Smash Lord
Ok so about the invincibility: I will need to look into that more. Maybe my explanation is off; I'll check it out.Awesome =)
Two more questions, one serious one not. As the saying goes each answer only leads to more questions... Anyway, are these players able to be grabbed despite their invincibility frames? I can't imagine so, as that would suggest you could grab a player invincible still from recently being KOed, but then your marth grab explanation and my understanding of ledge grabbing invincibility frames don't match. Its likely my understanding is not correct, I've never done it myself, but I thought invincibility frames started as soon as someone grabbed the ledge. That invincibility frames and the game determining you have grabbed the ledge started in the exact same instant. I am inclined to believe your marth explanation though, so clarification from anyone who knows the ledge invincibility frame data would be awesome.
Second, like I said nothing important, but I gotta ask, were you researching this before I asked about it?
As for the second question. No I hadn't been researching that. I had noticed it happening in matches but I guess I never thought to test it.
True, I like the questions you ask, they are always insightful. Anytime you have anything to ask, feel free to ask away because the questions are, one making my guide more complete and two giving us all a greater understanding on Olimar.
About the guide: I apologize about the lack of updates as of late. I have been pretty bogged down with school work and what little spare time I had was going to playing and not updating. The good news is I have learned a lot over the past couple weeks (I think you will be able to tell once I put some new videos up). Some big updates will be coming soon, so bare with me and stay patient. Thanks for the support.
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