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NC crews(updated with tentative rosters)


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
i saw game, cross, and i thought you meant that manectric was a word game O.O

anyways, i hope someone records/livestreams this

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
Edit: we don't even get 20 man tournaments, Lucas. No. If anything, we should do 7v7 or 6v6.
This is Eastern NC vs Western NC, Kevin. All of NC.

If this is going to be hyped up as much as you and the rest of us want it to be, don't you think we would get a 20 man tournament? Plus getting more people involved also adds to the hype, don't you agree? I know I'd rather witness and be part of, the later being somewhat unlikely, a 10v10 rather than some stupid 6v6.

I'm not going to lie Kevin, you've really been disappointing me with some of the decisions and suggestions you've been making lately. i.e. things that imo are going to make the scene less competitive and saying it will do the exact opposite. Mad hypocritical, bro. I don't approve.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
LOL way to just straight up call me a hypocrite on top of every other of way saying "I flat-out think you're wrong." I respect your opinion greatly. I'm not going to lie Lucas, I don't approve of character insults in reasonable discussions.

If you think we'd get a Duke bi-weekly with over 20+ people, then I must say I am interested in how you would do this.

Edited because it's not worth it.

Think about a regional crew battle region vs region. All of each region. Does it really prove which is better? Sure, there's a time aspect to consider(imo a 10v10 has a definite time aspect as well....at least as far as attention span goes), but there's also the fact that each region could be better represented by their best players. Faster-paced matches are seen, and people can generally get into them more.

Wouldn't it be best if the best from each part of NC played? There's prestige in making it onto the regional crew, much like there should be with making it onto the east/west(abb. E/W) crews.

I dunno really where to go with my explanation from here, but it just makes sense to me. If you don't agree after reading this(and I don't expect you to), then we'll see what everyone else has to say.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
well the thing is, in some ways he's just...right, darkhart.

if we do this before pound, lets say at the january duke biweekly, then how many people would we expect to even be there for melee? are we all really going to assume that West NC and wilmington and ACE and Dorsey are going to be able to make it there? in the two biweeklies i've been to, we've had 11 singles entries, and i think 13 at the other one.

if we can't get turnout at the tournaments as they are, then we can't try to make a 10v10 event out of something thats getting a max of like 15 entries just seems a little naive.

i want it to be big, but we all kind of have to show up to stuff if we want that to be the case.

edit: so pp wants regionals?


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
There should just be city crews.

5 vs 5 im not good at math i dont give a ****. with X amount of stock

and if we had smaller crews we could make a mini bracket and ****


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
...**** i don't even know if i'd make my city crew.

$mike...BEHR...Cam...DShep(maybe)...hmm i guess i'd sneak in.

i approve. it could be fun but we'd still have the same sort of attendance problem...


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
SP- Theres atleast 5 there.
Gboro- Atleast 5
Raleigh- At least 5
West NC-atleast 5

Others- At least 5?

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Chris/BEHR: the majority(at least of vocal people) have decided that it should be E/W(aka regional) crews.
Some people didn't care about cities one way or another so do whatever you want to there I guess. I'm staying out of that nonsense if you really want to do it that badly.


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
lol its easier just doing cites then *****ing about East and West.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
@ Kevin: I'm just trying to understand where you're bearing is because I honestly can't tell.

My point with the 10v10 is that we're planning this for the crew battle, not hoping that we all show up at a random tourney and decided to do it since we're all there. Hype is a major part of getting the crew battle to actually work out. Part of the hype is getting people involved i.e. 10v10. Part of that hype is actually getting people to show up, which brings me too...

If you're so worried about a low turn-out for the tournament, why don't we just have a pre-set date in the near/distant future where we have a decent sized NC Melee tourney with the crew battle. (Easier said than done, I know) That being said, if you're so worried about the turn-out, why even attempt this project? If only 15 people show up, is a 7v7 really going to accurately represent the East and West?

I also don't see why time is a major issue, being that half of your explanation is about not taking to much of it to do this. We're having a crew battle, it's expected to take a long time.

Edit: And don't give that "best of the best" bull****. 10v10 show our 10 best players from the East vs our 10 best from the West. Excuse us non PR contenders for not falling under your "best of the best" category.

We can can do this correctly, or we can do draft crews at a Duke bi-weekly when only 13 people show up. It's up to you guys.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
you should do it at my tourney
i mean it might very well be the only time west nc is at anything!


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i don't really get why people would suddenly show up for a crew battle they wouldn't be participating in if they weren't already going to show up for the tournament. if only 13 people show up for tournaments at duke because people in NC smash have their reasons not to come, why would the scenario that "homg its east vs. west, the johns i had for not coming to the tournament that was on this date are now gone; gotta watch this crew battle" exist?

man i love how my random post about greensboro owning any other city turned into this stuff. personally, i just wanna play smash, get better, and prove that i've gotten better, and repeat. everything else is just extra.

edit: moo you just made me lol. now i can go to sleep a little happier.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Bottom line:

10v10 is a "let's all have fun and participate" crew battle. The reason? Everyone is in it and the talent level is too varied.

6s/7s is a "let's see which region is better" crew battle. The reason? It's more prestigious to get onto and more spectators means they're not as concerned with when they go in and focus on the matches more.

If people want to make this a 10v10 crew battle, I see it as defeating the purpose of them in general(building rivalries, which in turn builds hype) if everyone gets a turn to "be a star." You lose the fame of being a star if everyone gets the privilege.


Smash Champion
Mar 2, 2008
southern pines, nc

8v8 east vs. west

do it at after a tourney so people like me, who dont make the top 8 still have something to do besides hype

do it often...

if lozr misses the first one and pp ***** face, then west talks ****...

then east gets pissed and brings their A-team and shows west who is boss...

so on and so on...

and if we do it often enough i am sure the non pr'ed players like chris, dark hart, and myself will get to be a part of them one time...

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
We don't want them often. We want them to be occasional so we have bragging rights.

I'm starting to lose hope in this project.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
...if we ever pull this off, west would rock the socks off of east, hands down.

doesn't matter how many, how many stocks, or where we draw the dang border. as long as it includes greensboro and pp, east has no hope.

just in case any of you were wondering.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Like every other month or something. I didn't really feel like making it final so much as a "whenever we feel like bringing it back(within reason)" basis.

Edit: east is gay for trying to change the rules instead of having a legit crew battle.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
I love how I've explained how a 10v10 isn't a "let's all have fun and participate" crew battle, and you're still calling it that... btw how is having less people involved going to help create more rivalries? Flawed logic is flawed.


All I'm saying is, when it comes down to it, no one is going to care about a 6v6 or 7v7. Not enough people being involved is going to make this lose hype. This isn't East Coast vs West coast, Kevin. This is NC vs NC. We're different. You of all people should know that.

I'm starting to understand why people with Purple names originally had the title "Smash Elitist."


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
good matches are good matches. whether theres 6 a side or 7 a side or 23 a side, NC decides what we want to hype, not how many people are involved.

if we can hype 1 v 1, pp vs lozr when we want to, i trust that the NC smash community can care about a 7v7 crew battle of east vs west.

I'd care.

to me, it seems like you're the only one who...wouldn't. but maybe you're just voicing the silent opinion...

edit: BEHR you masochistic silly man. you just love to get ***** don't you.

i'll let you know when i get back in town, so we can get some matches in.


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
Dude I follow my Boy Lozr. <3

Lets Get it boys.

Chris dont lose to my Pika. <3

Youll get ***** son.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
1. Dr. Peepee (W)
2. LoZR (E)
3. Ali (W)
4. Twitch (W)
5. Money Mike (W)
6. Foxy (E)
7. Lord Karn (E)
8. Josh (E)
9. DJ Rome (E)
10. Boss Hog (W)

Munkey (W)
Jim (W)
Ace (E)
TC (E)
Peter (W)
Crystalnite (E)
Nebs (W) (As requested by stongers, since it makes sense and I forgot him)

Western NC is a bit more stacked. Good luck getting them all in one place, Kevin.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Raleigh, North Carolina
No, Chris, you're right, his logic is very flawed. It doesn't even make any sense, because as someone just mentioned, if single matches can be hyped, then crews of any size should also be able to be...

People enjoy watching crews because it's a series of epic matches and pretty much hypes itself (especially regional ones). No one really gives a **** what the sizes of the crews are, as long as you have either recognizable players or regions with enough people, people will be hyped about it.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
Get me 2 more from the East and one from the west so I can prove to kevin that we could hypothetically have a 10v10 and have it be serious, because apparently that's no possible.

@ Chris: If I don't think he can get an 8v8, why would I think he can get a 10v10? I just think 10v10 is a much better way to represent the east and west's best players. I don't think a legit East vs West is actually going to work out at all.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I love how I've explained how a 10v10 isn't a "let's all have fun and participate" crew battle, and you're still calling it that... btw how is having less people involved going to help create more rivalries? Flawed logic is flawed.


All I'm saying is, when it comes down to it, no one is going to care about a 6v6 or 7v7. Not enough people being involved is going to make this lose hype. This isn't East Coast vs West coast, Kevin. This is NC vs NC. We're different. You of all people should know that.

I'm starting to understand why people with Purple names originally had the title "Smash Elitist."
You know Dark Hart, I was thinking about ignoring this post and letting you slide....but nah.

I'd like to start this little tirade off by wondering where YOU get off telling ME what's competitive? When was the last time YOU went to a tournament? When was the last time YOU got the state hyped or YOU were the perfectly logical hypemaster? I figured a title that good could only be given to someone who actively participates in the scene and has looked at some good history.

Why don't you start off your counterargument, if you even want to praise it so much as that, with addressing my actual regional crews analogy? "We're NC....you know that." Really??? I needed to be told what state I live in? You think I LIKE the idea that you can talk about our state being less competitive than a whole region when it's exactly counterproductive to what this crew battle is supposed to do AND get away with it? No sir, I flat-out despise it. What's more, I despise myself for EVER agreeing with you on the subject. When you make a good argument bro, please be sure to tell me why regional crews are such a terrible idea for competition, so I can submit them to plank asap. Oh wait, I forgot, we're NC. We like to get hype over 20 man crew battles when we could have an illustrious 12/14 man crew that makes someone proud to actually get onto?

Oh and let me just say that those of you (FIZ) that want to just cop out and NOT WATCH THE CREW BATTLE THAT WAS INTENDED TO BE HYPED, please do so.

Before Brawl came out and we wanted to have Mario party battles, there were 8v8 crews. Why??? Not because it was decided as a collective. It was decided because there were two crews ALREADY IN PLACE. That's right, people cared enough to make crews themselves and challenge the other half of NC without someone taking all of this nonsense "we're NC" argument into consideration.

And for the cherry on top, I made this thread, I made the PR thread for BOTH GAMES and organized a panel to get fair rankings done. I drove THREE AND A HALF HOURS to Durham for a THREE MAN FEST. Yeah, I obviously car about hoarding skills to myself, being ELITIST, and not helping the state get better. Please generalize about people who want the best for their community more.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
you won't like him when he's angry.

the west side is puttin it to the east before the crew battle even starts. east side can't even argue about how they're gonna lose the crew battle as good as we can.

good **** pp. wreck those easties.
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