Banned via Warnings
**** that's true lucas? I never heard that... else I would have taken Danny Mexico's cigarette from him and flicked it in his hair causing himself to spontaneously combust from too much hair gel. On a side note i've always considered the peach>IC advantage to be less lopsided than many think...
Please no one respond like:
'OMG Dorsey, you ignorant barbaric simpleton, why do you ALWAYS have to bring violence into the situation!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!'
It would be appreciated. Smashboards is gay enough as it is.
My matches with Danny mexico were pretty hilarious though. I literally just punched him off the stage / bthrowed him to WF spike repeatedly.. 1 stocked him(probably by not much, i forget), then i got 1 stocked at 70%+... then he ***** me pretty hard in 2 other match-ups including an IC ditto in which I was 4-stocked.
Please no one respond like:
'OMG Dorsey, you ignorant barbaric simpleton, why do you ALWAYS have to bring violence into the situation!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!'
It would be appreciated. Smashboards is gay enough as it is.
My matches with Danny mexico were pretty hilarious though. I literally just punched him off the stage / bthrowed him to WF spike repeatedly.. 1 stocked him(probably by not much, i forget), then i got 1 stocked at 70%+... then he ***** me pretty hard in 2 other match-ups including an IC ditto in which I was 4-stocked.