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NC Brocator Thread: **** Smash.

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Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
**** that's true lucas? I never heard that... else I would have taken Danny Mexico's cigarette from him and flicked it in his hair causing himself to spontaneously combust from too much hair gel. On a side note i've always considered the peach>IC advantage to be less lopsided than many think...

Please no one respond like:

'OMG Dorsey, you ignorant barbaric simpleton, why do you ALWAYS have to bring violence into the situation!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!'

It would be appreciated. Smashboards is gay enough as it is.

My matches with Danny mexico were pretty hilarious though. I literally just punched him off the stage / bthrowed him to WF spike repeatedly.. 1 stocked him(probably by not much, i forget), then i got 1 stocked at 70%+... then he ***** me pretty hard in 2 other match-ups including an IC ditto in which I was 4-stocked.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
**** that's true lucas? I never heard that... else I would have taken Danny Mexico's cigarette from him and flicked it in his hair causing himself to spontaneously combust from too much hair gel.
Yea it's true lol. I brought him to the last stock with my Marth on the previous match, he JV2'd me.
On a side note i've always considered the peach>IC advantage to be less lopsided than many think...
Not to hinder your side note, but on another side not, Chu is a much better player than me, proving that the Peach/IC match is very lopsided.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
definitely got more tech skill than me
looking for that new years bonus to register for p4 as well. prolly for brawl

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Grab his up-B? I'm not crazy about the idea but it would get the job done(assuming you do this after Ganon has finished most of the part of the move that allows him to grab you).


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
yeah if jim misses a sweetspot you grab and it ****s up his like...idea of what should be happening then fthrow and they panic and either waste their jump right away and you dair them or don't sweetspot and you dair them


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
lol that sucks lucas. But why would Dark Hart's peach vs. Danny Mexico's ICs in a set prove anything in regard to the match-up? It would take more than you doing good against him with a secondary to sway my opinion brah

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
lol that sucks lucas. But why would Dark Hart's peach vs. Danny Mexico's ICs in a set prove anything in regard to the match-up? It would take more than you doing good against him with a secondary to sway my opinion brah
From what I read, your opinion was the the ICs/Peach match-up isn't as bad as most people think. (Correct me if I'm wrong) Me almost beating Danny Mexico's ICs with Peach, one of my secondaries, is a fairly good reason to assume that you're wrong, and that the Peach/ICs match-up is as **** as everyone else (including me) thinks. Think about it: Me, basically a scrub Peach (Comparatively), almost beats Danny Mexico, the best ICs and one of the best players out there with more experience than 99.9% of competitive smashers. And in tournament, too. Think about that, Dorsey bro.



Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
yeah, don't say "Chu" sneeze or he might come in and actually respond.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
Good job to CrystileNite for registering for Pound
It's Emma Watson, my girlfriend.
My only celebrity crush, Emma Watson. Not even ****ing joking. Girl is fine as hell and smart too. And British.

And good **** on registering for Pound, milkman.

So far 240 people have pre-reg'd for Melee at Pound, and 6 of them are from NC. Then we got Stingers for Brawl, and Crio for Melee too, even though he's SC technically. LoZR's doing it tomorrow. Seven is supposed to, unless his is just under an e-mail account like DJ's is. Anyone else?

Todd Bonney

Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2005
Yep that's me. I mean, if your girlfriend were a young, beautiful, rich, famous, and charming actress and model, wouldn't you try to tell somebody at every opportunity?

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
Yep that's me. I mean, if your girlfriend were a young, beautiful, rich, famous, and charming actress and model, wouldn't you try to tell somebody at every opportunity?
My girlfriend is young and beautiful, but not rich, famous, an actress, or a model, thought she was a thespian in High School lol.

CRAP I'm pretty sure you're joking but I can't entirely tell.

Darn my internet limitations.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
I have thought about it dark hart, and I don't think that anyone would ever feel that the peach v. ic's match-up is exemplified with you v. chu... and your using it as proof to why I shouldn't feel that the match-up is a 'little' less lopsided than people seem to think? That's not how I think..

I was a hair away from 2-0ing him w/ ganon in our friendlies.....my spacing was good, my mind games were good, and with some luck hit all the crazy spikes I attempted. But I still think IC>ganon......... and chu is way better than me too(back then especially, like 100x... so according to your logic ganon would have a crazyyyy advantage in the match-up)......... so bro, your justification for that is a little weak i think. It's not like IC's are completely helpless; there's ways to get around it.

It's kinda silly having someone trying to prove me wrong just because i think something is 'a little less lopsided than people seem to think' anyway.....

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
Peach ****** ICs is common knowledge. While my Peach and I have nothing to do with the match-up, my example was me almost beating his ICs with Peach. The fact that I'm involved is mere coincidence. A player at my level almost beating a player at his level can only be attributed to the characters played, i.e. Peach and ICs, being that our match was so close and our skill levels are so far apart. Plus, my example has more merit than yours because you were playing friendlies, I was playing a tournament match. My story is justification that Peach ***** ICs, while you were playing friendlies against a sand-bagging Danny Mexico.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
......this **** is so stupid. Smashboards is seriously the gayest site i've ever seen. All I say is that I *think* that it's a *little* less lopsided than some think, and me hearing about a close loss between chu's IC's and dark hart's peach isn't going to sway my opinion about it. And if you really want to get into it, when has a close 2:0 loss ever mattered for anything aside from opinion? Or maybe you're just 'sucking at wording things' again...... I don't know.

And yes every one was clearly telling me something new with the sandbagging comments[/sarcasm]. I was doing suicide pivot WF spikes on him..... If I were him I would sandbag some too against the eccentricity in my play style, which was 'sandbagging' him tenfold... Where was I giving myself credit for that win anyways? I always say it as a joke and just say it was luck to avoid the stupid people on smashboards who just attack and pick apart everything i say because they have nothing better to do. Do I have to sugarcoat everything I say just to keep people from trying their very hardest to contradict everything I say? Because even that doesn't entirely ha... i'd like to see any of you beat him in friendlies anyway.

I guess all of you think I suck **** at this game(apparently that's all that matters around here?)and that's why this always happens. There's only one person that knows my true skill level, and that's my brother Ace. He could constantly say typical smashboards **** like 'dorsey is getting really good, gaiz!!!! and You guys don't know, he should be power ranked!!' But truth be told, when I read **** like that I'm like 'Wow, these dickriding homos are full of ****. Can't he speak for himself?' AKA Dave is too cool for that.

Whatever though. I welcome the hate; I could play that game too but I don't for a reason. As I've always said IRL and smashboards are about as different as black and white. And just to clarify, I was addressing no one in particular throughout most of my post, just about general and typical **** that happens around here.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Raleigh, North Carolina
U mad?

Lol, your post is a huge waste of time, welcome to the internet, especially forums. Half the people are trolls, and the other half are ********. You read way too much into what people say since no one ever actually thinks before they type.

As if it were some form of new knowledge that real life and the internet are worlds apart :chuckle:
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