How can you hate video games?
Also @mobilisq
okay, here's how I roll:
I started w/ the NES. I got an SNES and played the Sega Genesis. Original Gameboy --> DS, taking every step of the way. I branched off into more intense consoles with my Dreamcast and PS2, while my friend had N64 and Dreamcast. I got the PS3 and Wii within the same year, but during Junior high, I had gotten into every game genre known. FPS on the computah, RPG with .hack// and Star Ocean and FFX, Platformers w/ Ratchet&Clank, and the list goes on. My first fighter was SSB64, but I only played it at my friend's house. The first video games I ever played were with my friend, and our friendship was sort of started just via our proximity to each other (next-door neighbors). If I had lived closer to my friends who play yugioh, I might've gone in that direction, b/c I liked that card game a lot when I was little, but I didn't really have anyone to just be like "hey, wanna get together and do s***?"
Anyways, my rant is leading somewhere. I sort of integrated video games into my being too early in life. I made video games a part of who I am because I didn't really have much else to say about myself. I barely hung out with friends, partly because with parting ways from elementary school into junior high and from junior high into high school, I didn't really know who to get along with. Only a few of my closest friends, the ones from elementary school are the ones I find to be my absolute closest friends now; in a list of top10, 5 or 6 are from that elementary school. I used to "bond" with what I'd known for the longest time. Sure, some of my friends from back in those days changed dramatically, which is why I don't see them much anymore, but the ones that did follow a similar path to me in being raised up, we ended up staying friends up until this point in time.
Now where does video gaming fit in? Oh yeah. High school. Everyone plays video games nowadays. It's one of the "in things." Even if some people suck at the game, they still play it because it's either "fun" or "b/c everyone else has it." I used to be the one who played all these games for "fun," then I changed. Freshman year of high school, I joined the chess team with my best friend (who remains my best friend to this day since back when we were in cub scouts together). I loved the game back then, but I didn't understand it as much. Freshman year opened my eye to the wonder of competitive gaming, even if it wasn't with video games. It was the idea of competing one person's intellectual skill against another person's intellectual skill to see who comes out on top that intrigued me. Part of the reason why I took a 2-year hiatus from Brawl tournaments.
So anyways, Brawl came out and I wanted to get good with the character I loved: Ness. Earthbound was my favorite game and Ness was my favorite character in all the smash series, despite the fact that he was terrible in melee (I didn't know back then, b/c I had only been playing it for fun). I joined up with a couple other friends of mine who were constantly like "hey, I can beat you in Brawl" and accepted their challenge. We were all of relatively the same skill level, but whatev's. Only 2 of my friends from school ever went with me to attend tournaments at that point in time, and we all did.... meh. I placed 25th my first tournament and 17th my second tournament. Pretty good, right? I'd say so. Improving. My third, I placed last. I sorta took that as a bad sign, so I started practicing and posting here (in the Ness boards) more often. I developed the strategic aspect of the game as much as possible while not attending tournaments due to my a.) inability to drive myself and b.) lack of parental approval. Senior year rolls around and HEYYYYYYYYY!!!!! I CAN DRIVE!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS! but I decide to take a bit of time off of video games to assure that I get good grades. That didn't last long at all, b/c it's senior year of high school. NOBODY ends high school giving a s***. That's when I started entering DBDC tournaments: they were close, I could get parental approval to go to those things, AND I wasn't working. So that's how I started to get back into tournaments.
All this time, during my junior and senior year while I took a break from most video games, I met some awesome people. Through Chess, I met one of my better friends, who also plays Brawl. The difference between him and I is that HE'S A SMART MOTHERF***ER! He's among the top of our graduating class, which was completely stacked in terms of intelligence (14 perfect ACT scores, 20(?) National Merit Scholars). He's going into economics and rightfully so; he not only loves that stuff, but he knows it way beyond anyone I've ever met. The point I should be making is that we played poker together with a bunch of other friends. Senior year, I got more well acquainted with all of those poker friends and their friends and their friends and.... the chain just went on. I didn't realize how much more fun poker was than video games until the middle of my senior year in high school. It might have been the fact that I was just "chilling" with everyone, having laughs, and having a good time, whereas with video games, I would either be alone or just go at those old-school games and play competitively.
The appeal of video games dwindled much more as the games became "cookie cutter." A fighter will be reminiscent of all previous games in nearly every way if you look at them from a broader scope. An FPS game does the same as well, deviating here and there with differentiating gameplay mechanics, health bars, weapons, etc. RPGs were potentially the only genre that I never really got bored with, because they always at least attempt to try something different each time in a big enough way to make an impact on me. RPGs are maybe the only thing that I still consider part of my "like-able" video game list.
KH, TWEWY, LoZ, StarOcean, .Hack, Final Fantasy ... goes on....
Also, RPGs had stories which intrigued me. I always like me a good story. xD And when it has great music to accompany it (Star Ocean, .Hack, some FF's, TWEWY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), it just makes the time even more enjoyable.
Every other video game just started to become what I was doing or what I had been doing for the past several years. "Shoot to kill!" "PRESS BUTTON TO NOT DIE!" Whatever. Brawl got repetitive b/c I had played the **** game for too much of my time and for so long. As I started to hang out with friends at school more often, I started to enjoy myself infinitely more than staying at home and playing video games, watching tv, "eating, sleeping and dying." Every time I'm with friends is an exciting experience. Also, the lady-friends.
Now to bring me to today. I literally hadn't touched Brawl at all during the summer besides when I went to tournaments b/c a.) I was working or b.) I was out with friends (and the girlfriend I had at the time) doing whatever and enjoying the days before college. As expected, I was enjoying every day of that summer. I got glasses shortly before going off to college in expectation of partially inadequate vision; I had been struggling to see at long distances throughout the year, barely being able to make out words on the white-boards that my teachers had been writing on. I put them on and was like "WOAH!!!!!!!! I WANT TO RUN AROUND AND BE HAPPY AND WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" As other people know, putting on glasses for the first time is awesome. You get to see so much more than ever before and it feels great. I felt fantastic going into college, ready to meet as many new people as possible, do as well in class as I can, and just live the college life as everyone else in the world wants to.
All of my friends get together weekly and even more often than that. Everything goes expected and I actually succeed in putting aside the video games for a long time. I went to a couple of tournaments back near home once a month just because I like all you smash ppls. You're nice guys! xD (IL has the nicest grouping of smashers ever, IMO) I only picked up league of legends because a friend of a friend played it and it's actually fun. It involves a great amount of skill to do well with some champions, and you also have to logic out "what to buy, when to push, when to gank, etc." The game sorta just appeals to me. It's my "fun" game, because of all the strategy it involves. THAT IS THE ONLY VIDEO GAME I PLAY TO THIS DAY BESIDES TETRIS!
WHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hear about a smash tournament on a saturday. AWESOME! I got 4th in singles and 2nd in teams after having not played in forever and not really giving much of a **** and partnering up with a random who plays MvC3/SSF4. Cool, that went well. I got the numbers of a couple people who were pretty good there and met up with them to play some Brawl. They thought I was really good at the time, probably because I had been improving or whatever. And the OH MY GOD, ANOTHER ONE!
^The second tournament was where I met up with Ripple and Excel. Basically, signing up for the tournament and I hear them talking it up behind me... I turn around and I'm like "... I think I know you from somewhere," @Ripple, b/c I had seen him at the DBDC (Don't Blink: Don't Care [A tournament series in IL]) once before. That sparked me getting back into video games. I literally only started playing video games again because of these guys. A bunch of random stuff happened and we ended up playing a bunch during a week. Probably not a good idea b/c I hadn't been studying much for any of my midterms...... yeah.... just maybe not a good idea.... but oh well. It was fun getting back into the game. I like playing Ness when I'm playing him well and correctly. If I'm on my game, it's fun, b/c I can actually do ATs without killing myself every 2 seconds (or just going right into an onslaught of like 50 attacks randomly). It was alright, doing well with all the practice and such, and Ripple mentions REVENGE. I decide "why not? I'm doing pretty well."
So we go to REVENGE. My Ness must have just died or something going into that tournament. I played terribly, missing half my ATs, running into grabs like crazy, etc. I think I SD'd or just let myself take harassment too many times. I felt like absolute s***. I wasn't having any fun b/c I was playing nowhere near the best of my ability. Legan's a really nice guy. He $MM'd me, really wanting to play to try and boost my ego (and win back his losses in $, but idc about that really). I took him fairly even in the second game, which is alright considering his ZSS is good. After that he was like "Dude, you've got potential. Just get the experience. I was once in your position too, and now I'm pretty good/well-known." I felt okay for a while, but taking a look back at the day, the negativity far outweighed the positive aspects of the day. That and I probably ended up wasting around $80 on that tournament. It would have been way more if I had actually accepted all of those dumb $MMs against Fino, but I didn't go with it because I was near the point of crying from not being able to get into a frame of mind to focus and play consistently in any sense of the word.
I said "I'm quitting" the entire way home. I told it to everyone in the car as well as to myself. -- The only video games I had left at that point were Skyrim, Brawl, and LoL. Tetris doesn't count. IT'S FREAKING AWESOME! -- Had I played to the top of my ability and lost to everyone, I would have been fine with the tournament. It would have been a fun experience, I would have had a blast, etc. I was not at the top of my game, and thus I was not at the top of my day. I attempted to play again at home to re-adjust my skills, but everything was on the fritz. I didn't know what to do. It was sort of a mental crash. Sometimes this happens; I just randomly start to not be able to do anything properly, like study, write, take a test, etc. because I'm in a bad mood or just feeling down/depressed. Maybe I'm bipolar in some sense, b/c there's some family history with that, but I don't believe so. Because I was fairly certain that bipolarity was not the case of my oddly-timed depression, I looked back at what I had been doing in life to lead up to those times, and surprisingly enough, I had been playing more video games every time. WOAH! MIND = BLOWN! So I decided to take a bit of a break from video games yet again... but this time, it extended to a permanence, because I found something else competitive to fill the hole left by Brawl: POKEMON CARDS! This stuff involves strategy and almost nothing but that. Sure, you have to have cards and you can build different decks and counter-decks, but essentially everything you do surrounding "how do I build my deck?" has some strategy to it.
The best part about just moving on to TCG stuff is that I can still keep a relatively awesome social life. Trading card games can be played almost any time and don't take a large amount of time to play, whereas video games can take forever. Sure, some TCG matches last a long time, but the general strategy keeps constant across games and the format is near the same. I just like the all-out strategic gameplay much more.
I still <3 you guys (no homo). Everyone I've known from smash is awesome! It's just I don't like video games anymore. The only video games I still play ever are LoL and Tetris, and after that the only games I'll play involve Kingdom Hearts or other RPGs that I'm waiting to endings for. If I knew you all outside of smash, it'd probably be awesome, but eh.
^and this was a long-*** essay by Eagleye
TL;DR: I developed a liking for other things over the course of my life by noting that video games have not only taken too much of my time but taken me away from opportunities at friendship elsewhere. Also, I like strategy more, and where video games have generally lost their grasp on the "use differing strategies every time you play" genre, I've begun to stray. THUS, PKMN TCG!
EDIT: I still like all y'all smashah's, which is why I stick around. xD
EDIT2: @Excel, tofer, and anyone else being like "Eagleye = cute," I'd find it okay if you were a girl, but we all know girls don't exist on the internets (except Yink <3), so *slight disturbance*.