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NC Brocator Thread!


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2008
Castle Doomstadt
Ronaldicious I know they aren't as bad but still incredibly frustrating at points. Marth fox for obvious reasons, I think falco peach is even but falco is just annoying no matter who you're playing in my opinion. and yeah hitting sheik with peach is like free control of everything pretty hard for sheik to get out of that. But falcon is just so ****ing fast could have all this control take like 80% then he nairs a turnip and I get comboed for it that ends in knee and all my damage is patouie but I guess that's more melee than the match up.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2008
Castle Doomstadt
PLUR I'm pretty sure last time we played you were high and drunk and still were beating me often and lucas only time I really beat you is when you play zelda =P

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
ive never played a falcon that could catch my turnips but I'd imagine that'd put it pretty heavy in his favor =[
I don't know why that bothers people so much. You should be forcing them to do something when you throw a turnip anyway so as long as you're sort of close when you throw it then it doesn't matter if they catch the turnip. Falcon's turnip throw and follow ups probably suck anyway lol.

Guess I'm still waiting to see this tactic put to good use though....

I mean yea, down-throw knee sucks, but it's kinda like staple falcon and is gonna happen

like upthrow-air

mad gay

gonna happen

and yea I guess I should revise my statement. I think Peach should get in more damage from any given first hit, but Falcon can take advantage of the fact that she can die early better than most... But peach should seriously get like a good amount of damage in she has a lot of good options on fastfallers to keep combo's going lol, not saying Falcon doesn't though, just saying I think Peach's are better overall.
Lol just because Dthrow knee happens a lot doesn't make it less of a great thing. It still factors into every matchup as a heavy positive.

I watched S2J vs Armada again, and Falcon can hit Peach at angles she can't challenge because she can't float and his moves are too big/too quick to CC and punish. This means Peach usually stays grounded and can't safely pull turnips often without risk of getting punished. S2J punished harder than Armada in that set, but it could be that Armada is worse than s2J at the matchup still. S2J's poor edgeguarding is what cost him the set ultimately, as proper Bair usage(shown by Hax and SS to a lesser extent) reliably resets Peach in the air until she dies.

As long as Peach jumped/moved OOS quickly then the worst that happened was he got gentlemanned usually. Not bad considered Falcon could safely space any aerial besides Dair on shield and it could really hurt Peach if he shield stabbed/caught her coming out. Still, it was free damage and positioning for Falcon so that still sucks.

Kevin why are you editing my post?
I'm not....

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
I think falcon beats peach for sure, His answer to everything forever is just to run.

Peach is just like "oh thats cool I cant really keep up"

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I just find it somewhat telling that pretty much every Peach main dislikes Falcon quite a bit because of his punishments if nothing else, and Falcons don't seem to mind Peach/enjoy playing against her.

Personally, I feel much more in control of the pace of the matchup playing Falcon, but my Falcon is also leagues better than my Peach. XD


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
I just find it somewhat telling that pretty much every Peach main dislikes Falcon quite a bit because of his punishments if nothing else, and Falcons don't seem to mind Peach/enjoy playing against her.

Personally, I feel much more in control of the pace of the matchup playing Falcon, but my Falcon is also leagues better than my Peach. XD
That's not a very strong point since matchup preference is relative.

You're saying Falcon mains prefer peach to other matchups, but that could just be because it is easier than other matchups.

Just because Ganon mains don't mind playing vs ICs because they're easier to deal with than sheik/spacies doesn't mean ICs is a good matchup for ganon.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
That's not a very strong point since matchup preference is relative.

You're saying Falcon mains prefer peach to other matchups, but that could just be because it is easier than other matchups.

Just because Ganon mains don't mind playing vs ICs because they're easier to deal with than sheik/spacies doesn't mean ICs is a good matchup for ganon.
Even if the vast majority prefer it?

And if it's easier than other matchups, wouldn't that make it better for Falcon?

Might not make it good for Ganon but that's open to interpretation. If the Ganon players like it and learn it well and ICs hate it and learn it well to counter but still lose or struggle then there could be something to that.

Also, it is rather hard to get multiple useful sets of Melee to study for a given matchup/character discussion because we don't have multiple solid character mains attending every tournament so data is sadly limited. Rather than giving up or not using it, I make out of it what I can and allow for the variability that can be provided by those unknowns the small competitive community provides as best as I can.

Edit: Chris lol you gotta back this S up more


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
I mean I don't really care much about matchup ratios, given that it is obvious that at top level play any high tier is "viable" so it's really only important to discuss what tools your character has so that you can get better.

I'm just saying, your point is still relative.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I mean I don't really care much about matchup ratios, given that it is obvious that at top level play any high tier is "viable" so it's really only important to discuss what tools your character has so that you can get better.

I'm just saying, your point is still relative.
I like ratios sometimes as long as you don't make them an end all be all of matchups and keep their meanings flexible. Though I would say that, as a player focused on winning tournaments, you are correct in that you only need the tools required to win when you focus on a matchup. However, discussing things on the boards it's more interesting to pick a side and argue because you might just learn something you wouldn't normally have anyway or gain perspective.

@last line: word


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
its more of the fact that throwing a turnip on a shield is one of the best ways to land a hit on falcon, and if he caught it then that options more or less gone


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Peach/Falcon is advantage Falcon in my opinion. It's doable for Peach but I feel like Falcon still runs circles around her and she can't force him to stay still very well because she's slow and gets kidnapped after baking cakes.
Yeah but once Peach gets that hit/stage control
Your stock is GONE

Or it takes a long long time to get it back
The way I base 50/50s is this:
If you get one hit, does it usually translate to a stock because of weight/combability/etc?
[silly reason] Does one side complain as much about one side as the other does?

Mostly I just feel like it's a feeling thing, and the match ups, as they're developing, are moving much more towards 50/50 as people are starting to figure it out
Like for example, as said before, as Falcon players start to understand how to abuse their strengths [dat knee, mobility, and combo ability] and all the things that come from that [stage control, conditioning your opponent] then things get significantly easier
Leading me to my "the biggest problems Falcon as a character has are spacies"

Accepted can suck an oily one because people thought Puff was ban worthy/broken/top 3 across the board last year. I challenge all rules that I feel like challenging.
Well there's a difference between accepting out of ignorance and accepting because of knowledge/reasoning. You can accept anything without it being true per se, but I feel like the truth is eventually gonna come out

Falcon is faster than Peach, has bigger moves than Peach,
I was going to refute that but you're actually right. However, both of us know that Peach gets more from a trade than Falcon does usually. so [shrugs]

can wall Peach, can't die off the top to Uair combos or CG upsmash well, and can kill from a read to a knee vs having to finagle a combo into it. Falcon also gets platform tricks and Dair abuse from it that Peach has a tough time answering to when used intelligently. Falcon's grab game is just as destructive as Peach's is and tends to have easier things to get off of it.
Falcon's grab game is so good, it's one of those things that I'm really starting to truly appreciate. And you'll have to show me this dair abuse
Is it because of not really having good high cover options?

vs Marth someone wins because that matchup is gay and too many people think someone wins so someone's gotta win. Feels like Falcon a lot but Marth gets some cool gimps and can tech chase for a while with throws and has sick juggles soooo
All I have to say is
Accepted can suck an oily one because people thought Puff was ban worthy/broken/top 3 across the board last year. I challenge all rules that I feel like challenging.

Jiggz is super weird and I don't fully understand that matchup so no comment. Walling wars vs Falcon's Uair'ing under/stomping over puff and tight grab combos/kills vs free edgeguards and low percent rest kills to nullify Falcon's weight.
Guess you'll get some action with my falcon this weekend huh ;)
Bring it baby
Gives me a chance to practice this newfangled dthrow->nipple spike everyone is talking about

What is this sheik thing justified by? I'm aware you'll say matchup things but if Hax johnned about Sheik and lost to her then that would mean that Darkrain SS and him all lost to Sheik at majors so you guys would say Falcon lost to Sheik. Hax himself says Sheik beats Falcon but he's really good at the matchup. Meh responding to matchup things in your next post.
What is the whole "I think this is 50/50" thing justified by? Is that what you're asking?

Sheik approaches by spacing stuff and threatening, like a slower Marth.
Because if it is, that's why.

Guh hate the can't approach theory, as an aside.
Understandable, there's always an approach
It's just one of those things that says

I have the ability to counter your approach

As opposed to
You can do stuff and I have no answer to it

spaced Bair beats tilts sometimes and is great in general for hitting at Sheik's head, which she doesn't cover too well except with like Bair.
I mean yeah DD ***** too but Falcon can do stuff.
Hello, ftilt Kevin



utilt too but less so
Because who would do that?

Falcon can do so much more off of grabs at any percent(except pretty high ones I guess).....just watch Hax lol he knows the %s or "formulas." It stops being mandatory to tech chase vs sheik pretty low I think.

Imo there's more to neutral than approaching anyway and more to punishing than grabs and edgeguards but this is a pretty good starting point I suppose.
Agreed, see above about Falcon's grab game
I think it's about 17% where it stops being a tech chase

25% is where uthrow->nair connects

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
PP... so... Fox v Peach isn't definitively worse than Falcon v Peach? i'd like to hear reasoning for that.

and i'm glad you agree about the sheik thing. the way that sheik in particular is unrealized as a character frustrates me moreso than others in the cast. a character like falcon for instance is such a graceful, fast, sink-your-teeth-in kind of character by nature that his metagame has been spoiled with awesome movement techniques and players that use all of them. in my opinion, sheik's the kind of character that doesn't naturally encourage that kind of innovation... but i think her potential for style variation could be one of the most aesthetically pleasing things about this game.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2008
Castle Doomstadt
Is it kind of like how I feel peach can be a fast aggressive character(not neccisarily rush down but in your face definitely)? I can't spell



Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
@Stingers- Josh, Lucas and I are getting a house together,where we will have Kyle record us and make it a sitcom.

Yeah, I know that Peach can **** Falcon up if she gets a hit. She can dash attack between hits of the Nair, do quick float-cancel things in order to stuff his appraoches, etc.... BUT overall, Falcon still dictates the flow of the match because she can't really lock him down and quite frankly, he can combo her just as hard as she can combo him. It's relatively even the things they can do to each other when they get a hit but Falcon can play a lot less commited than Peach can


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
I definitely agree

I think Fox is the hardest MU for Falcon because he's the only one who can keep up with CF's mobility and legitimately fights for control of the match [and keeps it most of the time :/]

Sheik is a character that nobody really wants to play anymore lmao
But you're right she definitely is a very simple character by nature and kind of the first one anyone kind of really abused that [drephen]
And on top of that

I think Fox/Peach is 50/50 as well
Though apparently that is turning in Peach's favor because of human issues


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
How the **** do human issues come into play?

He's a ****ing Fox. Nothing human about him.

(Is fully aware of what 'human issues' means. Just sounds like johns to me. Stop dropping babies, fox mains)
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