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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
I'm probably responsible for that ****storm,these ppl can't do their own thing and tend to follow ppl and go beyond when the original person stops.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@Chris: Because you obviously failed to derail the thread, so I have to step in.

As for Luco's stage, yea it seems interesting enough, how would the platforms and stage hazards work? If any?

Like the music btw..


Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
@Chris: Because you obviously failed to derail the thread, so I have to step in.

As for Luco's stage, yea it seems interesting enough, how would the platforms and stage hazards work? If any?

Like the music btw..

Actually Omega,it was obvious you tried to be like me,saying "I'm your competition" and such.You failed the whole time,anyone can go back a few pages and clearly see that.Page 601 was when the ****storm probably started.Btw,when posting memes or funny pics,make it relevant to the conversation. :awesome:


Smash Ace
Feb 9, 2011
An unfinished moveset preview for yet ANOTHER weirdass Spongebob character, since everyone is apparently enthralled by them :troll:


Man Ray is from the wildly popular cartoon, Spongebob Squarepants, where he often antagonizes the resident Adam West Batman parodies, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. Man Ray was often mentioned the first two Mermaid Man episodes, before finally appearing in the third episode where it is revealed that he had been frozen into tartar sauce by Mermaid Man. He is unfrozen by Spongebob, as Man Ray had pretended to be good. After a series of comical mishaps involving Man Ray attempting to trick them into thinking he was good so they would remove the 'Tickle Belt' (a remote controlled belt that Spongebob used to tickle Man Ray whenever he did bad,) When the Tickle Belt is removed, Man Ray escapes the Mermalair with weapons and attempts to rob a bank, only to discover that the tickling had become a part of his DNA, causing him to laugh whenever he did evil. He reforms at the end of the episode, but appears in a later episode, evil once again. He is often seen paired with the Dirty Bubble, often annoyed by his less-than serious demeanor and is especially annoyed by the fact that Dirty Bubble is considered to be Mermaid Man's archenemy, especially when he is the more evil of the two.


Traction: 8
Size: 8
Weight: 7
Ground Movement: 5
Falling Speed: 5
Aerial Movement: 4
Jumps: 4



Grasping the sides of his oversized mask, Man Ray yanks the head off, to reveal that he has no head underneath it, making him a headless body. Clutching the head carefully in his hands, he places it down directly in front of him for the time that it takes Snake to place one of his dspec mines on the ground. Once on the ground, Man Ray's head becomes a separate hitbox from the man himself, but is still connected to him in some way, performing all head-based attacks normally. If Man Ray decides that he wants his head back onto his body, he can always walk up to it and press down special to place it back on with the same lag as putting it down. Man Ray's head can be picked up by anyone, but it can still attack the foe who dares to pick him up, so there's really no point in doing it. While picked up, Man Ray's head gives the user slower move speed while they're carrying it, and can be used as a throwing item that deals 15% and good knockback upon tossing it. Man Ray only has one head, so the foe could toss it off and leave this special unusuable if he's careless enough. Man Ray only has one head, but will regain his head if he loses a stock.


Man Ray hunches over slightly, stretching his knee out. This is your cue to charge the move, if not, Man Ray lunges forward (upwards if in the air), staying one Kirby off the ground. Moving at Fox's dashing speed, Man Ray will lunge forward all of Battlefield uncharged compared to lunging forward 75% of Final Destination at full charge (3 seconds). If Man Ray comes into contact with the foe at this time, he enters a grab state as he punches them towards the ground, dealing 7% damage and pitfalling them. (In air, Man Ray's punch doesn't gimp, instead doing a minor bit of knockback.)

If Man Ray comes into contact with his head, he will grab it and plunge it into the stage, it laying one Kirby underneath the stage. From here, Man Ray can use his head in diabolical ways, as many of Man Ray's attacks involving his head have different uses while it's inside of it. If the foe deals 20% damage to the ground where Man Ray's head is, it will pop out of the ground, uncontrollable for 5 seconds, meaning this is a prime time for the foe to rid themselves of your head.


Grasping the above belt from hammerspace, Man Ray whips it forward in a generic tether grab, covering a Bowser width in front of himself. The starting lag here is surprisingly quicker then you would expect from the usual tether grab, but has .60 seconds of end lag as he draws the belt away and puts it back into hammerspace. Man Ray holds the belt out for .10 seconds before drawing it back, but this can be held for as long as he wishes by keeping the input pressed. If Man Ray catches a foe with the belt, he pulls them over and forcibly straps the belt onto them before hopping a Bowser backwards. The foe can get the tickle belt off by inputting their neutral special as a smash, performing an animation where they yank it off for about 3 seconds. If they get it off, they will carry the belt around as an item that replaces their neutral attack with Man Ray's laggy tether grab, so they can catch Man Ray and place the belt onto them. They can also throw it away like any other item, but if they throw it off a blast zone, Man Ray will gain another tickle belt. Man Ray can also regain the tickle belt from foes who are holding it by dealing 15% damage to them.

Smashing this input causes Man Ray to bring out a suspicious looking remote out, chuckling wickedly as he taps it. Wherever your tickle belt currently is, it starts shaking wildly. If it is around the foe or himself when he presses it, they begin laughing wildly, taking 2% per second This music starts playing to accompany their laughter. The foe begins laughing so hard, that they fall to the ground, rolling around and laughing, leaving them unable to move. The tickle belt automatically shuts off after 5 seconds, with a cooldown of 4 seconds. One of the most important uses of this move is to interrupt your foe's attacks, and possibly have them attacked by your head while they're busy laughing.

Man Ray's remote can also be stolen, like the belt. If he is attacked while holding it, the foe will automatically pocket it. As the foe will often be laughing when he pockets it, it can also be stolen by dealing 15% direct damage to Man Ray, them automatically stealing it with no indication to Man Ray. If the foe now double taps neutral attack, they will bring out the remote and activate it, likely on Man Ray. If Man Ray wants the remote back, he must deal 15% to the foe.

(Possibly cause an effect if Man Ray makes the tickle belt shake while it's on the ground. Maybe his head can carry it around?)


Man Ray points his glove at the ground, laughing wickedly to himself. After .10 seconds of holding this pose, he fires a cone of electricity onto the ground in front of him. The electricity jumbles about wildly, being as tall as Kirby and covering a Bowser-sized area. If foes hit the electricity, they are contained inside of it (being difficult to DI out of), and dealt 3% per second. While this may scream "Man Ray is an obvious rip-off of Dutchman", Man Ray's electricity trap lingers on-stage for about 3 seconds and he has no direct way to control it. Rather, one of the more direct uses of this move is to set up assaults from your head. You see, if the electricity trap is fired at your head or on the ground your head is firing at, the head will conduct electricity, being given an electrical containing hitbox identical to the ones possessed by Man Ray himself. Man Ray's head possesses this hitbox for 8 seconds, but it's nowhere near as potent as your electrical trap, thanks to the smaller size.

The potential strategies you can use with your head electrified are endless. Throwing an electrified head at a foe will drag them along with it, meaning you can KO them by using your head to simply drag them off the side blast zone. You can also place the head back on your shoulders to give your attacks an extra kick. Whatever you use it for, an electrified head is one of your most potent weapons.



Man Ray begins glaring, holding this pose for .10 seconds. During the .10 second period, Man Ray can double tap A to turn himself (or just his head, if it's by itself) around, meaning you can change the direction this will be fired in rather easily. Once this startup period is done, Man Ray will fire a bright red laser beam the size of Fox's laser from his eyes. The laser moves at 1.2x the speed of Sonic's dash. This travels forward by default, but while the laser is on the move, it is angleable like Pit's arrow, giving Man Ray a certain degree of control over his villainous projectile. Contact with the laser deals 9% and flinching to whoever comes in contact with it. If Man Ray's head is underground, it can still fire its laser, it passing through the ground. However, thanks to angling, he can send it through the stage without dealing any damage to it. Combine the ability to angle the laser beam with the ability to turn around during the startup and you can easily make your foes be certain of your location.


Man Ray keeps running, before swinging his head downwards in a headbutt motion for 5% damage to those incompetent enough to get in his way. Without your head, Man Ray will just keep running, making this perfect for the mindgames he loves so much. However, underground, your head will start hopping forward at Ganondorf's run speed, meaning that you'll easily be able to position your head about without even getting near it. Man Ray's Head will stop upon a second dash attack, or when it reaches the edge of the stage.



Man Ray outstretches his arms in front of him in a Frankenstein-style pose, putting his best "evil" face on. During this time, you can angle his hands to determine where he will fire the beam. When charging is released, a red laser moves forward from Man Ray's hands, being about as tall as Mario and moving at Captain Falcon's dashing speed. The length of the charge depends on how long Man Ray charged it for, ranging from all of Battlefield to Final Destination. If a foe comes in contact with the laser, they will be dragged towards Man Ray at Fox's dashing speed, Man Ray continuing to hold the pose if they are hit. While they are being pulled in, Man Ray can angle the direction of the laser, meaning he can send them upwards or downwards at will. Man Ray's Head can be dragged in as well, but if both the foe and the head are hit with the beam, Man Ray's head takes priority over the foe. This encourages the dragging KOs I suggested in the down special, as Man Ray will be able to bring his head and the foe out to a blast zone and then pull his head back in if he's quick enough.


During the charging, Man Ray prepares to spin. Once the charging is complete, Man Ray spins 3 times, arms outstretched, in what appears to be a faster rip-off of Haggar or Zangief's lariat. Contact with any part of Man Ray during this time deals 10-20% damage, with a hitbox similiar to Olimar's up tilt or Luigi's down special. At the end of the spin, foes are dealt good knockback that KOs at around 130%. If Man Ray's head is underneath the ground during this time, it drills upwards, catching unsuspecting foes in a sneak attack. It then situates itself on stage once again, having to be manually put underground again. As the move's start-up without charging is almost instant, Man Ray can prepare sneak attacks towards his foe easily.[/collapse]

army man

Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2011
where love lives with one other
An unfinished moveset preview for yet ANOTHER weirdass Spongebob character, since everyone is apparently enthralled by them :troll:


Man Ray is from the wildly popular cartoon, Spongebob Squarepants, where he often antagonizes the resident Adam West Batman parodies, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. Man Ray was often mentioned the first two Mermaid Man episodes, before finally appearing in the third episode where it is revealed that he had been frozen into tartar sauce by Mermaid Man. He is unfrozen by Spongebob, as Man Ray had pretended to be good. After a series of comical mishaps involving Man Ray attempting to trick them into thinking he was good so they would remove the 'Tickle Belt' (a remote controlled belt that Spongebob used to tickle Man Ray whenever he did bad,) When the Tickle Belt is removed, Man Ray escapes the Mermalair with weapons and attempts to rob a bank, only to discover that the tickling had become a part of his DNA, causing him to laugh whenever he did evil. He reforms at the end of the episode, but appears in a later episode, evil once again. He is often seen paired with the Dirty Bubble, often annoyed by his less-than serious demeanor and is especially annoyed by the fact that Dirty Bubble is considered to be Mermaid Man's archenemy, especially when he is the more evil of the two.


Traction: 8
Size: 8
Weight: 7
Ground Movement: 5
Falling Speed: 5
Aerial Movement: 4
Jumps: 4



Grasping the sides of his oversized mask, Man Ray yanks the head off, to reveal that he has no head underneath it, making him a headless body. Clutching the head carefully in his hands, he places it down directly in front of him for the time that it takes Snake to place one of his dspec mines on the ground. Once on the ground, Man Ray's head becomes a separate hitbox from the man himself, but is still connected to him in some way, performing all head-based attacks normally. If Man Ray decides that he wants his head back onto his body, he can always walk up to it and press down special to place it back on with the same lag as putting it down. Man Ray's head can be picked up by anyone, but it can still attack the foe who dares to pick him up, so there's really no point in doing it. While picked up, Man Ray's head gives the user slower move speed while they're carrying it, and can be used as a throwing item that deals 15% and good knockback upon tossing it. Man Ray only has one head, so the foe could toss it off and leave this special unusuable if he's careless enough. Man Ray only has one head, but will regain his head if he loses a stock.


Man Ray hunches over slightly, stretching his knee out. This is your cue to charge the move, if not, Man Ray lunges forward (upwards if in the air), staying one Kirby off the ground. Moving at Fox's dashing speed, Man Ray will lunge forward all of Battlefield uncharged compared to lunging forward 75% of Final Destination at full charge (3 seconds). If Man Ray comes into contact with the foe at this time, he enters a grab state as he punches them towards the ground, dealing 7% damage and pitfalling them. (In air, Man Ray's punch doesn't gimp, instead doing a minor bit of knockback.)

If Man Ray comes into contact with his head, he will grab it and plunge it into the stage, it laying one Kirby underneath the stage. From here, Man Ray can use his head in diabolical ways, as many of Man Ray's attacks involving his head have different uses while it's inside of it. If the foe deals 20% damage to the ground where Man Ray's head is, it will pop out of the ground, uncontrollable for 5 seconds, meaning this is a prime time for the foe to rid themselves of your head.


Grasping the above belt from hammerspace, Man Ray whips it forward in a generic tether grab, covering a Bowser width in front of himself. The starting lag here is surprisingly quicker then you would expect from the usual tether grab, but has .60 seconds of end lag as he draws the belt away and puts it back into hammerspace. Man Ray holds the belt out for .10 seconds before drawing it back, but this can be held for as long as he wishes by keeping the input pressed. If Man Ray catches a foe with the belt, he pulls them over and forcibly straps the belt onto them before hopping a Bowser backwards. The foe can get the tickle belt off by inputting their neutral special as a smash, performing an animation where they yank it off for about 3 seconds. If they get it off, they will carry the belt around as an item that replaces their neutral attack with Man Ray's laggy tether grab, so they can catch Man Ray and place the belt onto them. They can also throw it away like any other item, but if they throw it off a blast zone, Man Ray will gain another tickle belt. Man Ray can also regain the tickle belt from foes who are holding it by dealing 15% damage to them.

Smashing this input causes Man Ray to bring out a suspicious looking remote out, chuckling wickedly as he taps it. Wherever your tickle belt currently is, it starts shaking wildly. If it is around the foe or himself when he presses it, they begin laughing wildly, taking 2% per second This music starts playing to accompany their laughter. The foe begins laughing so hard, that they fall to the ground, rolling around and laughing, leaving them unable to move. The tickle belt automatically shuts off after 5 seconds, with a cooldown of 4 seconds. One of the most important uses of this move is to interrupt your foe's attacks, and possibly have them attacked by your head while they're busy laughing.

Man Ray's remote can also be stolen, like the belt. If he is attacked while holding it, the foe will automatically pocket it. As the foe will often be laughing when he pockets it, it can also be stolen by dealing 15% direct damage to Man Ray, them automatically stealing it with no indication to Man Ray. If the foe now double taps neutral attack, they will bring out the remote and activate it, likely on Man Ray. If Man Ray wants the remote back, he must deal 15% to the foe.

(Possibly cause an effect if Man Ray makes the tickle belt shake while it's on the ground. Maybe his head can carry it around?)


Man Ray points his glove at the ground, laughing wickedly to himself. After .10 seconds of holding this pose, he fires a cone of electricity onto the ground in front of him. The electricity jumbles about wildly, being as tall as Kirby and covering a Bowser-sized area. If foes hit the electricity, they are contained inside of it (being difficult to DI out of), and dealt 3% per second. While this may scream "Man Ray is an obvious rip-off of Dutchman", Man Ray's electricity trap lingers on-stage for about 3 seconds and he has no direct way to control it. Rather, one of the more direct uses of this move is to set up assaults from your head. You see, if the electricity trap is fired at your head or on the ground your head is firing at, the head will conduct electricity, being given an electrical containing hitbox identical to the ones possessed by Man Ray himself. Man Ray's head possesses this hitbox for 8 seconds, but it's nowhere near as potent as your electrical trap, thanks to the smaller size.

The potential strategies you can use with your head electrified are endless. Throwing an electrified head at a foe will drag them along with it, meaning you can KO them by using your head to simply drag them off the side blast zone. You can also place the head back on your shoulders to give your attacks an extra kick. Whatever you use it for, an electrified head is one of your most potent weapons.



Man Ray begins glaring, holding this pose for .10 seconds. During the .10 second period, Man Ray can double tap A to turn himself (or just his head, if it's by itself) around, meaning you can change the direction this will be fired in rather easily. Once this startup period is done, Man Ray will fire a bright red laser beam the size of Fox's laser from his eyes. The laser moves at 1.2x the speed of Sonic's dash. This travels forward by default, but while the laser is on the move, it is angleable like Pit's arrow, giving Man Ray a certain degree of control over his villainous projectile. Contact with the laser deals 9% and flinching to whoever comes in contact with it. If Man Ray's head is underground, it can still fire its laser, it passing through the ground. However, thanks to angling, he can send it through the stage without dealing any damage to it. Combine the ability to angle the laser beam with the ability to turn around during the startup and you can easily make your foes be certain of your location.


Man Ray keeps running, before swinging his head downwards in a headbutt motion for 5% damage to those incompetent enough to get in his way. Without your head, Man Ray will just keep running, making this perfect for the mindgames he loves so much. However, underground, your head will start hopping forward at Ganondorf's run speed, meaning that you'll easily be able to position your head about without even getting near it. Man Ray's Head will stop upon a second dash attack, or when it reaches the edge of the stage.



Man Ray outstretches his arms in front of him in a Frankenstein-style pose, putting his best "evil" face on. During this time, you can angle his hands to determine where he will fire the beam. When charging is released, a red laser moves forward from Man Ray's hands, being about as tall as Mario and moving at Captain Falcon's dashing speed. The length of the charge depends on how long Man Ray charged it for, ranging from all of Battlefield to Final Destination. If a foe comes in contact with the laser, they will be dragged towards Man Ray at Fox's dashing speed, Man Ray continuing to hold the pose if they are hit. While they are being pulled in, Man Ray can angle the direction of the laser, meaning he can send them upwards or downwards at will. Man Ray's Head can be dragged in as well, but if both the foe and the head are hit with the beam, Man Ray's head takes priority over the foe. This encourages the dragging KOs I suggested in the down special, as Man Ray will be able to bring his head and the foe out to a blast zone and then pull his head back in if he's quick enough.


During the charging, Man Ray prepares to spin. Once the charging is complete, Man Ray spins 3 times, arms outstretched, in what appears to be a faster rip-off of Haggar or Zangief's lariat. Contact with any part of Man Ray during this time deals 10-20% damage, with a hitbox similiar to Olimar's up tilt or Luigi's down special. At the end of the spin, foes are dealt good knockback that KOs at around 130%. If Man Ray's head is underneath the ground during this time, it drills upwards, catching unsuspecting foes in a sneak attack. It then situates itself on stage once again, having to be manually put underground again. As the move's start-up without charging is almost instant, Man Ray can prepare sneak attacks towards his foe easily.[/collapse]
lol those are great, why didn't someone think of those before?!

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
Maaaannnnnn, Star, you're making me wanna boot up a new Kirby Hat Project.

But I promised myself I wouldn't even consider it unitl we get some official art for SSB4. So I shall resist.

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
Army man and Omega,I would advise you to not speak to me unless related to a comment or question I stated/asked.

On topic:This Smash's storymode better be cool,and it better make more sense than "worlds crossing over"

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
Do it Hex, don't restrain yourself, go free!!

No. XP

btw, Star, something I was curious about when it comes to Slime and Chocobo...

Do you feel that the combination of the two characters has a greater chance than one or the other on their own?

Deleted member

@Starphoenix: Looks much, much better. Just add a link going to PCAM and you're set.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Maaaannnnnn, Star, you're making me wanna boot up a new Kirby Hat Project.

But I promised myself I wouldn't even consider it unitl we get some official art for SSB4. So I shall resist.
Well I'm sure as heck not going to start doing a bunch of Kirby hats. Just trying to pin down the Kirby I have was enough! Although... Now that my Kirby is made I could easily reuse the facial assets into other Kirby's...

But once we get some art, I'd love to see you take a crack at it again. :)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I believe Slime has a better chance on his own, I say Chocobo would just be a 2 for 1 deal from Square, I don't think the Japenese are actually suggesting the idea outside this board, or are they? 0_o



Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I believe Slime has a better chance on his own, I say Chocobo would just be a 2 for 1 deal from Square, I don't think the Japenese are actually suggesting the idea outside this board, or are they? 0_o
They'd probably be all over it if they knew about it. :p


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Meep. I hate talking about art and not being able to show you guys my Kirby hats/Nintendo x Capcom phases I went through :x The first Kirby hat I drew I was like thirteen, and it was Kakashi From Naruto and then Ivy from Soul Caliber.

I'm seriously stoked about Toise going back to that Japanese board. I just wish he would tell of one, so I can look at it myself. I want to see a Japanese wishlist, and see how it differs.

Deleted member

Shortiecanbrawl said:
I think I'll write up a quick "Action Plan" tonight. So when the poll hits, I can post it, and try to calm the probable chaos.

But seriously, I have so many characters I want to see. My top three are:
Kanan - Will be my number one pick. She's who I want.
Krystal - I would cut her last, because when all is said and done, I'm just a big fan of hers, and always have been. (Not a furry fan either)
Genesect/Victini/Deoxys - I like all three of them, it just depends on how I'm feeling that day. My Pokemon vote is important to me. That's why it would be my second to last vote to cut. I want him to pick the right character.
Medusa - With Magnus being on that roster, it's come to my attention that she needs to be adressed. I could cut her pretty easily though.
Jill Valentine - A third party would be cut without hesitation if I needed to.
Looking forward to seeing it.

Anyway, if we had to pick one character, I'm going with Victini since he ties with Mega Man for my most wanted character for Smash. Every vote counts and I will make my vote known.

Also I just recognized something. If the character is not in the poll, it's probably not getting in SSB4. I'm very worried about Sakurai leaving Victini out just because of being "Mew-like".
Shortiecanbrawl said:
hat I drew I was like thirteen, and it was Kakashi From Naruto and then Ivy from Soul Caliber.

I'm seriously stoked about Toise going back to that Japanese board. I just wish he would tell of one, so I can look at it myself. I want to see a Japanese wishlist, and see how it differs.
If we had a decent translator, that would be amazing. Too bad Google Translator isn't great and it would really help if we figured out who is wanted and who isn't.

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
Meep. I hate talking about art and not being able to show you guys my Kirby hats/Nintendo x Capcom phases I went through :x The first Kirby hat I drew I was like thirteen, and it was Kakashi From Naruto and then Ivy from Soul Caliber.

I'm seriously stoked about Toise going back to that Japanese board. I just wish he would tell of one, so I can look at it myself. I want to see a Japanese wishlist, and see how it differs.
Why can't you show us? =/


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
I'm working on a Krystal Character Design and I need some help with her Final Smash. I can't think of anything interesting. This is what I have so far.

Landma...just kidding

Crystal Field: She incases herself in a crystal which protects her from damage. She can then break free and send the shards flying.

Crystal Rain: Similar to Zues' challenge in Kid Icarus. Crystal pieces appear all over the map and fly in various directions.

For some reason they don't appeal to me that well.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
No. XP

btw, Star, something I was curious about when it comes to Slime and Chocobo...

Do you feel that the combination of the two characters has a greater chance than one or the other on their own?
That is a good question, I'd say yes and no. Both characters together would bring together two of the largest franchises in the world into one. Both are equally popular and would deserve to get in on their own right. I think together it would give each each of them an advantage as most people seem to think they cannot fight individually (more so in Slime's case, though evidence points against it).

There are two problems though. One is that we haven't really had a precedent for Slime and Chocobo. Not to say in Smash Bros of all games it matters. But it might mean developers don't and won't see this potential union. The other is licensing, it is difficult enough to try and license one game. Trying to license two is even harder. Not impossible, but difficult.

Although I've stated before that if either one had to be chosen it would probably be Slime. Nintendo has taken an active interest in this series and has spent their own money advertising and localising games. Not to mention that Dragon Quest is one of the few series to actually crossover with Mario, the only other ones being Sonic the Hedgehog, Tetris and Pacman. Nintendo is personally localizing Fortune Street, the Dragon Quest/Mario crossover, overseas this holiday season.

Long story short, I think there are pros and cons to Slime and Chocobo. So it is kind of 50/50.


Going to officially limk my blog with PCAM.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Meep. I hate talking about art and not being able to show you guys my Kirby hats/Nintendo x Capcom phases I went through :x The first Kirby hat I drew I was like thirteen, and it was Kakashi From Naruto and then Ivy from Soul Caliber.

I'm seriously stoked about Toise going back to that Japanese board. I just wish he would tell of one, so I can look at it myself. I want to see a Japanese wishlist, and see how it differs.
What board is it? Link please.

If we had a decent translator, that would be amazing. Too bad Google Translator isn't great and it would really help if we figured out who is wanted and who isn't.

I may be able to translate it to some extent, as I'm curious where all this information is coming from as well. But just remember, I only have a small amount of experience so far so only expect so much.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
SSBF, don't you only want Victini because you DON'T want Zoroark? Lol.

Krystal Final Smash should involve dinosaurs.

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
*My influential persona at work whole time I was on thread*

De-railing,trolling,failed trolling(you know who you are :awesome:),funny memes,ponies,*when pointed out objective of sheep and failed trolls* re-railing.

See ya guys!
RIP:Funny thread Page 1600-1607

army man

Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2011
where love lives with one other
I'm working on a Krystal Character Design and I need some help with her Final Smash. I can't think of anything interesting. This is what I have so far.

Landma...just kidding

Crystal Field: She incases herself in a crystal which protects her from damage. She can then break free and send the shards flying.

Crystal Rain: Similar to Zues' challenge in Kid Icarus. Crystal pieces appear all over the map and fly in various directions.

For some reason they don't appeal to me that well.
lol a pink landmaster, anyway i don't know, those ideas could probably form into a pretty legit final smash. lets see, it has to be really creative, hhhmmm...

Deleted member

SSBF, don't you only want Victini because you DON'T want Zoroark? Lol.

Krystal Final Smash should involve dinosaurs.
Actually, if Zoroark were to get in and we got five slots, I would be neutral on him. But for now, since I don't find five slots likely under Zoroark, I am against his inclusion. Victini getting in would make getting five slots that much more likely, and as such, increase the chances of Mewtwo/Deoxys/Lucario/Meowth getting in.

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
I'm working on a Krystal Character Design and I need some help with her Final Smash. I can't think of anything interesting. This is what I have so far.

Landma...just kidding

Crystal Field: She incases herself in a crystal which protects her from damage. She can then break free and send the shards flying.

Crystal Rain: Similar to Zues' challenge in Kid Icarus. Crystal pieces appear all over the map and fly in various directions.

For some reason they don't appeal to me that well.
Well I'm assuming if Krystal were in, she'd incorporate her staff into her moveset. It's been forever since I played SF Adventures, so I don't quite remember all the abilities it had.
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