So many? Are you kidding me? It's ME. I'm one of the ONLY serious NON-FURRY supporters. Regaurdless of what anyone says or what new female characters come out, I'll still like her. She's officially the next StarFox character in line. SHE IS THE CHOICE. It's her, or no one, thankfully. That's the sole reason I have hope to see her playable. I can sit here and tell you how she does Falco's job 10x's better in the new games, I can sit here and tell you how she's been in more games than andross. I can make her case, but no one is willing to listen. Seriously. No one wants to see her go anywhere.
I can show you she would have been a better choice than Falco, if time permitted it. BUT, at the end of the day, she's too late. Falco got in over Wolf in Melee, and she never stood a chance in Brawl because Sakurai only played SF64 and the original. She herself is a good character, Adventures was a bad game. Not her fault. Basically any complaints people have with her involve a fanbase I do not, and will never recognize myself with. BUT IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER because a fanbase is a fanbase, and she's already been in Brawl. That's proof alone that Sakurai is okay with her in that respect. Not to mentin she basically confirms herself as the only fourth SF choice by saying "I'm the only one left who can fight!" in Brawl. (She was referring to a comment Slippy made)
It's worst when no one even bothers to listen. Basically, you just decide to ignorantly hate, and not listen to any reason. If anyone here can't let go of something, it the StarFox purists who blindly hate and place blame on Krystal for Adventure being a POS.
SFPurists make Lucario, Sonic, and Megaman fanboys look tame.
**** you, **** you, **** you, you're cool *looks at Oasis*, I'm out.