Personally, to me this is slightly an ANTI comeback mechanic. This makes it slightly more likely that first kill wins the match. If you keep yourself at high percentage and build up damage you can get a kill sooner. whereas the character who just came back to 0% will have trouble killing you because his knockback just decrease because he lost a stock and went to 0%. Let's say Im Peach and we're both at 200% and you up throw me with Marth. Damn, i just BARELY survived! Oh wait I just killed you. Now you grab me again and Up throw me, it doesn't even come close to killing me.
It makes it harder for the low percentage character to finish off the high percentage character. Other than the first stock, the low percentage character will usually be the one who is overall behind because they lost their stock first.
Esssentially, the player who is behind will on average deal less knockback than the player in the lead. On average...honestly, the way this mechanic is designed, it can either help you hold a lead leading to more 3 stocks, or it can help you come back leading to more comebacks. It's extremely situational on who the mechanic will help, whether its the leader or the trailer. Factors that play a huge role are:
-Does your character land kill moves at low percentage combos or high percentage combos?
-Does your character have moves that easy to land hits that have enough knockback to kill at very high percents but not low percents? (example Marth Up Throw in Melee.)
-Are you both on your last stocks or is someone on their last stock while someone has 2 stocks left? (If Both on last stocks i'd say it favors whoever is behind, but if someone has a 2 stock lead but is at high percentage and the other player is on last stock, it favors whoever is winning)
-Is your character good at surviving at high percents?
I think it's VERY VERY situational and the mechanic can't be branded as favoring anyone. But If I had to pick, I think in the average match, it would slightly favor the player who gets the first kill.
It makes it harder for the low percentage character to finish off the high percentage character. Other than the first stock, the low percentage character will usually be the one who is overall behind because they lost their stock first.
Esssentially, the player who is behind will on average deal less knockback than the player in the lead. On average...honestly, the way this mechanic is designed, it can either help you hold a lead leading to more 3 stocks, or it can help you come back leading to more comebacks. It's extremely situational on who the mechanic will help, whether its the leader or the trailer. Factors that play a huge role are:
-Does your character land kill moves at low percentage combos or high percentage combos?
-Does your character have moves that easy to land hits that have enough knockback to kill at very high percents but not low percents? (example Marth Up Throw in Melee.)
-Are you both on your last stocks or is someone on their last stock while someone has 2 stocks left? (If Both on last stocks i'd say it favors whoever is behind, but if someone has a 2 stock lead but is at high percentage and the other player is on last stock, it favors whoever is winning)
-Is your character good at surviving at high percents?
I think it's VERY VERY situational and the mechanic can't be branded as favoring anyone. But If I had to pick, I think in the average match, it would slightly favor the player who gets the first kill.
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