Any chance someone can explore/breakdown the DownB super armor a little? Icy's comment about it seems to be the same opinion i've heard about it before as well, but no one seems too detailed about it, nor even have the newer olimar vids shown evidence of players trying to adopt this technique.
I find this strange because there seems an obvious connection in olimar's style to me. Dojo mentions his tech requirements, its common knowledge how easy it is to ledge guard tether recoveries, and super armor added to a move in its programming is no mistake, must be done on purpose... The easiest way to prevent exploitation of a weak recovery is to not need to recover, take the damage but not the knockback using DownB, obviously eventually you'll get punted off the stage cause you've got a high % and can't block every move, but the 2 or 3 killing moves your able to stomach before that is a huge deal.
So any further research in DownB would be appreciated on my end, I only dream I could have the game to help out in this exciting time. Questions to ask about the move though;
1) How practical is it, can the timing truly be mastered? (this is gonna be opinion, everyone able to try and interested in helping should give their input)
2) What are the drawbacks? (Does Oli have half a second of lag after he absorbs an attack, which will lead to him being killed anyway)
3) What are advantages beyond the obvious? (Like a shield grab, can Oli take an attack and then punish the opponent's lag)
4) If the tech isn't completely useful already, what quirky details can you find? (Perhaps DownB has IASA frames, Oli certainly seems able to do things immediately after DownB in my eyes, or perhaps if it does have lag, can you cancel this lag if you use the move just before you land, or even though jump canceling is out in other areas, maybe only something specific cancels lag)
Keep up the great work, thanks again,