I loved this part too and figured it would be a popular scene cause of how silly/adorbs Sweetie Belle looks.
Also I'm not sure if anybody else noticed this or if this was done in an earlier episode and I forgot, but is this really THE FIRST episode that features a harness in the show?
Bondage is Magic. ^_^
Also, for drawing.
Edit Edit: New text color.
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Why is Discord on there?
I wouldn't consider him a pony.
Also nice to see Luna placed pretty high.
regarding that drawing guide image it's been posted on here a long time ago and I already use it once in a while with my drawings if need be.
Don't hate yourself, it was a pretty obvious switch. When Ajay fell into the mud I immediately looked at her eyes as "she" emerged to see if they had switched or not.
See, I hate myself more for NOT realizing this. I guess I never pay attention to eyes much.
AJ's parents are obviously dead and that's why she lives with Granny Smith.
While this is most likely I will say there's still a slim possibility that this isn't the case.
Either way my statement still stands.
IF Ajay's parents or maybe even one of them showed up in the show there'd be a lot of burned fanon.