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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I can write in Japanese. Well I can kinda speak it. I can write it to some extent. But I certainly can't read Japanese.

It sounds weird, but the kanji japanese people write is too advanced for me. So I could most likely write like an elementary school kid, best case scenario.

But when I'll actually have the time to provide support is a different matter. I wish I could because these ideas sound incredible.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Here's the rough draft for the main Operation: Connect main page.

What is Operation: Connect?

Brawl's online was lacking; this is something that both casual and competitive fans agree on. At E3 2011, Nintendo revealed the WiiU and with it promised that its online will be on par with the 360/PS3. Nintendo also announced SSB4 and that development would start in October. SSB4 will no doubt have online features but will they meet the fans' standards? That's where this project comes in.

The project is Operation: Connect. The idea is to create a professional letter no more than 2 pages long expressing no more than 5 fleshed out ideas for what fans expect with SSB4's online. The ultimate goal is to create one of the best, if not the best, online experience Nintendo has ever offered that appeals to both casual and competitive players. Any ideas are welcome at this time to make this goal a reality and make SSB4's online unforgettable.

Why Should I Support This Project?​

You may be reading this and wondering why anyone would bother investing time in this. “Fan projects like this hardly ever succeed,” you may be thinking but Operation: Connect is not like a vast majority of fan projects that have been done in recent years. How is it different and why should I support it? I’m glad you asked:

1. Most fan projects usually involve asking for sequels or games to be localized. Sequels involve making a whole new game and the localization of games involves translating, marketing, distribution, etc. What we’re asking for is some things to be added to a game that’s already planned and will be released worldwide.

2. When people generally ask for things to be added to games, the games have already been in development for months because the announcement of games are usually accompanied by a trailer. Sakurai estimates that development for SSB4 will start in October of this year. At the time of this posting, it’s July and that gives us, the fans, roughly three months to plan and flesh out something respectable to present to Nintendo before production begins.

3. Nearly all the past Smash fan campaigns have focused on one thing: characters. The problem with characters is that they affect a very small part of the gameplay and that there are very few characters that most people agree on. With Operation: Connect, we are focusing on a much larger aspect of the game that more people will care about then just one or two characters.

4. As I said earlier on, Brawl’s online was lacking. From casual players to competitive players to gaming sites to professional reviewers, this was probably the most common complaint of the game next to tripping. As a former online tournament director, I commonly experienced the short comings of Brawl’s online and I believe nearly everyone who picked up a copy of the game experienced them too. With that being said, that gives a very large percentage of the Smash community something we can agree on: Brawl’s online left a lot of room for improvement for the next game.

5. Brawl’s online was one of the big draws that got people interested in the game and that will no doubt be the case with SSB4. Nintendo probably knows this already but at the same time probably doesn’t know how to go about it this time around. This is where the fans should step in. Basically what we’re going to be doing is helping to make SSB4 more appealing to consumers on a large scale. In a way, we’d be doing Nintendo a big favor by helping them create a better product. As a big business, this should be very appealing to them.

Okay, I’m interested; How Can I Help Out?

There are two big ways that you can help support this project:

1. Contribute your ideas. This is supposed to be a community project so I’m expecting many different people to offer their thoughts about what they believe would optimize SSB4’s online experience. You can post your ideas here or in the official discussion group. Don’t know where to start? Here are some ideas that people have already suggested: player IDs, online tournaments, lobbies, video streams, leader boards, downloadable content, maps to select which regions to play in, voice chat, etc. Feel free to build off of the ideas of others. The five most popular ideas by the beginning of October will end up in the letter.

2. Spread the word! The more people that contribute to this project, the better it will be. The idea is not to limit this just to Smash Boards but to take it all over the internet, from the biggest sites to the smallest fan forums. Start an Operation: Connect thread of your own or simply show your support in your sig with a link to this page or the official discussion group. Every little bit will help.

I hope to turn this into something big that the Smash community by in large can get behind to show Nintendo that despite our differences in play preferences, we still love the Smash Bros franchise and want to see it at its best. May we be successful in our venture.

Questions to Supporters (July Edition)​

1. What do you think would be the best way to present these ideas to Nintendo? Mail? E-Mail? Twitter? Facebook?

2. Who do you think the letters should be sent to? Nintendo of America? Nintendo of Japan? SORA? Reggie? Sakurai? All of the above?

Things Needed for the Project (July edition)

*At least two people who can write in Japanese

*People who understand online infrastructure so we know what all is realistic to ask for
Wow, I hope your thread gets approved, so much potential, good concepts, I'll reccommend this to a MOD.



Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I can write in Japanese. Well I can kinda speak it. I can write it to some extent. But I certainly can't read Japanese.

It sounds weird, but the kanji japanese people write is too advanced for me. So I could most likely write like an elementary school kid, best case scenario.

But when I'll actually have the time to provide support is a different matter. I wish I could because these ideas sound incredible.
にほんご を よく はなします か?

Ooookay Oasis, Godforbid anyone speak up when we are actually on topic.

But yeah, Fatmanonice can write
I know, it's like we have an active topic that actually doesn't get circular all the time :awesome: anyways I had an idea and it turned out it has potential so instead of whining expand upon what I said.

EDIT: Actually having as much Japanese support as we can get helps, seeing how there are 2000 Kanji and it keeps expanding with every new import from China.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2007
United Arab Emirate, Abu Dhabi
I can write in Japanese. Well I can kinda speak it. I can write it to some extent. But I certainly can't read Japanese.

It sounds weird, but the kanji japanese people write is too advanced for me. So I could most likely write like an elementary school kid, best case scenario.

But when I'll actually have the time to provide support is a different matter. I wish I could because these ideas sound incredible.

I don't remember when I listed my Idea and I don't know if he took it from or not but what the hell (the vid is uploaded on my birthday to xD) anyway he has alot of interesting Ideas.

my ideas were :

Knight: Lance , Slow , Long ,Range, Knockback

Mercenary: Sword, averege in everything (and it's actually true in Fire Emblem Mercenaries are known for being balanced )

Fighter : Damage , Speed , short Range, Axes.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I would like to raise some awareness. Be it a lack of fan-person fervor or mainstream attention, one of the most deserving franchises has thus far been neglected in the Smash Bros meta-verse.

Wars Series

Encompassing 15 titles across 8 consoles, Wars is one of the longer running franchises in Nintendo's game history. In western markets, the series is best known under the Advance Wars and Battalion Wars franchises.
The games have all been critically acclaimed, but are currently lacking in the sales department due to a lack of recognition and branding.
Advance Wars- 92
Advance Wars II: Black Hole Rising- 89
Advance Wars: Dual Strike- 90
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin- 86
[Most recent titles as given by Metacritic]

This is exactly the kind of series that would benefit from a fighter in Super Smash Bros., the games are regarded as of the utmost quality, yet lack in sales.

So, just who shall represent the franchise? There's a few options.

Andy is the frontrunner, he's the first Commanding Officer (playable character) the player uses, and is the well-rounded option. He's also the poster-boy of the first few games, always appearing on the cover.

Will the most recent protagonist of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, an alternate universe take on the main franchise. Possible if they chose to go with the most recent installment, but it's ambiguous as to whether the alternate universe will be pursued or whether it was an experiment.

Sami is another main character, she would mostly be the option if a female option was to be chosen for representation purposes. She's a good character, just not the true main like Andy is.

Sturm. The enigmatic main first villain who leads the Black Hole army. He's an alien in a power-suit who wants to rule the world.
Not so likely, as he died at the end of the second game.

Grunt The lovable simple soldiers from the Battalion Wars series mainly, Grunts could be a generic style character that call upon the abilities of other units to fight. Option rather than a CO.

But the definite option is Andy;

Andy is a well-rounded character in the series, with his special bonus revolving around his expert skills in repairs. The moveset below is based around his technical prowess and his command abilities.

Andy's Moveset
Playstyle- Andy himself isn't a great fighter, but relies on his turrets to maintain control of a portion of the stage to provide a safe zone in which to conduct attacks before retreating back into the turrets range.

B- Power Wrench: This is Andy's primary ability, useful in the maintenance and domination by his assets. Use this over a Turret to reload/repair/upgrade it. Andy uses his wrenches and cranks them as quickly as the B button is tapped. This is also a weak attack move doing 1% everytime B is rapid tapped.

Bv- Deployment- One of Andy's main gameplay moves, Deployment makes Andy crouch and begin working on some machinery. After a few second delay, an automated turret is formed. Andy can plant three of these around the stage OR he can use Power Wrench overtop a turret to upgrade it. There are three levels that can be allocated with the turrets making:
Artillery- Smallest turret type, launches small projectiles in an arc which do 4% damage. Has the longest range but is more of a harassment weapon as it isn't very accurate.
Neoturret- Mid class turret, launches missiles akin to Samus' missile launcher.
Megaturret- Massive turret almost the size of Bowser, it is armed with gatling guns, missiles, and bombs. It has a range of two Bowsers around itself.

If wanting to control a large area, Artillery is best, but as a real damaging threat, Megaturrets are ideal. However, the greatest drawback is these turrets require to be refuelled after they shoot for a period as they run out of ammo. They can also be damaged and destroyed.

B>- Blitz: Andy spawns a tank underneath him as he hops in it and drives ahead, any affected enemies are caught underneath the treads and dragged along. Similar to Wario's bike function, but it is far slower and has different attack parameters.

B^- Bombing Run Andy points ahead and speaks into his radio. A fighter jet flies in from offscreen travelling up a up-left/right direction (depending on Andy's facing).

If Andy uses Power Wrench around when it passes him, he latches on to make it a recovery move, otherwise it's offensive.Bad in vertical recovery, but great in horizontal. As it flies, the jet drops a series of bombs in a line. Andy jumps on after it travels a certain distance.

Final Smash: Hyper Upgrade- This upgrades all of Andy's machines to the MEGA quality. If Andy's turrets are already invested into one Megaturret or has none deployed, Andy will glow bright colors and can throw down turrets until there are three.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
You need to make a twitter and Facebook account for this for people to like and follow, unrespectively. Get a bunch of minions to blast them with e-mails. Any of those other newfangled social networking sites would work too. Oh, Youtube. That too.

Obviously, Nintendo HG, Sora, and Sakurai would be the best targets to get the attention of.

And how is sharing Mario Kart friend codes on topic? :/ No wait, see, there's the private messaging button right up there. Click that instead of "post reply." We had to make three Ridley threads because of this kind of junk, lol.

Also, I like the idea of an Infantry troop as a character. :I Would a Wars stage be satisfactory representation?


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia

(no kanji on purpose).
そぅ です か? ヘルプは だい かんげい です よ。 がんばって!

I got you with the Kanji, I'll stick to Hiragana/Katakana.

OR you can stop being butthurt about it Oasis and when an actual topic comes up, we'll join in like we have done now. LOL


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I suppose I should add Will. I have my doubts that they'd use him though, Days of Ruin was a radical departure from the series typical bright cartoony style, and wasn't as well received. I think it was a spin-off title, so I don't THINK they'd use him... but I'll add him, thanks Omy.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
Why? Andy was in three games, including the more popular parts of the series.

...Did Days of Ruin ever get released in Japan? EDIT: Just looked it up, and it wasn't. :V
Pretty sure it was, but it wasn't very well received.

Andy is the definite pick, I think Omega meant instead of the other ones I listed, which is probably true.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
そぅ です か? ヘルプは だい かんげい です よ。 がんばって!

I got you with the Kanji, I'll stick to Hiragana/Katakana.
I guess writing in Kanji won't be too troublesome because the japanese writing tool comes with suggested kanjis for the ocassion.

Reading them is where it becomes a cross-eyed fest for me. XD


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Pretty sure it was, but it wasn't very well received.

Andy is the definite pick, I think Omega meant instead of the other ones I listed, which is probably true.
No really, I just looked it up, and while it had a planned release over there, it was cancelled and the game never got released. I guess it was a reverse Project Rainfall.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Once this gets big enough I will start a Twitter account and/or create a Facebook page. I waiting for MOD approval to post it in this board but, if I don't, I'm just going to post it in the User Blogs board. That said, I'm giving the MODs two more days.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I guess writing in Kanji won't be too troublesome because the japanese writing tool comes with suggested kanjis for the ocassion.

Reading them is where it becomes a cross-eyed fest for me. XD
Hm? What writing tool are you using? That would be mad useful LOL. Yo don't even worry about it dog, long as you can read and help me I'm good.

More people that can speak Japanese helps too though. Hmmm...I wonder if this will work.


Gheb Gheb

Please namesearch here, I know you know the Japanese Smash website.


Soren, Soren, Soren. Get in here, I know you know too!


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
Yay for Zelgius xD.
Atta boy, Ike. You're a-ok in my books. By far the best non-lord character for a FE newcomer.

No really, I just looked it up, and while it had a planned release over there, it was cancelled and the game never got released. I guess it was a reverse Project Rainfall.
Looking at trends it actually quite funny, the game was Japan-only, but it's far more successful overseas now.

I'd say Andy's chances are really quite good since a 3DS version is announced as no-doubt that will make Sakurai look at the premier titles for handheld, where Advance Wars is more prominent.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Hm? What writing tool are you using? That would be mad useful LOL. Yo don't even worry about it dog, long as you can read and help me I'm good.

Microsoft IME, in Windows 7. Very useful stuff. I've mostly used this tool to promote StarTropics to the japanese in Pixiv.com. :p I need to go more viral though. Do a lot more fan service, and do more japanese memes to get their attention.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Microsoft IME, in Windows 7. Very useful stuff. I've mostly used this tool to promote StarTropics to the japanese in Pixiv.com. :p I need to go more viral though. Do a lot more fan service, and do more japanese memes to get their attention.
Send me a link to it. It'll save me time switching between Japanese keyboards.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2007
United Arab Emirate, Abu Dhabi
Atta boy, Ike. You're a-ok in my books. By far the best non-lord character for a FE newcomer.

Looking at trends it actually quite funny, the game was Japan-only, but it's far more successful overseas now.

I'd say Andy's chances are really quite good since a 3DS version is announced as no-doubt that will make Sakurai look at the premier titles for handheld, where Advance Wars is more prominent.
What about have Black knight armor as a Final Smash for Zelgius ? it will be a great TBH.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
Wait, what?
Ergh sry, Phrasing Phail... Got your hopes up accidentally XD

I mean since Smash Bros is announced for 3DS, Sakurai will likely pay attention to some of the more premier handheld franchises, such as Advance Wars.

@ Ike; I'd like for one of his taunts to remove/equip his helmet, that way he isn't just another blue-haired Fire Emblem hero, but we still can see his face.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Dang it people, if the Black Knight were in, which he almost certainly wouldn't be, he'd just be the Black Knight. No mention of Zelgius outside of a trophy or so. Its supposed to be a secret, and even if it wasn't, its the identity that he's known more for. :glare:


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
But he's not suggesting the character Sheik be the main transformation.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I mainly refer to him as Zelgius because I find the name Black Knight to be sort of generic out of context, same goes for having Medusa. He should exist in the game as Black Knight for sure.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Send me a link to it. It'll save me time switching between Japanese keyboards.
Hmm I actually installed it right off my PC.

I went to:

Control Panel > Regional Settings > Keyboards & Languages > Change Keyboard > Add > Japanese: [] IME Keyboard (check this only)

And that's how I got it.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Dang it people, if the Black Knight were in, which he almost certainly wouldn't be, he'd just be the Black Knight. No mention of Zelgius outside of a trophy or so. Its supposed to be a secret, and even if it wasn't, its the identity that he's known more for. :glare:
First of all, that's your opinion, who cares if FE sales for RD were weak in Japan, the fact that Ike was a starter means he might return again, unless of course Nintendo announces a new FE series or lord for that matter, otherwise The Black Knight/Zelgiu. Has a definite chance, even if they aren't as high as Bowser Jr's or Medusa's for example.

Well let me see you discuss his chances in SSBFan Blog.


Deleted member

Regarding Operation: Connect

Glad to see that we got two Japanese writers; xIblisx and shinhed-echi. You also seem to understand each other, which is great as well. Both of you might want to practice writing in Japanese to each other. Hopefully more comes that have a better understanding of Japanese.

@Fatmanonice: Great rough draft. Looking forward to seeing the final results. If this plan works and we get a great online for SSB4, I will buy this game regardless of whenever or not the roster is good because next to characters, much better online is my #1 most wanted in for SSB4.
Fatmanonice said:
1. What do you think would be the best way to present these ideas to Nintendo? Mail? E-Mail? Twitter? Facebook?
Nintendo will take you much more seriously if you present it by mail. They'll easily dismiss e-mails, but they won't easily dismiss a well-written letter. Twitter and Facebook also sounds kind of informal. I would go with mail.
Fatmanonice said:
2. Who do you think the letters should be sent to? Nintendo of America? Nintendo of Japan? SORA? Reggie? Sakurai? All of the above?
All of the above. This makes it the most likely for them to listen to us.
OmegaXVII said:
Wow, I hope your thread gets approved, so much potential, good concepts, I'll reccommend this to a MOD.
This. 100% this.
Barbasol said:
I'd say Andy's chances are really quite good since a 3DS version is announced as no-doubt that will make Sakurai look at the premier titles for handheld, where Advance Wars is more prominent.
Highly disagree. I have seen low demands for any Advance Wars character, not to mention the last game came out before Brawl's Japanese releases. I don't think one is making it in.

Plus there's also the possibility of one of these two happening:

- Universal roster.
- All exclusives going on the Wii-U.

Neither of which helps Andy's chances at all.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
First of all, that's your opinion, who cares if FE sales for RD were weak in Japan, the fact that Ike was a starter means he might return again, unless of course Nintendo announces a new FE series or lord for that matter, otherwise The Black Knight/Zelgiu. Has a definite chance, even if they aren't as high as Bowser Jr's or Medusa's for example.
I'm not talking about RD's sales or Ike's chances of a return. Ike has great chances of returning. The Black Knight though doesn't have much hope though, given how the series has moved on from those games, and its much more likely that if we get someone from FE11/12. And while there may be a slight chance of a main lord from a previous game, the same can't possibly be said about a secondary villain. And on top of that, he'd be pretty much obligated to be a clone given his story, we already have a slow/powerful swordsman in the form of Ike, and if there were another RD character, it'd probably be Micaiah. Also, there's no future for the character, and he's really not popular enough or have enough fan demand to get him through all of his other problems.

Honestly tell me what edge does the character have outside of being a villain in two games? Because if that's the case, let's just throw in Gharnef since he's been in four.
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