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MLG 2007 Smash Series: Long Island, NY May 5-6th (Check MLGpro for event recaps)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2006
So, has Ken retired for the most part? I wanted to see his redemption...


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
Yeah i'm curious about that too, I wanted to see bum win. :( Were any bum vids recorded so i can see his amazing DK in action for the 1st time? :p


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice post em up asap please <3 <3 <3, can't wait to see everything, I'm so sad i missed this. :( Me and hopefully most my crew will be at pound 2 tho!


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List

GOOD SHIZZ to everyone..

i couldn't make it because of family issues T_T..

but dayumm, i know i missed alot


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2007
Dreamland c(-^.^-)b
that tourny was beast, it was so much fun. i entered doubles and got a beast a$$ pool
i had wife and husband, bum and dave, ace marth and killa fox, and some other ppl that were really good.

shout outs:

Alukard (my partner): we beasted lol and good stuff

killa fleet: much love 2 ya, it was od fun we r doin again at pound 2

papa dave: mad funny and i wish we would have had some more matches 2gether

bum: beast a$$ DK much love, 4th place in the first major tourny he was in

wife and husband: alot, ALOT of love 4 ya, i have 2 say ya are a great team and i liked playin ya i was incredibly surprized that we beat you at all

KDJ: i wish i would have had some matches wit u

PC: always a pleasure 2 see u lol

others that i 4got.... sry i 4got ya and take care

btw when will the vids go up cus i think there are vids of me over there


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
As the self proclaimed King of Inconsistency I still had a great time @ the tourney regardless of only gettin third seed in singles and doubles pools. ^_^

The venue wasn't too far from home and I also got to hang w/ some of the coolest ppl on the East and West Coast : D for the weekend.


First off Rei for being the only one to offer me housing in my time of need I greatly appreciate it! Also for saving our (me, Isai, Cac(tuar), Pac(man), M2K, Chillin, Chu, and (Ultima) Scout) skins in our time of need. You rock the most for having the utmost patience and also for just being nice enough to manage to get us all a place to rest when the hotel royally skewered us in the gut. Also for taking us out to eat as well ^_^. Don't think we took anything for granted! Thanks much again! And also ur g/f rocks for helpin me get my stuff and drivin me back to the tourney venue from the dorms instead of makin me walk all the way back...tell her I said thanks! And ROFL @ u thinkin I cussed u out...NEVER would I do such a thing bro you're too cool for that! Oh yeah me Isai and Pac saw your "Gagland 2 DVD case" but thats our secret XD.


M2K-It was great talkin smash while driving, playing smash till morning, and watching you own in smash for the weekend...your Marth is one slick piece of sexiness (when its playing well-disclamer). Thanks for all the tipzies as usual and seeya online ^_^. Your Fox doesn't need Red Bull...THAT SH** HAS WINGS ALREADY!

Isai-God****it you look so FIERCE w/ Shiek in teams...its ALMOST SCARY! Great frickin job mangz...wish you pulled thru in singles but ah w/e you had fun in teams thats whats important. It was also great chillin w/ you during the KF Biweekly and during MLG weekend...DUDE your snoring kept me up all night! (j/k) Anyways have fun eatin Chicken and Rice tomorrow! Tell Jerry I said wasup and it was great meetin him!

Pacman on Crack-Dude you're an awesome driver and your Luigi is mad sex! It was also great chillin w/ ya during the weekend...sucks we got put into the same pools and ROFL @ my Yoshi's inconsistency.

Cac-TUAR! (in Marth's voice)-Dude you're like Keanu Reeves long lost son I know it! (j/k) Dude you're just awesome in smash and IRL always great to hang around and talk to. Thanks a mil for makin me fall in love w/ Prodigy's music their stuff just ROCKS! Thanks for lettin me ride w/ the gang to and from the venue, and for lettin me hang w/ you guys for a night @ the hotel. It was indeeeeed fun ^_^.

Scout!-My negro! It was also fun meetin ya on the ride to the place and also good matches today (er I guess its yesterday now). Nice CF mang soon enuff it'll be as beast as the beasts XD. Thanks for lettin me use the sleeping bag **** I was so cold last night.

To all my KF nigz that came thru great seein ya! Killafox, AceMarth, WarriorKnight, X, DJ Nintendizzo!!! Son after this weekend I'm gonna OD beast on that word "definitely"...like definitely my dude.

To all my NYC nigz that came thru good sh**

Special shoutouts to Alejandro for doin his thang!

Chillin thanks for the fun team friendlies w/ me and Raft and *snake sound laugh* @ the 2nd round of you vs. PC on YS.

Chu for fuxin us up w/ Pika in friendlies it was mad fun good sh** for beastin w/ low tiers as always mad respectz.

Raft/Plank for teamin too fuggin good mangz I had a pleasure teaming w/ a Shiek of your skill ^_^. Great talkin to ya during the weekend as well.

ALUKARD! WOW! my boy is NASTY putin Team Plezey on THE MIZZAP! And my boy Kirby aka Brandon! MARIOOOOOOOOOOOO was doin well vs. Newlyweds!

Husband! Dude I <3 your Marth and its basic style too many Marths nowadays try to be somethin they aren't good sh** for bein you. Also a pleasure to seeya as well (same to Wife!)




I'm all outta shoutouts...oh yeah wait shoutout to PC and Kip! and Hayato and Cort! and Tetra and Omni and Hazz!

I think thats everyone!

Oh yeah and my boy Slikvik...k I'm done.

*edit* I lied! And my nigz Silven and Starzonedge from NYC N!GGA WUUUUUUUUUT!

UMBC Super Smasher

Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2006
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Yes, countless times.
True, but I must say I was impressed by NY/NJ's skill. Yoy guyz's alls gots lots of skoyl. Goyd ****

Thanks to Grillz for housing me/Plairnkk/Vist and Husband/Wife/Omni. You were a great host, and it was fun playing teams with you. You're mad cool.

I bet Wife was glad he didn't have to sleep with me next to him on Saturday night =)

Thanks to Superryan's parents for housing me/Plank/Vist on Saturday night. She treated us like family. It was really nice, and Superryan you're good. GGs Saturday/Sunday morning :p

M2K, PC, KDJ, Bum, Chu, Chillin, Isai - amazing. It's so obvious you're pros at this game.

GGs to everyone during friendlies.


Good **** Omni... good **** ;)

btw Omni, we need to play more often.

Good job Newlyweds and Chu/Chillin! Though I have to admit I was rooting for M2K/Isai, because Isai is too good.


Smash Champion
May 17, 2006
MD/VA not the best anymore??????
but still gaurenteed spots 2-10 lol.

WHere is my VoD? Anyone know what happened to Vist? Did Neo go???

UMBC Super Smasher

Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2006
University of Maryland Baltimore County
MD/VA not the best anymore??????
but still gaurenteed spots 2-10 lol.

WHere is my VoD? Anyone know what happened to Vist? Did Neo go???
Azen retired. ChuDat lost to Bum. Neo squandered by not going.

Vist went, but didn't make it out of pools. I think he placed 4th or 5th in his pool - you'll have to talk to him. The pools were pretty tough for the most part.

A lot of the matches were recorded and should be up (hopefully shortly). There were some epic matches caught on video.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
1. kdj
2. m2k
13.DJ Nintendo

Those are the top 16 i think. Umm, good stuff to everyone, too lazy to shout everyone out except for

Grilz- thx so much for housing us man, really, REALLY appreciated.

Superryan - Same to you, thanks for dinner and everything.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2003
Fall River, MA
plankton is tooooo freakin GOOOOOT! hahha goood **** everyone id like to shoud you out but i cannot do so due to tiredness sooo i leave it at GOOD **** TO THE KIDS I PLAYED N GOT ***** BY. :D SEE YAH NEXY TYME WITH A VENGENCE >=) Plankton was best sheik in the house, Dj was just off the wall and isai's sheik in teams is a monster so sad only one peach made it tho :o lots should welpz tooo sleep

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
NJ/NY combined to take 8 of the top 16 spots. good ****!!!

do I smell a NJ/NY vs MD/VA crew battle in the future....?? since I might not be able to see it in person, could someone tape that?

B.U.M. !!!!!! basically upset many...
in other people's eyes.

to us he just came and did what we knew he could pretty much do...wit DK.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2007
Seekonk, MA
Awesome tourney guys. 90% of the people were really good and would pwn in a local tourney.

Favorite Moment = Beating Bum in our friendlies match by teching his attempt to throw me under battlefield :).

Worst Moment = getting put in a singles pool with killafox, chu, cort, tetra, etc and getting put in a team pool with m2k/isai, djnintendo/warriorknight, alejandro/haz, etc. What the hell ever happened to getting an easy pass haha.

Hayato & Cort = too proud for almost taking out chillin and chu 2 to 3.

Chu dat how the hell did your pikachu survive my upsmash at 105% on fountain of dreams. I was like omg I beat chu dat in a tourney match im awesome!!! and then you survive and pwn my last guy like a pro. You too good.

KDJ way to represent for Mass, mass pwns all

ultima scout what did we have like 200 friendlies. My shiek is your arch nemesis.

killafox see you at pound close fox dittos ill get you next time

watching jvs yoshi smack that life out of peoples marths in friendles was pretty fun

so many more shoutouts but im at work so thats pretty much it


Smash Cadet
Sep 27, 2006
Thanks a lot for coming out guys. It was really great to see everyone. It was an awesome tournament and it was nothing without you guys. There were some pretty insane matches going on too. I just wanna give a few shoutouts real quick. IF I FORGOT YOU! its 9 in the morning and im sleep deprived and im doing homework. sorry if i forget u.

B.U.M. I have a new found view on DK thanks to you. You ***** a lot of people and pretty much rewrote the tier list bro. Congrats on getting 4th (i hope im right with that) man. U deserved it. Keep it up yo.

KDJ. Congrats on winning the singles man! Your shiek is unbelievable and i was glad i was able to see it in person. You definitly deserved your win no question about it. And thanks for the real life demonstration of the sliding up B thingy. lol. Your hard work paid off bro.

The newley weds. You guys kicked major *** both on singles and on teams. Your teamwork is incredible hands down. You guys definitly have a unique style of play and its just so dam amazing. Glad i was able to help you guys out with the TV situation. Thanks a lot for comin out and kickin ***.

KF- I still feel bad about not being able to house you guys. Reguardless though it was cool chillen with yall. We will definitly work it out better next time. Congrats to yall who placed top 16. Thanks for comin out and kickin ***.

D1- Well... ill have my revenge. Thanks for comin out man its always good to see you. And dont worry. Ill beat you next time we meet.

Pc-Chris- Man do i love to see your falco combos. Congrats on third place man. Thanks for comin out.

Isai- Love to see your falcon play. But i have to say ive never seen someone sleep as much during a tournament as you did. That lil mattress you got must be real comfortable. lol. Thanks a lot for comin out and congrats on teams and singles placing.

Chillen and Chu- Great team work. You guys definitly kicked some *** out there. That was a horrible stroke of bad luck man. Dont let it get you down though. (I can find him and throw a table at em if you still want me to...)Congrats and thanks for comin out.

M2K- Grats...

Rei- well ****... without you this tournament never would have happened. This **** was hot son! MLG at farmingdale? you the man. Thanks for putting it all together and providing food and drinks and red bull (chicks and the drinks lol) and everything else. Once again you are the man.

Thanks to everyone who brought setups. Really helped the tournament get along. Im ****in sleepy as **** and i dont even know why im awake. So if im forgetting anyone... i will remember later and edit my post.

Dirty Sanchez
the spanish guys with the thick mustache.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
Bum is my hero, NYC reppin' it! Ever since I saw Bum beat Forward, I was like.. wow... DK ftw.

Great tourny everyone, Thanks for the great matches KDJ, I think I might still have your phone charger.... haha.. god knows im too lazy to send it.

Hrm to everyone in my pool in singles..
Wife- Next time I'll getcha, just you wait. -- Good matches though.
Plank- You've got a greatttt sheik, I'm jealous, soon.. my sheik will be just as good =p
WarriorKnight- You ****ed my sheik up. **** lol...
Verseyes- Good matches and fun teams :)
Hazz - no shout out for you cause your dank *** goes to hofstra.
Silven - Great matches, you, me, and starz should play more often.
Alukard - Fun team matches, and grats on making it into team plezey,
There was one other person in my pool whom i forgot.. sorry!!

PC - I was rooting for you the whole time! I'm sure you'll mess up M2K soon =p
M2k- I'm glad you didn't sandbag vs me, you're honestly REALLY ****ING GOOD!!
KDJ - Everytime you do something ridiculous, I die a little inside, things that shouldn't work, work so well for you hahha. good **** son!
Husband- Thanks for having friendlies with me!
Starz + Silven - You guys are ****in' hilarious, we should've been kicked out for having free for alls hahaha.

I'm sure I missed some people, but I got soooo sick, I didn't get to play anymore friendlies unfortunately..~

Aight ppls next MLG im gonna make it out of pools =p.

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
chu tried to go pika on bum? lmao

if it ain't philly it's done!!!

ask bum...lol

just so people who are lookin at the results don't think bum switched up characters durin tourney.


take that all of you top tier wh0rez....
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