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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia

He could keep the scouter actually. That'd be pretty cool in SSJ2. Get rid of it in SSJ4 though. He could keep the armor too.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Ah I see! A SSJ2 Fox with armor al while sporting a cool looking scouter, nice!!

Do you do the textures or do you request those?

Like this!



Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
So, after deliberating between three different stage ideas I have finally settled upon the one I want to go with. At first I was apprehensive about doing a stage for this game as the latest installment hasn't been released yet, until I remembered something... A very central setting is going to be returning, which leads me to believe that this will be the locale chosen as it is bound to be important once more. Without needing to say anymore, lets dive in!

[COLLAPSE=StarPhoenix's New Stage Concept]

Why if it isn't Toad Town? This was the main town in the original Paper Mario for the 64 and will be making a return in Paper Mario 3DS. So why shouldn't it be the stage? However, the stage itself will be set in the area with the fountain. Now the fountain in the background has a platform on it, when the fountain spews water the platform will rise. Otherwise it lies on top of it. The other platforms are left and right of the fountain are static. A neat little feature is you can "rip" the platforms. After a prolonged exposure to damage, being paper and all, they can tear and become unusable.

Small thumbnail is small

Such a happy and cheery place! Bright, colorful, smiling Paper Toads roaming the streets carefree. Ahhhh... Nevermind the fact that this series has been home to some of the darkest Mario characters... But wait! Something is wrong? Why is there an audience below the stage and curtains folding to the side? Because even though it is "Toad Town" it is incorporating the "audience/battle system" found in Paper Mario 2. Making the battlefield look as though it were just part of a play! But what about the Toads walking in the background? What level of Inception-esque madness is this? Don't worry about those details, just enjoy the conglomeration. Be careful to appease the crowd with a good fight, bore them and you may suffer... Falling lights, smoke, rocks thrown from the audience; all of this can happen to you if you don't put on a good show. Fight well and you will be applauded and cheered! Because there is no love like Goomba love!

Stage Example:


Stage Name - Toad Town
Icon - Mushroom w/ thick outline

Paper Mario/Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - Toad Town/Toad Town
Paper Mario - Tubba Blubba
Paper Mario - Tutankoopa
Paper Mario - Bowser, King of Koopas
Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door - X-naut Fortress
Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door - Shadow Queen
Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door - File Load
Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door - Dooplis
Super Paper Mario - Mr. L and Big Bro
Super Paper Mario - The Ultimate Show
Super Paper Mario - Francis
Super Mario RPG - Beware the Forest Mushrooms (per Square's allowance)

Wow, I didn't expect choosing music from this series to be so tough. Some of my hardest decisions next too Starhip Mario and Robot Museum. That isn't even covering the inevitable Paper Mario 3DS tracks, but I'll cross that bridge once it comes. For now I'll just list what we have. Hopefully you all enjoy it, it isn't actually as cluttered as some may think it may sound. The stage is spacious enough to have both the audience and the town. If it doesn't go over so well I can always revise it. lol[/COLLAPSE]

Wow... For once there is only one person in this thread. That is me...
Great job. Even if Paper Mario doesn't make it into SSB4, I think his franchise is deserving enough for it's own stage, and this would be a great Paper Mario stage. I like the gimmick of appealing to the crowd unless you want rocks thrown at your face.

My first entry for Deviantart's Smash Bros contest.

[COLLAPSE=Newcomer: Hayabusa]
Also great job. Hayabusa's head doesn't quite fit in with the rest of his body and could use some work, but otherwise, it looks good.

Anyways, my SSB4 opening cinematic script is done (:joyful:), and will be shown later today. The finished script is 23 pages long on Word and features a little more than 50 different characters I believe, so I hope people have the time (or the care) to enjoy it.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Great job. Even if Paper Mario doesn't make it into SSB4, I think his franchise is deserving enough for it's own stage, and this would be a great Paper Mario stage. I like the gimmick of appealing to the crowd unless you want rocks thrown at your face.
Agreed! Paper Mario definetly needs to represent the series in someway or another whether it's a stage or as a playable characters which I'd rather have. :laugh:

Anyways, my SSB4 opening cinematic script is done (:joyful:), and will be shown later today. The finished script is 23 pages long on Word and features a little more than 50 different characters I believe, so I hope people have the time (or the care) to enjoy it.
Apperently I wasn't aware of this, I'll be looking forward to it, you better have The Black Knight in there lol..

@xIblisx: Yo!!! Kuma really got me inspired to play Street Fighter more competatively, I can't wait to record them!!


Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I have recently been going through some possible specials for Starfy. It seems that he'll be heavily lacking a projectile, but I can think of a few specials to implement...

Star Spin: A standard special move. Tap the special button, and Starfy will spin around faster, damaging anyone in his way. The move can deal multiple hits, and the faster Starfy spins, the stronger the hits. However, it's not exactly built for making KOs. Careful that you don't make Starfy spin too fast, or he'll become dizzy. Additionally, Starfy will become helpless if this move is used while airborne.

Horizontal Star Spin: A side special move. Starfy will perform his Ultra Star Spin in a horizontal direction. This attack only delivers one strong hit to opponents, and can't be sped up. Starfy will become helpless if this move is used while airborne.

Vertical Star Spin: An upward special move. Starfy will perform his Ultra Star Spin in a vertical direction (mostly upwards). This attack only delivers one strong hit to opponents, and can't be sped up. It also acts as a third jump, and as a result, Starfy will become helpless if this move is used while airborne.

Shooting Star: A downward special move. Starfy basically dives to the ground, damaging anything that's in his way.

Monstar: Starfy's Final Smash. Starfy will call Bunston, who will change into Monstar. By pressing and holding the attack button, Monstar can breathe fire at opponents, and the flames are heavily damaging, and have strong knockback. Unlike most Final Smashes however, this one is flawed in that Starfy can still take damage AND be affected by knockback. He also can't perform mid-air jumps while in this state, nor can he use his specials, so he's basically semi-helpless if sent flying. The duration of this Final Smash is 18 seconds.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
Agreed! Paper Mario definetly needs to represent the series in someway or another whether it's a stage or as a playable characters which I'd rather have. :laugh:

Apperently I wasn't aware of this, I'll be looking forward to it, you better have The Black Knight in there lol..

@xIblisx: Yo!!! Kuma really got me inspired to play Street Fighter more competatively, I can't wait to record them!!

Paper Mario has become a significant enough franchise that limiting it's appearance to trophies and stickers is just ridiculous. Personally I'd prefer Toad taking the fifth Mario spot, but I think Paper Mario is absolutely deserving for a stage and possibly Assist Trophy too.

As for the script, there is a Black Knight cameo in there. ;)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
wtf. what about geno!?
I hate to say it but it seems Geno's support has gone down the drain ever since that Geno Alliance thing failed back during the Brawl hype, I think supporters just gave up on the idea, but it certainly can't be ruled out as well, it's just that neither Nintendo or Square seem interested in the matter of reviving him. I think Slime has more of a chance IMO.

I could record TvC matches. I'm bad though.
This has me wondering, do you record your Fox matches yourself? It's pretty good actually even if it isn't the best quality.



Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
@people wanting a victini moveset check beserker's sig

@people wanting a fox ssj4 texture
Quit and go to toonlink he has a couple different ss textures.
Check brawlvault for a fox one

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
wtf. what about geno!?
I think he does not have many chances, he appears in only one game. Just because a character is important in a game, does not mean he can get in. If so Waluigi, Rosalina, Pauline, Adam Malkovich, Daisy, Lakitu, Lank Kong, Kiddy Kong, chunk Kong, Tiny Kong, and others would already be in the smash in a long time. I do not say it would be a bad addition, I like Geno, but how the characters above, I would say no more than 20% chance.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
@people wanting a victini moveset check beserker's sig

@people wanting a fox ssj4 texture
Quit and go to toonlink he has a couple different ss textures.
Check brawlvault for a fox one
I don't care for TL lol. Also my request has been sent already. I already have the SSJ Fox


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
I have a couple more ideas regarding All-Star mode. Firstly, as I said before, I want the setting changed to something more serene and peaceful - something more like Melee's park area than Brawl's cave.

However, as a feature of this stage, it changes seasons as you progress through All-Star mode. It starts in the summer season, which is pretty basic.

However, after completing the first round of fights, the season changes to autumn. Any trees in the background have leaves with shades of red, yellow, and orange. The ground is covered with a layer of fallen leaves.

As you progress further, the season changes to winter. Snow gently falls from the sky, covering nearly everything and turning the area into a winter wonderland.

For the absolute last and most challenging battle, the season changes to spring. Spring is similar to the summer season, but flowers are blooming everywhere and wind can be seen gently blowing across the area. This stage of the area's evolution would be meant to be the most beautiful.

To accompany this concept, the music can change over time, with more instruments parts added over time. It starts with a basic piano or something, but builds up with strings and perhaps a solo woodwind instrument. Then, perhaps bells as well as additional woodwinds and strings are added. Before the end, in the spring season, and before the final fight, the music has morphed to include a complete string and woodwind ensemble with minor percussion elements such as chimes, bells, and even snare drums.

In addition, as SSBFan suggested earlier, All-Star mode can include several set patterns in which you encounter enemies, but which pattern is used is random. Some ideas for patterns for encountering foes in All-Star mode:
  • Date that the first game in the respective franchise was released
  • Starting character to hidden; the starting characters are in a random order ,while the hidden characters appear in order based on how hard it was to unlock them
  • Minor franchise characters to the major characters; starts with second-banana characters and minor franchises, moves on to moderately-important characters, and then end with the major characters and big franchises
  • The generic order everyone seems to use in their personal rosters: starts with Mario and Mario sub-series characters, ends with the third-party characters
  • A completely randomized order much like Melee's implementation of All-Star mode

And here's my idea for a Library mode, reposted:

EDIT: Also, regarding trophies, stickers, and the Chronicle, how about combining them?

There would be a Library mode. Here, you can scroll through the names of Nintendo games or franchises, similar to Chronicle. However, instead of just a generic list, it shows you "shelves" and cases as in a library.

For each franchise or game - let's use Mario here - you see a set of shelves. Part of the shelves consist of trophy cases, where if press there, you can view trophies from that game or franchise. There could be some books as well - a "scrapbook" where all stickers related to that game/franchise are stored and a "novel" for the game or each game in a franchise that gives you general information and a description of the game.

By pressing the Z or whatever button on a trophy or sticker, you can select them to load up when you start Trophy Hoard or Sticker Center mode. Trophy Hoard/Sticker Center mode here would be a click away, and any trophies you selected automatically appear. Of course, you can just select them from a list in Trophy Hoard or Sticker Center mode if you want still - the option is there.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
When SSBF gets back I bet he will be more than glad to link to Victini's moveset.

Well I'm out for now, time for more training.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011

I finally have it figured out! Here is my roster prediction and evidence! (If im 100% correct i demand 1Million Dollars to be shipped to me hehe!)

Away From Combat-
Ness- Was only in brawl due to delays, will be prem replaced by Lucas.
Ike- Just like roy he will be booted out for another FE Character.
Wolf- Clones were not wanted, booted out since he is the 3rd Fox clone.
Lucario-Obviously due to generation changes.
PKMN Trainer- Charizard,Squirtle,Ivysaur to be replaced.
Toon Link- Due to OOT Re-release, to be replaced by Young Link,
also possible that MM will be released to.
NEWCOMERS!-Young Link- 3DS OOT release, and to take back place from Toon Link New Retro Characters- As stated above theres always been two retro characters added (Ice Climbers-G&W-Pit-R.O.B) So my best guess for the next two would be Little Mac(SNES) and Sukopon(NES) Both are Nintendo Characters. Two New (Hinted) Capcom Characters Megaman- From popularity Ryu- From the 3DS SF4 release. Waluigi- Guessing he becomes a character due to AT upset. New Fire Emblem Character- replacing Ike New Metroid Character- A long awaited Samus addition (Not Ridley) New F-Zero Character- another long awaited addition. (Maybe Goroh) New PKMN for PKMN Trainer- Most likely going to be swapped. Zoroark- Generation change (Mewtwo-Lucario-Zoroark). New Mother Character- Perhaps Claus? New DK Character- Hopefully King.K.Rool, probably Dixie Kong. New Kid Icarus Character- Idk his name big sword guy in trailer. New Animal Crossing character- Due to AC 3DS maybe a Tom Nook? Or Animal Crosser! (Male/Female)


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I finally have it figured out! Here is my roster prediction and evidence! (If im 100% correct i demand 1Million Dollars to be shipped to me hehe!)

Away From Combat-
Ness- Was only in brawl due to delays, will be prem replaced by Lucas. If anyone, Lucas is leaving.
Two New (Hinted) Capcom Characters Ryu- From the 3DS SF4 release. Noone wants Ryu.
Waluigi- Guessing he becomes a character due to AT upset. I'm not going there.
Wolf- Clones were not wanted, booted out since he is the 3rd Fox clone. He's not a clone.
New Fire Emblem Character- replacing Ike Different Situation. If you knew fire Emblem you wouldn't say this.
New Metroid Character- A long awaited Samus addition (Not Ridley) Possible I guess... but fans want Ridley.
New Mother Character- Perhaps Claus? Mother is extremely lucky to have two.
New Kid Icarus Character- Idk his name big sword guy in trailer. Magnus probably won't make it over Medusa or Palutena if anyone.
New Starfox Character- Due to SF64 Maybe Peppy or Slippy! Once again, Sarfox is lucky to have three. And Slippy/Peppy aren't figters. (Not Clones)



Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011
Veterans- Mario,Luigi,Yoshi,Peach,Bowser,Wario,Link,Zelda/Shiek,Ganondorf,Samus/ZSS,Pit,Ice Climbers, R.O.B, Kirby, Metaknight, King Dedede, Olimar, Fox, Falco, Captain Falco,Pikachu,PKMN Trainer, Jigglypuff,Marth, Lucas,Snake,Sonic, Mr.Game & Watch.

These are characters I would like to see but probably dont have very much attention. This list includes Skull Kid ( If Majora's Mask is rereleased theres a higher chance) King.K.Rool (Hasnt appeared in a DK game in a while.) Waluigi (Not really a big time Mario Character) Ridley (Lets face it Sakurai says he is to big even tho bowser is huge too, he wont make the cut :urg: ) Young Link with Mask (Also another moveslist if MM is re-released)
Dr.Mario, Roy, Pichu, & Mewtwo Costumes for Mario,Pikachu,Marth,Zoroark.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
There was a lot more you could have bolded there, Barbasolol.

Also I just had a dream that this thread was closed, lol.
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