesn't it. :awesome:
Do you mean in regards to how many cuts are made from planned characters or us getting a roster of similar size?


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
As far as Smash 64 is concerned King DDD and Pit were planned as well but cut, so they did not appear until Brawl. It isn't as bad as you make it sound.
Pit was never planned for Smash 64. The three that were planned were Bowser, Mewtwo, and King Dedede. Meowth is another character people keep saying was planned for Smash 64, yet never was.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC

Sorry for taking so long to respond, I got side tracked.

Anyway I guess roster size. If Sonic wasn't added we might have seen a roster closer to what was originally planned.

I'm pretty sure they won't end up doing something like that on the SSB4 roster, seeing what happened to Brawl and the many delays. 7 cuts is pretty steep for such a hyped and well planned out game.

Either way, in this reguard we may have to rethink some roster choices, as at the bare minimum based on the Brawl data, as we would have at least seen another Pokemon and FE slot.

For all we know this also increases the chances of those extra slots being filled in SSB4, with the chances of 6 slots for Pokemon.

While I won't take sides we all should at least think this through at bit when it comes to the final roster. So for now, I'll leave this topic to anyone else who wishes to debate it.

Any thoughts?
Jun 8, 2009
@CrimsonFeint: Junichi Masuda's favorite Pokemon is Victini. Just so you know.Him being a clone of Bowser is something that I'm worried about if he makes the cut, especially since I have not seen a move set without a paintbrush. However, now that I've though about it, the reason why he is so heavily suggested probably has to do with the fact that he's a villain, which having more of is highly requested. Due to the pressure, it's also why I feel we will see more of an expansion on villains in SSB4. To me, Bowser Jr., King K. Rool, Medusa, and Ridley all have solid shots to be playable. Black Shadow could also work if he took Ganondorf's move set, but relevancy issue may keep him and a second F-zero rep out. Every other suggestions I've seen seems to be more of "WE NEEDZ MOAR VILLENZ!" then ones I feel could stand out as a good character choice. The possibility of Bowser Jr. being a clone of Bowser is why I'm starting to turn my support towards Toad and Paper Mario (two months ago, I would have never considered Toad as a playable character).
The main problem is will the paint brush be the main chunk? I don't know about that..... He might get some moves from his dad.

To the bold statement: Wut

To the italicized statement: Yeah. I felt that too. The only true supporters I see are Oasis and Shortie. The rest want Jr. simply because he's Jr's son and assistant. To be honest, being a villian WILL NOT increase the chances. Nor being a female


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Sorry, I only assumed since you were saying stuff like you knew a lot about the pokemon franchise.

Sure, mewtwo might be planned for ssb4. Looking at his track record, though, he seems to have low priority as he's always one of the victims of time constraints or roster problems. His chances are like 50% at best. If you think he has almost an 100% of undoubtable not-a-shred-of-fear chance of appearing, up there with mario, link, pikachu, and kirby, that's great. Some of us are a little more realistic with our expectations.
Hold on here, let's go back to why mewtwo wasn't present in the first place.

If you didn't know, the entire roster was done by 2005/2006 (depending on the source). The exception was Sonic who was not added until 2007. Note that Sonic has himself, a stage, some music, and trophies as well as a short scene in the SSE. That is a lot. All the while, the release date remains the same. Mewtwo and Roy were long planned for this game, or, at the very least, Mewtwo was. Both characters still have a file for their victory theme. Mewtwo also had attack effects, an ending picture for Classic, and voice files for a final smash. There is clear evidence that mewtwo was long since planned and that Roy at least made it farther than any other cut character.

So what does this have to do with Sonic? Sonic was added late, but the plan didn't have him. In order to meet deadlines, some stuff had to be cut. Mewtwo was put on the chopping block (maybe with Roy) because of all the other stuff that had to be done to make Sonic work.

Looking at fan demand and what was left on the disc, Mewtwo is likely coming back. It's not unrealistic to think he would be cut.

Anyways, since you ignored the part about zoroark, do you have anything further to say on that matter or do you agree that victini has the same or more things going for him than zoro?
Not sure why people think that. People only bring up Victini as an alternative to Zoro. Not really much else going for him.


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2011
That part of Michigan where no one else lives...
People only bring up Victini as an alternative to Zoro. Not really much else going for him.
Victini seems to have many things going for him. Not only does he star in two upcoming movies which are sure to raise his popularity, SSBF said earlier that Victini is the favorite character by someone important (the game's creator, I think?). Though I do think Zoroark would be the better choice with his illusion ability making some impact on gameplay, it would be ignorant to say Victini has no chance.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Victini definetly has a chance at it, it's just that Zoroark also happaens to be mentioned when it comes to Victini's inclusion, and the fact that Zoroark is wanted more in Japan is a clear indication that Zoroark stands as an obstacle, what will probably end up getting Victini is will probably be if be vets more popularity due to his movie and Sakurai's interest along with some influence from his creator, I think.


Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Eh, leave the Illusion stuff to Shang Tsung. I'd much rather have Victini because it's a Fire/Psychic-type, and I think it brings a lot more to the table (pyrokinesis) than what Zoroark could bring.

Victini having 2 movies and being the Game Freak's president favorite Pokèmon (who apparently has a lot of say in what Pokèmon get into Smash) speaks volumes. Zoroark may be more wanted in Japan, but so was Deoxys over Lucario, and guess who made the cut? At this point, all the signs point to Victini being the 5th-gen rep for Smash 4. However, I'd be a fool if I didn't recognize Zoroark as Victini's biggest competition, who has a considerable possibility of gettin into Smash, although I definitely don't think he is as likely as his competition.



Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2011
That part of Michigan where no one else lives...
So on the topic of Mewtwo returning in SSB4, let's imagine for a moment he did come back, but at the cost of taking Lucario's place. It is my understanding that both characters have large fanbases, though Lucario is not only more relevant as well as him being more popular than Mewtwo. So wouldn't Lucario's exclusion lead to even more complaints than Mewtwo's exclusion from Brawl? My sources may be wrong and unfortunately I don't have a link. Anyway, wouldn't Sakurai be more interested in what would please the most people?


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2010
The new Super Smash Bros needs a better theme song. If I hear the Brawl theme one more time, I'm going to shove my erect penis in my eye.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
So on the topic of Mewtwo returning in SSB4, let's imagine for a moment he did come back, but at the cost of taking Lucario's place. It is my understanding that both characters have large fanbases, though Lucario is not only more relevant as well as him being more popular than Mewtwo. So wouldn't Lucario's exclusion lead to even more complaints than Mewtwo's exclusion from Brawl? My sources may be wrong and unfortunately I don't have a link. Anyway, wouldn't Sakurai be more interested in what would please the most people?
Lucario is very popular, especially for a non-1st gen Pokémon that isn't a legendary one or a starter one, but Mewtwo is by far more iconic, right up with the likes of Pikachu, Charizard, Squirtle, Meowth, etc. And Mewtwo has sustained his popularity since his introduction; Lucario is still relatively new so who knows how popular he'll be after a few years...

Anyways, I'm pretty sure people (that includes myself) will want both of them in.

Jun 8, 2009

I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

So much for not knowing much about Pokemon


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
The new Super Smash Bros needs a better theme song. If I hear the Brawl theme one more time, I'm going to shove my erect penis in my eye.
Thanks for putting that horrible mental image in my head, I actually like the Brawl theme song I do hope the new theme song sounds better though

Jun 8, 2009
I liked all themes of smash bros. equally. I liked melee's theme the best. It had the cheerful aura. That doesn't mean I despised brawl's theme. I liked it too.
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