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NC Power Rankings

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Smash Rookie
Aug 15, 2004
.....I beat David last time I was against him in a tourney, and he barely goes to any tourneys at all. He is a great player I will agree with that, but he is not consistent(at least attendence wise). Also, I have placed higher than him in every tourney except two (the two he didn't actually fight me in)? that's how I can say it maybe?

I only add the parts about him not fighting me because you seem to think he should be ranked higher than me or that he is a better player than me. I am fine with you thinking that, but the system is as fair as it can be. If that's not true then tell us how to fix our system, not to fix what you think is wrong with the list.
PAC, we've played twice in tourney. The first time, at Monk Aid I beat you and placed fourth in the tournament. I'm not really sure what you base the power rankings on but it seems as if its skewed greatly towards casual play not actual tourney results. PAC the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Ha. heh.
Further more the only tournament where I haven't done that well was the last monk aid that I attended, the one before the most recent, and I just got a really bad bracket. I had to fight Lozr, and then one match, and then I had to fight Jeremy(? I think that was it, **** sorry man can't remember) but he came second. So I mean just because I didn't do well in that tourney doesn't mean you can count it against me. Any one in that position would have place just the same.
I've actually been trying to find a list of all the major recent tourney results in North Carolina . I'm not sure who has them but it would be really great if some one would post them or send them to me so I could at least see where every one actually stands based on tournament results. Maybe you guys are doing this right but I would really appreciate having the data you used to determine the rankings.

Love and Peace


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Tarboro, NC <CREW YGO>
"PAC the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Ha. heh." //

- not coming to tourneys counts against you too. you think it's ok for someone to come to one tourney beat LOZR in one tourney and get first place? If that was true wouldn't it make sense to just stop playing a keep the number one spot after your first big win? Also, I guess you have to see what we are saying, it's not that you havent showed what it takes, you have. However, can you honestly say that you deserve a spot over anyone above you? Have you placed " consistently" in all tourneys you have been to? And it might be my biased, but do you think you deserve to be over me? I have run more tourneys than you have been to (and placed higher than most in them). My "history" as it were in NC smash tourneys is so much deeper than yours. I have placed consistently high in most tourneys I have been to (over the last year and a half) and you just can't say that. You can't expect to just kinda show up do good in a couple tourneys (and really bad in one) and think you deserve a high spot, because you just don't. That's not me talking btw that's 6 panel members talking, representing the entire state. And you know what bothers me the most is that I feel like you are arguing the list is because if you dont get a good spot now you know you never will, cause you already know your gonna miss "most" of the upcoming tourneys, but maybe im wrong. Look at what happened with Ali. How many number 2 and 3 finishes did he get before he got the spot he derserved. I heard him ***** 0 times. He understands it takes time for the system to work. If you deserve a higher spot you will get one over time. i think you will get a higher spot "over time". Please just try to be paitent.


"Further more the only tournament where I haven't done that well was the last monk aid that I attended, the one before the most recent, and I just got a really bad bracket. I had to fight Lozr, and then one match, and then I had to fight Jeremy(? I think that was it, **** sorry man can't remember) but he came second. So I mean just because I didn't do well in that tourney doesn't mean you can count it against me. Any one in that position would have place just the same."//

-yes we can count it against you, what you have just stated is a JOHN. Bad brackets do not excuse a **** performance. It wouldn't have effect you that badly, but you know you hadnt been to that many tourneys. fix that, you'll be fine.
(look at Karn's bracket at the last jubilee, it happens to everyone)


so yeah, I am so tired of posting these "rants" on forums. If you will just be paitent and try to understand then you will be moved up. I know you will and you do deserve it, just not yet. This is the last thing that I will say about this, because obviously people think the rankings suck or w/e and that's become far too common without people actually trying to do it better themselves. I'm telling you people this is the best it gets. sorry it's not perfect, and sorry you don't always get good brackets and sorry that you sometimes have to fight your friends first round. bottom line is that **** happens, that's life, get over it.

I sincerely hope that I haven't lost any friends, cause that would be pretty stupid cause I still <3 all you guys. (especially Malk and David cause you guys are too good) In the future I will continue to try to be as fair as I can be as a panel member, because I still care about NC smash.

-PAC! :)

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
yea!!!! yeaaa!!!

pac made it make more sense. seriously, i didn't know how it was done.

there's apparently a point system, guys. you get points by coming to tourneys. you get points by doing well.

pac rules.

you get points for that too. i'm moving up!


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2004
we were going to put him number 1... but then we found out that bobby was using a modified controller... so he's off the list and banned from all future tournaments

or it could be that he's entered just 1 singles tournament (that i know of) since moving back here.. and thats not enough to stay on the list.... but idk?


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Tarboro, NC &lt;CREW YGO&gt;
So yeah i just got a pm from David, this was just a big misunderstanding. People just want to know how the panel makes it's decisions. When I get up with munkey again i will talk to him about adding to the front page to add a bit more detail.

Thanks to everyone who voiced their concerns, this is how we get better at what we do and make a better list for NC.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Bobby bobby bobby thinks falco is the best character and refuses to play with NC because we don't use falco


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2004
So yeah i just got a pm from David, this was just a big misunderstanding. People just want to know how the panel makes it's decisions. When I get up with munkey again i will talk to him about adding to the front page to add a bit more detail.

Thanks to everyone who voiced their concerns, this is how we get better at what we do and make a better list for NC.

i honestly thought that i had already added it to the first post... sorry guys.. i'll do it later


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
So you want concerns to be stressed? Okay.

Let me get this out there ~ I suck in smash. Okay? Now that that's cleared up, let me ask a few questions ~

Who chose the "panel"? Was it the Minority, or the Majority? Does the Panel only consist of players who've been "ranked"? If so, does this make it fair? Shouldn't there be people who play smash with unbiased views in the panel, sort of like a Jury in court (Brought in randomly, so there's no bias in the beginning)?

~To sum it up, I want to know how the Panel came to be~

-suggestion- Rather than this panel consist of 6 or so people, make it an odd, larger number of 9, or 11. I think that so if there's conflict, one side WILL override the other.

Just some friendly thoughts. Please clear any misunderstandings, and don't take what I've said out of proportion, MUNKEY!!! I wanna help out! :)


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2004
So you want concerns to be stressed? Okay.

Let me get this out there ~ I suck in smash. Okay? Now that that's cleared up, let me ask a few questions ~

Who chose the "panel"? Was it the Minority, or the Majority? Does the Panel only consist of players who've been "ranked"? If so, does this make it fair? Shouldn't there be people who play smash with unbiased views in the panel, sort of like a Jury in court (Brought in randomly, so there's no bias in the beginning)?

~To sum it up, I want to know how the Panel came to be~

-suggestion- Rather than this panel consist of 6 or so people, make it an odd, larger number of 9, or 11. I think that so if there's conflict, one side WILL override the other.

Just some friendly thoughts. Please clear any misunderstandings, and don't take what I've said out of proportion, MUNKEY!!! I wanna help out! :)

I decided who was going to be on the original panel... since there are rules regarding who can and can't start a state powerranking.. I was the only person that met any of the requirements... sooooo I put twig pac and lozr on the panel... here are the reasons.
Twig - The original God Father of NC smash.. he's played pro's.. and he's a smart guy... his smash career is so much more impressive than lozr's.. you guys should seriously worship him
Lozr - He's at every tournament it seems like... he may be considered the best.. but thats not the reason he's on the panel.. though sometimes his opinion is biased.. he can judge talent REALLY well
PAC - The guy who plays all the east players that I don't really get a chance to play... he's a very very good judge of talent.. he's never biased.. always fair.. he's a perfect panelist

Now the smash scene has gotten bigger.. the raleigh players and the charlotte players are alot more involved than they were... so I figured it was only fair to add 2 more panelists.. I even asked prince zane for help when putting together the panel.. thats how hard it was

so we kinda held secret tryouts but in the end Ali and Knorr seemed to be the best possible options... you don't have to be on the rankings to be on the panel... you just have to not be overwhelmed by someone elses skill.. if you consider a player in NC to be amazing.. then you had no chance to be on the panel

the panel is NOT going to get any bigger anytime soon... so deal with it

any more questions?


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
lol munkey, we just think it's funny because Knorr has flat out told us that if he gets on power rankings, he will abuse his power.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
You mention requirements. And you say to be on the panel, you must not be overwhelmed by another's skills. There has to be more to it than that. It's too simple.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2004
You mention requirements. And you say to be on the panel, you must not be overwhelmed by another's skills. There has to be more to it than that. It's too simple.
zio.. please stop being a ******... i'm trying to be nice... there are no "requirements" to get on the panel.. if I want you on the panel.. then you're on.. it's that simple

i found players that are fair and will put together the best possible list.. it's not perfect.. and it never will be... i'm sorry but i'm not going to put n00bs on the panel

i'm sorry that you feel that all of the panelist are biased because they are ranked...

i'm not answering any more of your questions

and Malk, i promise if knorr starts trying to abuse his power, he won't be on the panel long


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Is it really not dissapointing at all when you talk so much trash and get beat so badly, random uppity nub #6?

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
i predict hog is gonna beat all north carolinians.

bldldldlddlat. bddlbddlbdladtdatdatdattatatat.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
wtf David? it's been like a whole week...why aren't you #1 yet?

Man, you fail...

Vzakat for president!


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2007
Raleigh NC
you all disgust me, esp. malk

this aint no chuck e cheese, we are trying to get NC back up to smashing par, with a new point system and of course there are gonna be bumps and mistakes and oddities where *****es who didnt go to tournaments think they should be higher on list or where *****es who didnt go to tournaments think that people on the list pulled for themselves or when *****es who know good men all their lives dont know when a man has to make a call of honest judgement he will do just that bc whiney *****es know he is fighting for an awesome enviroment for people of nc to thrive in and have a goodtime

all of you lazy *** people who dont do **** for the nc smash scene stfu

p.s. i made cool new ranking thread check it out :lick:



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
. . .

I was just trying to see what these rankings were all about. I'm not trying to get in, lord knows it'll be a day of miracles for that to happen. I was just interested to see how the rankings went. Leave it to munkey to cut me off. . .:dizzy:
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