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Movie Talk!!


Smash Champion
Oct 26, 2008
Batman was fun to watch,
although I kind of rolled my eyes at the whole P90X / Rocky workout saga he went through

Soooooo, this looks awesome
Cloud Atlas
-Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugo Weaving, Jim Broadbent, and more
The fact that it's a 6min trailer that still leaves so much for me to want to see and experience and expect makes me feel like this is gonna be a super substantial flick

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Soooooo, this looks awesome
Cloud Atlas
-Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugo Weaving, Jim Broadbent, and more
The fact that it's a 6min trailer that still leaves so much for me to want to see and experience and expect makes me feel like this is gonna be a super substantial flick
Awww, you beat me to it. But yeah, I really want to see that movie so bad. I mean, the trailer is over 5 minutes long; what does that say? Plus, it's being done by the Wachowskis, and it has Tom Hanks and Hugo Weaving in the same movie. Also, Keith David's in it, and I'm a Keith David fan, so it goes without saying I will be watching this movie the day it comes to theaters.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
While the Goldeneye Game did get me into the movie franchise, the only thing I liked about Bronsan was that he was super smooth. Other then that, I thought he was terrible for action scenes.

Craig, as many know is the gritty "early" Bond type. I like him for that, and I feel like the plots in general become "darker" which I'm a fan of as well.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
That was Holly Robinson, and Selina was never gay with her.
Pretty sure they were. The whole living together, being incredibly close, snuggling up and talking like lovers + lack of romantic interest (even the kiss was a "thank you for doing this/good luck" kiss rather than an "I'm in love with you" one) in Batman just screamed lesbian.

It wasn't until like their last scene together that they all but said it, before that scene they just implied slightly.


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
Yeah, they didn't bash you over the head with it, but the implication is that that girl is
Selena's girlfriend.
. Making a jump from that to straight up
is where Pluvia is making a mistake. Remember that the movie also tried (weakly) to make Selena a
romantic interest for Batman


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
Goleta/Santa Barbara, CA
Dark Knight rises was hella good imo. Best of the series

But i'm not much of a batman fan to begin with. I watch/really like them bc of Christopher Nolan if anything

couple of questions to anyone who's seen them: Is Ted worth watching? What about Moonrise Kingdom? a bit more interested in the latter


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2006
Sunshine State of Mind
Just saw Batman. was meh honestly. I wrote a big writeup in the broom but I don't feel like copypasting it right now.
Thought the same but i'll take the time to explain why :p

i kinda went into this movie thinking bane would be completely different than the joker. And he was, but it was basically the same premise "Lets cause havoc to the city and prove that people are intrinsically evil when presented with life or death choices." so the storyline wasnt as fresh to me as dark knight was

bane was incredible, you could definitely feel that he was superior to batman. Which is why the last fight that left him whimpering like a little ***** felt a little contrived and rushed. I understand its because he unplugged his face mask but come on it was just a little too easy. Especially after just breaking his back. And i didnt like that they made him Talia's lap dog. But that last one is just personal. It undermined his bad *** image to me.

It didn't feel like a batman movie, just an action movie where the main protagonist (or antihero whatever) just happens to wear a mask. For some people this is a plus, but i went to see batman. Most of the movie he was around in broad daylight not hiding, not lurking just walking down the street. I think he was only out at night time during his initial unretirement scene. Just didnt feel like how batman would act. No cool gadgets (besides the bat), no excellent use of stealth, and he killed someone (he shot the truck carrying the nuke with a missile and the driver immediately went limp, you could argue that he survived but i doubt it, its a freaking missile.)

That all being said i still liked the movie solid 7/10 and i would see it again. But it did not exceed my expectations, maybe because i had set them incredibly high. And also i was genuinely terrified of being shot in the theater, which may have set me on edge. At one point during the movie, the screen turned off and the lights came on. Which scared the crap out of us. True story.


Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
I saw dark knight rises, it was just excellent! Any superhero/action should go watch it. I'm excited to see Total Recall on Friday!


#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Speaking of TDKR, was anyone else surprised by bane's voice? Sounded way more intelligent than what I though it was going to be like.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Pretty sure they were. The whole living together, being incredibly close, snuggling up and talking like lovers + lack of romantic interest (even the kiss was a "thank you for doing this/good luck" kiss rather than an "I'm in love with you" one) in Batman just screamed lesbian.

It wasn't until like their last scene together that they all but said it, before that scene they just implied slightly.
Uh... they did that in the comics too, and I'm honestly not going to bother arguing what the kiss looked like.

@Dark Horse: Well Bane has always been one of the most intelligent characters in the bat-verse, haha. I wasn't too surprised, myself.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
@Dark Horse: Well Bane has always been one of the most intelligent characters in the bat-verse, haha. I wasn't too surprised, myself.
I know, though I thought they were going to go with something more on the aggressive side—hell, I'm pretty sure they even did that in Arkham City.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
and he killed someone (he shot the truck carrying the nuke with a missile and the driver immediately went limp, you could argue that he survived but i doubt it, its a freaking missile.)
At least that could be (maybe) seen as accidental. In The Dark Knight
he just straight up murders that guy driving the bin lorry, he doesn't even pretend that it's not murder.

So basically Batman showed in the second one that he doesn't really care about his moral code.


Smash Champion
Oct 26, 2008
I would hope there's a general agreement that Dark Knight is kind of in a league of its own


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
I actually don't really like any of them very much except TDK. They're all fine watchable movies but don't really hook me in too much. I am drawn to movies that are about characters and personalities and the only vaguely interesting character to me in the trilogy was the Joker. Also, as much as I like TDK, I think it really loses steam in its last act so I can't really get behind the huge boner most people have for it. It's definitely one of the very best comic book related movies though. The other two are just okay to me.

my Batman movie tier list

Batman 1966>TDK>Batman Returns>Mask of the Phantasm>Batman 1989>Batman and Robin>TDKR>Batman Begins>Batman Forever


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
So I saw Brave. It was decent but I only went to watch it because my mum really wanted to see it, really you could watch it on DVD you're not missing anything. Also it's not very long, that's something I noticed, and pretty much the entire plot of the film is completely absent from the trailers. There's a massive part of it (AKA the entire plot) that came as a surprise as I never expected it.

Wonder how hard it would be to understand them if you're not Scottish.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2010
Austin, TX
I actually don't really like any of them very much except TDK. They're all fine watchable movies but don't really hook me in too much. I am drawn to movies that are about characters and personalities and the only vaguely interesting character to me in the trilogy was the Joker. Also, as much as I like TDK, I think it really loses steam in its last act so I can't really get behind the huge boner most people have for it. It's definitely one of the very best comic book related movies though. The other two are just okay to me.

my Batman movie tier list

Batman 1966>TDK>Batman Returns>Mask of the Phantasm>Batman 1989>Batman and Robin>TDKR>Batman Begins>Batman Forever
You're insane.


Batman and Robin above ANY of the other Batman movies is just... gah. This post makes me want to punch a baby. I'm so mad right now. lol


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2010
Austin, TX
Yea my bad. Sorry I put you on ice like that, Luigitoilet. That post was my gut reaction. Hope I didn't come off too cold. But now that I've had a few minutes to chill, I do realize you have a right to your own opinion...


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
lol, I'm not offended. it's boring when everyone agrees about something. there's no real discussion about a topic, unless there is dissent.

As you can probably tell with my tier list, I'm more predisposed to the campy side of Batman. I think the general premise of the character lends itself better to silliness than grimness. I find the Nolan films often feel unattractively self-important and, with the exception of TDK, they just aren't all that entertaining to me. I think Nolan is not very good at directing action scenes and all of his characters seem to function on a solely narrative level. I didn't honestly care that much about Bruce Wayne because he doesn't seem like a person, he's more a vessel for the concepts that Nolan was trying to get across. Nearly every line in Nolan's Batman movies is mostly there just to forward the plot or express the theme of the movies, sometimes quite overtly. Nothing WRONG with any of that, it's just not my style. I get attached to characters and characterization more than anything else in movies, and that's why TDK is so good. There isn't a character in Nolan's series that even comes close to being as interesting as the Joker..., which wouldn't be half as stellar without Ledger's performance which tells a far greater story than any line of dialogue in the movie.

So what we're left with these other Nolan movies is a depressing, colorless trudge through Chris Nolan's clinical and disassociated ideas-world.

On the other end of the spectrum is Batman and Robin, a film that I can't seriously say is objectively more well-made than any of Nolan's films. It has an absurdly silly and nonsensical script that is catered to children and the action scenes are delightfully over the top and cartoonish. In other words, it's like a comic book. Well, what comic books USED to be like, at least. It's also so constantly cringe-inducing and so unashamed in its homoerotic neon camp that it is one of the most entertaining movies I've seen. I hate using the term "so bad it's good" because I think that if a film holds my interest, by any measure, it is good. I had much more fun listening to Mr. Freeze's constant stream of puns and one liners than I did trying to figure out what Bane's motive was supposed to be in TDKR or, well, anything in Batman Begins.

I don't know why people don't rag on Batman Forever more. It's all the bad things about Batman and Robin and all the boring things about Nolan's movies in one package. It's absolutely terrible, the blandest of the bland. It doesn't go far enough with the camp factor to be genius like Batman and Robin, but it's definitely way too cheesy to even be compared to Tim Burton's movies. So the end product is this movie that doesn't really know what it's trying to be. that sucks.


Smash Champion
Oct 26, 2008
and pretty much the entire plot of the film is completely absent from the trailers. There's a massive part of it (AKA the entire plot) that came as a surprise as I never expected it.
I hope this is not a complaint. I'm super anal about trailers revealing more than they need to, trading surprise for a hook in potential movie-goers' mouths with premature big reveals. I was happy when the main problem of the movie came as a surprise.
They sold the movie with trailers exhibiting the character (and very probably the visuals like with her hair and whatnot), who you'd learn about very early on anyway. Which is great cuz it doesn't spoil and proves the constitution of an immediately engaging character if it succeeds in getting people to go see it.

Wonder how hard it would be to understand them if you're not Scottish.
It wasn't hard to understand them lol. Pixar is an american studio anyway, they knew they could have the thick accents and still be accessible to non-Scots.


Pot splitter
Mar 26, 2010
Necessary bump for the Expendables 2.

Without giving anything away, I will say that it satisfies all those things that fans of the action genre (and those who appreciate the actors in it) wanted to see. Very satisfying indeed. Seedy plot, dialogue, character development and general production value notwithstandng (obviously, I mean, look at the movie! It's not supposed to have an above par rating of any of these things), I loved it!

It was exactly what I wanted, and I would see it a second time for someone who wanted to see it a first time.

Also, JCVD and dat spin kick. Nostalgia to the bone.

Double also, the production company behind the Expendables movie (Sly included) is pushing for a third, based on how well the second film in the franchise does. We can consider this third movie already having the green light, since (obviously) this second film is BOUND to do better than the first. I mean, you don't have some random face of a dictator who wants control over his no-name country, you have JCVD, the Muscles from Brussels, seeking to change the balance of power in the world. Overgrossed action star versus overgrossed action star!

ANYWAYS, the third film in the franchise would take a much different approach than the first two. Instead of adding more male actions stars to the already stellar ensemble of over-the-hill action baddies, their approach would be to add another ensemble of femme fatale ladies to the mix, to fight along side our favorites expendable heroes. Now this could materialize into a few different variations, but names already being seriously considered are as follows: Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu, Milla Jovovich, and Uma Thurman.



Pot splitter
Mar 26, 2010
Action movies notoriously carry these flaws, but are excused for what they are. I feel that when you go into a movie like the Expendables, you have certain expectations. These expectations are not for stellar character development or a heart-jerking exchange between two lovers; it's more or less, I feel, for the action. For seeing things that you would never see in any other kind of movie: using a motorcycle to destroy a helicopter, seeing one man kill hundreds with his massive, shoulder-strapped machine gun, etc.

And this is especially the case when considering a movie like the Expendables 2, which brings back to the silver screen, two action heroes in particular that have not been in film for quite some time. Arny clocking in at 8 years, and Norris even longer. JCVD has been making straight to DVD B-movies about every year, so he doesn't count.

The pitch of the entire franchise is to see all the action heroes of the past few decades doing what the do best: kick-*** and win.

Does that clear it up a bit?


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
That's a bunch of BS honestly. No offense. A good movie is a good movie and the genre a movie occupies is not a metric of quality. Terminator 2 moves me more than many "serious tasteful dramas"

I found the first Expendables to be pretty terrible, and not because it's an action movie but because it was a bad action movie.
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