I'm mainly upset at the removal of Wectoring.
That was uncalled for.
As far as Nintendo balancing things and making people play the game "the way it's meant to be played", I think people forget that while we do like Nintendo and some of the stuff they've done for us, we're still the consumers -- it's okay to have your own opinion about something.
All too often I hear people parroting the same arguments using the word "arbitrary" like it's the only thing they know.
I can't say I'm too thrilled with Smash 4 and the way it's turned out, but some of these complaints I'm hearing are a little surprising; I didn't think the game needed to hold anyone's hand tighter than Brawl did.
With the new ledge mechanics and jab combos, it just feels like the game is encouraging you to pick a relatively quick character with projectiles and kinda autopilot with your camp game, but I will not deny that Smash has been campy before.
Still, people are being overly happy about the removal of techs, and it's a little confusing because I don't recall having to grind hours for anything technical that was absolutely necessary -- all the Fox and Falco junk was optional; anyone can pick them and hang back in shield and punish approaches with jabs/fsmash.
It really isn't that hard, and actually, it's effective -- I almost always stumble in approaching casual players because they have strong fundamentals and aren't working with a gameplan similar to my own, so, at first, a lot of what I do is punished by really simple things.
Even so, tech isn't what gets me the win, it's spacing and reads in combination with techs, but that's Melee -- in Brawl and Smash 4, even if I do get in a glide toss or a DACUS, tech is not and never will be the driving force behind my success.
Unless you see someone who perfects multishining (frame-perfect timing with consistency, which I'm pretty sure could still be punished with an aerial disjoint or something), tech is not how they win, even if Fox is absolutely ridiculous in comparison to almost any other character.
What they've done with Smash 4 (balance-wise) is pretty good, but I think there are some areas that could be improved upon.
Still, it's a relatively fun game and I hope the scene for it thrives.
However, I really think that people should look into what constitutes as tech skill and what constitutes as character skill -- I'd consider PM's two-frame DACUS quite possibly the most useful of the difficult techs, and nothing in Smash 4 or Brawl even really comes close to that besides the frame 1 hitstun canceling that hardly anybody did even semi-consistently; most of it is character knowledge and understanding the options they've been given.
So long as it isn't a completely unfair advantage/disadvantage that's evidently ruining the experience of numerous parties (Peach's crazy combo [which was cool, but I definitely see why that was patched], Diddy's popgun hitstun canceling, King Dedede's gordo glitch, are you freaking kidding me), I think they should just leave it alone.
Kinda like Mario's dtilt -- it hasn't really been a good option ever, but why remove it?
I never had trouble vs Wectoring and Greninja was too busy giving me trouble with the rest of his moveset for me to care about the few times he DID sideB me and I got a free punish, but I can't speak for everyone.
And firehopping is fun.
I hope they never take it out because it's enjoyable and useful (and totally not overpowered in your average item-filled race), not to mention there's nothing funnier than watching a heavy hopping around in a small kart for the win (but the weight advantage balance is awful; they should've kept the general system they used to operate on).