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Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
See you then. I expect a good match hopefully. Hey BTK, how good is Dark??? Or anyone else who has played him?

...Or should I just ask you Dark. How good are you? And based on the fact you use Peach I'm guessing don't go IC's against you lol
Well, first off I don't play peach. Peach is a good character for last minute decisions on counterpicking, but other then that... lame. I play Fox, Falco, Peach, Sheik, and if you catch me on a good day Mewtwo. Most the time Fox is really fun to play with.

And as for my skill level, I can keep up with most everyone I play nowadays (including underground pros in AZ ^.^). I wouldn't say 'amazing', but if you really want to know how good I am. 50 dollar money match. Anyone in NM.

Zenjamin will tell you how good I am to, he hates playing with me I swear XD
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
...Anyways...yea the FS2 tourney is in San Antonio on MLK weekend, so we'd also have Monday off of school. Is work the problem for you twins? Or you just think it's too far away? In any case, it's about a 11-12 hour drive, so quite a drive. We can talk about those details later, but first we must receive parental permission, boss permission, etc...you get the picture. Let me know if you all think you're gonna try and make it.

Don't even worry about Chu guys, I've got him covered. If I ever have to face him, I'll take him down.:lick:;) I know exactly how to beat his IC's, and I've seen Ken do it a hundred times over. But the chances of me and he facing off are pretty slim, hopefully I can bring it to pass one day in the future for Brawl.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sweet, Erich has our back.

Yeah, it's in San Antonia the 20th of Januray... somewhere around there, I think.

It's about an 11 hour drive. We can seriously plan this... COOOOME ON! LET'S DO IT!

$50 MM... sounds so tempting...... sooooo tempting.... must... not let... my horrible greed... and gambling disability... consume me............... arrrgh!


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Cmon Kash, it's only 50 dollars... ^.^ How about a $10?

@BTK: You goin to the tourney in Sanantonio, cuz Kenneth lives over there so you wouldn't have to buy a hotel room for the night. If you drive I'll pay one way's worth of gas and for your yummy delicious fast food we'd eat XD (If we did go, we'd have to take the curly blonde haired kid... I think his name is Michael... He's cool)

@Tw1n: Who do you main? IC's?

@The other twin: You want a 50 dollar money match? Like, for real? $50.00? Just making sure, cuz that'll pay my way to Texas XD And yeah, you can pick the level. Doesn't matter what level I'm on, each level has a unique part that makes mewtwo amazing ^^ (Okay, for 50 bux I'd prolly play Peach/Falco, but still M2 is awesome)
May 29, 2007
Denver, CO
Well, first off I don't play peach. Peach is a good character for last minute decisions on counterpicking, but other then that... lame. I play Fox, Falco, Peach, Sheik, and if you catch me on a good day Mewtwo. Most the time Fox is really fun to play with.

And as for my skill level, I can keep up with most everyone I play nowadays (including underground pros in AZ ^.^). I wouldn't say 'amazing', but if you really want to know how good I am. 50 dollar money match. Anyone in NM.

Zenjamin will tell you how good I am to, he hates playing with me I swear XD
ill take that 50$ MM

if i get to pick the stage :D

ok ?


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Oooh, and things heat up!

$10 is good. I accept.

Paul, you're going to San Antonio?

Well, guys, with your support or not I'm gonna. In my Melee career I have to attend at least one major tournament, OoS. I'm going.

I found bus tickets for $130, roughly. Is anyone with me?


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Kash it might be cheaper just for all of us to carpool in one car. It would be a long trip but definitely more affordable.

And Dark, please go re read what I posted lol. I was wondering if you would catch what I put lol. I dont have 50 bucks to bet on a match. Thats why I put a . right before. So sure Ill have a .50 MM :p
Sorry bro but I will do some friendlies with ya.
And even Im having a hard time figuring out who my bro mains. Everytime I think he finally has a main he switches it up to someone he's eve better as. All I know is its a g*y (ill give you a hint thats not a "u" im censoring) charcter :p that seems to be is specialty is characters who wont die and love to piss you off

Hey KenGeedorah parenthesis Take Me To Your Leader end paranthesis :p I wanna play you guys again haha


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Alright, here's the deal.

It's 820 mile trip for my house, which is in the NE heights. I don't think the extra miles from each other's houses will really matter for these calculations, so screw it.

If we have a car that gets 25 miles per gallon, it'll cost in total (round trip and assuming gas prices at $3 a gallon) approximately $240 (I rounded up a bit).

So, 25 mpg = $240 round trip.

If 5 people go (Me, Dark [what's your real name?], Paul, Steven, Kyle) then that would be $48 in gas per person. We'll round that to $50.

It's about an eleven hour trip. This is where a problem comes in. We'll need to leave Friday, but some of us have school that day. We'll either have to take school off that day or leave ASAP, which would probably be at 4 PM. I figure if we leave at 4 PM we can drive for 3 hours, take a 30 min break, drive for 3 hours, take a 30 min break, drive for 3 hours, take a 30 min break, and drive the rest of the day. That means we'd get there at roughly 5 am... I can do that, but I don't think that's a very good option. I think it would be better if we left at around 10 AM. We'd then get there at roughly 11 PM. Just enough time to relax a bit and get a good amount of rest for the tournament the next morning.

Now, the question of housing. I'm pretty sure we can get housing; I have employed Steven as my field man on that subject. He's figuring out if we can't get housing. Assuming we can all get housing, then no hotel fees. Score. If not *goes and looks at hotels in the San Antonio area*...

Here we go: Hotel Prices Near The Venue
Looks like an average of about $60. That means it would be $12 per person, if there were 5 of us, to rent a room for the night. I did that search under one room, two adults. Man up and sleep on the floor with sleeping bags, guys.

So travel and housing is taken care of... let's see here... basic human needs... sleep (taken care of), procreate (I think we're good), deficate (still good), eat (Uh oh). Alright, food guys. I think $20 a day MAX should be good. I'm not really sure on this one, though, so if someone wants to correct me, be my guest. We'll need to eat on the road Friday, Sunday, and then we need to eat at least one meal at the tournament. If we stick to fast food it should be a lot less, though =P. So to be safe in guestimating prices, $20 a day for food so that's $60.

Now, guys. What about MMs? We need to get into the venue, too! Let me go check up on that stuff in the FS2 thread... Ouch, they sure are gonna milk us dry here.

$5 to get in, $15 for singles, and $20 for teams (I don't think anyone is gonna do crews, but I may be wrong. Let me know otherwise. I think it would be cool, but the money is getting high here...). So that's $20 for most people... Steven, I would really, REALLY like to do doubles, as well, so if you're gonna do doubles let me know. As for anyone else, put an extra $20 in your pocket if you are gonna do teams.

Phew... I think that takes care of everything. You may be asking, "Davis, what about bus and plane tickets you 'tard?" I checked, nub. Kyle is right and this is THE cheapest way to travel over there. Plane tickets would cost $200 minimum (that I found) and bus tickets $130. Much cheaper to travel.

So, this is what it all comes down to (and remember I based this off of 5 people coming and a car with 25 miles per gallon and gas pricse at $3 per gallon)

Travel Costs (Gas, round trip): $50 per person
Hotel Costs: $12 per person (Hopefully we can get housing for this and that is $12 we can save)
Food Costs: $60 (Ouch... I doubt we'll need that much, but it doesn't hurt to be safe)
Tournament Costs: $20 minimum

So total (I don't think I missed anything) this trip should cost, approximately, $150. Give or take. I personally am gonna pack $200 in my back pocket.

*takes a breath* Ok, what do you guys think? And Steven, got on that housing situation! It's first come first serve!!!


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
i dont think $60 is needed for food. I could even get food from my job so we could save that bit of money Friday.

Also I dont think we will need to take a 30 minute break every 3 hours. If we did we would all find half an hour too long of a time frame. When we stop to gas up we could stretch out for a second, gas up, grab a snack, and go. cut back on that time.

Now here is the biggest problem I can find at the moment: who will drive? my car doesnt have the ability to drive that distance so we would proably get stranded along the way (although I dont mind driving if the driver gets tired). Also we should try to see if theres any car that can semi comfortably hold 6 people (it will suck but it will also cut back on the money needed) because im also pretty sure Havox will want to go lol. Or just in case my brother or anyone else wants to go.

As for school we will just have to see what happens I guess. See whats going on and when the earliest everyone can leave is.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I can take the day off Friday easily. I really think our only option is to leave Friday.
I thought $60 sounded too much for food, but hey, better safe than sorry, and you have a point on the break. I personally don't need that long of a break. 5 minutes is good for me. I'm just trying to accomadate for everyone, but perphaps at the halfway point we could go out to lunch if we are near a town? Who knows. I think you're right, though.

I can drive when the driver gets tired. I think it would be foolish to have anything but at least three drivers. However, from past experience, none of my friends would let us use there car (unless they came with us and were driving) so I'm not gonna promise anything. Even if my car was functional it wouldn't be an option.

So yeah... housing and a car and who is going is the main thing right now.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
I just highly HIGHLY doubt I will be able to go due to money and school... Mostly money. I want to go more than anything but I am broke and in debt and broke badly. So unless someone wants to spot me $200 (please dear god do not offer this to me) then ya... no chance sorry.

Oh and Dark. I will take a .50c or else a $1 MM with you. And I main Samus and IC's with Fox as a close secondary (My secret is out!!!)

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Hey everybody, I have some good news and bad news:

The bad news: Apparently I can't get the OC3 DVD and GHIII, so sorry guys, but I'm getting Legends of Rock only.
There is a chance, however, that I can still get us the OC3 DVD if we all pitch in at the December monthly. I took into consideration all people, and I would prefer if everyone donated $2, since the DVD will cost $40 from me altogether at the next monthly. If anyone shows up at the time the DVD is shown if this plan works out and did NOT pay the $2, well, they have to :urg:. So I can get it by the January monthly.

The good news: I'm going to FS2!!! WOOT! Kinda crappy good news, I know, but yeah. It took me forever, but I convinced my parents I can travel to San Antonio with you guys. I think each of us have to have special "roles" on the way to FS2, and I can take care of most of the food on the trip ;). I'll also bring my music library for the hell of it.

The remaining news: ZOMG WINTER BREAK IS UPON US!!! HAPPY EARLY HOLIDAYS!!! So, we have a good 2-3 weeks of free time, excluding a few weekends and Christmas of course. So, what you guys have planned?

Thats about it, and I promise you I will post the 777th post on the thread (Ooh competition :psycho::psycho::psycho:)


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I'm really happy you guys are coming to FS2 :). Good luck with the trip, and if you let me know how many of you are coming I can probably find you housing.

Also, MM's? XD.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Haha. I already talked to you in the FS2 thread, Hylian ;P!

****ing sweet news, Neil! Are you kidding me?! **** yeah! That's awesome that you can go! I'm gonna go tell King Mosquito you are coming. BNTD represent, yeah-yuh.

I can pitch in $2 for the video, easy. Done and done. If we get a vehicle with a DVD player in it, a laptop, or something like that we can watch the DVD on the road to San Antonio, too =P!

So that makes... me, Steven, Neil, Kyle, Paul, Paul, and Dark going? Is that correct?


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
So with 7 people going (probably 8 with Havox), that means that you all will need 2 cars to take down there. So hopefully you all can afford to go


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Well, it would be prime if Steven could tell me something about housing... or at least tell me he changed his mind so I can do it. Then there is the matter of a vehicle...

Steven, would you be willing to drive your car there? We could fit me, you, Neil, Paul, and Dark in there. Kind of squeezed, but it would work.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2007
Ok, I might go to FS2, I have to have a discussion with my parents. I am not sure at all at this point... I have to save money, but I wouldn't miss school so I might be able to go.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Haha. I'll go check it out now. Though, I'm rather found of the, "My Other Ride is Your Mom" one.

EDIT: Holy crap that site had some funny ****. It makes me want to spend countless dollars are really vulgar ****, haha.

EDIT#2: I'm sad because I don't remember which post was my 2,000th.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Ok ok, whoa guys. Slow down a bit here!! All I asked is who can go!! Now that Davis has done most of the work for me, I'm going to touch it up a bit:



So right now there are a total of 8 people who might be able to go. Please get 100% yes answers before Chrismas break please guys. This kind of a trip will not be easy to plan with even 2 weeks, so everyone try and give me a definitive answer by the 20th. Kyle and David, work your you-know-what's off to get that money: you guys always brighten up the mood. It'd be so much more fun if you guys came with us.


Ok, now for the part that everyone dreads: how we get there. Well, due to costs, I completely agree with Davis and anyone else who said driving. We will drive there, it's the only feasible way. Now, what I think we should do is rent a car, preferably a van and drive all of us down there in it. That is by far the most efficient way, because more than one car means more hassle and double the money. Also, if we split it up among 8 people, the total cost will go down much, much more. Far less expensive. Now, Davis estimates the prices are thus:

Gas: $50 per person
Food: $60 per person
Hotel: $12 per person

Now, if we split this up amongst 8 people, here is what the estimates look like:

Gas: $30 per person
Food: $50 per person at the absolute most
Hotel: About $7 per person

So instead of being a total of $122 at least on extra expenses other than the tournaments, it would cost $87 dollars, maybe $88. Far less to pay. Now, if we can find a van with awesome mileage, and maybe get 30 miles per gallon or more if we're lucky, gas prices go down even more than $30 per person. Keep that in mind. And if we all packed lunches and bought our own food from the grocery store and brought it with us in an ice chest/whatever we can hold it in, that food cost goes down to whatever you want to spend, so probably on average $5 per person or less, after the initial groceries have been bought, of course. So the potential is $50 total, with the tournament entry fee included. Let's see if we can't get it down to that much per person. Anyways, keep this stuff in mind guys. This trip doesn't have to cost a fortune. And if this don't help convince you Kyle/David, I don't know what will. Hope you guys can come. We can still fenegle the prices even more, so just know that these are estimates.

These are the two main points that everyone must consider. After this, it's all making it comfortable. With a van, however, I don't think we need to worry about that. Now what we should do is be looking into rental vehicles, and how much it would cost to get one, just make sure it's a van with good mileage. Hmmm...let's see...

I'll make other stuff added to this later, but for now, we need to get the basics set-in-stone. Hop to it, yall: we can do this!!! I'm way excited if we can pull this off. Report back to this thread as quickly as you can with any new information, and please try to keep it to one post, so it's not all scattered around and hard to locate.

Erich out.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
I'll work on convincing David to go. College will suck but I think he and I should be able to save up for this if the expenses are only that. He and I would also have to save up for whatever bills we will have at the time but I still think its very possible to attend. (Come on Dave quit being such a pecimist :^P )

And thanks Erich :D makes me smile seeing that you want us to go lol.
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