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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Yes, i agree,but like i asked before, we would need to acquire that poll ourselfs, TriHyphen could help us out as well, translating and such if it were to come to that.
The way I see it, this is what would happen:

We find the poll, and someone would figure out HOW to vote on it. We follow the rules and vote for One/five or how ever many we are allowed. We then figure out what your characters names are in Japanese. Double check to make sure. And then visit the site ourselves to vote.

we have a decent amount of time before kid icarus is done
But SSB4 development starts in two months, and the roster will likely take only a few months to decide.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Some entry thoughts...

Bowser Jr.: Dives down onto the ground with his bandanna covering his mouth, and his paintbrush in hand. He then pulls down his bandanna, and enters a battle pose.

Dixie Kong: Breaks free from a DK barrel.

King K. Rool: Appears on the battlefield on top of his Rocket Barrel. He gets off, and the Rocket Barrel flies away.

Ridley: Flies onto the battlefield, and roars during the process.

Black Shadow: The Black Bull appears, with Black Shadow getting out of it. The Black Bull then drives away.

army man

Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2011
where love lives with one other
The way I see it, this is what would happen:

We find the poll, and someone would figure out HOW to vote on it. We follow the rules and vote for One/five or how ever many we are allowed. We then figure out what your characters names are in Japanese. Double check to make sure. And then visit the site ourselves to vote.

But SSB4 development starts in two months, and the roster will likely take only a few months to decide.
oh crap you're right


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Ridley doesn't necessarly need an alliance, he will most likely be in Smash 4 anyway.

Mewtwo, yea, he needs one.
It's funny, N (before the hack) asked if I wanted to start one with Lucario, but I didn't know how. :(

Either way, with me starting college for the 1st time, I wouldn't have time anyway. Oh well.

Deleted member

Honestly, Nintendo is most likely only going to listen to our opinions through Sakurai's blog and Poll. If you want your character in Super Smash Brothers 4, you better vote for them.

This is seriously, the only way what we say will even matter.
As much as I like to disagree, it is the truth. The only thing our alliance can do now is to make enough noise so that supporters of said alliance will vote for said character. We're lucky that --- can translate it for us so that we know who to pick. It would also be nice to pick more then one character from a franchise.

What worries me is that we may not even get a poll which if that is the case, defeats the purpose of this alliance.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
The way I see it, this is what would happen:

We find the poll, and someone would figure out HOW to vote on it. We follow the rules and vote for One/five or how ever many we are allowed. We then figure out what your characters names are in Japanese. Double check to make sure. And then visit the site ourselves to vote.
This is a good example of a rule set to follow. The tricky part is deciding if we get only one pick per franchise, who to vote for. This will be a problem with Fire Emblem and Super Mario Bros. since Fire Emblem will be clumped up together and likely Paper Mario with Super Mario Bros. as well.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
The way I see it, this is what would happen:

We find the poll, and someone would figure out HOW to vote on it. We follow the rules and vote for One/five or how ever many we are allowed. We then figure out what your characters names are in Japanese. Double check to make sure. And then visit the site ourselves to vote.

But SSB4 development starts in two months, and the roster will likely take only a few months to decide.
I hope that turns out to be the case, hopefully it will take Sakurai a few months to decide, Toise should probably look in that sometime soon.

All cut characters won't return,they were cut for a reason. :awesome:
NO YOU!!! :mad:

well, enough said
Nope, they are horrible, we don't need them, it just shows how lazy and uncreative Sakurai is, if this project is going to take a while time-constraints shouldn't be an excuse at all.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
What worries me is that we may not even get a poll which if that is the case, defeats the purpose of this alliance.This is a good example of a rule set to follow. The tricky part is deciding if we get only one pick per franchise, who to vote for. This will be a problem with Fire Emblem and Super Mario Bros. since Fire Emblem will be clumped up together and likely Paper Mario with Super Mario Bros. as well.
I honestly think we are only able to vote for one character. I wish I could ask someone to confirm this, but I doubt many Americans voted on that poll. I do believe there will be a poll though. We saw one with Melee, and one with Braw. It's going to happen. You all heard Sakurai said he thought that most of Nintendo's big names have already been added. If he was smart, he would look to his fanbase to help him weed out contenders.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
It's funny, N (before the hack) asked if I wanted to start one with Lucario, but I didn't know how. :(

Either way, with me starting college for the 1st time, I wouldn't have time anyway. Oh well.
Lucario alliance? hmm... i don't think I would have supported him anyway, sure I like the guy but if he cuts Mewtwo's chances down then I'm not up for him, but i wouldn't mind both though.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
mm....got a feelign other M samus will appear in the next smash....reason i say other M samus is cuz her final smash will be dull boring monologuing, and if ridley is in the next smash everyitme she sees him she instantly wets herself and her suit falls apart.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Lucario alliance? hmm... i don't think I would have supported him anyway, sure I like the guy but if he cuts Mewtwo's chances down then I'm not up for him, but i wouldn't mind both though.
Oops, I ment both Mewtwo and Lucario.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
I never really expected to get so many characters so quickly. However, it's best we probably top it off here now since I don't think we can support anymore alliances for now. If we add anymore, it should be ones that are well-established by itself and needs help, which is very unlikely.
Well, good luck with PCAM. I would make an alliance myself if I had the time and resources. But I shall make up for it by supporting you and the rest of the alliance maker's efforts.

This was actually planned if you look at the Brawl files. Metaknight's likely only made it in because it was promised during the old Dojo. And now for my personal picks.

Ness - Give him back Smiles and Tears, PLEASE
Zero Suit Samus

[COLLAPSE="Big pic."]
Imagine Syrup like that, or even switching between a machine and her self.
Good choices for the victory themes. The Link to the Past snippet would suit Link and the Zelda series in general far better than their current victory theme does.

As for Syrup, it would certainly be interesting for her moveset to be designed around that. I suppose the best robot of hers she could use would be the Giant Spearman. I'll look at some gameplay video of Tron in action to get a better idea of this concept.

Deleted member

I honestly think we are only able to vote for one character. I wish I could ask someone to confirm this, but I doubt many Americans voted on that poll. I do believe there will be a poll though. We saw one with Melee, and one with Braw. It's going to happen. You all heard Sakurai said he thought that most of Nintendo's big names have already been added. If he was smart, he would look to his fanbase to help him weed out contenders.
We'll need to try to prepare for the worst. If we only get one choice, we must figure out which character to support, which will be extremely difficult to say the least.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Oh yeah, the Wikipedia name thing checks out. I tried it on the Golden Sun characters, so we're good to go with that.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
Sheesh... this took me like an two hours to do.

Unova Trainer

Unova Trainer joins the fray! The female Unova Trainer joins the fray, with Snivy, Dewott and Emboar at hand!

Snivy: The most flexible and fastest of the three starters has great juggling abilities and she is able to chain grab heavy characters her attacks aren't as strong as her comrades.Around Squirtle's size
Snivy Moveset
A- Slap with tail
AAA- Two tail slaps followed with a full body tackle

Dash Attack - Full body tackle
U Tilt- Corkscrew(like peach's up smash with less damage and knockback)
D Tilt - Tail sweep on the ground
F Tilt - Sideways Kick

N-Air - Spins vines around body.
B-Air - Slams her back into the opponent.
D- Air - Slams her tail down on the opponent fast Meteor Smash.
U - Air - Does a somersault slap with her tail.
Up Smash - Strong swipe with vines extending them out, hurts anyone with minimal contact.
Foward Smash - Three small roots appear in front of Snivy damaging the opponent.
Down Smash - Slams tail on the ground creating a small shockwave.

Special Moves
Standard Special Move- Leaf Tornado, Snivy spins around on the ground forming a tornado of leaves around her does not draw in opponent but has larger knockback.
Side Special Move - Glare, Snivy's eyes glow red and she shoots a small red beam from her eyes if it contacts the opponent it paralyzes them leaving them vulnerable for attacks.
Down Special Move - Pokemon Change, Similar to Red's Pokemon change Snivy is simply switched to another Pokemon. Unova Trainer switches Pokemon faster so they aren't as vulnerable when they appear out of the Pokeball.
Up Special Move - Aerial Ace, Snivy becomes outlined in white and rockets up to the sky it damages opponents upon contact. You are able to choose the direction of the attack like Lucario's Extremespeed.

Pummel - Headbutts the opponent whilst strangling them with vines.
Down Throw - Slams the opponent on the ground with vines, great for chain grabbing heavy characters.
Up Throw - Flings the opponent up with vines and fires an Energy Ball strongest grab.
Back Throw - Flings the opponent behind her and slams them with her tail or Leaf Blade.
Foward Throw - Flings the opponent in front of her and kicks them with both her feet.

Up: Snivy does a few flips before landing gracefully.
Side: Snivy closes her eyes and turns her back towards the opponent while calling out her name.
Down: Snivy spins around on her back while on the ground.

Dewott: The most balanced of the three starters not as fast as Snivy but has more power not as much as Emboar however is around Mario or Fox size.
A- Punch
AAA - two punches followed up with a swipe of both scalchop.
Dash Attack - Similar in appearance to Fox's dash attack. Leaps off of the ground, leg extended horizontally, traveling forward a bit. Can easily be followed with tilts at low to mid percents, and can lock if buffered properly
U-Tilt - Swipes above head with scalchop.
D-Tilt - Sweeps the opponents ankles with both feet.
F- Tilt - Swipes in front of himself with scalchop.

N-Air - Spins around in the air with scalchop slicing at his opponent.
B- Air - Preforms a roundhouse kick behind him.
U- Air - Does a backflip kicking his opponent above him with both feet.
D - Air - Punches opponent down to the ground slow meteor smash like Mario's.

Smash Attack
Up Smash - Fires a geyser of water above himself.
Side Smash - Slashes both sides of him with his scalchop.
Down Smash - Punches the ground sending a small wave of water at his opponent.

Special Moves
Standard Special Move - Water Pulse, Dewott charges a blue orb of water in front of himself if charged up long enough it will confuse the opponent upon contact. Dewott can fire smaller orbs at a very fast pace they will not cause the opponent to flinch however.

Side Special Move - Razor Shell, Dewott's scalchop glow blue and he furiously slashes at the opponent with them it is very similar to Marth's Dancing Blade. If the opponent is far away from Dewott however he can throw his scalchop at them it can be reflected or thrown back at him.

Up Special Move -Aqua Jet, Dewott cloaks itself in water and launches himself into the air Dewott can't aim whenever he uses this move like Lucario or Snivy but it launches him very far up and it has very high knockback.

Down Special Move - Pokemon Change, see Snivy.

Pummel - Slaps opponent with Scalchop
Foward Throw - Throws opponent in front of him and swipes them with scalchop.
Down Throw - Slams opponent on the opponent on the ground and sprays them with water.
Up Throw - Tosses the opponent up and slashes them with both his scalchop.
Back Throw - Throws opponent behind him and kicks them.

Up - Points his Scalchop up into the air and clashes them together while calling out "Dew Dewott!"
Side - Points one of his Scalchop at his opponent an places it back on his hip.
Down - Crouches and growls at his opponent.

Emboar - The strongest and heaviest out of the three starter Pokemon he isn't very fast however what he doesn't make up in speed he makes it up with brute strength.

A- Thrust with palm.
AAA -Two thrust with his palm followed up by a powerful backhand.

Dash Attack - Charges at the opponent and slams into them with his shoulder.
F-Tilt - Standard Punch.
D- Tilt - Slams his firey fist on the ground.
U-Tilt - Headbutts above himself with his arms raised.

N-Air - Slams into the opponent.
D-Air - Stomps down on the opponent very powerful meteor smash extremely slow.
B-Air - Spins around slamming his fist into the opponent.
U- Air - Hits the opponent with Smog sending them upward.

Smash Attack
Foward Smash - Hits the opponent with a firey right hook.
Down Smash - Stomps down on the ground causing small flames to erupt out of the ground.
Up Smash - Uppercuts the opponent with his fist covered in flames.

Special Moves
Standard Special Move - Incinerate, Emboar fires fireballs at the opponent at a similar pace of Wolf's blaster if the opponent is holding an item Incinerate will burn it rendering it useless.
Side Special Move - Flame Charge, Emboar charges across the field covered in flames if used up to three times the attack becomes faster it can be used as a recovery move.
Up Special Move - Heavy Slam, Emboar launches himself up and slams down with all his weight the smaller the opponent is the more damage it does.Very high knockback(Olimar I'm looking at you.)
Down Special Move - Pokemon Change see Snivy/Dewott

Pummel - Shoots small flames at the opponent.
Foward Throw - Grabs the opponent and throws them in front of him.
Down Throw - Slams the opponent down and elbow drops them.
Up Throw - Launches the opponent above himself with both hands and hits them with a fire ball.
Back Throw - Emboar throws the opponent behind himself.

Up - Raises its arms and growls with the flames around his neck burning violently.
Side - Clenches his arms while saying "Emb Emboar!"
Down - Trips clumsily while stomping the ground"

Final Smash
Legendary Pokemon
Unova Trainer recalls whatever Pokemon she has at the moment while saying "That's enough take this!" And sends out Reshiram/Zekrom depending on the 3DS or WiiU version. Reshiram will fly to the background and blast the opponent with Blue Flare similar to Lugia's Aeroblast however you can control it and Zekrom will fly up and unleash Bolt Strike.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
mm....got a feelign other M samus will appear in the next smash....reason i say other M samus is cuz her final smash will be dull boring monologuing, and if ridley is in the next smash everyitme she sees him she instantly wets herself and her suit falls apart.
Of course she does, we'll most likely get content from Other M as well, I wonder what Ridley's look would be if Other M was represented in smash 4??

@Opelucid: Nice Female moveset, we could always use a female trainer in smash as well.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC

Not bad, I'm impressed. ;)

But you should have collapsed it, it's a very long post.

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
Sheesh... this took me like an two hours to do.

Unova Trainer

Unova Trainer joins the fray! The female Unova Trainer joins the fray, with Snivy, Dewott and Emboar at hand!

Snivy: The most flexible and fastest of the three starters has great juggling abilities and she is able to chain grab heavy characters her attacks aren't as strong as her comrades.Around Squirtle's size
Snivy Moveset
A- Slap with tail
AAA- Two tail slaps followed with a full body tackle

Dash Attack - Full body tackle
U Tilt- Corkscrew(like peach's up smash with less damage and knockback)
D Tilt - Tail sweep on the ground
F Tilt - Sideways Kick

N-Air - Spins vines around body.
B-Air - Slams her back into the opponent.
D- Air - Slams her tail down on the opponent fast Meteor Smash.
U - Air - Does a somersault slap with her tail.
Up Smash - Strong swipe with vines extending them out, hurts anyone with minimal contact.
Foward Smash - Three small roots appear in front of Snivy damaging the opponent.
Down Smash - Slams tail on the ground creating a small shockwave.

Special Moves
Standard Special Move- Leaf Tornado, Snivy spins around on the ground forming a tornado of leaves around her does not draw in opponent but has larger knockback.
Side Special Move - Glare, Snivy's eyes glow red and she shoots a small red beam from her eyes if it contacts the opponent it paralyzes them leaving them vulnerable for attacks.
Down Special Move - Pokemon Change, Similar to Red's Pokemon change Snivy is simply switched to another Pokemon. Unova Trainer switches Pokemon faster so they aren't as vulnerable when they appear out of the Pokeball.
Up Special Move - Aerial Ace, Snivy becomes outlined in white and rockets up to the sky it damages opponents upon contact. You are able to choose the direction of the attack like Lucario's Extremespeed.

Pummel - Headbutts the opponent whilst strangling them with vines.
Down Throw - Slams the opponent on the ground with vines, great for chain grabbing heavy characters.
Up Throw - Flings the opponent up with vines and fires an Energy Ball strongest grab.
Back Throw - Flings the opponent behind her and slams them with her tail or Leaf Blade.
Foward Throw - Flings the opponent in front of her and kicks them with both her feet.

Up: Snivy does a few flips before landing gracefully.
Side: Snivy closes her eyes and turns her back towards the opponent while calling out her name.
Down: Snivy spins around on her back while on the ground.

Dewott: The most balanced of the three starters not as fast as Snivy but has more power not as much as Emboar however is around Mario or Fox size.
A- Punch
AAA - two punches followed up with a swipe of both scalchop.
Dash Attack - Similar in appearance to Fox's dash attack. Leaps off of the ground, leg extended horizontally, traveling forward a bit. Can easily be followed with tilts at low to mid percents, and can lock if buffered properly
U-Tilt - Swipes above head with scalchop.
D-Tilt - Sweeps the opponents ankles with both feet.
F- Tilt - Swipes in front of himself with scalchop.

N-Air - Spins around in the air with scalchop slicing at his opponent.
B- Air - Preforms a roundhouse kick behind him.
U- Air - Does a backflip kicking his opponent above him with both feet.
D - Air - Punches opponent down to the ground slow meteor smash like Mario's.

Smash Attack
Up Smash - Fires a geyser of water above himself.
Side Smash - Slashes both sides of him with his scalchop.
Down Smash - Punches the ground sending a small wave of water at his opponent.

Special Moves
Standard Special Move - Water Pulse, Dewott charges a blue orb of water in front of himself if charged up long enough it will confuse the opponent upon contact. Dewott can fire smaller orbs at a very fast pace they will not cause the opponent to flinch however.

Side Special Move - Razor Shell, Dewott's scalchop glow blue and he furiously slashes at the opponent with them it is very similar to Marth's Dancing Blade. If the opponent is far away from Dewott however he can throw his scalchop at them it can be reflected or thrown back at him.

Up Special Move -Aqua Jet, Dewott cloaks itself in water and launches himself into the air Dewott can't aim whenever he uses this move like Lucario or Snivy but it launches him very far up and it has very high knockback.

Down Special Move - Pokemon Change, see Snivy.

Pummel - Slaps opponent with Scalchop
Foward Throw - Throws opponent in front of him and swipes them with scalchop.
Down Throw - Slams opponent on the opponent on the ground and sprays them with water.
Up Throw - Tosses the opponent up and slashes them with both his scalchop.
Back Throw - Throws opponent behind him and kicks them.

Up - Points his Scalchop up into the air and clashes them together while calling out "Dew Dewott!"
Side - Points one of his Scalchop at his opponent an places it back on his hip.
Down - Crouches and growls at his opponent.

Emboar - The strongest and heaviest out of the three starter Pokemon he isn't very fast however what he doesn't make up in speed he makes it up with brute strength.

A- Thrust with palm.
AAA -Two thrust with his palm followed up by a powerful backhand.

Dash Attack - Charges at the opponent and slams into them with his shoulder.
F-Tilt - Standard Punch.
D- Tilt - Slams his firey fist on the ground.
U-Tilt - Headbutts above himself with his arms raised.

N-Air - Slams into the opponent.
D-Air - Stomps down on the opponent very powerful meteor smash extremely slow.
B-Air - Spins around slamming his fist into the opponent.
U- Air - Hits the opponent with Smog sending them upward.

Smash Attack
Foward Smash - Hits the opponent with a firey right hook.
Down Smash - Stomps down on the ground causing small flames to erupt out of the ground.
Up Smash - Uppercuts the opponent with his fist covered in flames.

Special Moves
Standard Special Move - Incinerate, Emboar fires fireballs at the opponent at a similar pace of Wolf's blaster if the opponent is holding an item Incinerate will burn it rendering it useless.
Side Special Move - Flame Charge, Emboar charges across the field covered in flames if used up to three times the attack becomes faster it can be used as a recovery move.
Up Special Move - Heavy Slam, Emboar launches himself up and slams down with all his weight the smaller the opponent is the more damage it does.Very high knockback(Olimar I'm looking at you.)
Down Special Move - Pokemon Change see Snivy/Dewott

Pummel - Shoots small flames at the opponent.
Foward Throw - Grabs the opponent and throws them in front of him.
Down Throw - Slams the opponent down and elbow drops them.
Up Throw - Launches the opponent above himself with both hands and hits them with a fire ball.
Back Throw - Emboar throws the opponent behind himself.

Up - Raises its arms and growls with the flames around his neck burning violently.
Side - Clenches his arms while saying "Emb Emboar!"
Down - Trips clumsily while stomping the ground"

Final Smash
Legendary Pokemon
Unova Trainer recalls whatever Pokemon she has at the moment while saying "That's enough take this!" And sends out Reshiram/Zekrom depending on the 3DS or WiiU version. Reshiram will fly to the background and blast the opponent with Blue Flare similar to Lugia's Aeroblast however you can control it and Zekrom will fly up and unleash Bolt Strike.


Smash Ace
Feb 9, 2011

Kind of a nerdy guy, glasses and bloodshot eyes, wears a large sneer across his face. Carries two sticks of dynamite (or any other explosives you might be comfortable drawing)
Extremely messed up hair, likely from OCD scratching. A sort of brownish hair with a hint of black.
Disheveled Suit and Top Hat, covered in ashes and practically falling apart from constant explosions. Wears a cape that is starting to tear from the seams a bit, kind of a vampire-style http://i3.squidoocdn.com/resize/squ...4122module103513851photo_1275322597cape-2.jpg
Pose can be left up to you, but I'd like something that represents the sort of crazed nature of the char


The character thinks he's stoic, yet, masks a deeper rage and tries a bit too hard to be proper. Character is an archer, so it would be fitting for him to be carrying a bow-and-arrow or whatever props you feel are needed. (this can be ignored)
Hair is slicked back with a bit of spikes at the back, that sort of stereotypical anime haircut.
Character wears brown pants and a brown checkered vest http://www.vestsbycharlotte.com/images/vests/22d-brown-wool-plaid-vest.jpg as well as a white shirt underneath.
Pose can be left up to you.


The character is a bit of a stoic one, pipe hangs from one corner of his mouth. Bit of facial hair growing at the bottom of the chin.
Hair is kept proper, kind of neat and somewhat slicked back. All black.
The character is something of an old sea-dog, so I would propose something akin to a British naval uniform http://higherpoetics.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/trafalgar-uniform.jpg
Pose can be left up to you, but as the character is stoic, I feel as though the pose shouldn't be anything too out of the ordinary. Something that inspires an air of command, like him having his hands behind his back or something.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
No, Captain Syrup doesn't use any classic Wario Land transformations. She doesn't actually engage Wario in true physical combat in the series - she always has an item, a robot or piece of technology, or a trick up her sleeve instead of facing Wario directly.

However, like I said, she has a Genie's Lamp - anything's possible with that. Her Final Smash can easily consist of her summoning the genie Denpu himself. She rides on Denpu's right shoulder while Denpu jumps across the stage, crushing anyone he lands on with his immense weight.
It's not a question of does she, but could she. I'm not familiar with what abilities Wario had, but if they could be easily transferable to another character, then I think it'd be best if Captain Syrup could borrow Wario's moves.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
We'll need to try to prepare for the worst. If we only get one choice, we must figure out which character to support, which will be extremely difficult to say the least.
I think I'll write up a quick "Action Plan" tonight. So when the poll hits, I can post it, and try to calm the probable chaos.

But seriously, I have so many characters I want to see. My top three are:
Kanan - Will be my number one pick. She's who I want.
Krystal - I would cut her last, because when all is said and done, I'm just a big fan of hers, and always have been. (Not a furry fan either)
Genesect/Victini/Deoxys - I like all three of them, it just depends on how I'm feeling that day. My Pokemon vote is important to me. That's why it would be my second to last vote to cut. I want him to pick the right character.
Medusa - With Magnus being on that roster, it's come to my attention that she needs to be adressed. I could cut her pretty easily though.
Jill Valentine - A third party would be cut without hesitation if I needed to.
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